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Cell Phone Use and Brain Cancer

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  • #16
    What about the facts?
    What is to say against evident university studies in this field?

    Look up Professor Leif G. Salford from Lund University, Sweden

    We found highly significant (p < 0.002) evidence for neuronal damage in the cortex, hippocampus, and basal ganglia in the brains of exposed rats.
    Nerve Cell Damage In Mammalian Brain After Exposure To Microwaves From GSM Mobile Phones - Research and Read Books, Journals, Articles at Questia Online Library


    • #17
      Thx Xenomorph


      • #18
        Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
        (snip) i think i have looked into it a bit, my sister has a brain tumor cancer from what we think is cell phone use (snip)
        But what makes you "think" that? Yes, there is some science in this area, and a few tenuous links have been established.. but you are so quick to assign a cause, when it remains a very large unknown.

        When we become ill, or become well, we tend to look to the last thing which we did as the cause for the onset / resolution. This is a flawed and possibly dangerous sort of thinking.. as one is prone to accept easy answers, whether they are the correct ones or not.

        Before blaming the mobile phone, I hope you investigated the places that she lives, attends school or works, to see if there were possible sources of well-established carcinogens.. Who knows, other people could be getting exposed, while you argue about worthless shields for phones.

        I hope your sister does well. I just lost two loved ones in the last year to cancers of the brain.


        • #19
          well-established carcinogens
          The fact that and most of all why cell phone radiation is no so-called well-established carcinogen is the point of this discussion.
          A multi-billion if not trillion dollar industry is trying to cover up and downplay
          studies that proove genetic damage to cells.
          Last edited by Xenomorph; 05-19-2010, 07:15 PM.


          • #20
            The way things have been going these last 10 years:

            Listen to what the status quo of the pharmaceuticals and mainstream medical establishment is saying (and the FDA, the same thing), and believe the opposite... You have a much better chance of not going wrong (and staying healthy), than if you believed them.

            They say genetically modified food is good for you (frankly, they have no way of knowing this). They say that you MUST buy some corporation's seeds if you want to plant; just because your neighbor did.... Or else pay the corporation anyway when the wind blows them over to your land (CONTAMINATING your natural crop). They also say, that we do not have the right to know on the label if the food we buy was genetically modified or not.

            They say milk with dangerous hormones in it is good for you, and got natural milk banned from sale.

            They say there is "nothing wrong" with putting fluoride in our drinking water on purpose. Nothing wrong with Mercury amalgamates in our dental fillings. Nothing wrong with sugar substitutes that conclusively and consistently kill lab animals exposed to them.

            They say mercury and squaline in vaccines is good for you.

            They say vitamins should be by "prescription only"... And signed a UN treaty that is incrementally trying to mandate this throughout the world.

            They say that chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer should be the only remedy ever considered; and put others that disagree in prison for even mentioning that there are better ways, and that a patient's chance of survival is actually lower when chemo and radiation are used, than if they just go home to die. They have even gone so far as to illegally and blatantly kidnap these alternative medicine advocates from foreign countries, and bring them to the US for Federal prosecution... And simply ignored the official diplomatic complaints of the country it happened in for doing so (Ecuador).

            They refuse to ever allow mention of alternative treatments & medicines on the mainstream media. "Coincidentally", these alternatives that are never mentioned are always cheap and in the Public realm (cannot be Patented, and cannot be sold using the usual profit margins that often exceed 1,000%). Studies on these natural or simple chemical remedies are never done in the US ; although 10's of billions are spent yearly through the NIH system "trying to find cures".

            They are trying very hard to discredit and downplay the claimed link between cell phones and brain cancer now.

            Believe them at your peril.
            Last edited by jibbguy; 05-19-2010, 07:29 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by EthelAether View Post
              But what makes you "think" that? Yes, there is some science in this area, and a few tenuous links have been established.. but you are so quick to assign a cause, when it remains a very large unknown.

              When we become ill, or become well, we tend to look to the last thing which we did as the cause for the onset / resolution. This is a flawed and possibly dangerous sort of thinking.. as one is prone to accept easy answers, whether they are the correct ones or not.

              Before blaming the mobile phone, I hope you investigated the places that she lives, attends school or works, to see if there were possible sources of well-established carcinogens.. Who knows, other people could be getting exposed, while you argue about worthless shields for phones.

              I hope your sister does well. I just lost two loved ones in the last year to cancers of the brain.
              It does not remain largely unknown, (only to people not wiling to question) you have not posted any research i have, there is enough to warn, and PETER L is right to say use caution and speaker phone.

              Research i have posted and more links ill include as i find them, I have looked into this, which is why i have done a non profit dirty electricity production positing soon, , i suggest you look into cell phone research , your post is valuable in the holistic sense but please be careful to not come across to encourage people not to look into cell phone cancer links,WITH OUT RESEARCHING AND GIVING REFERENCE AS TO WHY

              Last edited by ashtweth; 05-20-2010, 04:11 AM.


