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Steorn is open -Panacea has a license
Guys still wrestling with the TIMING, plus unit was damaged in Transit, never mind we have it running on low RPM and just need to tune it and sort the timing now. (not easy my friends)
The new solid state board is ready, YouTube - Testing of the Orbo Evaluation and Development Unit
Still its only got outputs for PROBES(scope shots), we will change that (have ordered one) and will run a load off it, no more scopes we are past that. Think that's what you guys want to see so we will get there. Steorn still need developers if you want to see this in a decentralized power unit for sale.
Hopefully running a load of it will be all that's needed to get this party started. Next post will be either the E-orbo working or the SS board here
hi ash how r you?
sory to ask, im doing my own research and i've been away from the forum lately...
i dont see any generator coils in your setup... how are you intending to measure output?
have you allready run it on super caps? how about the results? at least of the input consumption?
and how about the solid state circuit?
sorry if that was allready answered! i am expecting real evidence, with analog voltmeter/ampmeter, so there are no doubts!
volts, amps, time input VS volts, amps, time output with super caps!
please tell us the truth, im hoping that your r the one that will stop playing arround like everybody else... im seek of phd's payed to say some fancy words! we need real proof to put this thing forward, if it really worth it!
so many months since the orbo launch and everytime i look up, things are just the same, shore that this is not your fault and you are doing everything you can, i respect that!
king regards my friend
best wishes, jujuLast edited by TanTric; 09-30-2010, 06:08 PM.Light, I Am!
You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!
It was a nice video. Fairly hard to hear what was being said compared to the opening music. I saw it on PES Wiki's news.
I haven't really been following that much given how little info about the solid state system is available, but I'm glad to hear that it's proving more efficient than the rotor version.Moving parts always seem like such a waste of energy.
I know that the rotor version is scalable, but just out of curiosity, would you happen to know if the solid state design is as well?
Oh, I don't know if you've hear of this, but some japanese researchers have developed a system for making efficient motors using cheap ferrite magnets instead of rare earth elements. No articles really get into how it works exactly & that the system is still in its infancy. I don't know if the solid state version uses any neo magnets, but it may benefit the rotor version to keep an eye out for this.
Hi Dingus/ALL
It appears so as it looks like its Just the mosfets that would need tweaking.
Today we finally got the E-orbo running and a gain in the oscilloscope (we are doing it step by step) .
This seems to be in line with Steorn's claims so far, it stays there and is going back into the battery for now. Some thing is still not right we dont have it running at 1500RPM so are still doing the tuning/timing. Its low RPM for now, but draws what it should.
Here is the set up, cant stay for long as have to go back into helping.
We made a video for All will be up soon. Soon as we get it going at 1500 we can apply load. I Checked Andrew for Hamsters, so far no Hamsters
So far no men in black it would be fun if they turn up...(not for them)
ash, hope you dont mind, i zoomed the image, and i dont see any generator coils, not even magnets on the generator rotor... or am i wrong?
so the output or as your refer as "going back to the battery" is powered by the colapsing field of the toroids in series? are you intending to use the generator coils? or is the present state of setup enough to show overunity effects?
can i ask when will you try the super caps? will you share a video with measuraments?
good work!! hugs
Light, I Am!
You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!
In the "zoomed" picture above I believe the generator coils are the top coils in the set of two coils per pillar.... there are two coils, one on top of the other in the picture.... the rotor has two sets of magnets for each coil so that is why there are 4 magnets on the rotor.... 2 for the bottom drive coil and 2 for the top generator coil...........
Is this correct Ash?
I am really looking forward to the video.......
Will you be able to share the circuit diagram of the e-Orbo as you have it running?
Hopes and Dreams....
Hi Guys /ALL
ALL the coils become generator coils my friends the timing circuit switches them on and off, there is a lot to get right with this and we are still half way through dont worry ill report when we have it.
There is a bit to time in this configuration, (coil -magnet distances + more) if you dont get a high RPM, at least 2000+ then you wont have enough self sustain to get back into the battery and run a load. If say you get 1500Rpm, you might get OU back to the battery but it will load down the rotor when loaded if not tuned properly , still more to learn and time.
So no wonder the solid state came about. I still believe the E-Orbo is useful to illustrate the new scientific discoveries or time variant magnetic interactions Steorn discovered by accident especially for educational purposes. So that is why we are still at it with this.
Being an educational institute this is useful for us to help validate the Steorn principle and show the world we have a new discovery here. I think a lot of people are waiting for us to give every one the proof they need which will help get developers there. Then we will finally have more people [helping] working on making the principle into a self powered application.(In real time)
Wont be long till the SS board is here, but will keep at this and report for all.
@ tjnlsn255 no can not share the circuit sorry my friend (not my choice, Steorn's)
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 10-03-2010, 12:43 AM.
Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View PostAsh,
I am curious how you are planning on teaching us how the system works if you are not able to describe the components in detail?
Or is teaching us about this new discovery not a goal?
I think proof of OU behaviour of the system will teach horse eyed peoples!
And it is more than enough towards to the new world order!
I hope nay sayers will shut up from now on and try to support new humanitarian development and energy freedom era!!!
I am sorry but it is NOT FREE if you have to pay for it!
Energy freedom is just that..... freedom from having to pay for energy....
If I have to pay to learn how to build one, that is not energy freedom....
Hopefully the video will be enlightening....LOL
This is the board that should be here soon
We can do analog load input and out pout tests on super caps with this and try and self run it.
We like others are still learning how to tune the E-orbo, (VERY HARD) its not as easy as this board so should have what every one is waiting for when this board arrives
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 11-25-2010, 01:41 AM.
Yes we are still here and working on it, when we get results we will post them, we have not been abducted by aliens, killed by MIB's or are wasting time making stupid posts like the mole trap FREAKS or Paul lowerence
We have re wound our coils to get the inductance needed for the E orbo effect, , time variant magnetic interactions have come a long way with Steorn, i say dont wait for our results with the E-orbo, i have seen enough from our Trustee to indicate their effect is REAL (solid state video). So go for it.
Our SS board has already been ordered and will be here soon, we spin our E-orbo this weekend, you need a certain mH and voltage current to get the orbo effect happening,it takes time.. Naudin and no one on the net has this needed value, its a specific number, i cant say any more. Or my ass gets beat.
The reason for us taking so long was to learn this mH and voltage current to get the time variant field happening.The solid state board rectifies these learning curves. so when its here (we already ordered it) it will be instant, analog Dc in and measured through an analog meter into a resistive load (heat) . We are not giving up on LEARNING the E- orb , no way
Ill post when we have results my friend be patient
we do not sleep or waste time, you can ask the members of Steorn
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 10-26-2010, 01:29 PM.