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Free energy reality check

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  • Free energy reality check

    Dont wonder why..Glen, Rose, Norm, Hector and Steorn had to do FREE energy at the grass roots level..

    watch this to CHECK YOURSELF (aimed at others)
    YouTube - Tesla free energy for all


  • #2
    I thought that had to do with wireless energy, not free (OU) energy.


    • #3
      Tesla's wireless power transmission system was thought by many over the years to be "extremely energy efficient", if not actually "free" (nothing is really "free" in cost lol, but it could be lowered so it hardly matters).

      Because it pumped the upper atmosphere in a way which created a very high Potential. The receiving antennas in homes and vehicles would use the potential to create current without actually significantly lessening the total. It would have been the first known example of "splitting the positive", or in other words using voltage (potential, often likened by some to be sort of a "compressed gas pressure with inexhaustible air tank" in this case), to power a device instead of Current... which always "destroys the dipole" as with conventional systems. This atmospheric "dipole", could not be "destroyed" by the all the total users' current flow (the same as lightening strikes do not lower the potential between the atmosphere and the ground now naturally)... because it had the weight of an entire planet behind it. The way he was said to "pump" it, cyclically doing it a little bit at a time that eventually "added up"; it allowed a relatively small High Voltage generator dynamo to do the work of building and maintaining this "pressure".

      But, we may never know if it would have actually worked as Tesla claimed. His earlier Colorado Springs experiments proved concept on a much smaller scale... but that does not automatically translate

      What is very interesting to me about Wardenclyffe, is the often-overlooked huge network of buried ground attennas.... They must still be there. This would appear key to the effect. Transmission through the ground??

      The US Navy has used a somewhat similar technology for over 60 years for communicating with submerged submarines. Their Very Low / Ultra-Low F transmitters also use large buried antenna networks (as well as above ground)... The submarines (at least in the past, who knows now), had to trail an extremely long antenna wire to receive the signals which take minutes to send only a few code letter groups, because of the extremely low frequencies used (with extremely long wavelengths). Their transmitters are at only a few locations across the globe (...years ago i used to sail by one on Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis.. and it made my old "Loran C" useless, lol.. back in the days before civilian GPS), yet they can reach a sub nearly anywhere in the world (apparently local undersea geology features have something to do with the signal reception, too.. but all the details have remained Secret).


      • #4
        This atmospheric "dipole", could not be "destroyed" by the all the total users' current flow (the same as lightening strikes do not lower the potential between the atmosphere and the ground now naturally)... because it had the weight of an entire planet behind it.
        This is a assumption I hope we never try to prove, consider the consequences of 10,000 times more lightning strikes than we have today. As well in Tesla's time there were not as many people, what would the consequences be of 10 or 20 billion people in the future drawing as much energy as they want from our atmosphere because it is free?. If there is one lesson we should have learned by now but quite simply have not, it is that each and every action has a reaction, it can be a slow cumulative reaction over long periods of time. This is the reason our planet is in the state it is, by making false assumptions that we can do no wrong and things will just take care of themselves.


        • #5
          energy depletion?

          I don't know whether energy from the vacuum/zero point/aether,is sustainable for the planet for a very long time, or not. We should rather explore and exploit all forms of FE and OU at our disposale.Hydro-electric,solar,gravity,wind,geothermal,ocean waves,and heat machines, all should be incorporated into our grid systems, or used individually to ensure that we use equally all aspects of our potential energy systems.In this way no one system would be depleted of it's energy.Also, it would give us a alternate system to use if one or the other failed. The way it is, if our grid system fails, almost all are without power of any kind.There is no backup system whatsoever.We have put our total dependence in this power grid that is rapidly aging, and has not been upgraded much since it's construction.The solar storms from the sun could obliterate our grid system at any time,leaving us in the dark for many months while the system is being restored.This could be a huge problem for all the worlds energy and economy, as almost everything used electricity,and could be shut down.Something to think about. Good Luck. Stealth


