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gravity waves found

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  • if it is nothing they will show why, if it is what i say, well, we will see what they have to say about that too. thanks
    They may say its nothing but that doesnt put in stone for me. If your getting a force feedback with a handheld laser aimed at a rotating magnetic field,I want to hear why its nothing.
    Im still waiting for materials to build something simple for you for experiments concerning this. When I build it I will have a lot of questions for you.


    • Hey David, is it possible for you to do the pendulum test? Because, one thing is certain, the university will ask you for measurable proof.



      • Gravity Waves Found

        the only way Ed could have did the things he did is if his generator was really a gravitational dipole generator. reading Jeongs stuff, it makes sense. the center of mass shift has to be what he was after. the way he describes dipolar magnetic current, N repelsN, attracts S, so dipole gravity follows the same rules as magnetism? Eds photo of him w/ his hand on the generator, he is collecting energy from the equator and at the poles. that way there is a differential he could now utilize. like linear and radial energy being N and S poles of the same field. a PMH holds a force, everybody knows this. it is di polar and bi directional, existing in the metal of a PMH. analogy; from a point a line becomes a circle. it seems that the metal he used allowed near superfluid velocities of flow. i believe this is why there is optical distortion around these devices. he separated the poles with a centrifuge, [he only needed to achieve over 1 G to fully divide the poles] and really make dipole gravity. an iron wire will hold this energy. by limiting either one of the poles, using a single wire ran through a bottle wound with wire, the surface areas being different was able to achieve directional flow of energy at remote locations. [i hope this makes some kind of sense]. he could use either pole, like he could control which pole was flowing from a wire. like water in a hose , polarized energy, flowing from the wire, either more N or more S flowing back to the earths field. lets say that S is the pole and N the equator. they ARE the same energy, one being a line, the other a spinning disc. there is a point where these are equal in energy. an infinite point on a scale. adding either pole would tip the balance.a cut stone; adding more N attracts more S into the stone. N being the heavier end of the scale attracts more S. S being the other side of the scale pushes against gravity. think about how heat "rises". we see energy dissipating like a mirage from a heat source, always rising. adding more N would reverse this until the "dissipating energy" would flow from the opposite side of the stone AGAINST earths gravity. this is why i saw what looked like "heat" distortion UNDER the stone in one of his photos. there must be a universal field, there also must exist an infinite place, from which every thing we are and know arises. a zero point that is as deep as the universe is vast.


        • David,

          Can you do the pendulum test?


          • Looks like it's impossible.


            • power source?

              Hey guys first let me apologize for crashing your party, It just so happens that the subject of Ed and his PMH has cropped up on a Don Smith thread I am following, (Don smith to good to be true) this set of video's has been posted w.r.t TalkingToLeedskalnin's Channel - YouTube
              It is clear that this guys theory has to be tested, There are important principles being put forward here I was rather hoping that you guys on this thread would have the gear to hand to give it a try (if you haven’t already)
              Best wishes Duncan
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                Hey guys first let me apologize for crashing your party, It just so happens that the subject of Ed and his PMH has cropped up on a Don Smith thread I am following, (Don smith to good to be true) this set of video's has been posted w.r.t TalkingToLeedskalnin's Channel - YouTube
                It is clear that this guys theory has to be tested, There are important principles being put forward here I was rather hoping that you guys on this thread would have the gear to hand to give it a try (if you haven’t already)
                Best wishes Duncan
                Excellent stuff. The PMH, being 24-sides, might needs low revolutions only to get to a required frequency off magnetic current.

                I like the water theory of tapping off charged water. Evaporation may not even have been used, but anotther method off extraction.

                I hope this train of though will be expanded upon, and tests developed to part-test elements to confirm being on the right track.


                • Originally posted by Cloxxki View Post
                  Excellent stuff. The PMH, being 24-sides, might needs low revolutions only to get to a required frequency off magnetic current.

                  I like the water theory of tapping off charged water. Evaporation may not even have been used, but anotther method off extraction.

                  I hope this train of though will be expanded upon, and tests developed to part-test elements to confirm being on the right track.
                  Yes it seems wildly unlikely at first glance to be extracting electric power from what would appear to be a short circuited lump of Iron, but that is exactly what this Tesla “Hairpin circuit” is doing Tesla "Hairpin" Circuit Replication - YouTube OK so there is no spark and what turning magnets will do I cant really imagine w.r.t a PMH I only wish to demonstrate that power is indeed possible from a dead short (as stupid as it may seem) That the alignment of the PMH is very important could explain a lot regarding erratic gravity results. Anyway given that Ed has stated that magnets is at the base of everything including gravity I cant help but think this information must fit into the jig saw that Ed has left some where even if its only a small bit of one corner. I would hazard a guess that if it performs it will be at an extremely high frequency and the spacing of those connections quite critical... still that’s what experimenting is all about Best wishes D
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • To have a starting point with this large complicated chain of devices to reach an end result, who has a proposition or hunch to get something validated to build on from?
                    The simple PMH is one thing to get working, but Ed actually had his 24-sided one on top of his main device.
                    Anyone know what Ed fed his radio with? Something must have generated the frequency of his choice. As he used existing material a lot, this might offer clues as to the frequency or wave form?
                    Most significant clues for me are the find of the overlaying pages, the PMH tap-off (or polarization?) circuit, and the idea of coral being water absorbing to get the particles deed into the structure.
                    Anyone know how much water coral can absorb? Could other materials be used for ease of use though faster water absorbtion? Like diapers?


