Originally posted by david lambright
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gravity waves found
Originally posted by Harvey View PostHi Gravity Block,
Thanks for that map. Is that an accumulation over a set period of time or just a series of snapshots of various regions all stitched together into a composite picture?
I find it interesting that most of the -200 nT regions are on the East side of elevated terrain while the +200 nT is on the West side. Perhaps this tells us something about how the planet moves through the magnetosphere as it spins.
heres the thing...
anomalies....room temperature super-conduction and levitation... Hutchinson did it. but what are the mechanics behind this effect? Leedskalnin knew how...he just did not explain to absolution, HOW he did it....try to explain to someone something you have never seen??? many have tried to put everything in perspective.....many are very close....i am prepared to explain the MECHANICS/math/experiment AND results of ALL of Leedskalnins work...from quarry to placement, cutting and levitation...yes i did say levitation, and all of the physical mechanics, the theory and reality match...ALL FORCES UNIFIED....i am proposing a NEW PHYSICAL MODEL!....the model that quantum mechanics reflects...all of the predictions made, all paradoxes solved....it is so simple and absolutely elegant .....the same design from the singularity to the event horizon of a black hole......they are one in the same and mathematically equal, by the way.....try this thought exercise....two shapes, Torricelli's trumpet, a sphere, and an infinite line.....these three things are the most basic building blocks of MATTER .....this model shows the exact physical mechanism of all forces including and especially, GRAVITY....not just that but the number shell math,[square root] model is also a map if the infinite...frequency, spectrum, atomic weight etc.... i will show EXACTLY how and why my devices generate that heat type wave....i will show how the ancient Egyptians cut, carved, and LEVITATED their stone work...they left a complete description of the method IN STONE.... http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/im...ithus05_03.jpg from the bottom up this shows all reflections, phase changes and how all forces have an infinite part....how sound does not travel in a vacuum shows that sound travels infinitely in a vacuum, its perfect reflection cancelling the wave, [the wave is there, just cancelled]....Tesla predicted a time when we would connect to the very wheel-work of nature...the time is now....we live on a planet, orbiting a star, in a galaxy, in a UNIVERSE expanding at the speed of light ....for this to be understood, the duality of a reflection is evidenced by a phase change....back to the thought experiment...2 shapes, sphere, trumpet and a line...we view our existence from the OUTER surface of our planet....imagine being on the inside of the sphere, the center being infinite....gravity is on the inside of the sphere...these are both mathematically identical.....the quadratic expansion shows a linear curve....the line being equal to the spherical reflection....does this make any sense yet?....there are some who will embrace this model NOW....for a great many, the absolution will be repeatable levitation.....room temperature levitation, in a controlled environment, LEVITATION....i am making a video to show this ALL in detail, ...the math will show that an infinite point is equal to any and every spherical reflection, 4 fold, 3 fold, 2 fold and 1 to 9 fold......the 99999s =1.......david
the first way we can use it is in predicting quantam events...events past the scales we use to measure time, space,gravity, light....we as humans are master manipulators of matter and waves. .duality... light is both a reflection and a source , the source being the infinite....light is a duality...if you have a particle it is also a wave, a mirror, spherical reflection is out of phase with the source, still equal to infinity...a mobius strip is a one dimensional reflection of an infinite ring.....paradox...sound travels in air or water but not in a vacuum ???like electricity and magnetic current like metal better!!!! wave phase change due to spherical reflection is the mechanism......the infinite part of sound travels in a vacuum a cancellation wave.....this relation ship is shown clearly in this Egyptian carving... ...this Hopi art is a depiction of the Universe, looking like my model.....look at this one...the disc and rotating ring are clearly visible....david...YouTube - Extraordinary Toroidal Vortices YouTube - Experiment on Fluid Motion ... YouTube - Quaternion Julia Fractal http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ci...vitywg047a.jpg ....david
math again
division IS reverse multiplication......a spherical reflection that is illogical....try this...divide 3.14 by .314 = 10...now press = again and again keep going......watch the #s grow from the decimal point.....they will get bigger till they collapse back to 1....the first digit stays in the 10s...bouncing around like an elliptical orbit......or divide 1.1 by .1 = 11....press = again.....try this one 9.9 by .11....or 1.2 by .12.....keep pressing =and see where the go some #s seem to bounce around .....others spiral out Pi is the spiral to infinity....think of like this...a globe with Torricelli's trumpet puncturing the globe , small end of trump down...the mouth of trump 1/2 the diameter of the globe .....now think of the edge of the mouth as row or circle of 9s....and the shell of the sphere is also 9s.....the trumps inside goes to infinity...the sphere having a measurable surface......you cannot by nature, measure infinity from a non infinite point of view...math tells us of infinity i am going to show it......david
Interesting ideas here !
