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Corona Discharge

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  • Corona Discharge

    Post here any info you have on Corona Discharges so researchers can learn more about this interesting electrical phenomena.

    "In electricity, a corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid surrounding a conductor, which occurs when the potential gradient (the strength of the electric field) exceeds a certain value, but conditions are insufficient to cause complete electrical breakdown or arcing."

    Here are some photos of devices making Corona Discharges.

    From Turn Of The Century Electrotherapeutic Devices interesting website:
    The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library

    Small coil, but exhibits phantom streamers and interesting corona effects. High energy high current 40kV doorknob cap .002 mfd (retails for $139+!), 6 brass segments with 1/4" tungsten for 3 series spark
    gap, two Tesla / Oudin Coils - fine wire, and coarse wire!

    A neat coil, approx. 1.8 MHz!

    This coil was used as part of a new design of corona rectifier for producing Static Electricity, Tesla Currents,
    Morton Currents, and a combined modified Static Electric-Tesla Discharge.

    Positive tips barely seen at the ends of negative streams. Under this situation (where mainly negative streams are produced) a hand held
    in the path of the streams is bombarded by rod-like discharges 1/4" in diameter or more, often seen with bright striations near
    the hand.

    These streams produce a slight blistering effect on the skin if allowed in one location for more than a few seconds.
    This effect is not as pronounced with the positive streams, but the danger is still present. It is probable that a combination
    of the dehydrating properties of high frequency currents on tissues and the intense UV present is responsible for this,
    in addition to intense ozone and nitric acid produced locally... the percentage of these gases produced is much higher
    than with Tesla Coils operating in a normal manner. While it is common to employ corona discharges to produce ozone,
    these coils seem to be more efficient for the purpose - the discharge in some instances covers a sphere of area 16 - 24"
    in diameter!

    Regards, Mike R.
    Last edited by vrand; 04-23-2010, 10:30 PM.

  • #2
    More photos:

    Fine grain effluves, 8-10" long

    Effluves, with occasional sparks passing...

    Effluves with a metal rod just out of reach...

    The disc terminal will produce a small brush discharge with 6" Phantom Streams bowing off of the edge of
    the discs. Only a small portion of the misty white streams can be seen in the photo. This is one of the
    most beautiful effects produced with a Tesla Coil, and has some interesting properties for investigation.

    The coil discharger is a vertical 12" tall x 1/4" diameter steel rod sharpened at the far end.

    15 kV - 9" Pancake Coil Tests
    These tests were performed with a 6 series spark - actual gap voltage was around 7,500V. The Pancake must be oil-filled
    to do further testing at higher voltages. Brilliant effluves and soft brush discharges can be obtained. The transformer is
    a 15kV 60mA neon transformer. The capacitor is made from 10.5" x 28" 3/16" thick polycarbonate sheets and is rated for
    .008 mfd at 50kV or more.

    Note the heavy ionization around the bottom of the Pancake.

    A translucent violet haze


    • #3
      Corona breakdown

      Partial breakdown of the air occurs as a corona discharge on high voltage conductors at points with the highest electrical stress. As the dielectric strength of the material surrounding the conductor determines the maximum strength of the electric field the surrounding material can tolerate before becoming conductive, conductors that consist of sharp points, or balls with small radii, are more prone to causing dielectric breakdown. Corona is sometimes seen as a bluish glow around high voltage wires and heard as a sizzling sound along high voltage power lines. Corona also generates radio frequency noise that can also be heard as 'static' or buzzing on radio receivers. Corona can also occur naturally at high points (such as church spires, treetops, or ship masts) during thunderstorms as St. Elmo's Fire. Although corona discharge is usually undesirable, until recently it was essential in the operation of photocopiers (Xerography) and laser printers. Many modern copiers and laser printers now charge the photoconductor drum with an electrically conductive roller, reducing undesirable indoor ozone pollution. Additionally, lightning rods use corona discharge to create conductive paths in the air that point towards the rod, deflecting potentially-damaging lightning away from buildings and other structures.[2]

      Corona discharge ozone generators have been used for more than 30 years in the water purification process. Ozone is a toxic gas, even more potent than chlorine. In a typical drinking water treatment plant, the ozone gas is dissolved into the filtered water to kill bacteria and viruses. Ozone also removes the bad odours and taste from the water. The main advantage of ozone is that the overdose (residual) decomposes to gaseous oxygen well before the water reaches the consumer. This is in contrast with chlorine which stays in the water and can be tasted by the consumer.

