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Say hello to BP's legacy

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  • ingredients

    That ingredient is one of several in corexit so yes it was directly used
    but is isn't the only ingredient.

    Corexit 9527

    The proprietary composition is not public, but the manufacturer's own safety data sheet on Corexit EC9527A says the main components are 2-butoxyethanol and a proprietary organic sulfonate with a small concentration of propylene glycol.[15][16]
    [edit] Corexit 9500

    In response to public pressure, the EPA and Nalco released the list of the six ingredients in Corexit 9500, revealing constituents including sorbitan, butanedioic acid, and petroleum distillates.[3] Corexit EC9500A is mainly comprised of hydrotreated light petroleum distillates, propylene glycol and a proprietary organic sulfonate.[17] Environmentalists also pressured Nalco to reveal to the public what concentrations of each chemical are in the product; Nalco considers that information to be a trade secret, but has shared it with the EPA.[18] Propylene glycol is a chemical commonly used as a solvent or moisturizer in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and is of relatively low toxicity. An organic sulfonate (or organic sulfonic acid salt) is a synthetic chemical detergent, that acts as a surfactant to emulsify oil and allow its dispersion into water. The identity of the sulfonate used in both forms of Corexit was disclosed to the EPA in June 2010, as dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate.[19] Often referred to as docusate sodium, this chemical is the active ingredient in several stool-softener laxatives.


    The above is from wikipedia, the fake encyclopedia but probably is fairly

    If all the oil is left to float on top, you know where it is and it can be
    scooped up or dealt with in other ways so I think suffocation would be
    a non-issue.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Right on. Here's a list of the toxicity present in oil

      These charts show why the mainstream media has STILL refused to report on these greater health hazards, and and never mention the word "Benzene". If people started to realize just how deadly "oil" is, they would work in greater numbers to GET RID OF IT.


      • The day i have been dreading for a long time now, came. During my daily check of the water here, i took samples of the sea water that had odd tiny globules all through it, with a light "marbled" sheen over the surface. These little globules appear to dissolve when disturbed. Imo, from someone who has been observing this bay for years (and who knows what 2-cycle or Diesel in the water looks like), it is the oil/dispersant mix from the BP Gulf Disaster.

        This occurred during the peak of incoming tide, meaning it comes from the Gulf Stream which is about 9 miles out from here.

        Called the USCG (... also the local newspaper who didn't want anything to do with it; this town is all about "tourism" and such news is "unwelcome" in the extreme lol, that paper would not even print a letter to the editor i wrote about Fluoride in our public drinking water), and the Coast Guard very promptly sent someone to collect one of my samples (i collected several and am sending another to a different place).

        So, it would appear the oil/dispersant mix has indeed reached the Gulf Stream.

        Lol i wonder how long i would stay of out jail, if i went to our beaches with a bull horn and told the tourists to get out of the water because it was toxic. Actually, in some ways, since i know the truth of this situation, it is my civic duty to do so... but i will try a few other actions first that are a bit more "survivable" lol; and give the local authorities a chance to act (which will almost certainly fail). An interesting moral dilemma.

        I suspect, that the only people who will ever go to jail over this event, are those who attempt to break the silence about the very clear and scientifically proved health risks.


        • Hi everyone,

          Here is the "MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET" for CRUDE OIL - MSDS No. RS296

          __________________________________________________ _____________

          Material Identity -
          Crude Oil

          Trade Name(s) -
          Oriente, Cano Limon, Line 63, Shell-Ventura, SJV Light, Rainbow, West Texas Inter-Cushing, Peace River-Canadian, Federated Crude-Canadian, Pembina Crude-Canadian, Forcados, Cabinda, Basrah Light, Basrah, Arab Medium,

          Other Name(s) -
          Earth Oil, Petroleum Oil, Rock Oil, Zafiro

          Chemical Description -
          This material is a C1 to C50 hydrocarbon liquid which contains approximately .9 to 2.8 wt% sulfur compounds

          Manufacturer’s Address -
          BP West Coast Products LLC
          Carson Business Unit
          1801 E. Sepulveda Boulevard
          Carson, California 90749-6210

          BP West Coast Products LLC
          Cherry Point Business Unit
          4519 Grandview Road
          Blaine, Washington 98230
          __________________________________________________ _____________

          Take the kids to the beach, and bring a stick to remove the tar balls from their feet .....