              • #22
                Ash, I think posting the frequency and type of carrier of the cellphone of your sister used previously is important. Can you share it up front?

                Gary vassilatos believe that Royal Rife use impulse technology at certain frequency to kill the virus. Royal Rife believe that virus can be activated with radiation, not RF but nuclear one. What cause the cancer may not be the RF of the cellphone, but the secondary effect of it when hitting certain things.

                Either way, people need cellphone. If avoiding cellphone is not possible, at least they should know the proven cancer inducing frequency or carrier.

                There are people browsing these forum using gprs modem or cellphone too.


                • #23
                  BTW, is there a way to know the symptoms of experiencing a brain cancer without having to undergo the cancer inducing CT scan?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                    BTW, is there a way to know the symptoms of experiencing a brain cancer without having to undergo the cancer inducing CT scan?

                    While a CEA test will NOT show where the cancer is in your body, it is a non-invasive (blood test) way to check for elevated Carcinoembryonic Antigens.

                    Elevated Carcinoembryonic Antigens are not always a sign of cancer, but definitely warrant further testing.

                    It is a good early warning indicator.

                    Here are a couple of links related to this thread.




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                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Kevin View Post
                      While a CEA test will NOT show where the cancer is in your body, it is a non-invasive (blood test) way to check for elevated Carcinoembryonic Antigens.
                      Thanks .


                      • #26
                        From Magda Havas, Trent University:
                        Please distribute to your groups.

                        Dr. Magda Havas, PhD » Lessons from the Interphone Study

                        Lessons from the INTERPHONE study. By Magda Havas.May 20, 2010. The recent article, "Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study" that appeared in the International Journal of Epidemiology on March 18, 2010, (2010:1-20) clearly demonstrates the flaws with the way we fund, conduct, review and report on science that deals with products that fetch billions of dollars and place at risk, at least potentially,billions of lives.

                        The INTERPHONE study, the largest (5,117 brain tumor cases) and most
                        expensive ($25 million dollars) study on cell phones and brain tumors,
                        involving scientists from 13 countries, was flawed from the very
                        beginning. Whoever designed the protocol did it in such a way as to
                        minimize finding any adverse effects. Despite this, adverse effects
                        were reported - a 40% increased risk of glioma (a type of brain
                        tumor that affects the glial cells in the brain) for those who used a
                        cell phone for at least 1,640 hours with the highest risk for tumors
                        in the temporal lobe and on the same side of the head that one exposes
                        to the cell phone.

                        In other words most of the tumors occurred in the part of the brain receiving the greatest radiation for those who had the longest exposure. And what did the authors do with this result? They attributed it to biases and error. Why?


                        • #27
                          Dr. Harry Oldfield and Polycontrast Interference Photography

                          Here is a video link where you can hear and see Dr. Harry Oldfield show a person on a cell phone and viewing it with his PIP technology (Polycontrast Interference Photography).

                          Harry Oldfield 6/11 - Energy Fields Revealed
                          YouTube - Harry Oldfield 6/11 - Energy Fields Revealed

                          More about the Polycontrast Interference Photography:

                          From Kirlian Photography to PIP

                          Harry Oldfield, UK biologist turned energy-field researcher,
                          developed his imaging system, Polycontrast Interference Photog-
                          raphy (PIP) in the 1980s. He perfected this application after many
                          years of research into Kirlian photography, which captures
                          changing patterns of light energy emanating from all living things,
                          (including humans, animals, plants), and even from crystals.
                          His original research with Kirlian photography focused on the
                          phantom leaf effect: organic potato leaves were set up for Kirlian
                          photography but then the leaves were removed from the stem. In
                          many cases the energy outline showed the whole leaves, ie
                          including the portions removed, thus showing a natural energy
                          field corresponding to the physical structure and molecules of the

                          Using his PIP technology Harry subsequently found that this effect
                          occurs with people, ie arm/hand/finger amputees. In his PIP
                          scans of people with missing limbs there have been images
                          showing a phantom limb.

                          Best regards,



                          • #28
                            IndianaBoys, Very useful link Mate thanks fo rthat, i remember seeing this guy at the nexus conference, you just gave me an idea, i think ill talk to him about his software and try and get some data on it since i know a genuine cancer suffer with the tumor.

                            I also wonder if his technology would pick up the ETHER flows that Peter and Trevor messed with their spider units in Malay.



                            • #29
                              More on Bio feedback metering regarding the life force energy and cell phone usage.

                              Electromagnetic Testing, EMF Testing, Safety - Health | Life Energy
                              YouTube - Electrosensitivity - A Case Study
                              Last edited by ashtweth; 05-27-2010, 05:48 AM.


                              • #30
                                Well I have heard about cell phone usage and their harmful effects as cell phones emits microwave radiations for sending and receiving signals and we keeps the cell phone somewhere close to the brain as, the microwave radiations penetrates to the tissue that causes heat that is why it harmful.

                                As far as I know then, energy emitted by cell phones is non-ionizing and it is not harmful but still, we have to be little aware of using a cell which is completely properly tested.

                                is something scam

