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Cell Phone Use and Brain Cancer
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Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View PostHi Folks,
I've been quite interested in the correlation between cell phone use and the appearance of aggressive glioblastoma (brain cancer) for many years. Personally, I limit my use of a cell phone to emergency situations, and try not to use it at all.
This thread is for anyone who is interested in this subject, to post relevant data or direct experiences.
Here is an article from the BBC about the results of a new International Study on the subject. While the headline of the article tries to imply "no proof" was found, the article clearly points out that the situation is not that simple. I hope this can begin an intelligent discussion on the topic.
BBC News - No proof of mobile cancer risk, major study concludes
an answer .... perhaps
Hi Peter … a disturbing thread ! I thought you might be interested in Prof Konstantin Meyls views on the mobile phone as a health hazard , I am doubtful that the system politic will allow us to convert to this much healthier Tesla option that he proposes any time soon, still Konstantin considers the mobile phone system circa 0044 mins I would be interested In what you make of his conclusions
Best wishes DuncanWhatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Hi Peter, Duncan, Dutch and ALL
ATM, we have advised a brain tumor patient who has the tumor WHERE THE PHONE WAS, to take the following, she is doing it, will update the thread with results as they come in.
If your not already using speaker and have been using a mobile phone for a while i would consider doing a course of Tonic III, this girl knocked her brain tumor out by using it, its an amazing story
The Story of Phoebe Latham | Products | Products
A cell phone accessory is a need.You would find various accessories to be very useful if you rely so much on your mobile phones.Almost all people say the can't live without their cell phones.The cell phone is an integrated in people's life that you cannot do well what you have to do without it by your side.It has become an easy way to talk with your family, friends, and colleagues.These are mobile phone accessories that will make you use your cell phone conveniently with ease.Last edited by Malinany; 04-23-2014, 03:41 AM.
Just a humble attempt to describe what I suspect is happening and a very simplified version of what Konstantin, Eric, Peter and Nicola have been trying to tell us , first in my opinion It is not only mobile phones (although of course that’s primary to this thread ) but any HF spurious emissions I would ask you to take a look at the section marked “official recommendations” at the end of this article by Rife researcher Aubrey Scoon
The End of All Disease - Can Disease Be Cured Electronically?
The observations beg the question why should a relatively low frequency High voltage transmission line also prove to be carcinogenic ?
In my very simplified view the answer is they are both basically the same system all be it on a different scale. Most people learn nothing about electricity that leaves cables and flies through the air they never go near or operate a radio transmitter and all they really know of a radio receiver is how to turn it on .
In order to try and keep it very KISS as far as the current theory goes the maths of radio transmission and reception can be considered identical and in order to draw a picture some might be familiar with, consider the case of a CB radio It had an antenna of a specific size and design just as your Television has an aerial of very precise dimensions … They are both manufactured to be sympathetic to transmission or reception of a specific frequency (or a very narrow band of frequencies) next if you recall came some coax cable usually rated at 50 ohms for a CB and 75 ohms for your television and so where would you measure this 50 or 75 ohms with your meter? the answer is of course you cant, the 50 or 75 ohms is called the characteristic impedance and its what the receiver or transmitter “sees” at that particular frequency, To put this in mechanical terms you can view it like “pass the parcel” you want all of the signal to leave the transmitter and enter the cable you want all of the signal to leave the cable and enter the antenna you want all of the signal to leave the antenna and launch itself into free space preferably going in the right direction.
Alas perfect isn’t possible, if it was every scrap of power would be leaving the transmitter. All this gets far more demanding as a physical construction at higher frequencies such as mobile phones use.
In order to set this “pass the parcel” to an optimum an Instrument called a S.W.R was issued Its job was to measure the power being reflected back and let the user adjust things a little bit.
Here's most of what I've just stumbled through explained a little better
HowStuffWorks "How does a CB radio antenna work?"