      Corona discharges are also used to modify the surface properties of many polymers. An example is the corona treatment of plastic materials which allows paint or ink to adhere properly.

      Voltage-current relation before breakdown


      • #4
        Here is a study done at USC in using corona discharge ignition vs standard spark plugs for engines.

        Corona discharge ignition

        Energy-efficient transient plasma ignition and combustion

        (with Prof. Martin Gundersen, USC Dept. of Electrical Engineering - Electrophysics)
        Supported by the U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and U.S. Department of Energy


        The electric arc has been the ignition source of choice for most types of propulsion and automotive combustion engines for over 100 years. It has many advantages including simplicity, low cost, size and weight of the electronics, and it produces sufficiently high temperatures to dissociate and partially ionize most fuel and oxidant molecules. Nevertheless, there are also numerous disadvantages of arc discharges, including the limited size of the discharge, the necessity for supporting electrodes that may interfere with the flow or combustion process, and the low "wall-plug" efficiency (i.e. ratio of energy deposited in the gas to the electrical energy consumed in producing the discharge.) For these reasons, many investigations of ignition of deflagrations and detonations by alternate energy sources such as lasers have been conducted in recent years. Still, laser ignition sources present many practical difficulties, especially the need for reliable optical access, extremely low wall-plug efficiency, and extremely high optical intensities needed to induced breakdown in the gas which in turn makes it difficult to control the location and intensity of the discharge.

        The subject of this investigation is the use of corona discharges (the portion of an electric discharge before the onset of the low-voltage, high current arc discharge) for the initiation of combustion in propulsion systems and internal combustion engines. The corona discharge is basically a plasma that is in a transient, formative phase. Corona discharges have the potential to overcome many of these limitations of conventional electric discharges and laser discharge for reasons that include: (1) there is better coupling into gas because the cross-section for dissociation and ionization more nearly matches the electron energy distribution function; (2) there are lower losses through lower radiation, lower anode and cathode losses, and lower gasdynamic disturbance formation; (3) there are many streamers, each of which has a similar energy content, as opposed to a single, unnecessarily large and intense arc, which in turn can initiate combustion in a larger volume and (4) the size and shape of the ignition volume can be tailored using the geometry of the anode and cathode. With recent advances in pulsed power electronics, such discharges can be produced with very high wall-plug efficiencies in a system of reasonable cost, size and weight. Prof. Martin Gundersen of the USC Department of Electrical Engineering - Electrophysics has developed energy-efficient corona discharge systems that will be used for these investigations.

        Recent highlights include the first testing of corona ignition in an internal combustion engine. Results were very promising; indicated efficiencies were consistently 15 – 20% higher than spark ignition under identical operating conditions and burn rates were typically twice as fast with corona as spark ignition. See powerpoint presentation below for more details

        PowerPoint Presentation - Energy-efficient transient plasma ignition

        PowerPoint Presentation - Corona discharge ignition in engines


        • #5
          Here are some USA patents on corona discharge for auto engines.

          From 1929, using 2 electrodes and dielectric middle plate.

          From 1932, using single wire and tube electrode.

          From 1986, a total exhaust gas recirculation, closed loop, and ionizing the gases.

          From 1989, corona discharge using grids, and particulates are collected in the air filter.

          HV circuit.

          HV pulsed wave form.

          From 1995, corona discharge to spark plugs.

          From 1997, corona discharge in air filter.


          • #6
            Collision ionization explains the glowing cover (corona) which you can see at night around high tension lines. The field strength near the cables (only there!) is so large, that it ionizes the air there and activates glowing. Elmo's fire is also due to collision ionization, a glowing electric discharge, which readily arises at especially high atmospheric potential drops on sharply points objects on Earth's surface, like lightning rods, peaks of towers, ships' masts: At pointed objects, due to the high field strength, the velocity of the ions is so large that they ionize at collision air molecules. The current density with tufted Elmo's fire has been estimated at 0.1 - 0.2 miliampere/cm² (August Toepler 1836-1912)

            K9 Passage of electricity through gases

            Gas discharges and ionisation processes

            K9 Passage of electricity through gases


            • #7
              Awesome information! Are these all AC discharges pictured?