          Something is wrong with the above statement ..... I'm in Oregon

          Open Source Experimentalist
          Open Source Research and Development


          • post contact info


            I'm sure there are some facebook groups for your local area.

            Maybe can post the mayor or whatever's contact info with phone and
            have everyone call asking why they refuse to tell people about the toxins
            that have finally come.

            Maybe with some pics or video clips of those globules.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Yes, good ideas Aaron... im workin' on it, got a few connections in local politics that may help and i made some calls and wrote some emails today.

              I will keep watching the rising tides (and with luck get some better shots); but i may need to get out to the Gulf Stream on a very calm day and take some samples there, too (if i can find someone i trust to analyze them). The pics i took today could not do it justice, they didn't pick up the fairly dull and thin surface sheen that was only visible when the water was in the shade, and so far these globules are tiny and don't look like anything more than specs about the size of a pea in the water (but when you stir the water they completely disappear; proving they are not organisms or organic materials or anything else "solid"), but there were between 500 to 800 of these specks per cubic meter of water i guess, so it was pretty noticeable.


              • 3 oil Spills are in circulation now check the China one out
                BBC News - China struggles to recover from 'worst ever' oil spill



                • There will be all sorts of counter to the claims against the reality they did it with the gaslands documentary , just got back from a protest about this.

                  Gasland Debunked:

                  Gasland Debunked
                  Energy in Depth
                  Gasland Fact Sheet
                  Movie 'Gasland' Stirs More Controversy About Hydraulic Fracturing - Oil and Gas Lawyer Blog

                  Debunking the debunkers of Gasland
                  Kevin Grandia: Who Are the Spindoctors Behind the Attack on Gasland?
                  Queensland support Group
                  Six Degrees | Coal and Climate Change


                  • As of now, 1:07 PM Eastern Standard time, there are no BP live feeds. They just went down, today. right now. There was another wellhead that a rov was monitoring that has been unreported.

                    Edit - 1 hour later vids are back up. False alarm
                    Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 08-08-2010, 06:05 PM.


                    • This thread is going to get bigger, but not with good news
                      Jerry Cope: The Crime of the Century: What BP and the US Government Don't Want You to Know, Part I

                      Why hemp could save the world

                      WE are growing it on the farm this year.



                      • A TALE of two wells

                        YouTube - A Tale of Two Wells (Dedicated to Matt Simmons R.I.P.)

                        I apologize if this has been posted before. Hope its still there..



                        • Thanks Dave.

                          more bad news.

                          Firsthand accounts and leaked photos of a secret BP processing facility -- possibly for dead animals -- point to a massive cover-up in the Gulf. An exclusive report.
                          'Death Gyre' in the Gulf | MNN - Mother Nature Network

                          The Crime of the Century: What BP and US Government Don’t Want You to Know
                          The Crime of the Century: What BP and US Government Don’t Want You to Know | Alexander Higgins Blog


                          • YouTube - Seafloor covered in oil 40 miles south of Panama City, FL - HEADING EAST


                            • Lol m8 you beat me to the punch on posting the above

                              I wanted to make the point, that from MY OWN observations here at my dock showed exactly these same "Little Dots" as stated in that news broadcast (as reported July 29). These "dots" appeared throughout the water column, and appeared bright when lit by the sun, during rising tides. The tide rise here comes from the South, the direction of the Gulf Stream less, 10 miles away.

                              The government STILL is making the absurd claims that not only has the oil/dispersant mix NOT made it into the Gulf Stream, but that it NEVER WILL....

                              A bald faced propaganda lie; and i can prove it. Somebody in NOAA or the administration WHO TOLD THEM TO LIE needs to be fired over that, and i won't shut up about it until someone is.

                              These basterds have been lying all along in the hopes to prop-up Tourism... But they apparently don't care of the people they SUCKER to comes to swim in the Gulf get sick or not... As long as the hotel and restaurant business still does well..

                              These people who would LIE for this purpose, will be LUCKY to only lose their jobs, and not get jail time for that too... they are DISGUSTING SOCIOPATHS WHO DESERVE PRISON.