          • #6
            Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

            This is a assumption I hope we never try to prove, consider the consequences of 10,000 times more lightning strikes than we have today. As well in Tesla's time there were not as many people, what would the consequences be of 10 or 20 billion people in the future drawing as much energy as they want from our atmosphere because it is free?. If there is one lesson we should have learned by now but quite simply have not, it is that each and every action has a reaction, it can be a slow cumulative reaction over long periods of time. This is the reason our planet is in the state it is, by making false assumptions that we can do no wrong and things will just take care of themselves.
            Anyhow the solution for your Opinion is actually only for to go back into a Cave.
            The Situation will not change like it is today, the Amount of Energy will be still the same as we allready all use today
            and we allready produce a lot of E-Smog beside destroy the Nature and natural Resources in a big Style,
            beside, that they keep this sick Wheel of Economy with more and more Population running with her endless need of growing.
            A different scaling for Living may would had not produced that much Peoples,
            even, when there is still enough Space for more,
            and anyhow your Opinion sounds a bit implemented, mixed with Fear.
            Figure, when you wobble the whole day a Pool of Water,
            either it stays quiet or it makes little Waves,
            what big Reaction will you get from this, maybe only tired Arms at the End of the Day.
            At the other Side i dont know why you look for FE, when you have so much Fear with it,
            that anything related to it could create a bad Reaction.

            And to quote again
            If there is one lesson we should have learned by now but quite simply have not, it is that each and every action has a reaction, it can be a slow cumulative reaction over long periods of time. This is the reason our planet is in the state it is, by making false assumptions that we can do no wrong and things will just take care of themselves.
            It IS allready the worse Case what they do, but implement, when you do something different, then it only can be more worse.
            The main problem with this stand is, you can not judge, when you dont know the other Side, wich is sometimes much more brighter as this what you know.

            And one more Edit to that Quote. It is not that "WE" make assumptions,
            First i know a lot examples of Peoples what care about Enviroment,
            just look, how much grab actually Solar cells, since its available and
            sec, YOU only use, what You 'can' have and get from Industry
            and Science tells you, what you can have and can know.
            Last edited by Joit; 05-04-2010, 10:13 PM.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • #7
              A different scaling for Living may would had not produced that much Peoples,even, when there is still enough Space for more,
              and anyhow your Opinion sounds a bit implemented, mixed with Fear.
              I would not call it fear but rather "forethought", that is preparation or thought for the future. I think we have made more than enough mistakes in the last 100 years and it may be time to create real solutions rather than more problems while trying to solve the problems we already have. We could also call this acting responsibly, should a responsible adult institute large scale changes with little or no thought of the greater consequences?.

              Figure, when you wobble the whole day a Pool of Water,
              either it stays quiet or it makes little Waves,
              what big Reaction will you get from this, maybe only tired Arms at the End of the Day.At the other Side i dont know why you look for FE, when you have so much Fear with it,that anything related to it could create a bad Reaction.
              We are however not speaking of wobbling a pool of water we are speaking of the generation of fields and/or extraction of energy from existing fields. These fields have high frequency components, ionization potentials ect..and interaction with many other fields. We can blindly believe we can just take whatever we want without consequence or we can give forethought to what we do and the consequences of our actions as all responsible adults should.

              It IS allready the worse Case what they do, but implement, when you do something different, then it only can be more worse.
              The main problem with this stand is, you can not judge, when you dont know the other Side, wich is sometimes much more brighter as this what you know
              I can assure you it can get much worse than it already is and it will continue to get much worse even if we produce free energy. This is because the extent of damage we have done in the past has not yet taken full effect on us here in the future, things take time to change. To get to the point I am 100% in agreement with free energy technology but not all of them. I am against the hydrogen economy because it is a disaster in the making but I am for HHO on demand systems which cannot leak hydrogen gas into our atmosphere, you see there is a difference. I am for the extraction of ambient energy from earth-ground potentials but against the extraction or modification of upper atmospheric potentials because if the upper atmosphere is corrupted then life as we know it on this planet is history, you see there is a great difference. I am for good technologies with a minimum impact on nature and a maximum benefit for mankind, I am against irresponsible people who implement technology with no regard for the consequences in the future. I am sure that if you really knew what free energy is and where it comes from you would think very differently than you do, we can make things worse than they are already and that is why I made my post.


              • #8
                There are some good points there but there is much difference between the discussion and furthering of a technology, and irresponsibly abusing it

                Q: How can we know in the first place?

                A: Do the study.

                Q: How can we avoid dangers?

                A: Knowing what we are dealing with.

                I do not believe in "forbidden knowledge". Information has no "morality". It is how it used by Humans that infuses matters of morality. There is cause for worry about possible abuse, surely... Yet it has always been so, and likely always be so.

