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Iran promises "wireless power" that could end oil dependency - or start a war.

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  • Iran promises "wireless power" that could end oil dependency - or start a war.

    Iran Making 'Wireless Atomic Energy' Not Nuke Missiles

    (2008-05-27) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in response to an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report accusing his government of withholding information about its nuclear program, today suggested that Iran may be pioneering development of “wireless atomic energy” that could “ultimately end dependence on oil” in some countries.

    The IAEA report alleges that Iran has refused to explain its work on explosives, uranium enrichment and missile warhead design, however, Mr. Ahmadinejad continues to assert his nation’s right to develop nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

    “The American puppets see our warheads, explosives and enriched uranium and they immediately think ‘bombs’,” said the Iranian leader. “They have not even considered that we might have discovered a new, wireless way to rapidly deliver lots of nuclear energy to all of the people in a single city all at once — even a city the size of Jerusalem, or Tel Aviv. Once we deliver this burst of energy to our Jewish brothers, their entire city will be freed from dependence on oil.”

  • #2
    Not seen these links on here - so here goes -

    Photonics and Modern Electro-Magnetics Group: Wireless Power Transfer


    • #3
      Somehow I don't think that's what he meant.

      "rapidly deliver lots of nuclear energy to all of the people in a single city all at once — even a city the size of Jerusalem, or Tel Aviv. Once we deliver this burst of energy to our Jewish brothers, their entire city will be freed from dependence on oil.”

      Once the warhead is detonated there will be no one left to consume oil.


      • #4
        I did think that this is what he meant, as he'd already talked about IED's and armour piercing rounds sold to Iraq -
        “No one can deny the right of the Iranian people to develop technology that improves our lives,” said Mr. Ahmadinejad. “Although we cannot control how our Iraqi customers use our products, we make these armor-piercing devices to generate energy.”

        The Iranian leader noted that the devices are “especially useful for bringing light to confined dark places, like the inside of an Abrams tank or Humvee, as well as for providing a plentiful source of instant heat.”

        Who knows if there are even his statements ?


        • #5
          Not much reason to worry about Iran starting a war... Recent history has shown very clearly who is starting wars of aggression in the Middle East.

          Iran is a democracy.... They are already "free" .... they despise the faction of Islam that is claimed to have spawned "al qida" (which does not even exist anyway, or at least didn't when it was first claimed to). They have caught and killed more "real Islamic terrorists" than the Americans have (one of the lesser-known of the 31 Articles of Impeachment that Dennis Kucinich read before Congress 2 years ago stated that the C.I.A. was funding and promoting terror attacks in Iran that have killed dozens of innocents).

          "Nuclear Proliferation" is rather hard to use as an excuse, when the rest of the world knows the truth about the Sibel Edmonds' testimonies (...that were suppressed in the US mainstream media and have been for over 6 years)... That US government officials, including the Former Speaker of the House of Representatives (Dennis Haskert), sold nuclear secrets to Israel, Pakistan and Turkey (2 of which are "Islamic nations"). Oops. Kinda tarnishes the "white knight" image, huh?

          ... So, eh, what will our excuse for war be this time then?

          Maybe some good old naked aggression will work from the mainstream media, since people are so self-centered and uncaring anyway... Like:

          "We must attack these people, or your favorite TV shows will be canceled and your local malls will have to close".

          Sad to say, i think that would actually work.


          • #6
            islamist extremist

            well, when you are forced into islam at the end of a barrel you will sing a different song. you need to get inside the head of amminajad, he wants to conquer the world, it is a divine command from allah.

            read the koran, read the publications from hesbollah. they hate, you are an infidel


            • #7
              They have not even considered that we might have discovered a new, wireless way to rapidly deliver lots of nuclear energy to all of the people in a single city all at once
              Have they only now learned of nikola tesla? Assuming hes talking about a nuclear plant powering a tesla coil to emit wireless electrcity...its nothing new. its not called an iran coil.

              Not much reason to worry about Iran starting a war
              Really? If Obama advocated wiping a country off the face of the earth while having a finger on the red button, there would be plenty to worry about. When iran does get the nuclear weapons that they undeniably want, we should all worry.

              Iran is a democracy.... They are already "free" ....
              Really? They beat and murdered citizens for opposing the recent re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
              Zeidabadi has been arrested multiple times for his journalistic work. In June 2009, shortly after the Iranian presidential election, Zeidabadi was arrested and held in conditions which the World Association of Newspapers called "horrific."[1]. In December 2009, Zeidabadi was sentenced to six years in prison.
              If they live in freedom then i live in heaven. I think if the world cant come together and force iran to stop chasing nuclear warheads then all is lost. the last thing america needs to do, is go it alone.


              • #8
                This entire thread is based on disinfo. It is subtle Iran hatred and drum beating.

                Iran is as "free" as we are, lol... Both claimed democracies, both really more along the lines of plutocracies. Corporations and international banks in charge of one, and tribal bosses and religious figures in charge of another.

                Should we kill millions of people over this ?

                Im fracking tired of the haters who support the murder of innocent women and children.

                Because that is what war is.

                And you know what, if you don't like that, go volunteer to Iraq. Just stop pushing hate here... It isn't selling.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by stonewater View Post
                  well, when you are forced into islam at the end of a barrel you will sing a different song. you need to get inside the head of amminajad, he wants to conquer the world, it is a divine command from allah.

                  read the koran, read the publications from hesbollah. they hate, you are an infidel
                  I've got a better idea, why don't people examine the jewish text called the Talmud to see what jewish children are brainwashed with from a young age. This is nothing more than those in the land called Israel attempting to use the Christian nation of the USA to kill their enemies in the middle as laid out in their own think tank papers by individuals such as wolfowitz, wurmser, and plenty of other talmudic jews. If those in Israel are to expand their borders between the Tigris and the Euphrates as they teach their own children in school then they need to clear others out of the way. They can't do it themselves or the naked aggression would be seen by even the brainwashed goyim for what it is, therefore they created 9/11 and they have been using their control over the media and the government and the issuing of currency to further this agenda. I'm sick of it and I'll put it out there like it is. I've spent more time studying geo-politics and history than I have tesla's work at this point and I see damn well what is going on.

                  For those who are Christians, go read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Those who aren't might want to read it as well. Any one throwing out the anti-semite label is engaging in nothing more than ad hominem.

                  No more wars for those who wage war through deception. Those who intend to rebuild solomon's temple will not have their way and they WILL NOT rule over the "goyim". Arrogance will be their downfall, again! You would think that they would learn from history and stop working against others but with the talmudic brainwashing they receive as children I guess I can understand why the offspring continue to engage in the behavior of their ancestors (or gee, maybe it's just every body elses fault around the globe. I think not!).

                  NO MORE WARS FOR "THE CHOSEN"!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nadda View Post
                    Really? If Obama advocated wiping a country off the face of the earth while having a finger on the red button, there would be plenty to worry about. When iran does get the nuclear weapons that they undeniably want, we should all worry.
                    This is not what he said, he said something along the lines of the zionist regime will disappear from the pages of history. Stop repeating main stream media propaganda! Why don't you go over and live in israel and throw your life away for their goals? Oh wait, because a jewish life is worth more than that of a goy. So why expend a jewish life on jewish goals when stupid goy can be tricked to do it instead?? I'm sick to death of this nonsense and I'm not going to be quiet when I see the brainwashed or the deceitful pushing this!

                    Originally posted by Nadda View Post
                    If they live in freedom then i live in heaven. I think if the world cant come together and force iran to stop chasing nuclear warheads then all is lost. the last thing america needs to do, is go it alone.
                    Really? Well I think the non-jewish population is screwed if they don't wake up to racial supremacist jewish ideology and manipulation. I fully expect some conditioned responses to this, as they run the media and for decades have been hammering home specific messages using the science of attitude conditioning. Now no one can even say the word jew with out feeling uneasy. I wonder what the U.S War department had to say on this issue of talmudic jewish subversion, prior to succumbing over decades long intrigue.


                    A U.S. War Department investigation and evaluation of issues generated by Jewish power. Compiled in August, 1919, and given SECRET classification until 1973. A hard copy of this document may be obtained from U.S. National Archives in Washington D.C., No. 245-1. Transcribed by the Polish American Relations Committee (PAPUREC; “Zeby Polska Byla Polska!”), 2001.
                    U.S. War Department, 1919: The Power & Aims of International Jewry « What Do You Believe?

                    It's quite informative for those who get over their aversion conditioning to see what was actually being discussed back in 1919 in the US War Department.

                    Iran...pffft! What a joke. Who does attacking Iran immediately, and tremendously benefit? I sure don't think it's the people living in a land 5000 miles away. Let's just hope the Israeli Mossad doesn't stage a nuclear 9/11 to try to push us to fight and kill for them some more....


                    • #11
                      Dont beleive the hype

                      On both sides its all lies.
                      "But ye shall receive power..."
                      Acts 1:8


                      • #12
                        Definition of goy/goyim

                        Originally posted by crackahcrackah View Post
                        I've got a better idea, why don't people examine the jewish text called the Talmud to see what jewish children are brainwashed with from a young age. This is nothing more than those in the land called Israel attempting to use the Christian nation of the USA to kill their enemies in the middle as laid out in their own think tank papers by individuals such as wolfowitz, wurmser, and plenty of other talmudic jews. If those in Israel are to expand their borders between the Tigris and the Euphrates as they teach their own children in school then they need to clear others out of the way. They can't do it themselves or the naked aggression would be seen by even the brainwashed goyim for what it is, therefore they created 9/11 and they have been using their control over the media and the government and the issuing of currency to further this agenda. I'm sick of it and I'll put it out there like it is. I've spent more time studying geo-politics and history than I have tesla's work at this point and I see damn well what is going on.

                        For those who are Christians, go read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Those who aren't might want to read it as well. Any one throwing out the anti-semite label is engaging in nothing more than ad hominem.

                        No more wars for those who wage war through deception. Those who intend to rebuild solomon's temple will not have their way and they WILL NOT rule over the "goyim". Arrogance will be their downfall, again! You would think that they would learn from history and stop working against others but with the talmudic brainwashing they receive as children I guess I can understand why the offspring continue to engage in the behavior of their ancestors (or gee, maybe it's just every body elses fault around the globe. I think not!).

                        NO MORE WARS FOR "THE CHOSEN"!!!

                        The royal leaders were considered graals, spiritual ones. The commoners were considered goys/goyim, non - spiritual ones.
                        Modern Judaism considers gentiles/goyim as spiritless people, or as used more clearly in a derogatory christian theological word, they are soulless people and commoners. Without a spirit or soul, these people were only higher forms of animals.

                        RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

                        "Goyim" or "goy" used in the Bible is not found in the Glossary on page 1161 of "The Orthodox Jewish Bible: Tanakh and Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha" By Phillip E. Goble
                        avilable at
                        The Orthodox Jewish Bible: Tanakh ... - Google Books



                        • #13
                          "Depuis que mes yeux se sont ouvert sur se monde, les gens mentent,trichent, se trahissent,se parjurent, s'assasinent au nom d'un ideal qu'il se donnent pour justifier leurs actes; alors face a mes accusateurs, je resterai froid quand il me parlent du respect de la vie; car l'homme est un loup pour l'homme, et si parfois il se met en meute pour rendre sa justice,
                          il n'en reste pas moins un loup comme celui qu'il se veut de juger"

                          Jacques Mesrine


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by patdet View Post
                            "Depuis que mes yeux se sont ouvert sur se monde, les gens mentent,trichent, se trahissent,se parjurent, s'assasinent au nom d'un ideal qu'il se donnent pour justifier leurs actes; alors face a mes accusateurs, je resterai froid quand il me parlent du respect de la vie; car l'homme est un loup pour l'homme, et si parfois il se met en meute pour rendre sa justice,
                            il n'en reste pas moins un loup comme celui qu'il se veut de juger"

                            Jacques Mesrine
                            Well, that's easy for you to say, but I don't know about the rest of us...
                            My reality does not equal your reality, but my reality is neither > nor < your reality.


                            • #15
                              Be A Loving Person, All Children Of Adam And Eve. Hate No One. Jew Or Christan Or Muslim Or Who Ever. All God Created.


