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gravity waves found

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  • Thank you for the reply Harvey.
    I try to notice nature, differently now since some of my expeiments.
    One thing I specialize in is Ancient Hebrew before Paleo and modern Hebrew, and it is in pictograph. I am one of maybe a dozen in the Us to do so.
    So wht does this have to do with gravity her one may ask.
    Well each letter represnts a congnitive idea, a number, and from my research -- a note, a color, a frequency, a scent a smell, a taste, a body part, and now I have discovered also a radionic potential. In light we have 16 visible colors and 8 near infrared each one about 24 degrees apart as represented by a spiral or scalar wave. At 380 nm the cornea filters out the detrimental UV and at about 1200nm the vitrious humor filters out the mm waves that are detrimental. As also the earths atmosphere is a filter. So we exist in a wavelength filtered inviroment and body.. We exist in a narrow spectrum of radiant energy for the most part.
    So ther are two missing letters from the Modern alphabet, the Ghayin and the Tann. So that makes 24 letters, hence 24 differernt parts to the outside of the gravity wave machine.
    Take for example a cube and place 6 pyramids on it you now have a tetrahexahedron of 24 faces. Now place this inside a cube. Then take four other cubes and place that one cube at the center of those four cubes, so the one cube with respect to the others is 180 degrees out of phase and in each of the other four cubes is a tetrahexahedron.
    So if I take a line from the center of the first cube through the center of the meeting place of the four cubes and then take a line from the edge of the first cube to the central outer edge of any one of the four cubes then I wind up with 22.5 degrees which happens to be th incidentaangle for light in a prism or a rainbow. This same line also operates on the inverse square law. But if i take a starting point on the bottom square at the tip ot the tetrahexahedron abd spirap aournd the other potnts of the same in its square and then expant to the outer points of the oter four squares in a spiral, then i get a scalar wave. The scalar wave does not see impedence as the linear wave and does not perceive time space boundries and most likely can even exceed the speed of light.
    So it occured to me that a scalar axis 90° from the time axis both of which straddle the propagation axis.
    So any movement of any wave in space is affected by the other four planes.
    So also keep in mind as the sea shore 45 degrees to the right and left of the viewer put the viewers axis center at 22.5 degrees ot eh perception angle to the incident waves. Also keep in mind that the Scalar and time planes are at 45 degrees, in keeping with the tetrahexahedron, to the XYZ axis. So the XYZ are all 90 degrees but the two intersecting T and S fields are 45 degrees to the XYZ.

    So now as to your other point. In nature there are static fields thaa serve as potential energy. This energy has to move first by a disturence in the sea of fields as per Direc's Equation.
    The moveing of the Static produces and E field that upon its movement then sets up a magnetic field. So the magnetic lags the e field. In lightening, also a tesla coil, first we get E field movement and then a current. In the ocean we have to have a field that attracts or repels the dihydrogen oxide, as it is a bipolar molecule, and then the current is the action of the wave. The moon sets up a gravity field which has to contain an efield and a Magnetic field and a gravity fiels as a result. So gravity has to have a Time , Electric and magnetic component.
    So as far as electrostatic, let us consider:
    1) the Electron and its counter the Positron, or a minus and plus of the same entity.
    2) the Proton and its counter part the anti-proton or a minus and plus of the same entity.
    3) the time line parallel to these two
    4) the scalar lin at right angle to the time line
    So the earths surface has the sea of electrons (as per Direc) but with the immediate surface as more positive with the positron side up, and then deeper in the ground the electon and then the postitron and then the electron and so on. So the earth is essentially a negative ground, but with the surface the more positive. The sky is the same with the antiproton towards the earth and the proton more towards the sky stacked in the same manner. The separation of the atmospher of dihydrogen oxide and o2 and nitrogen is separated by the repulsionn of the positives from both particles.
    There is a normally a static rest until a distrubance from gravity in the form of a wave, and then there is an electrostatic imbalance set up which causes an E field movement first followed by a magnetic field which we see as lightening, which sets the fields back at rest.

    Also the 3, 6, and 9 that Tesla found i have found in the 24 letters. Each not as defined by light starts and 3, then 6, and then 9 up the scale of all 24 and repeats 8 times and is the light scale frequency through which the universe resonates. I have 4 gigs of research on this so it is a lot to get into right now.

    So just my thoughts and observations.



    • New Upload

      Originally posted by david lambright View Post
      OK!...the sand works great...i will make a video tonite....and harvey, i do believe it might be liquifaction....i wonder now if the sand was wet.....sand boil?......david

      I hope you will upload one more video soon - can't wait to see the sand video. And I hope you will upload 7 more after that. I think the 77th video will be the celebrated proof the existence of the Lambright effect.



      • Disappointing Rings


        I received a rush shipment of new hematite rings - I overdid it and bought a unit of 20 of them on Amazon. Were supposed to be assorted sizes but none of them fit over the nuckle of my smallest finger. And one was broken!



        • Bump

          This thread is entertaining to say the least. No shortage of imagination.

          Its like seeing Elvis on a piece of toast.


          • hey

            Originally posted by thekubiaks View Post
            This thread is entertaining to say the least. No shortage of imagination.

