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Say hello to BP's legacy

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  • #61
    BP Plans Plug Attempt as Gulf Oil Leak Costs Rise

    My problem with this besides the obvious is this bit here:

    "BP is drilling two relief wells to shut the leaking well permanently. The wells will be ready in August."

    What exactly does that mean? even if you drill 2 new wells don't they still have to figure out a way to shut the leaking one down? Why would more outlets into the same well give them the ability to shut the faulty one down or do they just not want to stop the flow.

    I obviously know very little about offshore drilling (but probably as much as BP does) so maybe someone can enlighten me.


    • #62
      One hole to relive pressure the other to pump cement into it. I think.
      Like I said before I think they are trying to save/control the well not kill/stop it.
      Last edited by sigzidfit; 05-24-2010, 11:19 PM.
      A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


      • #63
        You didn't think they were going to let go of that well did you? (rhetorical)
        It's as good a reason to give us as any to keep on drilling.


        • #64
          Here is something i posted today on our Free Energy Facebook Group, which i hope Ash won't mind me posting here too

          The Link between "Climategate" and the BP Oil Disaster


          How can you tell if a site or group is pushing "disinfo" about climate change, and are actually in the pocket of the energy cartels?


          If they refuse to report on BP's oil spill.

          Look to your usual "alternative news and commentary" sites, and check if they are or not. It can be extremely telling. Don't trust them all, folks: Some of the same ones who constantly complain about "climategate" fraud issues (which could also "conveniently" help support the continued use of coal and oil in perpetuity, and are quietly against ANY environmental controls for corporations, not just the highly controversial ones for "CO2")....

          ... are pretending this huge disaster didn't happen... That's right: Supposed "Truth" sites that have totally blacked-out the oil disaster.

          It is risky for them to do this (as once pointed out, it is rather obvious in light of the huge scope of the disaster), but those behind some of the political action fronts secretly backed by the energy cartels regarding "Climategate" are getting desperate... they know they could be exposed and removed at any time if greater public awareness and outrage grows.... and they will now take unusual risks to help keep the public's mind off of what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico, and soon beyond.

          It wont help them in the end. Whatever is true or not true about "climategate", it is true that oil is a deadly poison (Benzene being one of the highly toxic byproducts being released into our air and oceans right now); and a blight on our entire society. When we finally end its use as fuel, we will all be better off... Even those who now indiscriminately pollute all over the world in the name of continued easy monopoly profit.

          Now, it is important to note that not all the climategate people are "disinfo", millions believe it all honestly, and that includes many independent site owners that report on it. But the question we should ask is: Are some of the sites people trust for information, really fronts for the energy cartels?

          I don't have a stance on climategate / global warming any more: Because i don't like being manipulated BY BOTH SIDES into joining one "tribal faction" or another. I should mention on the other side to be fair, that it is highly suspicious that a person such as Al Gore, who was automatically despised by exactly 50% of the US pop, was "chosen" to be the most visible spokesperson for the "pro-climate change" folks... I find it very difficult to trust anyone who was the Presidential Nominee of one of the corporate parties, anyway (you simply do not get to be in such a position without being a "trusted" member of the Status Quo). His "leadership" insured that a purely scientific issue became a highly political one.

          I prefer instead to maintain focus on those who manipulate us all into perpetual division with their polarization schemes. This particular polarization scheme "Global Warming/Climategate", is effective in keeping apart the political Left / Progressives, and the "Ron Paul Revolution" / Libertarian folks... Millions of unusually informed and motivated people who otherwise would be natural allies, and brothers and sisters in the common causes of protecting our Constitution, and the Restoration of the Rule of Law in the United States...As well as the breaking of the very tight control and manipulation of the US mainstream media that we have seen since 2001... And all the related issues of Truth in government, ending the wars of aggression, breaking the power of the corporate monopolies in "Energy" and "Pharm", Washington lobbys, and for fiscal responsibility and accountability (such as abolishing the Fed). Many may be shocked to hear that these are common goals of both the mentioned political groups.

          ... And if united, these two groups would be the foundation of a very credible grass roots political force that would attract concerned people from all over the political spectrum in an all new Coalition Reform Third Party. Such a credible threat would soon "change everything"; as even if defeated, it would force the 2 corporate parties to adopt some of the platform of the new Coalition, force the media to report on them more "honestly", and finally address the issues that they have all been ignoring for years.

          But i digress, lol.

          The main point here is, that if you notice that a supposedly "alternative news" site refuses to report on the BP Gulf disaster... this is very questionable and suspicious behavior that deserves to be pointed out and carefully considered by us all. We already knew, we cannot trust the corporate-owned mainstream media any more. But we need to understand, we cannot trust all '"independent" news sites on the internet, either... As some sites are not what they seem at all.

