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A clear file on internet ...

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  • A clear file on internet ...

    A clear file on internet ... about an alternative energy source sees thousands of people replicating the device within a few years time.
    Source: KeelyNet 2010 - Free Energy / Gravity Control / Electronic Health / Alternative Science - 03/25/10
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  • #2
    Pulse charger

    Didi anyone try this one for battery desulfating ??

    Quote from John Bedini: Bedini advanced motor - 06/08/01

    "The motor does not work the same as Williams shock charger and should not be confused as working the same. Yes the shock charger works but only as a pulse Battery charger, these have been around for a long time.

    I must disagree with William in his analogy of the definitions as to why the motor does what it does and where the energy comes from. The magnet does not supply any energy to the output of My collection system it just delivers rotation to the rotor for power and that's it, also driving the timing wheel. I have broken this system in the simplest form for everybody to build.

    The correct test for the recovery of any battery would be to have a controlled discharge rate over a period versus the primary battery in time when the two curves cross and the motor system keeps running you are over unity and have beaten the 1 watt challenge, but you must also take the work done by the Rotor.

    Would it not be nice to have one of these models working that did what Robert said that during the Ice Storm he had lights wile nobody else had power, just switch the batteries and keep going. I have had such power since 1984. I do not tell everyone this I just use the power that the system delivers without question. I know why the system works and the ins and outs of it I just did not stumble into this as some have said this took many years of hard work and many failures, As for Tom Bearden His system is his own."


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post
      Would it not be nice to have one of these models working that did what Robert said that during the Ice Storm he had lights wile nobody else had power, just switch the batteries and keep going. I have had such power since 1984. I do not tell everyone this I just use the power that the system delivers without question. I know why the system works and the ins and outs of it I just did not stumble into this as some have said this took many years of hard work and many failures, As for Tom Bearden His system is his own."
      This charger looks like Tom Bearden's MEG, in some ways.
      I am a bit confused about Bedini's comments. He has certainly said that you cannot use the SSG charged batteries in the front, as the machine will eat them really quickly and you need to use an inverter. But he has also told us that he swaps the batteries back and forth and runs them for ever.
      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


      • #4
        To swap batteries on a SSG you have to use the cap pulsing intermediary. It will convert the Radiant pulses to POSITIVE energy, then you discharge this energy in the batteries.
        The batteries are charged with POSITIVE energy, so you can use them as usual batteries.

        If you send the RADIANT pulses direct to batteries, it's NEGATIVE energy, it will charge the batteries (as Bedini shows in DVD PART 7, TESLA'S IMPULSE TECHNOLOGY, Dialogues with JOHN BEDINI But Rick says that SSG doesn't like NEGATIVE energy to run, that's why it needs conversion in the capacitor before going to battery...

        But I agree with you that they have contradictory talks, and they want us to experiment to discover the differences by ourselves.

        They are not giving the full solution to free electricity, but they want to educate us before ... while selling lots of staff and putting good money in their pockets to buy other new petrol cars.
        We must do with what they want to give.

        PS: Unfortunately I am not an experimenter and researcher, but I can bring a device to the third world and make it manufactured there at ridiculous price, to be distributed to the very poor people.
        That is why I am crying for a FULL working disclosed machine that I can start to manufacture immediately in Asia, without profit for myself, I have enough money already.

        I brought the GILLIERS-PANTONE system to save full on engines, and now there is one group that manufacture them in Cambodia, and they save 30 to 40% on the fuel for the gensets and the engine that run the economy, rice dryers, tractors, etc ....
        Free energy is very important to develop a country !! All machines need energy, transportation, manufactures, agriculture, ...

        But I want a free electricity device more than anything else, just saving fuel is not enough In My Opinion.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post
          To swap batteries on a SSG you have to use the cap pulsing intermediary. It will convert the Radiant pulses to POSITIVE energy, then you discharge this energy in the batteries.
          The batteries are charged with POSITIVE energy, so you can use them as usual batteries.

          I believe that Bedini's Technology works as he claims, but I don't why isn't it explained much clearly, than this. Either Bedini doesn't know the exact workings of his device yet, or he doesn't want us to know exactly what happens, and he wants us to rediscover by ourselves.

          I thought that Bedini said that Batteries are meant to be a conversion device for the negative energy. The batteries charged with negative energy give off positive energy or negative energy? This is the confusing part! Or maybe give off combinations of both?
          I remember also Bedini mentioning 7 types of currents in an electric circuit.

          You know too many theories, Such as:

          1- Forming a negative resistor by batteries, e.g. sucking the energy from the vacuum.
          2- Time charged batteries, batteries charge with negative time.
          3- Batteries, charge from the inertia of "moving ions".
          4- Batteries charged by Radiant Energy delivered by SSG.

          And maybe some other theories.

          So which one, what happens?
          I hope that someone gets the courage to say boldly: "I DON'T KNOW" but What I do know is that there is something different here.

          Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


          • #6
            Yes I agree 100% with you elias