A short read of the start of this Hams forum will show you that some spurious signal will always be present
Spurious Emissions
Mobile phones now seem to be more of a fashion accessory and a toy that seems to invade public space and air waves rather than the short term emergency communication which it was originally designed for. The impedance matching and physical design of the aerial are now very much a compromise and so look what happens when you transmit into a miss – match
To use the pass the parcel analogy you thrust the parcel at the last guy and he pushes it back at you, most of the contents are scattered any where all over the floor, In practice this can be anywhere in any strength at any frequency (and yes I did say in any strength) although I could not experimentally replicate it or explain the cause, CB guys and Radio Hams call this effect “spurious emissions” and try to avoid it like the plague. I'm sure you have all experienced a taxi driver or a police transmission breaking through full strength onto a TV program or onto your telephone line even though the frequencies and even the systems are meant to be far apart.. .. you perhaps start to get the random feel of this reaction and as Konstantin points out in the last link I posted, all sorts of desperate measures are taken to try and suppress the effect..... Is it possible that our brains are susceptible to a unknown spurious signal or a cell ? In my opinion of course it is. you bet your life (and you do)
Keep In mind that there is a whole electrical and transmission system who's maths and theory have been hidden from us for years
To try and explain our present systems (Herzian) In very simple terms it seems to run rather as if you were ringing a bell, with a bell rope attached to the clapper, your hand being the transmitter the rope being the transmission line and the bell radiating sound being the aerial broadcasting.
Time the swing right get the length of the rope right with the correct amount of power most of the energy will make it to the bell and be broadcast as sound … get it a little wrong and there is spurious effects …. abstract frequencies on that bell rope of different sizes and in the case of our mobile phones its next to our brain!.
To draw a simple parallel the system Tesla devised and Konstantin and Eric are at pains to point out did not have a bell rope system it was in effect a solid bar connected to the clapper . All the power is transferred with no loss, there is no time lag as the wave travels up the rope and most importantly in this context no random spurious emissions! ( coming into our bedrooms where Its not allowed as Konstantin says)
As I'm sure most of us are aware this faster power free safe system was effectively destroyed and the transmitters in the UK and the USA dismantled and the technology buried The sad tale of E.P.D desperately trying to save one of the last of these stations is outlined here
by the way if your lucky enough to have a few spare coins, throw it this guys way ... hes a star! who could do with a hand
what one of these spurious signals which could of course be of any frequency may react with, or if some part of us will have sympathetic impedance and resonance with is in my opinion wide open.
I do recall in the late 1960s several reports of authenticated radio traffic being picked up which had originally been transmitted from aircraft in WW2.although I cant remember where that came from so I wont dwell on it.
And so why do I draw your attention to power lines also ? Its the same system It has a transmitter … The generator It has a coax or transmission line … the grid It has an antenna your local substation … It has an SWR cept they call it power factor and reactive power
like the CB and the mobile phone when there's a miss match it must throw spurious emissions the florescent tubes are very broad band receivers in this respect but a spectrum analyser would tell a different story
Folks Worried About High Tension Power Lines ( - YouTube
Like the C.B Radio and Bell Rope examples I think these can be literally pretty much any frequency and react with any sympathetic impedance E.P.D has noted transformers with little or no load on them blowing to pieces from the centre of the core with no rhyme or reason, and I have seen much the same effect myself.
From what I have scribbled here you can see that our present power and radio systems in an ideal situation would have an S.W.R of 1:1 if we are ever allowed to use Tesla’s system again it would have an S.W.R of 1 : infinity and the antenna ? probably … a ball
Given the few clear differences I have pointed out I'm sure Tesla’s explanation of a loss free system as he points out himself here
Will Now make sense ! No loss incidentally means to me no random energy release at any frequency to play havoc with cells or anything else for that matter!
Of course I'm very far down the food chain compared to Peter and Eric and Konstantin and I know from rash and ill considered comments on other threads that there are extremely clever multi disciplined amigos on this forum still I feel with out conjecture we simply hold a status quo which isn’t good enough in the case of this bloody disease and a system which seems to promote and support it . I of course welcome your comments observations and criticisms I seem to be riding rough shod over many disciplines here and to maintain a grasp I'm very indebted to very clever people who have gone out of their way to present things In such a way that I can a least get a tentative grasp of what they see so clearly, in that regard this one does it in spades
The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body: Frances Ashcroft: Books
Regards DuncanLast edited by Duncan; 08-10-2012, 02:45 PM.Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
The forum has come a long way this past year in understanding electrical principles, dynamos and the wide range of Tesla waves radiant energy.
It is some of the newer understanding of tesla wave components that concern me deeeply.
As a concerned scientist I feel it is also important to be responsible about the dangers of microwaves in biologicaly sensitive energy bands emmited from cell phone towers and the composite signal being amplified certain components mixed into these waves.
One scientist named Konstantin Meyl explained that cell phone reception in tunnels and through buildings is due to various degrees of scalar waves technology being used.
The new FCC guidelines for cell tower emmissions specifically address safety however much of the what is unobservable continues as a slow poison
technology paralleled with psychotronic weapons. We have a choice of cancer or enhanced 4G reception.
