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  • Zooty's dual thief.

    High permability toroid core material can increase output because the new materials allow for a higher frequency of mag demag cycles.


    • Originally posted by Zooty View Post
      Here is an improvement.

      20ma@1.514v, 5 LED's
      Try taking the battery on the right hand of the circuit and replace them with two antennas. Both weight the same but are actually different in surface area. The circuit on the right should be shielded but not connected to anything at all and should cover from the coils to the load and even up to the antennas. The antennas should be a certain distance apart from each other but you will have to experiment on that distance. Then you should be able to run the load at whatever you want. Meaning they will run at the maximum that load can handle in your version with a few considerations as well like load resistance and the wires capability to handle that load.
      I would make further suggestions like putting the load on the positive side of the right circuit. In between the smaller dimensional antenna and the positive of the coil or in this case the bridge. This way when the charges flow in the second half of the circuit the real charges will energize your load with nothing more then the voltage you supplied and none of the current that everyone thinks is flowing from that battery. There is no current in a battery. Current or charges are only drawn into the circuit via the high potential of the batteries or source. In this case replacing the battery on the right would tell you proof positive that charges are being extracted from the this sheet of potential that forms between the two antennas. With the static shielding making the source pure till you want the charges to enter the circuit.
      Last edited by Jbignes5; 05-30-2010, 01:42 PM.


      • Is there any chance you could modify the diagram and post it so i can see exactly what you are saying?


        • Am i right in saying that you want me to increase the resistance of the path of the spike to the load by using the air in between the antenna?


          • Originally posted by Zooty View Post
            Am i right in saying that you want me to increase the resistance of the path of the spike to the load by using the air in between the antenna?
            No what I am saying is that the smaller antenna will be the broadcaster of the + voltage potential. The larger will be the receiver. This lines up the connectors that gives all charges in motion that motion. Sort of creating a virtual wire in a flat sheet that is triangular in shape. When charges come in range of this sheet they will flow twords the positive source and flow through the load and redirected as the load runs full blast.
            But you might have to run the second half of the circuit with a higher voltage??? It would be interesting to see the results of the modification on your circuit as is.

            Here is a picture of the modification.


            Like I mentioned earlier it might not work with the voltages you are trying to use. We will have to see and the antennas would have to be made from steel in a correct ratio between the distance you have in mind between the antennas. Since most slopes on the geometric shape of the pyramidal shape of the connector that I suspect we have in our space I would suggest the shape be kept to 45 degree angles or near that.

            Kinda like this:
            ignore the periods....
            .................I.................I <---Smaller antenna

            Opps I forgot the diode. You can add that to the "negative" side of the circuit after the antenna. and make sure that is shielded as well. If you are using wires that have a dialectric on them merely wrapping tin foil around the wires will suffice for a generic static shield. Just make sure you insulate your connections where you solder them then cover the complete circuit that way with the only exposed parts being the antennas and load.
            Last edited by Jbignes5; 05-30-2010, 04:12 PM.


            • Interesting. Would aluminium foil also work for the antenna?


              • it might work

                Originally posted by Zooty View Post
                Interesting. Would aluminium foil also work for the antenna?
                It might work but I suspect that it would not be rigid enough to support the forces that will be applied there. If you have aluminum rods they might work. Just make sure the antennas are balanced in the sense of their mass. The only difference is that the shape of the antennas.
                I am thinking that surface area might have a lot to do with it and how you related that or compare that to each other. From what Tesla was saying is that broadcasting from the smaller to the larger lines the conductors up in a plane between the antennas. And all you would need to do is receive through the feed back that happens once those connectors complete the circuit into a load either directly in line with the circuit or through a branch with yet another same mass smaller antenna creating a bypass (Variable load current).


                • I have set-up a quad thief arrangement like Zooty suggested.
                  Trying to close the loop,i could not get it to COP=>1. It is slightly below it, just like an efficient low current single JT would behave.
                  I am not sure if it´s worth the effort to make an eight thief out of it, to see if that changes anything, apart from the fact that i must admit that i don´t completely understand how the authors of the quoted paper actually expect additional energy to enter the coils here (especially not in a cold form like they describe).

                  EDIT: I added 2 more coils, so its 6 toroids now that i am checking.

                  If one could find any component that would exhibit a slight (real) negative resistance, then this could charge the supply battery.
                  All i have done so far is trying to minimize losses, but not created a way for enough excess energy to enter the system.
                  This will be the main focus of my next steps.
                  Last edited by Xenomorph; 06-01-2010, 05:54 PM.


                  • reviving threads with good content

                    in response to some of the bullsheet getting on the front page, I am reviving this thread.
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • Inquorate, i tried it several weeks ago, i wasnt able to get oscillation. Mbyae i should have used a bigger toroid. The circuit is still laying somewhere.
                      Unfortunately, Groundloop's images are all gone

                      Many intersting ideas on this thread, don't let it die


                      • Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
                        I was looking through some diagrams i have been collecting and saw this one,
                        I don't remember from where I got it but I thought it fits in this thread.
                        According to the text, the left one is vanilla and will not gain energy,
                        but the right one will gain energy and batteries can be swapped.
                        Looks like your circuit, Inquorate?

                        Ok, so we've read this entire thread - quickly - and it seems to have started w/ this schematic. We are quoting this message since it has the picture embedded. we have Rick's 3 pole monopole kit, which we wired up as noted above. it will not run.
                        is there a voltage requirement?
                        will it only work w/ a single coil?
                        is there a different transistor being used?
                        If you are familiar w/ the way it is wired, we basically did not hook up the primary batteries + to the kits power lead, instead, we connected the primary's + directly to the charging's +
                        does this sound right?
                        we don't see how you can put a charge to the base - w/ the negative of the charging to the collector and the negative of the primary to the emitter and have any effect on the power coil. must be missing something. help


                        • read the thread more slowly

                          I have a theory thread as well as an experimental thread.

                          Pulse width and off time, ion's inertia, battery imprudence all come into play. Etc... Watch the videos i made below and other ones on lead up experiments, and the info on Heretical Builders - Powered by vBulletin

                          my wife's mental health is requiring my attention atm, and 4 month old boy to look after. will be back when i can but can't help out just now... Writing quickly, gotta run.

                          would be really happy if someone can take this further. The results are def anomalously highly efficient circuit if not OU.

                          On my bench it appeared to be OU. Wish i could make more time.

                          Pls try to understand what it is we're trying to tap into as an energy source here; otherwise can you expect results? Here's some homework...

                          Read these links and watch the animations.



                          Brainflux: Michelson Morley


                          1 presentation on properties of aether part 1 to 3
                          YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 1
                          YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 2
                          YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 3

                          External, extended michelson morely experiment

                          YouTube - Extended Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment. English version

                          4, accessing kinetic properties of the aether
                          YouTube - presentation on accessing the kinetic properties of the aether, part 4 in a series of 4
                          5 the results of the experiment appear to be showing gain. At very least, efficiencies that current accepted scientific platforms cannot explain

                          Please do the homework in order, to aid in dissembling old concepts before building new concepts.

                          Love and light
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

