Matthew, please define "hippy-like". As an ad hominem, it is pretty lame, lol... Even though it is sufficiently vague that anyone can add their own negative connotations to it as they like
We would like to hear yours.
Those who would incite violence would be the first to die or be incarcerated... And i am not sure that i would disagree with this in all cases! Violence against entities with several types of focused energy weapons at their disposal (...this info is in the mainstream, and not "free energy" related at all), and with a thousand "conventional" ways to kill us with great efficiency, is totally, and utterly, FOOLISH from a strictly "military" standpoint.
But what is even more foolish, is playing right into their hands by trying to.
The only way to win this, is to use Gandhi's tactics. He fought a brilliant strategic and tactical "war".... without firing a shot. He defeated the largest most powerful empire since Rome by doing it. He did it by maintaining the moral high ground, and mobilizing a huge grass roots movement.
There is NO QUESTION AT ALL, that this is FEARED much more than hooded thugs (many of them actually using the excuse of a "Cause" to do violence for personal reasons), shooting deer rifles at armored personnel carriers.
I would urge you all TO NOT LISTEN to anyone who condones violence as a means of "regaining control of our government". They are either dead wrong, or shills playing a game on us. And, as a simple practical matter, you DO NOT want to be on that government "list" anyway, lol
And regarding agent provocateurs that would attempt to create the APPEARANCE of riots for propaganda reasons, this has happened, and has been proved to happen last year in Pittsburgh, as well as other places in recent years. But we are not talking about some students and activists in a local peaceful protest being "sheep dipped" here by plain clothed officers.... We are talking about a huge and unstoppable REAL mob of outraged people... which is an entity onto itself... and a totally different "animal".
When this happens, it has been proved that the actions of a mob can be predicted exactly the same as a rat in a maze... There is a collective psyche and emotional response that seems to turn a mob into "a single organism" in some behavioral ways (some have claimed that human pheromones released by these emotions in the air help in this). THAT is why it is a known fact, that certain events will lead to public mobs, and that once that happens, the results are fully predictable. St. Petersburg Rusia, 1917. Paris, France 1789. Seoul Korea... every few months lol
It is true, that the actions of an individual cannot be predicted with any sort of accuracy. Yet collectively, they can.
This is why, those who could be the focus of these mobs, need to worry about them

Those who would incite violence would be the first to die or be incarcerated... And i am not sure that i would disagree with this in all cases! Violence against entities with several types of focused energy weapons at their disposal (...this info is in the mainstream, and not "free energy" related at all), and with a thousand "conventional" ways to kill us with great efficiency, is totally, and utterly, FOOLISH from a strictly "military" standpoint.
But what is even more foolish, is playing right into their hands by trying to.
The only way to win this, is to use Gandhi's tactics. He fought a brilliant strategic and tactical "war".... without firing a shot. He defeated the largest most powerful empire since Rome by doing it. He did it by maintaining the moral high ground, and mobilizing a huge grass roots movement.
There is NO QUESTION AT ALL, that this is FEARED much more than hooded thugs (many of them actually using the excuse of a "Cause" to do violence for personal reasons), shooting deer rifles at armored personnel carriers.
I would urge you all TO NOT LISTEN to anyone who condones violence as a means of "regaining control of our government". They are either dead wrong, or shills playing a game on us. And, as a simple practical matter, you DO NOT want to be on that government "list" anyway, lol

And regarding agent provocateurs that would attempt to create the APPEARANCE of riots for propaganda reasons, this has happened, and has been proved to happen last year in Pittsburgh, as well as other places in recent years. But we are not talking about some students and activists in a local peaceful protest being "sheep dipped" here by plain clothed officers.... We are talking about a huge and unstoppable REAL mob of outraged people... which is an entity onto itself... and a totally different "animal".
When this happens, it has been proved that the actions of a mob can be predicted exactly the same as a rat in a maze... There is a collective psyche and emotional response that seems to turn a mob into "a single organism" in some behavioral ways (some have claimed that human pheromones released by these emotions in the air help in this). THAT is why it is a known fact, that certain events will lead to public mobs, and that once that happens, the results are fully predictable. St. Petersburg Rusia, 1917. Paris, France 1789. Seoul Korea... every few months lol

It is true, that the actions of an individual cannot be predicted with any sort of accuracy. Yet collectively, they can.
This is why, those who could be the focus of these mobs, need to worry about them