We know much more than we did before about cold electricity and warm electricity, about short electrical shocks that can be relatively harmless.
In fact this forum has so much information that really needs to be put into text book form and taught. This is evident to me that medical colleges are far behind in understanding and what is being taught and they are producing ignorant doctors that mislead the masses. It is amazing how much misinformation they spread.
The first contracted worker (an antenna installer ) comes forward, in this interview he courageously tells the truth for coworkers and for all exposed.
It was an uphill battle to get the new FCC laws and they were gotten because certain RF exposure is seriously dangerous to health. edited by mikrovolt; 09-08-2014, 08:04 AM.
cell phones absolutely DO cause brain cancer / tumors.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a deluded SOB,......sorry to be so blunt.
As a ham radio operator, and having accidently blasted my face a few times with 5 WATTS and a few times at 50 WATTS, there is no doubt that cell phones, which frequency is the same length as brain tissues DOES promote cancer and tumors.
I hate to be so blunt, but any premise to the contrary is PURE BS.
that being said, i still use Cancer Phones......I live dangerously.
The number of terminal cancer patients has increased since the post began.
Those who are supposed to be responsible for liability are called the "license holders ". As the clock ticks on the courts will decide wrongful death lawsuits.
In most cases the owner of the property (license holder) expects insurance to cover wrongful death. The service providers continue to ignore safety plan for those working in close proximity.
This News cast is one of the first TV News to report on the topic of cell tower cancer in workers.
Cell phone towers raise new concerns about safety - CBS 5 - KPHOLast edited by mikrovolt; 11-22-2014, 08:09 PM.
what i really cant stand, complaint, is when , ah someones sitting there smoking, a cigarette, then some idiot sitting there tapping away on the internet with no wires, looks over and rants could you stop smoking your killnig me givign me cancer.
and the stupid towns that ban smoking in stores, then you have morons walkign around running into everyone tapping away at a phone or talking outloud in front of everytone to themself, or someone with a freaking microphone talking ot the air walking by you. its like yea stop causing me brain cancer wiht your wirless communications
I'd love to see some kind of electronic shielding device developed to protect us from these cell phone waves. I believe there are military versions, not just to jam, but to nullify the effect, but I suppose their release to the public is a long, long way off.
There was a time when my immune system was down, and I became very EM sensitive. I would feel sick if a person was using a cell phone in the next aisle over in the grocery store. If one of my kids texted from the car while I was driving, my ears would ring and begin to ache. I know from experience that the energy that cell phones put out is real, and not healthy.
I gradually built myself back up with good diet, supplements and rest, and my EM sensitivity has gone down. I use a cell phone only in emergencies, like Peter stated - usually to text or on speaker phone. If I hold a cell phone to my ear for more than 1 minute, my ear will physically ache for the next hour. I guess that's what happens when you microwave your body parts - they hurt, and if you do it long enough, they mutate and become sickened. For me the cancer link seems pretty obvious.
The progress for applying the FCC regulations and the ability to allow workers notice of the tower is in operation has finally begun after long legal struggle for RF Check Inc.
The towers are fitted with sensors and are monitored on network and data stored in data base. The patented safety system keeps legal record by third party that insures FCC compliance of radiation standards are being met.
Workers say cell tower sites putting them at risk - KGTV ABC10 San Diego - EndPlay WCM
Last edited by mikrovolt; 03-20-2015, 12:51 AM.
For years I've been thinking of putting together my own little radio network. Say, a radio in the car, hidden of course, and connected with some hands free earphones. Another radio in my pocket with the dial buttons glued on to it so it look like a cell phone. And finally a radio at my house. But what frequency range would be safe?
I also used to get ear aches from long conversations on the cell phone so I started using hands free which helped. The cell phone is above all quite a nuisance because you never know when it will start to ring. Whether you are having a meal, using the lavatory, in a meeting, in a conversation, in a spiritual place, laying under your car tightening a nut, the cell phone is guaranteed to start ringing by Murphy's law.
So to reduce its annoyance now I carry with me an empty cigarette box with extra foil glued on top so when its closed there is foil all around, and then I simply place my phone inside of it and cover it with the foil and it goes to sleep. I also have an empty can of a beverage with its top cut away and keep it in my room so I can shove the phone inside of it when I want some peace or when going to sleep. "Emergency callers" from my family can and do instead call my wife if something is up.Of course the new "smart phones" and masonry tiles won't fit in those.
Truth be told, there have only been like three instances ever when I've felt thankful for the existence of the cell phone technology. But the annoyance outweighs its benefit.