              • #8
                Spectra of Gas Discharges

                Joachim Köppen Strasbourg/Illkirch/Kiel 2007
                Spectra of Gas Discharges
                after the pages by John Talbot and using an enlarged version of his applet

                Below are images of the spectra of the lines of each element which would be observed as emission lines in an electrical gas discharge. The images are screen shots of an applet - originally written by John Talbot - which reads in a file with wavelengths and intensities and makes a colourful representation of the spectrum. All data are taken from the NIST Atomic Spectra Databaseby the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD., U.S.A. The line intensities are as given in these tables, to give an impression of the relative line strength. However, it must be emphasized that the spectra shown may not correspond to the discharges we see in the form of various street lamps, because the excitation conditions (electric voltage, temperature, density) may well be different ...

                The Applet with user control of all parameters is here.

                This is how the eyes of my students seem to perceive the colours of the solar continuum

                and this is how they perceive the solar spectrum with its absorption lines

                but this is how it looks to my own eyes

                Click on any of the following spectra to show it in greater detail:



                • #9
                  Originally posted by HairBear View Post
                  Awesome information! Are these all AC discharges pictured?
                  I believe so, but I would not be surprised if he had some HV DC units that could do corona discharges.

                  Regards, Mike R.


                  • #10
                    The Basics of Air Ionization for High-Technology Manufacturing Applications

                    Arnold Steinman

                    Several techniques for changing the ambient air’s burden of ions are effective for controlling static charge on insulating materials.
                    The Basics of Air Ionization for High-Technology Manufacturing Applications

                    Types of Corona Ionizers

                    Several methods of corona ionization are available to create and deliver bipolar ionized air to the work area. These methods differ mainly in whether high-voltage ac, dc, or pulsed dc current is used to create ions.

                    Ac Ionization. In alternating-current technology, high voltage is applied to a number of closely spaced emitter points that cycle negative and positive at the line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Ionization efficiency is low because the points remain above the ionization threshold voltage for each polarity only a small percentage of the time.

                    Ac technology is widely used in ionization bars that control static charge on low- and medium-speed moving material webs. It is used also with ionizing blowers and blowoff gun devices. In electronics manufacturing, ac ionizers are commonly employed to protect components during assembly. Because of their dependence on the power line, with its often unbalanced and noisy characteristics, ac ionizers are rarely used in applications requiring precision balance (within ±15 V). And because of the high ion currents necessary to make up for high levels of ion recombination, particle levels associated with ac ionizers usually make them unsuitable for cleanroom applications.

                    Steady-State Dc Ionization. High voltage of both polarities is continuously applied to pairs of positive and negative emitter points in standard direct-current technology; thus, the efficiency of ion production is better than that of ac ionizers. Because lower operating currents can be used, steady-state dc ionizers are more applicable to cleanroom use. The availability of separate positive and negative high-voltage supplies makes it possible to employ various schemes for monitoring and feedback control of ion balance to better than ±5 V. Steady-state dc ionizers can be used in high-airflow rooms and in high-speed web applications. This technology is also applied in ionizing blowers, ionizing bars, and blowoff gun devices. In addition, it has wide application for controlling static charge in room systems, on work surfaces and flow hoods, and in equipment at the point of use.

                    Pulsed Dc Ionization. Positive and negative high-voltage currents to the emitter points are alternately turned on and off in pulsed systems, creating clouds of positive and negative ions that mix together in the work area. The result is a dramatic lowering of the recombination rate. This allows ionizers to be placed on the ceilings of rooms 5 m high or higher.

                    Pulsed dc ionizers are used in rooms with low airflow and are the most common type of ionizer employed in cleanrooms and laminar-flow hoods. The advantage of this type of ionizer is its flexibility and versatility, as cycle timing can be adjusted to the specific airflow conditions. Since the polarity of the ionizer output varies with the cycle timing, a voltage swing is produced that must be limited in order to protect ESD-sensitive devices.5


                    • #11
                      Your thread has inspired me and I have started some tests of my own in attempts to further my education in this field. Last night's first round of tests, I used a potential starting from about 75Kv and up to 200KV. I soon found when using discs for electrodes, the Ozone production is extremely high from just a few minutes of operation. We had to turn it off and vent the lab as we were getting dizzy from just standing next to it. The discs are only 4" wide much like the pic you have posted earlier.