                    • the PMH and Eds generator

                      Eds generator does NOT make electricity! at least not directly. i know that some people are having a hard time seeing/understanding what i am trying to show. in a toroid PMH, a field radiates in all directions from the PMH's surface. this field is visible. this field can be coaxed into a flowing vortex that is di-polar. try this, make a simple PMH. lie it flat. take a gold ring, tie it on a thread and let it touch the very INSIDE of the PMH. now move the ring 180 degrees to the outside of the PMH with out touching and you will notice that it repels the gold ring. most metals act this same way if they are a toroidal [ring] shape. try this experiment and see for yourself. the energy stored IN the PMH is magnetic in nature, BUT it is also gravatic. it is di-polar and like magnetism polar opposites attract, like poles repel. Ed wrote that to get magnetic current to flow in a wire you must start in the middle of the wire, that way at each end is a polar opposite. where does gravity, magnetism, electricity, and ALL forces come from? a singularity. or am i mistaken


                      • Originally posted by david lambright View Post
                        Eds generator does NOT make electricity! at least not directly. i know that some people are having a hard time seeing/understanding what i am trying to show. in a toroid PMH, a field radiates in all directions from the PMH's surface. this field is visible. this field can be coaxed into a flowing vortex that is di-polar. try this, make a simple PMH. lie it flat. take a gold ring, tie it on a thread and let it touch the very INSIDE of the PMH. now move the ring 180 degrees to the outside of the PMH with out touching and you will notice that it repels the gold ring. most metals act this same way if they are a toroidal [ring] shape. try this experiment and see for yourself. the energy stored IN the PMH is magnetic in nature, BUT it is also gravatic. it is di-polar and like magnetism polar opposites attract, like poles repel. Ed wrote that to get magnetic current to flow in a wire you must start in the middle of the wire, that way at each end is a polar opposite. where does gravity, magnetism, electricity, and ALL forces come from? a singularity. or am i mistaken
                        Do you have a video of the gold repulsion?

                        Any luck doing any kind of the ultra-simple test proposed to you?

                        Would a large-mass PMH such as Ed's and bigger yet, be able to exert greater force, make things more obvious? Ed's magnets along must have been quite a few kg's worth.

                        I wish this thread could get more into detail, rather than vagueness and claims.
                        Especially your claim of the non-normal interaction between gravity and your block of quarz. If you are sure about this finding, it should be easily verified and measured. I once more urge you to get specific and scientific. The effect vids were great. Now to get measurement of the gravitic side of things.

                        Anyone working on the other aspects of Ed's technology?


                        • where does gravity, magnetism, electricity, and ALL forces come from? a singularity.
                          A thought. The most powerful force in the universe is gamma rays. A typical burst releases as much energy in a few seconds as the Sun will in its entire 10-billion-year lifetime.
                          Gamma-ray burst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          There are some who think that gravity and electricity are the same. As far as I can tell when you rotate the Pmg you create an electric field thats 90 degrees to the Pmg above and below the Pmg plane when moving. Thats 2 toroidal planes intersected. What I find interesting is the magnetic current in the Pmg when its locked. It circuits the Pmg and is basically in equilibrium with the earth/environment when the wheel is not turned. What happens to the surrounding environment when it turns? For lack of a better term a Nano field of various atoms surround the wheel at all times. When the wheel is turned I would think there has to be an interaction at the nano scale. Its already known that carbon atoms at the nano scale is a 1,000 times more conductive than carbon. So it stands to reason that other atoms could do the same at the nano level. It seems evident that carbon plays an important role in metals and their magnetic properties. Soft iron is used for making non permanent magnets. Permanent magnets contain more carbon atoms.

                          The coral Ed used is Oolitic limestone. The largest sources of inorganic carbon are limestones,(coral) dolomites and carbon dioxide,
                          It is present in all known life forms, and in the human body carbon is the second most abundant element by mass (about 18.5%) after oxygen. Carbon itself is diamagnetic. Diamagnetism is the property of an object which causes it to create a magnetic field in opposition to an externally applied magnetic field, thus causing a repulsive effect. Specifically, an external magnetic field alters the orbital velocity of electrons around their nuclei, thus changing the magnetic dipole moment.


                          • Looks like you all prefer to invent useless theories instead of validating your ASSUMPTIONS.

                            What do you think will happen when you present your half baked experiment to a bunch of scholars? They'll pretty much ignore you..

                            Want money? Make a proper experiment.

                            Want to waste more years? Continue to vapor scam..


                            • Originally posted by DensoHax View Post
                              Looks like you all prefer to invent useless theories instead of validating your ASSUMPTIONS.

                              What do you think will happen when you present your half baked experiment to a bunch of scholars? They'll pretty much ignore you..

                              Want money? Make a proper experiment.

                              Want to waste more years? Continue to vapor scam..
                              Those with devices seem to be refusing to undertake experiments. Perhaps because they're using their anti-gravity device as a hammock and can't be othered. Or cannot come off it.
                              We de need experiments to get any direction for the theories. I've seen enough visual distortion video's now.


                              • Everyones in a hurry. Its cheap enough to replicate by hand if people are that interested in conducting experiments with it. Unless you have funds,which Dave hasnt asked for,and proper equipment,then its hard to do experiments. To identify a possible new type of field,then see how it interacts with different materiels etc. would be a job even with a proper lab. No sense in agitating or being disrespectful. This device has been around for years and years and still no one has the full knowledge of it like Ed Leedskalnin did.

                                We de need experiments to get any direction for the theories
                                No doubt on that. Im working on some simple ones for Dave to try out.