Originally posted by david lambright View Postmore theory.....magnetism is not quite equal...one pole is stronger than the other.....pulsing a PMH twice changes the polarity of the dominant stream...lets say Earth has a dominant N...in my experiments with a toroidal PMH show that polarity is connected to thermal convection...a PMH with a dominant S has thermal convective flows reversed from what is natural on Earths surface...these flows are visible with the naked eye as they dissapate back into the field, like a mirage...the flow has been seen and recorded by many people...this flow of convective force is not connected to heat....just like a magnet, this flow has polarity but its polarity can be reversed...unlike poles attract....so the PMHs dominant S is attracted to Earths N...if you want, try this....energize a PMH two times...take a piece of calcite and lightly hold it near the PMH....you will find that there are places on the ring [circular PMH] that will repel the calcitce crystal...try this cheap and easy expirement for yourself.. .in a PMH, the force flows in the center of the material...we know that this force is magnetic in its nature, holding the keeper on PMH and lighting a bulb shows us this...this ENERGY,being a bi-directional flow.and being magnetic in nature is attracted to the poles of a magnet and since it likes to flow in metal can be coaxed to flow in a wire...everyone has seen the photo of Ed with his hand on his "rotor" right?...why is there the mass of metal ABOVE his device?...this metal mass had to be above the rotor for this polarized flow to accumulate into....a wire from this over to his quarry ...this half of the flow being polarized S but now it carries upward convection, is attracted to Earths N like an upside-down siphon...spinning the rotor started the flow which would continue to flow from the S wire as long as the siphon didnt break...this flow could then be used to fill the stones with S polarized, upward convective force [levity]....and the same way heat is absorbed, a stone could be filled to its buoyancy point and moved...as the stone "cooled" its weight comes back...this flow of energy is distinct ....it can flow forever...we know that super cooled matter does this, by cooling them to their reverse buoyancy point.....as they warm back up their weight returns....Ed did this exact thing, using the earths natural fields....this is my theory these conclusions were arrived at through experimentation and rediscovery! thanks.......david
I think this was one of the more interesting ideas that you have put forward, primarily because I get lost in the math that followed and can't seem to picture the 3D structures that were referred to. (But that's just me.)
I think this description comes the closest of anything I have read to explaining what Ed was really doing. So, the question that should come next is... can you think of a construction with the PMH ring / generator, that can utilize this South wire technique to make stones (or other objects) bouyant?
Assuming this can be done, we have a viable explanation for how stones may have been moved, but how about cutting the stones?
This may be overly simplistic, but I have an idea regarding PHM construction, and energy flow... I see the spinning ring as doing one of two things: 1) throwing off energy - this is what we have seen with your design, and my small circular PMH. Spin it in the horizontal plane and energy is thrown off either in an upward direction, or outward... 2) concentrating energy into a beam or a single point - in this second model we have all that (formerly) radiated energy coming together in a single place and time, creating (probably) to have a very destructive effect on physical objects - stone with a crystalline structure in particular would be prone to disintegration when exposed to (?) ultrasonic, high frequency bombardment.
If Ed's device(s) did BOTH, then we need to understand how to collect the "buoyant" energy, which I think you have described, and how to concentrate the power of the device into a high voltage / high frequency beam that could cut stone with laser precision. (I worry about that last application because, while being very useful in the hands of a craftsman, it probably would be abused by those in power to wreak havoc, ex. in military applications, etc.).
From looking at Ed's workshop, I think he concentrated (electric) energy using bottle capacitors - storing it with the working voltage, and could apply it in short bursts. However that seems (to me) to be a very slow process - how long to charge a bottle capacitor with his wheel?
Rodins vortex
Rodins vortex + spherical [3D or 3 plane] math is the absolution.....the shape of Mandelbrots is that very mathematical description....Julia quaternion is also a description of the dual directional lineand
i will show that the mayan calender is a perfect math description of a magnetic field, [spherical]...the inner circle corresponds to the vortex, [Rodin] you must have both
....there is more.....david
mayan calendar
this is a depiction of magnetism a math perfect descriptor of a magnetic field...MIT has a video of a reversible permanent magnet....i will show the physical mechanism that causes this... reversible permanent magnet In a PMH the first charge produces a magnetic field. The second charge (z-pinch) causes reverses polarity and shrinks the field down to a line inside the PMH. There's only two forces, attraction and repulsion. A polarized reflection of the infinite gravity light magnetism space time, sound, all are parts of an infinite reflection. All things we know, all waves etc., have an infinite part. Hutchinson has produced levitation. I will show the physical mechanics of that, too. In the MIT video, he uses a PMH. The first pulse produces permanent magnetism, the second pulse produces a cancellation wave (as similar to noise cancelling headphones). The wave is still there, it has just been cancelled. If you were to take the keeper off the PMH in non-magnetic mode it would still light the light. On the Mayan calendar, at the top you have two opposing directions or arrows. At the bottom, you have two opposing tails, the top being attraction (N) and the bottom being repulsion (S). This is what magnetism is. Ed Leedskalnin's PMH pulsed twice (bell), forces the magnetic stream to the center of the PMH. One stream, two directions......there many more images from the past, that try to explain this to us.......david
the math should match the model
[/IMG] [6]
[/IMG] [7]
these images should illustrate my thoughts....Julia and Mandelbrot sets are the exact shape of the ultimate interface of infinite to material.....Rodins vortex math is toricellis trumpet which is equal to the sphere...in [2] the sphere in an incompressible liquid ..the line intersects the sphere and pulls the surface into a trumpet....out the other side a sphere forms....like cavitation or a shock wave....an vacuum is created.....the line is infinite .....every ray radiates from the point....light is 4 parts....inside the big sphere, each # shell represents a harmonic = wave length of color = atomic orbit etc....[7] imagine white is infinite spreading out trump style to an infinite disc.....the wave length goes to white<------ black goes to --------> both infinite...
the video of ferro fluid shows 1 main + 3 lesser vertices
we find this same design everywhere [IMG]
By davidlambright at 2011-01-30[/IMG]
tuning fork
[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG] from the bottom up..all these directions are equal to 1.....the yellow parabola shows a quad fold expansion....[just as it should]....the forks show a depiction of a cancelion wave...[bose]....another parabola reflects this energy back to the original beam... [IMG]
[/IMG] [IMG]
this is a diagram of magnetism...gravity...attraction / repulsion.....a bi-directional polarized [4 part] force.
this last image shows this phase change from a parabolic reflection.....
Originally posted by rave154 View Postno commentOpen Source Experimentalist
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