                      I've got myself a 100Kv diode for some DC trials here in the next week or two. I will dig out the charger for the camera and take some pics this time and show some of our work as we progress. Hopefully I can add some good information to this thread.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HairBear View Post
                        Your thread has inspired me and I have started some tests of my own in attempts to further my education in this field. Last night's first round of tests, I used a potential starting from about 75Kv and up to 200KV. I soon found when using discs for electrodes, the Ozone production is extremely high from just a few minutes of operation. We had to turn it off and vent the lab as we were getting dizzy from just standing next to it. The discs are only 4" wide much like the pic you have posted earlier.

                        I've got myself a 100Kv diode for some DC trials here in the next week or two. I will dig out the charger for the camera and take some pics this time and show some of our work as we progress. Hopefully I can add some good information to this thread.

                        Yes, please post here your corona HV experiments observations

                        I would be interested in your findings of using HVDC and if you noted anything different in the corona discharge vs HVAC.


                        • #13
                          You seem to have the largest collection of high voltage high frequency induction coils of anyone on the forum... I've been reading about Tesla's use of both DC brush discharges and high frequency AC used together in his electropropulsive inventions.

                          Supposedly if you have a HV DC brush going on one side of a hull of a ship (saucer or otherwise) causing a positive charge on the hull, and a HV high frequency AC going to the other hull on the other side, the vehicle moves in the direction of the positive part.

                          This is the way William Lyne describes it in his books (Pentagon Aliens, Occult Aether Physics, and Occult Eather Dictatorship)

                          Could you provide any insight into the matter? Perhaps at least with the differnces in effects produced with a high DC positive potential compared to a high frequency hv AC.

                          In his books he says the DC causes 'microhelical tubes of force' to be created within the Aether, and once they hit the AC they are immobilized and prevented from leaving the other end. They are 'blocked' and 'dissolved' by the AC, and converted into momentum, because an imbalance in the Aether is created with no possible way of returning to equilibrium besides causing physical motion to be imparted on the ship.

                          I guess you could look at the ship as having a van de graff generator on one end and a tesla coil on the other.

                          This page shows what I'm referring to
                          Pentagon Aliens - 05


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
                            You seem to have the largest collection of high voltage high frequency induction coils of anyone on the forum...
                            Those photos above are from the
                            From Turn Of The Century Electrotherapeutic Devices interesting website:
                            The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library

                            I've been reading about Tesla's use of both DC brush discharges and high frequency AC used together in his electropropulsive inventions.

                            Supposedly if you have a HV DC brush going on one side of a hull of a ship (saucer or otherwise) causing a positive charge on the hull, and a HV high frequency AC going to the other hull on the other side, the vehicle moves in the direction of the positive part.

                            This is the way William Lyne describes it in his books (Pentagon Aliens, Occult Aether Physics, and Occult Eather Dictatorship)

                            Could you provide any insight into the matter? Perhaps at least with the differnces in effects produced with a high DC positive potential compared to a high frequency hv AC.

                            In his books he says the DC causes 'microhelical tubes of force' to be created within the Aether, and once they hit the AC they are immobilized and prevented from leaving the other end. They are 'blocked' and 'dissolved' by the AC, and converted into momentum, because an imbalance in the Aether is created with no possible way of returning to equilibrium besides causing physical motion to be imparted on the ship.

                            I guess you could look at the ship as having a van de graff generator on one end and a tesla coil on the other.

                            This page shows what I'm referring to
                            Pentagon Aliens - 05
                            The solution to antigravity (AG) is "out there"

                            Most of the inventors that found the answer and applied for a US patent got slapped with a National Secrecy Order (NSO). Even Stan Meyers had a couple NSO's, and he wasn't even working in the AG field.

                            AG inventors, such as T.T. Brown, that did get past the US patent office, make it to uses in the US Air Force such as the B2 aircraft.