          There are phony sites all over the internet, folks.. actually run by our enemies. Many of these are simply blatant red herrings, straw men pushing absurd theories that are ridiculously easy to debunk and deride; designed to discredit entire subjects by inference. Others are deliberately racist and otherwise hateful, designed to help poison the subject they claim to "support". Still others (the most clever and devious ones), attempt to waste our time and keep us "channeled" into certain threads of research at the cost of paying attention to other issues and events that are much more important to those in power.

          One example of this is: We see a lot of "NWO" theory all over the 'net, but very little talk about common, every-day Criminality in government and corporations. When everything is a big conspiracy theory, everyone forgets that "conventional" criminal organizations can, and certainly do, exist. Racketeering and simple corruption for profit and continued power: Not for a global transformation. Yet when we look at what these would bring our present society... the results are nearly identical.

          People have often asked or wondered: Why are all the "truth" sites allowed to exist "freely" on the internet?

          This is why: They think they can "control" a significant number of us by them, or at the very least, "contain" us within a small "area" of beliefs that do not actually challenge their ultimate authority and continued power.

          It is our job to prove them wrong about all that
          Last edited by jibbguy; 05-25-2010, 10:33 PM.


          • #65
            Jib great stuff, post it all please my frined, BTW Jib does imperative work on the Panacea free energy face book, with still a free reign to be a maverick LOL . Jib, we are editing in your year the perpetual motion stuff died in a new production gotta get back to work, all your stuff is not going to go to waste on my watch my good friend.



            • #66
              Won't Be Held Accountable"

              Fmr. EPA Investigator Scott West: US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It
              Wants and Won't Be Held Accountable"
              Fmr. EPA Investigator Scott West: US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It Wants and Won't Be Held Accountable"
              21 May, 2010

              Environmental Protection Agency who led an investigation of BP following
              a major oil pipeline leak in Alaska's North Slope that spilled 250,000 gallons
              of oil on the Alaskan

              tundra. Before West finished his investigation, the Bush Justice
              Department reached a settlement with BP, and the oil company agreed to pay $20 million. At the same time, BP managed to avoid prosecution for the Texas City refinery explosion that filled fifteen workers by paying a $50 million settlement.


              • #67
                Thx, m8

                The Dangers Are Not Only To Humanity and Wildlife

                The horrible and disgusting event of this catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico poses great danger to all wildlife, and to millions of people (...should Benzene poisoning become as dire a threat as some have warned... since we are not getting the truth from the media on this, there is no way to tell yet).

                It is also a huge and pressing danger to the hegemony of the energy cartels; of which "BP" is one member of many. This disaster has stripped away much of the facade that covers their true face...

                A face of evil and greed; the glowering face of a psychopath. The face that screams to us with chilling certainty that they cannot be trusted with our safety and our future any more... if they really ever could.

                This is a wake up call to millions who usually only see the TV commercials of happy, smiling cartoon cars; the P-R campaigns where they spend billions so they can go on making TRILLIONS in easy monopoly profits... At the expense of Humanity and our ecology.

                The danger is; that they are suddenly, one day, no longer "king".... no longer considered untouchable, no longer "protected".... No longer "in charge of everything". This is the danger of Epiphiny... Where the 100th monkey "gets it", where there is a great and sudden Sea Change that sinks them forever. Because; even in criminal circles, there is "beyond the pale". Beyond what many in their employ will tolerate, beyond what others can be coerced or bribed to support.... Beyond what anyone could "plausibly deny"... or successfully suppress.

                What is the fate of kings when this happens? In history, they have sometimes ended up hanged by piano wire in the piazza, by angry mobs. We have also seen the limos abandoned on the airport tarmac... as they struggle with each other to board the last plane out.

                And we have seen the frog-walks to prison; the mother-in-law's assets seized when found to contain transferred hidden wealth.

                The way to avoid these scenes is to not be an enemy of Humanity. The way is to end the monopoly control of energy, the blatantly illegal commodities market frauds, the destruction of the ecosystem for profit.... the illegal and unjustifiable suppression of competing energy technologies.

                To be a friend of Humanity, not an enemy of it.... Before there can be no forgiveness; and the anger of the mobs decide your fate. The way to avoid it is to allow Free Energy, to have a REAL free market energy economy, not monopoly fraud. To allow the new clean, safe, and cheap energy technologies to come to market freely... No matter who's profits they endanger, no matter who's toes they step on.

                This is how the angry mobs are avoided, how the mother-in-law's accounts remain untouched. How YOUR children and grandchildren, also benefit from a world that is suddenly much brighter; a future that is to be pleasantly anticipated... and not feared and dreaded.


                • #68
                  To be a friend of Humanity, not an enemy of it.... Before there can be no forgiveness; and the anger of the mobs decide your fate. The way to avoid it is to allow Free Energy, to have a REAL free market energy economy, not monopoly fraud. To allow the new clean, safe, and cheap energy technologies to come to market freely... No matter who's profits they endanger, no matter who's toes they step on.

