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gravity waves found

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  • Originally posted by Harvey View Post
    (. Hopefully your computer problems are not so clandestine but I can tell you that '98 has some very serious security holes in it. You may want to look into Ubuntu.
    Windows 98 is actually safer now because most attack using newer windows architecture. Disable file sharing or printer sharing or netbios.

    Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
    This YouTube may be of assistance as it gives a set up for viewing aura's with a Fresnel lens at the 5 minute 40 second mark.

    The author presented an idea that not all eyeballs are the same and they can diffract light differently and that may expalin why some can see aura's and some can't.

    Learn to see the human aura in 10 seconds!
    YouTube - Learn to see the human aura in 10 seconds!
    I do not agree that aura can be seen with eyes.

    Theory from 150 years ago:
    - Karl Reichenbach: sensitive can see through wall, see through things. Some people can see aura because of traumatic even in the past or present. They trough forehead, stomach pit or hand palm.

    First hand experience:
    - watching a friend walking blindfoldedly during summer camp.
    - watching a man reading blindfoldedly on presentation.

    Explanation from psychic:
    - see with third eye which is cakra location at the forehead.

    For me, it is a branch science that can be learn without having to learn psychic. I think seeing aura is different from seeing ghost. I know people who can see ghost but can not see aura. Unfortunately, I don't think it is easy to find a teacher that only teach you how to look aura and not the rest unneeded knowledge.
    Last edited by sucahyo; 05-27-2010, 03:15 AM.


    • Originally posted by david lambright View Post
      no,sorry.....but not to worry i can do a demo there too, just not the 29th of may....this will be....i dont know i hope......david

      Ah . . . Ok, this is it then

      River Road City Park - Google Maps

      (16 Hours from LA Non-Stop - I don't think I'll be there )
      Last edited by Harvey; 05-26-2010, 09:21 AM.
      "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


      • what is it??

        can any one tell what it is around Eds machine... concrete? is there any thing else IN it?...just curious.....i cant tell from video or pix....maybe some oxide of metal or mineral ???does Ed mention any thing about minerals in his work??? .....david


        • magnetic aluminum?

          just a thought...a sample of this foil could be tested to find out why...i am still checking on research funding....if you think this might help, i can get you a sample...less expensive than sending pipe to latvia!!...i can almost taste the beer!......CHEERS!........david


          • My Build

            Thanks David for starting this thread. If nothing else comes of this It will at least have gotten me to build a replica of your build.

            All the pictures so far are here; Leedskalnin pictures by mrbreau - Photobucket

            It took some time (three days) and some engineering to get it this far. The base is a worn out car fan clutch with a VCR spindle inserted. It turns rather nicely, easily. The pipe is 1-1/2 “ hot dipped galvanized fencing and not water pipe. The galvanizing actually flakes off when the pieces are bent to shape and I didn’t clean the galvanizing from the insides of any of the parts.

            The outside of the metal circle is 10-1/4 inches. It was some kind of brain fart for me to leave that ledge on the outside but it has come in really useful in running some tests. I lay a cheap compass on that ledge and spin the wheel to see what happens. There are some really interesting phenomena going on there and I don’t understand some/most of it. For example, the compass needle will move as much as fifty degrees during a revolution, depending on where it is set. I would not have thought that to happen at all.

            Another revelation is that there turns out to be only four major poles on the entire circumference, two norths and two souths. That is almost exactly like a small PM motor with the only difference that the poles are NOT evenly spaced around the wheel. It turns out that on my wheel the poles are spaced N@ 12, S@10, N@6, and S@4 for some reason. I’m still testing and playing with the setup as it is. I imagined that each juncture of the parts would have been another pole. Electrically stirring the pot just brings about the four poles………….so far. As you all can see I plainly expected (by the markings on the wheel) that the poles would be at every juncture. Now I’ll have to figure out what is happening here.

            It comes to my mind that the picture of Ed with his wheel is a lot different from this reproduction. For example, it isn’t possible to stack five magnets of the same pole on top of each other………very easily that is. The poles have to be swapped at each layer creating a Bloch wall in between layers. The end result is that the greatest magnetic influence is from the ends (?). My question now is what purpose does that serve? I’m not nearly smart enough to answer that question.

            I’m caught up in your enthusiasm and the challenge of the day. Keep up the good works and I hope your demonstration at the park goes really, really well.

            Men had been depending for too long on the authority of the great minds of the past and that they should rely more on their own resources in obtaining knowledge.
            Francis Bacon


            • LOL
              David, it might just be the foil itself. I tested a piece of aluminum foil and sure enough, it is attracted to a strong magnet, not very strongly attracted, but it sticks to the magnet. This foil was new, no manipulations with it.
              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


              • Is anyone on this topic being skeptic to at least question or challenge what has been presented. Thank you David for sharing, however, until now it is all based on a single observation. The videos don't prove any statements being by David.

                There must be more proof. The last video with the steel wool and baby oil is not proof. It can be that the steel wool is dripping from top to bottom, Show to the whole bottle and then zoom in.

                Even though I am FE enthusiast there must be scrutiny.

                My words are to enlighten and spread knowledge. Please excuse me for being to straightforward.


                • foil

                  i used off the shelf reynolds wrap...the magnet is N-50 neo,my brother Paul bought for me....the magnet will react with the foil, as it should, moving it due to eddy currents etc....i can not pick it up though.....after "treatment" in PMH, the foil leaps to the neo mag.....when i can get some copper foil, same thickness as al foil....i believe that this will work too....what about GOLD foil....way too expensive yet......and every body...thank you all for helping get this seed growing....without forums like this, this might have remained obscure....i hope i worded that any case thanks....cheers........david


                  • skeptical?