                            Indications: B2 bomber has anti-gravity technology
                            Indications: B2 bomber has anti-gravity technology | Before It's News

                            Read up on the "Electric Universe" theories. There is no gravity and its all Electrostatic charges.
                            The Electric Universe

                            Read up on our own Eric P. Dollard, and you can even talk to him (he is out there on short wave N6KPH, evenings ) about Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity and researchers that followed Tesla's thinking (see below quote from Eric).

                            Most are clueless about the importance of the Variation of Inductance and Capacitance with respect to time – and synchronous parameter variations. Read chapter 21 (XXI) titled REACTION MACHINES in Charles Proteus Steinmetz’s book titled “Alternating Current Phenomena”. There is also a Russian paper (brought to me by the Korean student as a gift) titled: “UBER DIE ERREGUNG VON ELETRISCHEN SCHWINGUNGEN DURCH PARAMETERAENDERUNG” von L. Mandelstam und N. Papalexi, published in 1934 in: J. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR (umlaut on the U - as should also be on the first U in the title of the paper) TECHNISCHE PHYSIK Band IV, Heft 1, that continues with what Steinmetz teaches in his books, and takes it all the way (Title translation: Concerning the Excitation of Electrical Waves Through Parameter Changes). In one picture in the paper, there appears to be a brightly glowing incandescent lamp connected to a network, with no apparent connection to a power source. It appears to be an Alexanderson type Mag. Amp. operating in a self oscillation mode. (Alexanderson Patent # 1,328,797 Jan. 20, 1920): Even though my copy of the paper is in Russian, the equations speak for themselves and echo the work of Steinmetz and Alexanderson. Ernst Alexanderson emigrated to America because of Steinmetz’s book, - he was determined to work with Steinmetz after studying it. Steinmetz was forced to reverse many of his equations in later books and was severely criticized by physicist Michael Pupin of Columbia University for not using Maxwell’s ideas and instead developing a methodology that was actually useful and practical for engineers. (Read, “Steinmetz, Engineer and Socialist” written by Ronald R. Kline.) Here it was said that General Electric gave Steinmetz permission to create Electricity form the square root of minus one…
                            Read up on John Ernst Worrell Keely a contemporary of Tesla on Jerry Decker's Keelynet website:
                            KeelyNet 2010 - Free Energy / Gravity Control / Electronic Health / Alternative Science - 03/25/10

                            There are lots of AG info from different inventors.

                            Regards, Mike R.


                            • #15
                              More corona discharge info:

                              Using high voltage discharge for "Lifters" and other devices.
                              Experiments: Introduction

                              Researchers here might find something of interest to experiment with.

                              © Engineer Xavier Borg - Blaze Labs Research

                              Experiment 01 In this experiment, a device consisting of a vertical array of asymmetric capacitors is tested for an increase in inertia. A second sealed version gives the same results. Further experimental electronic readings confirm that a small change in the permittivity of air and space-time distortion within the high voltage gradient has taken place!

                              Experiment 02 In this experiment, a high performance sealed device lifts 20g (one galvanised nut on each corner). The surrounding dielectric (air) makes no contact with any of its electrodes.
                              Experiment 03 Design of a lightweight power supply for lifters.
                              Experiment 04 Design of a remote-controlled lifter.
                              Experiment 05 Radiation emission detection within lifters.
                              Experiment 06 Ionocrafts vs lifters
                              Experiment 07 Heated nichrome cathode lifter.
                              Experiment 08 Zinc versus Aluminium lifter.
                              Experiment 09 Measurement errors with pulsed DC sources.
                              Experiment 10 The electromagnetic Magnus effect.
                              Experiment 11 Gravitational shielding experiment.
                              Experiment 12 Thruster gas test experiment (He, CO2, N2)
                              Experiment 13 Design of a high-power, high-voltage power supply.
                              Experiment 14 100 gram payload lifter.
                              Experiment 15 65 kV power supply.
                              Experiment 16 300 kV air-cored transformer resonant power supply.
                              Experiment 17 50kV Lab power supply.
                              Experiment 18 Ion triodes.
                              Experiment 19 Blazelabs resonant multipliers.
                              Experiment 20 Project RX-7 instrumentation.


