Hello All,
User2718218 has asked me to forward this post relating to battery charging and measurement.
Regards Lee...
I am going to suggest to the readers of this thread and all Bedini and related experimenters a proposed methodology for measuring battery energy changes to test for any possible over unity effects. Certainly voltage is not an indicator of battery energy because battery voltage remains more or less constant for up to 90% of the charge state of the battery. So this is a preliminary proposal for doing a serious test, subject to improvement and refinement by any interested parties.
Let's assume we are working with a lead-acid battery that stores approximately 1 megajoule of energy. Let's also assume that there may be some nonlinear effects between a 0% charge and a 20% charge (i.e.; 200 kilojoules of stored energy) and also between an 80% charge and a 100% charge.
Here is the proposal in a nutshell: Start the testing with a source battery that you know ahead of time has about 700 kilojoules of stored energy, and with a charging battery that you know ahead of time that has 300 kilojoules of stored energy. Then run your test where you use a Bedini or any related pulsing inductor charging system where you transfer approximately 200 kilojoules of source battery energy into the charging battery. At the end of the energy transfer do load testing on the source and charging batteries to measure how much energy they have stored in them. Both batteries must be relatively new in both their chronological age and in their charge/discharge life-cycle.
The logic is simple and straightforward. Those that believe in some over unity effects will expect to see excess energy here. A more conservative school of thought says that you might loose 5% in losses in the charging circuit and the charging efficiency of the charging battery might be 80%. In terms of kilojoules the believers in Bedini effects will assume that the charging battery will have more than (300 + 200) = 500 kilojoules of stored energy at the end of the test. The more conventional school of thought would estimate that the charging battery will have somewhere around (300 + ((200*0.95)*0.8)) = 452 kilojoules of stored energy.
So the question is; Is there anything special going on when you charge a battery using a pulsing inductor? The only way to answer that question is to do a test like the one described above. You can not conclude that you have produced over unity by measuring battery voltage increases alone. This is an indisputable fact and it would be very unwise to ignore it.
To do this type of testing you need to develop some formal procedures to for charging a battery and for discharging a battery and measuring how much energy it contains. These procedures would be based on measuring the current and voltages going into (charging) or coming out of (discharging) a battery where you make measurements every five minutes (for example). You have to decide on an appropriate time interval between measurements, what load resistor to use, etc. You also have to define a criteria for when you say battery is "fully discharged." This could be when the specific load resistor that you are using reduces the output voltage of a 12.6-volt battery to 9 volts, for example (This is actually a "disguised" battery output impedance measurement).
Note also that the entire protocol developed would be specific to one size and type of battery. If you want to test another size or type of battery, the parameters in the testing protocol would have to be adapted and tweaked for the new battery configuration.
One thing for certain, this testing would be time consuming, boring and tedious. It would involve making measurements every five minutes (for example) and punching the data into a spreadsheet.
There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for all of this work though. You end up with real source and charging battery before/after energy data. It is the real thing and this data can stand up to scientific scrutiny. I will repeat again: Measuring source and charging battery before and after voltages is meaningless. The voltage across a battery's terminals is NOT an indicator of how much energy the battery contains. If you get anything from this discussion, get this fact.
Okay it got a bit longish but I hope that it promotes some serious discussion on the thread!
Thank you again.
Hello All,
User2718218 has asked me to forward this post relating to battery charging and measurement.
Regards Lee...
I am going to suggest to the readers of this thread and all Bedini and related experimenters a proposed methodology for measuring battery energy changes to test for any possible over unity effects. Certainly voltage is not an indicator of battery energy because battery voltage remains more or less constant for up to 90% of the charge state of the battery. So this is a preliminary proposal for doing a serious test, subject to improvement and refinement by any interested parties.
Let's assume we are working with a lead-acid battery that stores approximately 1 megajoule of energy. Let's also assume that there may be some nonlinear effects between a 0% charge and a 20% charge (i.e.; 200 kilojoules of stored energy) and also between an 80% charge and a 100% charge.
Here is the proposal in a nutshell: Start the testing with a source battery that you know ahead of time has about 700 kilojoules of stored energy, and with a charging battery that you know ahead of time that has 300 kilojoules of stored energy. Then run your test where you use a Bedini or any related pulsing inductor charging system where you transfer approximately 200 kilojoules of source battery energy into the charging battery. At the end of the energy transfer do load testing on the source and charging batteries to measure how much energy they have stored in them. Both batteries must be relatively new in both their chronological age and in their charge/discharge life-cycle.
The logic is simple and straightforward. Those that believe in some over unity effects will expect to see excess energy here. A more conservative school of thought says that you might loose 5% in losses in the charging circuit and the charging efficiency of the charging battery might be 80%. In terms of kilojoules the believers in Bedini effects will assume that the charging battery will have more than (300 + 200) = 500 kilojoules of stored energy at the end of the test. The more conventional school of thought would estimate that the charging battery will have somewhere around (300 + ((200*0.95)*0.8)) = 452 kilojoules of stored energy.
So the question is; Is there anything special going on when you charge a battery using a pulsing inductor? The only way to answer that question is to do a test like the one described above. You can not conclude that you have produced over unity by measuring battery voltage increases alone. This is an indisputable fact and it would be very unwise to ignore it.
To do this type of testing you need to develop some formal procedures to for charging a battery and for discharging a battery and measuring how much energy it contains. These procedures would be based on measuring the current and voltages going into (charging) or coming out of (discharging) a battery where you make measurements every five minutes (for example). You have to decide on an appropriate time interval between measurements, what load resistor to use, etc. You also have to define a criteria for when you say battery is "fully discharged." This could be when the specific load resistor that you are using reduces the output voltage of a 12.6-volt battery to 9 volts, for example (This is actually a "disguised" battery output impedance measurement).
Note also that the entire protocol developed would be specific to one size and type of battery. If you want to test another size or type of battery, the parameters in the testing protocol would have to be adapted and tweaked for the new battery configuration.
One thing for certain, this testing would be time consuming, boring and tedious. It would involve making measurements every five minutes (for example) and punching the data into a spreadsheet.
There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for all of this work though. You end up with real source and charging battery before/after energy data. It is the real thing and this data can stand up to scientific scrutiny. I will repeat again: Measuring source and charging battery before and after voltages is meaningless. The voltage across a battery's terminals is NOT an indicator of how much energy the battery contains. If you get anything from this discussion, get this fact.
Okay it got a bit longish but I hope that it promotes some serious discussion on the thread!
Thank you again.