                  This is how the angry mobs are avoided, how the mother-in-law's accounts remain untouched. How YOUR children and grandchildren, also benefit from a world that is suddenly much brighter; a future that is to be pleasantly anticipated... and not feared and dreaded.
                  Na, No way, We should go ahead and KILL the KING. Then we can have our way, with all that happy hippie stuff. KILL the KING!!!!

                  On my way to the music supply store now...


                  • #69
                    I thought it was obvious, but perhaps it needs to be said anyway:

                    We are definitely not condoning "violence", only pointing out the inescapable... that history, and even modern social engineering principals regarding mass psychology, tell us is inevitable (if we are wise enough to listen, anyway).

                    We don't HAVE to threaten violence anyway, even if we wanted to.... these people know all too well the risks they run: We don't have to tell them, lol. Reminding them of it, at a very stressfully and dangerous time for them; is not a bad idea though. People in positions of authority, even racketeers and corporate "kings", tend to become insulated, and lose touch when surrounded by yes-men and cowards who are more afraid of them, than they are of not pointing out plain truth that is unwanted.

                    This is what often destroys the "king"... because they are king right up until the minute they are suddenly not any more... then they are simply screwed
                    Last edited by jibbguy; 05-26-2010, 05:40 PM.


                    • #70
                      Secret Weapon

                      Angry mobs driven to riot have always been the secret societies "Ace In The Hole". And with todays mind influencing technologies, I'm sure a real doozy could be whipped up pretty darn quick.

                      "Traditionally, an agent provocateur (plural: agents provocateurs, French for "inciting agent(s)") is a person employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act. More generally, the term may refer to a person or group that seeks to discredit or harm another by provoking them to commit a wrong or rash action."
                      Agent provocateur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


                      • #71
                        I'm sure a real doozy could be whipped up pretty darn quick.
                        Well lets get going and WHIP ONE UP!!!!

                        We are definitely not condoning "violence", only pointing out the inescapable...
                        I don't know about the rest of y'all but this country was born on violence, kept as free as gets on violence, settled with violence, and not one major problem we have ever had got solved without violence.
                        It is in the second amendment, thats its our duty to revolt if the government gets out of hand or is controlled by tyrants.
                        Whats you gonna do?, sit there and get beat on till someone feels sorry for you.
                        Don't cry when they don't. Don't cry when you can't get Louisiana blue crab, or crayfish. Don't cry when the engineers still laugh at your idea of energy either. Don't cry when your government makes you pay to clean up this mess.
                        Just keep on sitting around being peaceful and hippy like.
                        Condoning NOTHING....



                        • #72
                          I've already had my fill of violence. I've had people under my gun on the street before and it's not an experience I care to remember often or to re-live.

                          If anyone here really wants to throw themselves into the meat grinder and fight this fight. I recommend traveling to Houston Texas or Lafayette Louisiana picking up a newspaper and getting a job as a deck hand on a work boat.

                          If you want a political solution and think your tough, then run for sheriff in your county.

                          Otherwise, keep your powder dry and your guns secured until they start coming through your door, or are raping the neighbor or the sheriff needs you.

                          Don't be an idiot and let someone goad you into killing or dying for a fantasy.

                          Last edited by sigzidfit; 05-27-2010, 01:01 AM.
                          A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


                          • #73
                            mass evacuate Florida?

                            YouTube - Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation ? NWO


                            You can see that in google maps or google earth.

                            Anyone in that area that can make eye contact to see if there are indeed
                            UN markings on those vehicles?

                            Are they about to mass evacuate Florida?
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              YouTube - Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation ? NWO


                              You can see that in google maps or google earth.

                              Anyone in that area that can make eye contact to see if there are indeed
                              UN markings on those vehicles?

                              Are they about to mass evacuate Florida?
                              Aaron, you beat me to the posting on this one.
                              Copy/Paste this 29.97266, -81.662863
                              into Google Maps and click search to view it.
                              or click upon this link here.
                              Last edited by Vortex; 05-27-2010, 07:53 AM. Reason: added a direct link
                              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                              • #75
                                YouTube - Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation ? NWO

                                Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                                Aaron, you beat me to the posting on this one.
                                Copy/Paste this 29.97266, -81.662863
                                into Google Maps and click search to view it.
                                or click upon this link here.
                                You can also view those coordinates with Google Earth.

                                Google Earth has a measurement ruler.
                                Large runway = 4,526 feet x 214 feet
                                Smaller runway = 2,202 feet x 172 feet
                                Total square feet = 1,347,308 square feet
                                Say your vehicle is the size of a small container 8 x 20 feet - 160 square feet
                                That is an estimated 8,420 vehicles of that size park on the 2 runways.

                                Attached Google Earth picture of runway's with UN vehicles was taken January 3, 2008

                                Where is the funding for this coming from?

                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by IndianaBoys; 05-27-2010, 08:24 AM. Reason: Air picture and date picture taken

