Your foregoing posts certainly give us both word and visual pictures of the thoughts that are racing in your mind and I commend you for sharing them with us.
There still seems to be a bridge lacking to help us organize all of this into a coherent stream that we can derive benefit from. It needs a theme or central pathway that links the imagery together in a common direction and gives us a recognizable development of progression.
For example, it may be said that an atomic bomb explosion spreads outward from a central event in all direction and has no one way that it can be developed. And if you are at the center of that event and are looking at it from the inside that is what you would see, everything moving away from you with no real structure. However, when viewed from a distance it can be seen that there is a progression involved where several different blast waves radiate outward in the horizontal plane at different speeds and an intense thermal increase results that vaporizes all water in the air and causes a massive vertical rise which also pushes against the Earth's surface to get lift even in the presence of a vacuum. Then the pressure waves that formerly radiated outward, rush back in horizontally to fill that vacuum as an immense column of vapor and smoke thrust vertically into the atmosphere and spread out at the top. So from a distance, we can see the progression and the final structure, the all too familiar "Mushroom" cloud and the large circular pad of destruction it leaves in its wake.
So in this case, our connection path is time. It weaves each part of the overall event into a progression from start to finish that gives us the whole picture. So even though all of the parts go off in a plethora of directions and vectors of actions and reactions in what would seem to be an impossible task to map out, time and geometry help us to give the event shape and and a recognizable structure.
So it is with all the information you have at your disposal. It may seem to be going off in every which direction, but there must be a common thread, something, that ties it all together if it is related.
Your foregoing posts certainly give us both word and visual pictures of the thoughts that are racing in your mind and I commend you for sharing them with us.
There still seems to be a bridge lacking to help us organize all of this into a coherent stream that we can derive benefit from. It needs a theme or central pathway that links the imagery together in a common direction and gives us a recognizable development of progression.
For example, it may be said that an atomic bomb explosion spreads outward from a central event in all direction and has no one way that it can be developed. And if you are at the center of that event and are looking at it from the inside that is what you would see, everything moving away from you with no real structure. However, when viewed from a distance it can be seen that there is a progression involved where several different blast waves radiate outward in the horizontal plane at different speeds and an intense thermal increase results that vaporizes all water in the air and causes a massive vertical rise which also pushes against the Earth's surface to get lift even in the presence of a vacuum. Then the pressure waves that formerly radiated outward, rush back in horizontally to fill that vacuum as an immense column of vapor and smoke thrust vertically into the atmosphere and spread out at the top. So from a distance, we can see the progression and the final structure, the all too familiar "Mushroom" cloud and the large circular pad of destruction it leaves in its wake.
So in this case, our connection path is time. It weaves each part of the overall event into a progression from start to finish that gives us the whole picture. So even though all of the parts go off in a plethora of directions and vectors of actions and reactions in what would seem to be an impossible task to map out, time and geometry help us to give the event shape and and a recognizable structure.
So it is with all the information you have at your disposal. It may seem to be going off in every which direction, but there must be a common thread, something, that ties it all together if it is related.