            Its like seeing Elvis on a piece of toast.

            well if you are ever in town, come by...none of the videos do justice...seeing it with your eyes is the best way by far....better than toast!....david


            • Originally posted by david lambright View Post
              well if you are ever in town, come by...none of the videos do justice...seeing it with your eyes is the best way by far....better than toast!....david
              Yeah! Toast! YouTube - YEAH TOAST!!!
              "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


              • Originally posted by thekubiaks View Post
                This thread is entertaining to say the least. No shortage of imagination.

                Its like seeing Elvis on a piece of toast.

                @ thekubisak - Too bad that all you have to offer is is your armchair critique of the this thread. I see where your previous posts were more of the same. I don't know what you have built - or what you know - that qualifies you to cast judgement. At best you're a lurker. (I won't stoop to tell you what I think you really are.) However, until you actually build a PMH and have something unique to offer... you are just background noise for the real transmission.



                • OK

                  Originally posted by Harvey View Post
                  OK , maybe not better than that....david


                  • Mad (Russian) Scientists

                    @ Harvey - Thought you might find this interesting - quartz and quartz-containing stone samples exhibiting EMP output when heated in a vacuum... SpringerLink - Russian Physics Journal, Volume 18, Number 8

                    Russian scientists tested this in 1975 and discovered a temperature range where EMP emissions would reach a maximum level under an applied voltage.


                    • Thanks Van, I'll have to read through it when I have more time but I did take a cursory look at it.

                      Quartz is well known for it's piezoelectric properties and it is interesting how the transition states do effect the electrical emissions. One of my colleagues witnessed a quartz laden hillside that was so actively discharging energy that sections were glowing blue in the black night on his way home to Angeles Oaks, California. It wasn't long after that, there was an Earthquake in the Big Bear area. Evidently some of the veins were under stress and strain from the associated faults and the electrical discharges were causing series cascades in the fractured rock as they would emit a burst of electricity which in turn would flex another section etc. Of course in his case the rocks were not in thermal transition, but the phenomenon is noteworthy.
                      "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                      • Regarding Crystals

                        when talking of crystals and electricity in the same line;
                        there is nothing that actually beats Black Tourmaline.

                        Besides its non-physical uses, it does have some very
                        interesting properties when rubbed, heated, cooled,
                        pressurised, electrical or magnetically charged.

                        Oh, and it is VERY practical mineral in electrical,
                        magnetic and gravity readings; often used in expensive

                        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                        • sorry

                          Lambright, you seem like a nice guy but you have been bumbling on this topic here and at Energetic Forum for a good part of a year with thousands of posts. I'm not sure you have much to 'boast' about as regards what 'your' device can or cannot do. Right now it cannot do a damn useful thing and you continue to play and post useless videos which don't really show the viewer anything.
                          Having said this, I KNOW that the Leedskalnin wheel/pmh produces these effects, therefore dont think I am refuting what you have to say. Where you are failing big time is in your scientific methodology. You run around like a little kid, freezing water, doing this and doing that, posting videos and trying to convince people....THIS IS NOT SCIENTIFIC METHOD! For a start....forget trying to convince the audience of anything....are you a believer? If the answer is yes, then start building your 'evidence locker' and decide where you want to take this technology. If you want to attain funding or come out with a useful product you will not achieve this by roping in half interested forum people meanwhile acting like a child yourself who has Attention Deficit Disorder because he can't stay focussed on one track.

                          Until then all you have is a mystical novelty that isn't doing you or humanity any good.

                          E-Goose...........sorry for wasting your time...david


                          • Hi all
                            I finally overcame my laziness and put all of my 24 Ford T magnets on a rotating wheel. They are all magnetized and put in NNSSNNSS configuration. I wound a coil of 15 turns on four of the magnets and did try to pulse all four coils in parallel to get the locking effect. Nothing to report so far. The poles stay the same and don't do nothing even at the moment the coils are being pulsed. I guess I need higher voltages and more current to overcome the magnetization of the magnets to get this thing rolling. Will try 24 and 36 volts tomorrow and if that wont work, I will put coils on four more magnets so that every third one has a coil and try to pulse them again. If that won't do anything then it will go on the shelf until some new info.

                            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                            • jet,

                              if this is a standing wave generator like you mentioned earlier. How about using a pmh (that is wound equally and oppositely) to hit the neutral centre with a huge standing wave pulse. (keely always talked about pulsing the neutral centre)

                              anyway my thought of the day.



                              • Jetijs wheel

                                Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                                Hi all
                                I finally overcame my laziness and put all of my 24 Ford T magnets on a rotating wheel. They are all magnetized and put in NNSSNNSS configuration. I wound a coil of 15 turns on four of the magnets and did try to pulse all four coils in parallel to get the locking effect. Nothing to report so far...

                                I cannot tell what work you did in the assembly process. The first thing that comes to mind is making sure that you have bare metal - free of any grease, slag, oxidation, or dirt. Each magnet needs to be able conduct magnetically AND electrically around the circle.

                                Secondly, I think in Ed's wheel, the magnets were touching in such a way that the ends or poles of each magnet is roughly paralell with the one next to it. Looking at your set-up, you have a "V" shaped gap between each magnet, effectively reducing the contact surface to the very ends. The greater the contact surface the better the EM lock between the various pieces. You may have to file or grind each magnet so it sits flush with the one next to it.

                                I'm not sure about wiring coils in parallel... that may be another problem. Does anyone recall if David wrapped four different points on his wheel, and if he did were they connected in series or in parallel?


