Originally posted by Harvey
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Orbo is based upon the principle of time variant magneto-mechanical interactions. The core output from our Orbo technology is mechanical. This mechanical energy can be converted into electrical energy using standard generator technology either by integrating such technology directly with Orbo or by connecting the mechanical output from Orbo to the generation technology.
Mechanical energy, not thermal. That is how it all started and look at where it has ended up. And never once did they connect the device to a generator. The reason they gave was: "oh, we don't do that kind of thing, we're an IP company." Bollocks pure and simple. Connecting to a generator is what anyone would do immediately upon such a discovery just to prove to themselves the validity of the claim and out of sheer scientific curiosity. And especially bizarre considering the discovery was made as they were testing electrical wind powered generation for remote ATM machines. But that is bollocks as well. In fact it is all bollocks and has been since day one.
And let me also remind y'all of the folowing vis-a-vis the developer's forums and SKDB.
Following validation Orbo technology will be made available via our on-line developers forum. This forum will allow everyone from a product developer to a research organization to understand and develop products based around our technology.
The Developers Forum is currently in trial with several hundred users.
The trick here is the phrase "following validation." There never was such a point in time as the jury gave up after two years of foot dragging by Steorn. So, with that caveat Steorn never had to give the developer's groups anything as validation was never obtained. Oh, but the Waterways demonstrations you say. Was that validation? And the mysterious calorimetry tests done by some unnamed German company? Well apparently it did not validate to fulfill the obligation Steorn had made in the above statement. Ergo, the developers groups and SKDB got nothing. Nada.
Why? Was it because Steorn was withholding such information for themselves? Was it because Steorn got contracts with commercial companies so as to obviate the necessity of the developers groups? Was it because the developers were too amateurish or too sluggish to figure things out? Or was it because there never was any such technology as claimed in existence?
Six years wasted on pure folly. Not wasted for Steorn though. They hum along merrily moving the goal posts once again and getting paid handsomely in the process.
Millions lost by the investors and probably many thousands by the developers as they attempted to replicate the various Orbo iterations and all being led around on a wild goose chase by a company who has never explained what they were really doing and no apologies for wasting people's time and ironically, energy on something that never existed in the first place.