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Proposal For Public-financed Independent Research Centers

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  • #16
    I have checked - live broadcasting with recording is possible for free with - recent novel solution.

    I can spend some money for development of such solution - we just need to decide where it is possible to imlpeemnt working lab.

    I anticipate that development willbe fast and cheap - because there are forum engines with most of the required functionality - just need to write small extension modules.

    ashtweth, what do you think if we try to implement this lab in China for example?


    • #17
      Originally posted by I_am View Post
      I have checked - live broadcasting with recording is possible for free with - recent novel solution.

      I can spend some money for development of such solution - we just need to decide where it is possible to imlpeemnt working lab.

      I anticipate that development willbe fast and cheap - because there are forum engines with most of the required functionality - just need to write small extension modules.

      ashtweth, what do you think if we try to implement this lab in China for example?
      Hi I am

      China is tooooooooo political, a lot of problems if you set up there.

      What is needed is a none profit organization with directors from different parts of the world which will oversee the whole organization. Logistics are a problem to start with as far as a perminent centre in one place, this could come later "with costs".

      Apart from initial funding, individual inventors need to work in their own country, what they lack is funding for materials so as the cost of research is not a burden on them and their family. If they come up with an "invention" then this should be tested out by other members, and if all is well, it should proceed to putting it in the public domain in one form or other, with a royalty for the inventor and an income to the organization for further funding on other projects.

      For any type of system to work, it has to be on a very low admin cost, "accountants, lawyers, admin etc" are a must if it is to work and SEEN as a NONE PROFIT organization, as far as government tax laws are concered. All profits go to fund other projects.

      My two penny worth



      • #18
        Hello, Mike,

        What is purpose for any formal enity? I do not think we need to waste resources on any formal procedures. Money collection could be implemented in form of donation to some trustful person. For example to Panacea-bocaf.
        The difference with usual donation scheme is only in visibility and participation (which is a great deal I think)

        Everything is perfectly legal.
        I also think that there is no need for any legal work - everything is put in the public domain immediately via initial agreement (will take for example RepRap license - similar to OpenSource GPL) and via live broadcasting.

        I do not see big problems with logistics either. We do not require a lot of materials.
        It is not a big deal to send wires, multimeters, motors, or any other small, cheap and simple stuff around the world.

        Of course it depends on area of research. Bedini technology, water cell technology do not require costly equipment.

        If China is a problem - there are (unofortunately) plenty of poor countries around the world.

        My experience is that independent researchers lack primarily time. And sometimes materials and eqipment. The idea is to address this issue.


        • #19
          Originally posted by I_am View Post
          I have checked - live broadcasting with recording is possible for free with - recent novel solution.

          I can spend some money for development of such solution - we just need to decide where it is possible to imlpeemnt working lab.

          I anticipate that development willbe fast and cheap - because there are forum engines with most of the required functionality - just need to write small extension modules.

          ashtweth, what do you think if we try to implement this lab in China for example?
          I demonstrated a device for several days from my home at a year or two back...also free with recording. Having something doing useful work live on the internet, running 24/7/365 with a meter displaying the current and cumulative totals of energy produced or saved over an extended period would be a powerful testimony IMO.

          Also, If you've got bandwidth and a good IT guy, production quality servers delivering live streaming flash video can be set up with freely available open source software.

          A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


          • #20
            >ashtweth, what do you think if we try to implement this lab in China for example?

            YES, but under specific goals, i know of Wil a contact for the China university who with some proof of principles could help spread info/direction, but in china cause of their politics you have to be careful how to package it

            Also need to be conservative in the subject matter ,as don't forget China has filters, so make sure its an innocent looking alternative energy
            Ill have to put some ting together and talk to Wil abut this, ill just get all the themes from this GREAT thread together first



            • #21
              Non profit organizations are plenty in the world. In most places they are also exempt from taxes. But like pointed out you need a solid plan and members who are willing to kick start the project.

              There's a useful website for projects like these to get funded:


              My only problem with that is that you need a credit card which has it's own evil story behind it and is not something universal.

              But due to the large pledge amount I would recommend a dedicated website. Since it's dedicated to only the research center funding it should be simple and professional with the funding goal clearly visible. The only problem will be to spread it across all FE communities in most languages. The website and any media content on it can be translates in the different main languages of the world. Videos are easy to subtitle with youtube captions, and the same goes for the website. English, russian, chinese, arabic, french, german should be among the main ones. I myself can include dutch in there.

              I think this way we can all meet this goal. We have to act now and collaborate for OUR future.


              • #22
                Here's a small contribution that will hopeful cause more things to happen.

                First I want to say that I am NOT a web designer. I made a ROUGH draft in PAINT of a website. The look is simple, straightforward and pleasing to the eye (I might have failed there ). This draft does not include art or fancy which can be added later. The important thing is to have a start and something that sparks minds to progress further.

                This is for phase 1 only namely "Gather the funding". This will require quite some work. Donations can be made anonymous or official, official ones can be seen on the website. I was also thinking of adding a pledge feature, for people who currently can't donate but are planning to in the future.

                The biggest challenge will be getting this known. On blogs, open source websites, and pretty much everyone in the OU community. Later on donations can also include equipment and volunteer work. And there's also the legal side which should be covered.

                There's still much to talk about, but at some point we have to act too. Step by step through trial and error we will get there.

                Edit: Got a bit carried away and remade it in photoshop.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by broli; 05-21-2010, 10:08 PM.


                • #23

                  i receive a message saying "invalid atachment"

                  EDIT: now its working, you do all that in ms paint? congratulations, you are a natural born designer, eheh

                  Last edited by juju; 05-21-2010, 03:47 PM.


                  • #24
                    broli, thank you very much.
                    Everybody's support is very inspiring.
                    I think resource development will start soon.


                    • #25
                      We need your help!

                      Hello Guys! We need your help!

                      At the moment software (phpBB3 forum extension) with voting system, chat and automatic translation of chat messages and forum posts is nearly completed. We need someone who will take responsibility and will manage donations and budget. We need famous person who can accept donations to his paypal account and publish donation and expense statistics on the forum.


                      • #26
                        good news "i am"...

                        i am a computer technic, have some knowlodge on php, asp, webdesign... so if you need some help... please ask!

                        hope you find that famous person you r looking for soon, i cannot suggest myself because im not looking for responsibilities!

                        good luck!


