Originally posted by ashtweth
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Steorn is open -Panacea has a license
Hi Wayne, yes its been very hard to get their principle into an application, it takes time, and not as easy as you would think sadly, but that's no fault of our own. As soon as we can build and verify their principle IN A HEATER we will report as promised. James i suggest you wait for our report.
Originally posted by fleubis View PostBy now everyone should know better than to plunk done one Euro for this. There is still no self-runner being shown by anyone.
Steorn Raise Half a Bar
Hi Bob /ALL, yes the only way to really tell is when one of the developers acutally replicates the device, no one can tell till we can say its impossible to replicate etc. IT IS CURRENTLY DIFFICULT, but i cannot say Steorn does not have any thing at this stage. Not till we exhaust our heater board.
I can say the heater experiments will be the final one for Steorn tho, so at least we know its naturally coming to an end this year.
I don't know how this effects ongoing replication efforts but Sean McCarthy has resigned as Director of Steorn and the major shareholders have taken over the company operations.
Should be interesting as their backgrounds were primarily in sheep farming.
Steorn_B10_20110411Last edited by Bobbotov; 04-12-2011, 08:09 PM.
Thanks for the Info Bob, thankfully the SKBD guys have the ideas and are working through the boards (as we are). So this may be a minor set back, but i dont think thier R and D will fail, it wil tell us what we need to know, and that is finally whether this thing is worth another year of devleopment.
I dont feel so bad as i know Hidro and others will be up this year. The race is on to get a self contained unit, maybe it will be Greg's Bob Boyce replication or the Lockeridge device, either way we wont be stopping til its finished.
Okee ALL.
New core material is under construction now (thanks Harvey) and to get heat out of this thing we have the Docs caloric meter , we had to abandon the old board as the core material is now understood to not be ideal, so just a quick heads up of the ups and downsand that will have some NEW build shots ASAP
Hi Dave/ALL
Yes your right, maybe we can help and learn from this with some educational material, the SKBD members are the ones responsible for all the progress, they are really the unseen force behind us getting to the bottom of the issue, i would like to thank them
. Plus the fact its cold here
(heater needed)
Finally some fricken Steorn news!!
Hi All
We got heat out of this dam thing finally, we will have photos and the Doc's caloric meter test for you guys SOON AS I CANYou cannot imagine how busy we have been working on cancer courses, raw food nutrition, fuel savers,weather engineering with out much donations and the Steorn . dont worry we will have a detailed report on the heat/energy in, it works, but is it OU..lets see
The newsletter is going to be a mean mother (Panacea newsletter always is)
Not sure if the heat is OU, lets measure and report.BTW Sean M has a photo of their possibly OU heater developed on his face book let me see if i can find it, or can so,me one post it?
This was a SOB to get working guys, trust me , for nearly 2 years this fricken thing was VERY hard for us to get juice from, i dont know how the hell steorn did it, but they seem to have a working heater now, this thing has been a real pain in theBack to work, guys when we have been quiet, brace your self for how much we are about to publish
Have to help cancer patients today guys so sorry this is short.
Just doing our Excel figures now guys, not sure if we got the same as Sean's heater, here is the Video some one sent me of their heater, i dont know any thing more my friends just what you see here.
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Sean McCarthy - 1KW input Orbo heater designed for 60 degree water for shower
Looks like it gets to nearly 200 degrees for 1Kw, cant hear very well in the video.
G'day Ash, Good work on getting it together for testingno matter what the outcome with the tests. There is always stuff to learn from every build. From what I seen of the boards it looks quite complicated.
What happens with the hardware after the agreement expire's ? Like, do you have to send the hardware back or something ?
A quick glance at that PCB looks like a full H bridge driver with controls for frequency, amplitude, pulse width timing. The FET o/p can then drive different types of cores and coil configurations into precise resonance.
In essence its a coil banger hundreds of patents along the same theme. COP could be somewhere between 2 and 8 for bangers.
Question is will the final system be cheaper and more effective than Air Con unit already has a COP 3 as a heat pump for 1kw IN 3 KW output for around 600 euro/ dollars