                "Molotov Cocktails" killed thousands in WWII and since: they were a very effective and deadly technology that consisted of gasoline in a beer bottle, stopped with an old rag. No one ever suggested we ban gasoline to stop their use

                An example of this (perhaps for both sides of this debate) is the splitting of the atom. We had to learn what it would do. How this knowledge was used (...other than the exception of Edward Teller and a few other scientist "hawks" who were all for Hydrogen Bomb production), was not in the scientists' hands, it was in the hands of their masters. Yet, there was no way to stop this information from coming out once it was first pointed to: It was inevitable.

                There cannot be deliberate ignorance in Science (lol, it is then called "religion" not Science).

                Something that is "promising" scientifically and known to exist must be pursued to find where the path leads. To do something "evil" or foolish with it is another issue... not that of "discovery". There can be controls for safety and caution. But logic dictates it WILL be pursued beyond doubt, even if it is termed "forbidden".

                Another example that may be germane is the use of Hydrogen-powered aerial drones, which are now in production by Boeing and others. They now are (or soon will be) using these H-based new engine technologies to help kill innocent civilians in Pakistan and other places we are not even allowed to fly over by International Law, by remote control... Just a little more efficiently than if they used kerosene jet fuel. But this is not the "fault" of Hydrogen technology, or any reason for the subject not to be pursued: It is the fault of the US military who uses them to kill immorally and illegally.

                What i am suggesting is somewhat like the issue of "handguns". They do not kill people; people who use them do.... Like they did before with muzzle-loading muskets, or bows & arrows and swords, or flint knives. To blame "handguns" for deaths, or even Molotov Cocktails or H-powered Aerial Drones, is the evasion of blaming the true "culprit": Society's and Humankind's faults. Perhaps it is easier for some to blame the "tools" than to admit we are still a murderous species... and that this murderous streak is perpetuated by our society, culture, and governments (the very same governments who attempt to control the flow of information about free energy technologies).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                  I am sure that if you really knew what free energy is and where it comes from you would think very differently than you do, we can make things worse than they are already and that is why I made my post.

                  I did read today about the Clem Motor,
                  it produced about 300 Hp with heated Oil, and something like the Milkovic device.
                  I dont look for high-scientific Fields, what need to be created, just that someone can involve hundret more Peoples into working on it to only make it complicated for the simple man, right as our science allready do now.
                  For this Devices you cant say it taps into other Fields, because they work with the centrifugal force and heating up herself.
                  Seriously, the Objects what are treated at our Science, you can trow almost all of it,
                  because they leading only into Oneway and wrong Directions in the way like they show them,
                  but, you can anywhere place a Meter on it, to sell the Energy.
                  Some of Teslas patents looks like, as if he use the Potential from Air, but some absolutly dont, but self-sustaining like this Motor.
                  And there, it is not like, you grab it from anywhere. The Knowledge from Tesla is still unknown till today for the common Man.

                  But that is, what FE Devices look for me and i dont need to think different about it, if there is a danger from it.
                  Beside the Water pool, like Tesla mentioned, when you start pumping into a big Bowl of Water at the one side in, and at the other Side out, the whole ball will start swinging.
                  I think its more like, you start bumbing a Field around a Device, what gives you the Power back,
                  other Example is, do you think, the Sea will care about, if you place 1 Buoy on it or 1000 in certain Distance, or a tidal generator, because you could do that on this Pool of Water too, and get Energy, just need strong Arms.
                  But it seems more like, it is a big bunch of death Mass, what has the backforce, but thats something, what noone teach you.
                  The other Example, when you got a big Magnet, and you can tap into the Force of it with a Coil beside, do you think, the Magnet would be change in it force or strenght?
                  Not really, and else, you need a Decive, what has nearly the same Size.
                  Other Side, noone knows, where the Earth got the magentism from,
                  but it s more like that it are external Forces, not that the Earth is the Source.
                  When you even would make some of these earth magnetic field devices
                  you would probatly maybe only bend some fluxlines with the tiny Points compared to the Mass of the Earth.
                  Anyhow it seems like, you compare to much about different Methods and Sciences,
                  but actually i think you can forget all about that, and all the smart Peoples,
                  what invest her Life on that but be proud of that.
                  At a Certain Point i think ZPE is misunderstood too, because it is not like, that you open a Door with it,
                  but make a unbalance, what cause this 'field to wobble' without impact into the Enviroment.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • #10
                    Another Example from No Impact into the Enviroment.

