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Perpetual Motion - The Holy Grail - A Magnetic Monopole

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  • #31
    So. The question is 'how does one render a three dimensional solid amalgam weightless' inside the gravitational fields of our earth given that the solids - whatever their actual material - will always be 'pulled' towards the surface of the earth? This because, as is proposed, the superficial interaction of the material with our containing magnetic toroidal primary fields are forcing it into the 'centre' of it's field while the whole of that solid structure is being pulled downwards due to a magnetic attraction of all its parts. That's a double whammy.

    That's the question that I'm hoping to answer.
    Last edited by witsend; 05-04-2010, 05:45 AM.


    • #32
      This is not strictly a 'follow through' of the previous post - but is in line with an off forum discussion with photofx.

      He proposed a complex arrangement of magnets that - may, intrinsically, provide the required conditions to 'float'. In that discussion he also proposed a spherical hollowed magnet. This is very interesting to me and some of our members here may be in a position to verify this finding.

      Some years back - I had a discussion with a physics professor at one of our local universities. The proposal was that, if the thesis was pointing in the right direction then matter would 'gravitate' or 'be moved' to the centre of a toroidal field. If a cylindrical magnet had such a toroidal field (as is understood) then the material of the magnet would move towards the centre of that toroid. This, in effect would leave the centre hollowed. Obviously to allow this 'drift' then the magnet would need to be manufactured under conditions of 'heat' and not purely pressure - such as is applied to the cheaper ferite magnets. In any event I had two such cylindrical magnets. We machined them both and cut through their centres. And both had that 'hollow'. Perhaps, if any of you have these magnets and can perhaps afford to make the 1 into 2 halves you could try this out?

      The existence of that hollow is significant. It would say much about the 'directional' drift of matter inside a toroidal field and it may have some bearings on the attributes of our own 'gravitational fields'. Also significant is that with this 'hollowed' centre - there would then, of necessity, be a very small black hole in the the centre of that as well. It's all very interesting.


      • #33
        The good news is that the magnet is being manufactured. I'll keep you posted on progress here.



        • #34
          Originally posted by witsend View Post
          The good news is that the magnet is being manufactured. I'll keep you posted on progress here.


          Awesome!!!!! Glad I was able to help.


          • #35
            Originally posted by CatLady View Post
            Awesome!!!!! Glad I was able to help.


            Indeed. Many thanks for the link Cat. What's truly excellent is that the guy subscribes to Open Source principles. MUCH prefers normal market forces to IP protection.


            • #36
              Guys - I want to put on record that the following exercise was actually done for Dave Lambright's thread. I withdrew it as I felt I was imposing an explanation on the effect that would not necessarily be in line with the thinking of the other theorists there. In as much as there are now entirely different explanations being offered I feel that to continue the discussion in terms of magnetism would not be either appropriate or welcome.

              Notwithstanding which, I see a magnetic monopole, stricly speaking - two magnetic monopoles - juxtaposed to each other in his rig. Yet there is a 'lock' which indicates that the field itself must have a required symmetry to keep any kind of magnetic hold at all.

              I need to start by saying that Dave has done a variation to Leedskalnin's motor and due to his extraordinary intuitive flair has found some effects that seem to point to a gravitational field. I have long held that gravity and magnetism are one and the same thing. But having said that I would NEVER have thought of putting the fields together as ingeniously as Dave has managed. Therefore the following exercises - whatever their finding - must be considered to be entirely based on his work and is also therefore a tribute to Dave's insights and his extraordinary experimental flair.

              Thank you David. In the event that the results show anything of interest beyond what you have already exposed then I'll transfer this information back to your thread if I may. Meanwhile it's just a 'side' or secondary study - with an emphasis on trying to expose and discover the magnetic fields themselves.

              And in as much as we are still dealing with magnetic monopoles, as I see it, then it is very topical to this thread.
              Last edited by witsend; 05-21-2010, 12:10 AM. Reason: errors - everywhere


              • #37
                1 This first is simply intended to describe the applied electric field that develops the magnetic field in each section. The rule is simply that the magnetic field moves at 90 degrees to the applied current flow and uses the right hand rule.

                2 This is intended to illustrate the resulting flux field established from the applied current flow. This field is measurable as voltage or potential difference and extrudes from the material itself. The suggestion here is that the field orbits in a single direction and is therefore showing a single bias or justification - effectively therefore being a 'monopolar condition'.

                3 This is intended to show how the fields will juxtapose to each other given the eccentricity of the shape that is imposed on the structure. Effectively, on Dave's rig approximately two thirds of the mass of each section is juxtaposed to 'like' fields and given this juxtaposition - then the fields have an inherently 'repulsive' alignment to the adjacent sections along the length of the legs.

                4 This is intended to show that the sections are 'contiguous' which therefore will exaggerate the 'repulsive' force which otherwise may be resolved in a 'continuous' configuration. Of interest is that the fields 'lock' so that the complementarity of the discontiguous sections seem to 'override' the repulsive force. There may be some need to explore this effect in an appropriate experiment.

                5 This is intended to show that the essential cylindrical shape does, indeed carry a magnetic field which was proven in a test by both David and cody. Magnetised sections without the eccentricity of the 'legs' still lock indicating that the magnetic field inside a cylinder does, indeed exist albeit unmeasurable.

                6 This is an inversion of Dave's design is is intended to suggest that any effects in this configuration may be equal but opposite to that shown by David and that, theoretically it would also produce the same but opposite effect.
                Last edited by witsend; 05-22-2010, 01:22 PM.


                • #38
                  Our Monopole

                  Golly. I had to rescue this thread from PAGE 8!!! Tardy stuff here. Anyway I have an update. I've been given a schematic by Mr Magnetman that I don't believe will 'cut it'. So. I'm now going to try and get this engineered from permanent magnets and someone skilled with a wire cutter. But it may take time.

                  Meanwhile I'll be posting more on the 1, 2 and 3 dimensional magnetic fields with some analysis of how I see these interacting with the earth's fields. Just to do some off forum homework away from the gravity thread. Else I'll be way off topic there.