                    Originally posted by uusedman View Post
                    Is anyone on this topic being skeptic to at least question or challenge what has been presented. Thank you David for sharing, however, until now it is all based on a single observation. The videos don't prove any statements being by David.

                    There must be more proof. The last video with the steel wool and baby oil is not proof. It can be that the steel wool is dripping from top to bottom, Show to the whole bottle and then zoom in.

                    Even though I am FE enthusiast there must be scrutiny.

                    My words are to enlighten and spread knowledge. Please excuse me for being to straightforward.
           are not forgiven...welcomed, embraced, needed is more like it!!!...i am my biggest skeptic...i realise there is nothing conclusive in those videos ....they suck! what i see in the bottle is the steel wool particles forming small vortices as they fall..also i can see the same wave form that is seen above my device..... all of my "expirements" were done with what i either had [junk] or what i could get cheaply...i have repeated these exp. over and overand i am still skeptical...i know what i can do when funding comes.. your comments are welcomed..i still can not believe it...well almost...i hope you will continue posting.... your vids helped me get to this point ....again...YOU ARE NOT FORGIVEN...wanted, needed, embraced, etc. thank you....the demo this saturday might answer some questions, but raise more......your skepticisim is welcome here!!!........david


                    • Originally posted by david lambright View Post
             are not forgiven...welcomed, embraced, needed is more like it!!!...i am my biggest skeptic...i realise there is nothing conclusive in those videos ....they suck! what i see in the bottle is the steel wool particles forming small vortices as they fall..also i can see the same wave form that is seen above my device..... all of my "expirements" were done with what i either had [junk] or what i could get cheaply...i have repeated these exp. over and overand i am still skeptical...i know what i can do when funding comes.. your comments are welcomed..i still can not believe it...well almost...i hope you will continue posting.... your vids helped me get to this point ....again...YOU ARE NOT FORGIVEN...wanted, needed, embraced, etc. thank you....the demo this saturday might answer some questions, but raise more......your skepticisim is welcome here!!!........david
                      Thank you for understanding and being super nice about it. I will be doing some tests and will report back once i come to a conclusion.


                      • hi there david and all other folks on this subject.
                        i have a couple of question that poped to my mind and want let go after following this thread.

                        1. based upon Leedskalnin device, in almost every embodiment of your devices and other replicas, i see again and again the usage of segments and not continues full path ( be it round or curved ) exapt some videos where you show the locking of circular rings by a jolt from the battery.
                        i have studied Leedskalnin device and what the mechanics and behavior of "magnetic current" might be and i dont see any reason for segmentation.

                        2. have you been documenting the ratios of your setups in which you saw the effects ? did you see any correlation between the sizes and the effects ?

                        other then that, keep up experimenting and updating this thread


                        • David, keep up the good work. Whether this device is location sensitive or not remains to be seen, although, anything that is location sensitive should also work outside the zone of influence,only to a lesser extent. There are many things we do not know about, so explaining the phenomena should be the last thing to be concerned with at this point. Proving the exidence of the phonemona should be the top priority. Ed first built his coral castle at a different location,then moved it all to this one where it resides today. This in itself says that he could have built it at any of one of many locations.Although many ancient sites of worship and or whatever other activities were practiced there, were built on these energy grid lines,it does not mean that they couldn't have been built on lesser grid lines, or far away from any grid lines altogether.Whatever the outcome from this experiment proves, it may be a device to tap into the aether/gravity of the universe.I think aether/gravity/magnetism, are all linked together in a way to make a complete system.What that system is is anybody's guess.Good luck. Stealth


                          • has anyone tried a mobius strip rather than a normal circular core?


                            • Video

                              Here is a video of an anomaly in Dave's wheel. I have two compasses mounted on the wheel and they BOTH are acting independent of each other. You'll have to look close to see the movements because of the glare on the boat compass.

                              There is definitely something radical going on here! I think Dave has discovered a mechanical magnetic gate, for whatever my opinion is worth.

                    *-* Where technology goes LIVE!

                              Men had been depending for too long on the authority of the great minds of the past and that they should rely more on their own resources in obtaining knowledge.
                              Francis Bacon


                              • @Warren,

                                Great work on your rig I actually like that 'Saturn-Ring' ledge you have there, very nice.

                                I can see some movement on the video, but really cannot determine precisely what action is occurring. However, I did notice the outer compass was tracking in a way that when it came near whatever those long lines are on the ground, left of the device, it would deviate from its radial indication - radial that is to the axis of rotation. The inner compass appeared to be tracking Earth North with some viscous hysteresis forcing it around on each turn. This would be even more pronounced at higher speeds to the point that the pointer may become motionless relative to the body of the compass. Conversely, if the speed was much slower, the viscous effect would be minimized by a greater degree.

                                Here are 3 things I would take into consideration relative to the experiment:

                                1. The elements are Ferromagnetic:
                                This means they will be continuously updating their internal domains to align with the Earth's field (as the rig turns) and those changes could be detected by the compasses.

                                2. Being Ferromagnetic, the elements will retain some magnetism:
                                This means that those portions of the elements that are most effected to become permanent magnets (like the element used to lock the ring), those elements will have a stronger attraction than the Earth's field - but at some angular position will be aligned with the Earth's field. As the two fields deviate from that position of alignment, the compass will track the stronger of the two, but with some vector differential between them.

                                3. Compass Turning Errors:
                                Something we are forced to acknowledge when learning to fly, is that a compass is not a compass when the aircraft is turning. This would also apply in your case if the compass were trying to track Magnetic North of the Earth. The Magnetic Dip can be quite problematic if you live far from the Earth's Equator.

                                What type of reactions do you get with the compasses stationary off to the side while the device rotates? What if the Marine Compass were placed with its axis directly over the rig axis? Those would be interesting tests as well

                                "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor

