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What's Happened to Timothy Thrapp?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by NickZ View Post

    Yes, I've seen and heard it all before. Just give the devices, not the ministry the benefit of the doubt, without any monetary interests involved.
    It is important to resolve this question of power production, and not confused it with what could be called corruption, or deceit.
    What they have mentioned in the video of the dome, makes sense to me.
    But, I take no sides in this, just interested in the results of the devices.

    You did not mention this post though (below), that is on the same forum page.
    Does it not count, or have any weight?

    Tim Tim
    Junior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2007
    Posts: 2
    WITTS Ministries is the real deal. I donated to the cause and was able to see many of the devices demonstrated.

    I've been researching, developing and building "alternative" devices for 8 years or so. I know the difference between an amp and a volt. Sir Timothy blew my socks off! These minister/scientist/engineers are the most advanced in these technologies as I've ever come across.

    In my opinion, their intention is absolutely to help restore the earth to a paradise. Most of their devices are much more advanced than meets the eye. They may look a little crude in the videos, but the principles they employ are very sophisticated and are not easily duplicated in a person's garage.

    Don't confuse the ministry with other religious institutions. They are not becoming wealthy off the donations they receive. They truly want to help, but it won't happen within the fading paradigms of greed and corruption that seem to be everywhere. The capitalists are only interested in the money.
    I hope I don't offend anyone on this forum, but I felt WITTS needs someone to speak for them since people sometimes have a difficult time with the manner in which the ministry communicates.

    Again... I've seen it first hand. My life has not been the same since.
    - Tim
    Well... as long as they said that the device(s) drawing are free.. why do they ask for donation?

    Gyula and Tim... why do not post here the drawings if you have them? Or is just a SCAM?


    • #17
      Timothy Thrapp is a con artist

      First, I'm sometimes amazed at what seemingly intelligent people will let themselves believe. Or at least want to believe. If Thrapp, WITT, or anyone else associated had some super energy source as they claim, why has NOBODY seen it? And by nobody I mean the entire world other than like 6 people in random YouTube and Vimeo videos who have no provable credentials of any kind?

      You can't get ahold of WITT or Thrapp either. Anyone think that is slightly suspicious? I've heard him called Timothy Thrapp, Dr. Timothy Thrapp, and Sir Timothy Thrapp. When researched, I can find no basis for either the "Dr." or the "Sir", so I can only assume he's given titles to himself to make him sound more important.

      Let me fill you in on a thing or two Thrapp doesn't want you to know.

      In 1993 he fathered a child, and promptly ran off leaving the mother to fend for herself. He didn't pay child support. He had two state's Divisions of Child Support Enforcement looking for him. He had no job the IRS could collect from, because then they could track him. Somehow, child support enforcement found him at one point. He owed over $50,000 in arrears. Thrapp then claimed disability, and they lowered the amount owed substantially, although he still didn't pay it. His passport was frozen.

      A few years ago, Thrapp apparently decided he was moving to Canada. The frozen passport became a problem. He called Child Support and asked how much he'd have to pay to un-freeze it. He paid only that amount, got his travelling papers back, and wasn't heard from again. Presumably he is Canada, although there is still little chance of verifying that. His child is now too old for his mother to collect the rest, so the point is now moot.

      What a great, up-standing, Christian example of love and peace and harmony his man is. He's a lying POS....don't believe anything else. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

      If you don't like that story, consider the fact that he wants your $10,000 to even talk about a device that nobody has seen, and if it existed and he was truly concerned with making the Earth the "paradise" he claims, he'd be giving it away.

      -Veritas aequitas


      • #18
        How is the core of the Witts generator built?

        After looking at videos of the Witts generator, it seems to me that there are a lot of similarities to Tesla's patent #381970.


        • #19
          Originally posted by veritas View Post
          First, I'm sometimes amazed at what seemingly intelligent people will let themselves believe. Or at least want to believe. If Thrapp, WITT, or anyone else associated had some super energy source as they claim, why has NOBODY seen it? And by nobody I mean the entire world other than like 6 people in random YouTube and Vimeo videos who have no provable credentials of any kind?

          You can't get ahold of WITT or Thrapp either. Anyone think that is slightly suspicious? I've heard him called Timothy Thrapp, Dr. Timothy Thrapp, and Sir Timothy Thrapp. When researched, I can find no basis for either the "Dr." or the "Sir", so I can only assume he's given titles to himself to make him sound more important.

          Let me fill you in on a thing or two Thrapp doesn't want you to know.

          In 1993 he fathered a child, and promptly ran off leaving the mother to fend for herself. He didn't pay child support. He had two state's Divisions of Child Support Enforcement looking for him. He had no job the IRS could collect from, because then they could track him. Somehow, child support enforcement found him at one point. He owed over $50,000 in arrears. Thrapp then claimed disability, and they lowered the amount owed substantially, although he still didn't pay it. His passport was frozen.

          A few years ago, Thrapp apparently decided he was moving to Canada. The frozen passport became a problem. He called Child Support and asked how much he'd have to pay to un-freeze it. He paid only that amount, got his travelling papers back, and wasn't heard from again. Presumably he is Canada, although there is still little chance of verifying that. His child is now too old for his mother to collect the rest, so the point is now moot.

          What a great, up-standing, Christian example of love and peace and harmony his man is. He's a lying POS....don't believe anything else. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

          If you don't like that story, consider the fact that he wants your $10,000 to even talk about a device that nobody has seen, and if it existed and he was truly concerned with making the Earth the "paradise" he claims, he'd be giving it away.

          -Veritas aequitas
          First let me say before I start talking - I would like to urge all to be MUCH more slow to tear others down. I just starting following WITTS a few months ago and have found there work to be very positive in engaging others to learn more about free energy and to help make it available to the world. They provide a weekly webcast were they teach and bring in quest speakers on many interesting topics for no cost and I have been learning from these. I will say that I have not contributed any money, as I am on a fixed income and simply do not have it, but if I did I would contribute some, just as if I had the money last year to pay for the conference to see Peter and John and others I would have (as I so wanted to go - I sold as many things on eBay as I could and still hope to raise enough to attend this years).

          I am sure Timothy has made some mistakes in his past (I am not sure they are the specific one's mentioned), as we all have made are share of them. We do not know all the details first hand and even if true we certainly do not know both sides of the story. Lets be a little less quick to judge and avoid personal attacks of others. We can still use wisdom and consider information we have to be cautious in our interactions until a persons intentions are known first hand.

          I also believe there in a benefit to have groups out there that have similar over all goals of seeing alternative energy moved to the reality of being common place in ordinary people's life's yet a different approach then "Energetic Forums" - which I see as almost completely transparent or open source. I love that and learn so much in a quest to understand, tinker and experiment. Even on items which cost money, I bought one of John's books for two reasons; 1) to support him and his work 2) found it was helpful having it organized by him as opposed to everything I gathered on my own that he freely put out there. So basically for me "Energetic Forums" is outstanding and I LOVE it and believe it has, is and will continue to be a huge benefit to human kind. I also see that WITTs has the potential of actually building a factory to manufacture units which can be used by ordinary people. Do they work, I don't know, but at a certain point they will have to move into production or effectively they will end. I do not believe they are going to convince anyone to sell everything they have and send them their retirement money, thus if someone is willing to send in a 1,000 or more donation to their cause it probably doesn't mean they will be missing a meal (when I bought John's book I skipped lunch for a week - at it was worth every day I missed and MORE!).

          It is very possible that they are being cautious to avoid the difficulties of having ideas locked up in patents by larger companies. I am on a fixed income because of an accident, but prior to my accident held senor level positions with Cisco, Nokia, and Siemens and have a very good understanding of the value of a "Patent Portfolio" and that our court system is not about right or wrong, or have any real care for where an idea really came from which is listed in a patent owned by a corporation. It is all about who has the most money to spend on lawyers, lobbing and political campaigns and their ability to slow down the legal process, control what is admissible in court and completely tear apart any credibility of those they oppose (and they are masters of this). It takes over two years for a case to get to court, and most take much longer than that. I company with a lot of money can destroy most small companies / entities and individual people with all kinds of pressure. Thus in most cases Goliath wins.

          I will end with - I am very glad I kept an open mind about Peter L, as I have found him to be a huge gladiator for moving forward ideas, teaching and the general cause of alternative energies and I GREATLY look up to and respect him and his work, even though I have not met him personally I have learned so much from him (everything from bar codes to tapping into energy that is everywhere). At the end of the day I find myself asking many more questions than providing answers or solutions and pray that I will continue to judge others less tomorrow than I do today.
          Warm Regards...Rick


          • #20

            I respect you and your opinions,as for myself I have a different view
            If a man has knowledge that can save lives and ease the suffering of countless souls and he holds this knowledge ransome?

            I consider that the epitome of Evil .absolutely despicable.

            Just one mans opinion.......

            If you want to Change the world
            BE that change !!


            • #21
              Hi Chet,

              If I currently knew how to make a device that could provide clean free energy to the world, I myself would take a different approach then Witts and broadcast it to the world as "OPEN SOURCE" free to duplicate, make, sell (BUT NOT PATTON) for two reasons; 1) I believe it would have a better chance of becoming reality 2) I would have less a chance of getting killed and the device not coming to reality. That being said if the device I discovered operated on resonance I really have no idea what I would do(which I am both happy and sad at the exact same time that I am not in the position to have to figure that out).

              As a child I was fortunate enough to have access to current at the time Military grade equipment to experiment with various vibrations and different electromagnetic waves. I was 8 at the time and saw some VERY strange things within my environment occur when packing short waves into long waves and some stuff above and below the hearing threshold that scared me so much I stopped completely. When I explained to others (at various points in my life) what I saw and felt related to my tinkering, the vast majority felt it was one of three things; a result of a demonic presence, it never happened and I was imagining it, or I was a can short of a six pack. I suppose they could have also believed I was lying and they simply did not mention it.

              Main point being that one must use MUCH care when using vibration, sound below and above the hearing threshold, and frequency modulation as there is risk impacting both the objects and life around you. Done right it is very beneficial for life, but done wrong it can have negative impact on; mood, health and even cause death. Done right can bring control of physical objects regardless of size or weight. Done wrong and objects can actually explode apart. I was very lucky as my experience scared me in a "spooky - sort of way" enough to stop as I was simply not mature enough to know that I was tinkering with energy levels of such magnitude in ways that were much more dangerous than smoking dynamite like a cigarette.

              I believe there are MANY devices which have been discovered by people MUCH smarter than me that are tuned to tap into the vast energy with surrounds us using the proper PERFECTLY aligned combinations of vibration / harmonic / resonance / modulation / frequency / waves (the verbiage is different depending on the inventors approach, materials of choice, equipment used, wired circuit, mechanical modulation, or from sound vibrations in the proper order (which is what I call packing different waves into other waves). My main point is that is is not easy, very difficult to reproduce and if very low or high resonance is used can be VERY dangerous. The above is my own opinion I have not heard Witts state they are not releasing how to build except for those donating because of the danger - their method may not be dangerous I do not know.

              Witts has stated within their website that one of the reasons (and I do not know if this is there only reason) they no longer provide free access to how they are doing things is a result of their ideas being packed into some patents by others and making it more difficult for getting a device out. I can not confirm that really happened. But, I can tell your first hand from holding senior level positions with top high tech companies that obtaining patents through internal invention (best method), acquisition, or "other means" is a VERY high priority. These patents are not just for rolling out new products they are also for keeping products from being rolled out by others that could impact their current or future sales (extreme case but happens more than most know). They are most often used to slow their competition down and for negotiation should they be found to be violating (or want to violate a patent of anther company). Lucent was very good at obtaining, defending and outright stopping forward technological progress in some cases using their patent portfolio.

              In conclusion - We are individuals who cling to the belief that not only should there be, but that we can actually create a world where clean, free, safe, and abundant energy is available to ALL human kind along with safe food and water to drink. Look lets face it there are way to many lined up against that desire with a lot of arrows in their quivers (money, lawyers, government, very mean men in black suits, and almost countless ways of making things very hard for people who think this way) lets remember who the real enemy is and not tear down others that are not directly fighting against us.