                    YouTube - perpetual motion machine selfrunning
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • #11
                      I would think many serious thoughts were addressed when Keely,Tesla,
                      Moray and others discovered their power sources. If released to the general public,what would the ramifications be? Could mankind be responsible enough to use it for the betterment of mankind, or to enslave more of mankind? Those with the power and money naturally wanted these inventions to make more money,to enslave more of mankind to do their bidding. This is precisely why we now don't have these inventions to use.When those in power realized they were going to loose some of their revenue, they quit backing these inventors.These men realized that the powers in charge would not allow this to happen.Free energy has always been available to those who can afford it,but they don't need it,so they choose to keep it secretly filed away from prying eyes.Everything has a price. The military has gag orders on many of these inventors patents,as well as many others.Open source is the only way to release this information so that he common man may use it,but can we handle the technology, and the power responsibly?Good Luck. Stealth
                      Last edited by Stealth; 05-05-2010, 03:02 AM.


                      • #12
                        There are some good points there but there is much difference between the discussion and furthering of a technology, and irresponsibly abusing it
                        I understand what your getting at and agree however my point was in a little different direction. Let's say I was a scientist or in government about the time the internal combustion engine was first becoming popular, if I applied a little forethought to the technology I could ask some rational questions at that time.
                        - Is all this pollution from these engines a good thing?, can this pollution be detrimental to people or the environment?, what if there were billions of these polluting vehicles in the future?--what would be the consequences? If I pump billions of gallons of oil from the ground to fuel these vehicles what are the consequences in the future?, will this oil run out? why was the oil in the ground in the first place? Does it have a purpose I do not know of that could have disasterous consequences in the future? What is the relationship between oil and groundwater? What damage could massive oil spills cause to the environment?
                        You see none of this happened, nobody had the foresight to ask even the most simple questions as to whether this technology was really beneficial in the long term for mankind or if a better solution was needed. What people did have on their mind was money and the freedom of movement but the problems associated with the consequences of their actions was as always the last thing on their minds. If we are as smart as we think we are then it is reasonable to assume that if we understand a technology and the far reaching consequences of it before application then we can make a more responsible decision on how to proceed. Another example is nuclear power, if they were smart enough to harness the power of the atom then surely someone was smart enough to ask a simple question, how and where are we going to store all the tons of toxic radioactive nuclear waste for a few hundred thousand years and at what cost? It seems that most people are always very smart after the fact, that is after it is found that maybe something was not such a good idea in the first place. Rule #1, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, I believe I heard that somewhere, lol.

                        Another Example from No Impact into the Enviroment.
                        I always apply a simple thought process to any problem, we know every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore everything without exception must have an impact on it's environment in some way because of the fact it exists in the environment and cannot be seperated from it. Just because we cannot percieve or measure the extent of interaction at the time does not mean it does not exist -- it means we cannot percieve or measure the interaction at the time. As well we can use common sense and ask another question, if energy is extracted then this energy must have come from "somewhere", where and what exactly is this "somewhere". When you find your answer to this question everything will fall into place and seem very much less complicated than we believe it is.

                        Last edited by Allcanadian; 05-05-2010, 04:03 AM.


                        • #13
                          Guys i appreciate the points raised, i think Instead of the mainstream scientific circles attempting to learn a new discovery which has profound implications for mankind, they have simply dismissed it as "not possible" with out thorough investigation. The result education suffers and people still pay for non renewable energy.

                          Add business incompetence and interference from cartels. IS THERE ANY INSTITUTE IN EFFECT TO POLICE THIS? I dont see any other way to stop people like Tesla, and Steorn from being subjected to these conditions besides our NON PROFIT Research center in the public eye.

                          REAL TIME, momentum i say.
                          thanks for the posts guys appreciate reading these thoughts.



                          • #14

                            Blackberry 'predicted a century ago' by pioneering physicist Nikola Tesla - Telegraph


                            • #15
                              I'll just say that it sounds like what Ash is saying is that getting free energy out to the world is still butting up against the Powers That Be -- even more so now than ever so those who do have some real OU concepts or devices are having to take it to a grass roots level. In fact I think they may need to go even deeper - like underground to get it out there. And from the looks of the end of that video (all the pollution) we need it now. More than ever. Look at what just happened to the Gulf of Mexico with the oil still gushing into the ocean. That's an environmental nightmare.
                              I agree we need to utilize all types of possible energy sources in a balance so that if one begins causing a problem we can shift to others.
                              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine

