What [FREE ENERGY DEVICE] patent? There are none.
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Steorn is open -Panacea has a license
have you seen this
Hi All
I don't know if you have seen this or not YouTube - alt.snakeoil Video Report 11: Steorn's Orbo Claim Fully Replicated
Hi Mike this guy does not have the official information or licensed information that's why it is not working my friend. No one should try and do it with out their official information and speak for steorn unless you have their information have built it, why bother how do you even know what they haveBINGO. This is why this thread is for the genuine article
@ EthelAether there are many patents for free energy EVGRAY, 1000'S any ways back on topic for me.
sry Ash, I thot u were talking about a steron FREE ENERGY patent.. and I no there arent any. they have patents but no orbo patents.
but I seen that TK's vids, and he knows what hes doing. smart guy, right on. steorn abandoned the eorbo cos' it didn't work, and from those vids you can c wats really going on.
sry again, but steorn is BS. the demo was BS, they never shoed anything they promosed.. it was a HUGE letdown. the promised all kinds of 3rd party stuff, but we never saw it. did they publish that 3rd party stuff in the SKDB??
not just no suppressed FREE ENERGY, just no FREE ENERGY at all from thoe clowns.
The fact that He is wrong with his demo and it is nothing like the official plans and that not being the case with E orbo is still nothing to do with our kit this thread or our resultsIf you or any one else want to guess with out doing the experiment with the official plans be my guest please post your doubts in your own thread thanks
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 07-25-2010, 07:31 AM.
Originally posted by ashtweth View PostGuys Panacea got a sponsor and now has the solid state and rotational plans , its safe in our possession, we cant share or we get in trouble, but we can design applications for the public (non commercialization license) you instantly get access to the plans for their nominal fee.
Ps, you wont believe how simple this process is.
For Tesla and Hector.
ABC Where are you coming from in your post , I am going to sort these TYPE of posts out here once and for all.
There is a Perfectly rational reason why kits take time, parts take time, human error also are in the mix from the wrong parts sent to us as posted, learning a new principle and sorting out bugs also takes time. Its got nothing to do with it not working or us not trying to get to the bottom of it, again you like others dont know what your talking about we do we are there, we are the ones with the official information building and testing.
These Steorn kits dont just pop up over night and with out them parts cost a lot of money to laser cut. Plus there are many other things going on in the forum like improving and optimization of the drive circuits.. even trying to get the kit assembled with proper instructions..this is not our fault.We all have to go on with what was put in front of us,.
You seem to think you know all about it and what time is involved. Or are happy to judge same thing. Instead of like others with common courtesy asking how it is going you seem to like to post this type of post.
So ABC now its time for me to show you some common courtesy.
If you want a kit working over night, put up some money like people in the open source community have done, if you want a kit ready over night, do volunteer work like us, if not, why dont you guys go waste your OWN time and look silly talking about things you know NOTHING ABOUT in your own threads.
Cause I am WAY over the NONSENSE being posted in this thread and putting them on report. Admin had to remove a lot. These posts get tedious after a while.
I hope all your trolling supporters read this. Cause NONE of it has any place in this thread. Go get the official information and go do the work yourself or seriously how much are you really going to be able to tell?, NONE of us care or need negative opinions they are of no help and are straight out RUDE and un grateful to all have who have put their time up.
We are perfectly capable of investigating this for all, and things are not as simple as you like to think they are, if you did 4% of the work we did you might find out ABC. Check reality first ABC you need to check reality before posting in future. Send this message to all trollers out there too who have been as "helpful" as you have. Sorry mate i am over being assailed for asking others nicely to let logic and the genuine information flow with out interference even ungrateful posts like yours... you loose tolerance for them after a while.
Ashtweth PaliseLast edited by ashtweth; 07-26-2010, 03:21 AM.
No ABC, you are wrong on all counts, the process is simple as in magnetic interaction, but getting it to work takes time, so does getting the right parts sent to us, instructions (post #187 and #202) plus other factors as ALREADY explained to you in the prior post #202. You dont know what your talking about. As already explained to you.
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 07-26-2010, 03:06 AM.
Hi sucahyo, the way Steorn set it up was that their official information which they license out contained the research they have done on their solid state plus the plans on their E orbo that was demonstrated at Dublin. One of our volunteers took the time to go investigate. so our decision to go investigate has been done accordingly and not on a "hunch"
we found out are far from as easy as plug in and playBut this kit can still be assembled and tuned to operate as Sean's demos did. We sadly got the wrong parts and still need further instructions but are working on it and hope to have some new news in 2 weeks.
All their licensing information is there on their site my friend, 434$ for license and the kit was 315 pounds so not cheap, i suggest you wait for our results.
The solid state is very cheap to show proof of principle but to build it in an application.(run a load) i dont know yet...this is what Panacea is going to do, we will run an application of the E orbo too, no scope shots...
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 10-29-2010, 05:58 AM.
sucahyo, you dont need that expensive fancy laser cutted acrylic orbo fashion...
have you seen the link that Michael John Nunnerley posted?
YouTube - alt.snakeoil Video Report 11: Steorn's Orbo Claim Fully Replicated
i think that the 100eur will be much more that enough, you just need:
- rotor (you can use one from a damaged pc hard drive)
- 8 small magnets (price arround 5/10eur)
- 4 ferrite toroids (you can take them from old pc power supply)
- desired size of wire on each toroid (arround 3 eur)
- reed switch or hall effect switch and transistor (arround 2eur)
- the desired size of wire for generator coils
you dont need to wait for ash, you can do it yourself for arround 10eur, as i did, and find out nothing at all, just a naice atraction motor concept!
Originally posted by sucahyo View PostI see, thanks. I will wait for your result then
Last edited by TanTric; 07-26-2010, 01:23 PM.Light, I Am!
You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!
Originally posted by sucahyo View PostI see, thanks. I will wait for your result then
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 07-26-2010, 01:11 PM.
sorry ash, will not put my fingers in this thread again!
just wanted to show sucahyo that he dont need a lot of money to replicate orbo (without the secrets and unknown effects that you talk about)
but the secret dont depends on the fancy strocture, so once you show the secret, in the case you can and you will, then that should work in "all" kinds of orbos, since they are well positioned, they have a rotor with magnets, trigger sensor, toroid drive coils and standard generator coils!
hugs and soryLight, I Am!
You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!