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Cell Phone Use and Brain Cancer

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  • #61
    Best Available Evidence Links Cell Phone Use to Brain Tumors, Reports the Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
    Wolters Kluwer :: Best Available Evidence Links Cell Phone Use to Brain Tumors, Reports the Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography

    Philadelphia, PA (November 1, 2010) - The highest-quality research data available suggests that long-term exposure to microwaves from cellular phones may lead to an increased risk of brain tumors, reports a paper in the November/December issue of Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. The journal is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading provider of information and business intelligence for students, professionals, and institutions in medicine, nursing, allied health, and pharmacy.

    Although debate continues, independent studies with long-term follow-up strongly suggest an increased risk of brain tumors related to the use of cellular or cordless phones. "We conclude that the current standard of exposure to microwave during mobile phone use is not safe for long-term exposure and needs to be revised," conclude the study authors, led by R.B. Dubey of Apeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon, India.
    Last edited by ashtweth; 11-08-2010, 09:30 AM.


    • #62
      My thoughts

      Obviously, (to me) cell phone use adversly effects brain function.Evidence; despite regular news stories on research that its not possible to drive safely while operating a cell phone, even 'hands free', and texting is even MORE dangerous, (basically as unsafe as driving extremely drunk) I can't drive 6 blocks without seeing numerous people driving while talking on their phones or texting.Is the conversation worth your life, or worse yet, are you willing to go thru the rest of your life knowing that someone died because you had to have that conversation right then? Simple answer, talk or drive, don't try to do both! That so many people can't rationally figure this out is emperical evidence (to me) of impaired brain functioning!
      Amusing story; Soon after California made it illegal to drive and talk on a cell phone, a CHP officer saw a car driving in a questionable manner; weaving in their lane, slowing down/speeding up, etc. As he manuevered behind them, he could see they were talking on their cell phone. He turned on his lights, and they didn't notice. So, he got on the PA and said "Hang up your cell phone, and pull over!" He almost caused a massive pile up, as at least 12 other cars all started to pull to the side at the same time! Don't know if its true, but it wouldn't surprise me.
      Their have been stories about electricity in our homes and lives causing illness since I was a kid. (In my '50's now). Chemicals too.I tend to believe them.
      One thing you can try; Cancer cells die, when exposed to high levels of Oxygen, normal cells don't. Get food grade hydrogen peroxide.Mix with medical grade DMSO.Apply to skin.Dmso will carry HO into blood stream, and to all cells in body. Should even cross blood/brain barrier.Worth a shot.Jim


      • #63
        Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        One thing you can try; Cancer cells die, when exposed to high levels of Oxygen, normal cells don't. Get food grade hydrogen peroxide.Mix with medical grade DMSO.Apply to skin.Dmso will carry HO into blood stream, and to all cells in body. Should even cross blood/brain barrier.Worth a shot.Jim
        That can also be dangerous. Most medication even alternate one that have purposes to kill cancer has side effect. If you don't have cancer. don't unneccessarily eat it.

        There is bio tuner or SOTA that promise to cure cancer. I think it can also be dangerous to use if not having cancer too.

        Cellphone use while driving is reckless. I hope they consider other people life important if they consider their life expendable.

        I now think that cellphone just another contributing factor for brain cancer. and it is not by EM radiation.


        • #64
          You don't eat it, you rub it on your skin. And I wasn't reccomending it for everyone, just as an alternative to conventional cancer treatments.
          Everything has risks; each of us has to gather all the available info, and weigh the risk/benefits, and decide for ourselves.
          All technology is inherently insidious; it takes conscious effort to limit your use. I have, so far, resisted the temptation to get or use a cell phone.And I seem to be functioning fine.Jim


          • #65
            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            You don't eat it, you rub it on your skin. And I wasn't reccomending it for everyone, just as an alternative to conventional cancer treatments.
            Ok. thanks. That would be similar to ozonizing our skin then, with our spark maker...

            I prefer to look for a way to keep using them than avoiding it. I highly believe that circuit design can change output result. So non health device may also produce health effect, but also sadly health device may also produce bad effect. I think many effect that said to be produced by electricity or EM is in fact effect of orgone. I think many do not consider orgone side of health. From orgone point of view, there are various way to prevent cellphone to produce cancer to our body.

            Time will tell if I am right.


            • #66
              I guess it would be best to say I take 2 approaches; Firstly I resist the temptation to embrace 'new' technology.In the same way that you can be owned by your possesions, I see people who allow technological devices to control their lives.Talking on cell phones while driving is but 1 example.Another; a dear friend comes to visit, whom they haven't seen is a while. They sit down to 'catch up'. The phone rings, and they "have to get it" instead of letting the answering machine get it, or letting them call back later.I've seen people who can't not answer a ringing telephone. People who, despite such a visitor can't turn off the TV, during such a visit.People who are 'more connected, but less in touch'.People who are ignoring their surroundings, and the people around them, in order to focus on a little screen.
              So, when the phone rings, I evaluate what else is going on right now, and what are the chances the call is REALLY important.Needless to say, I don't answer very often.I have a 20 y.o. laptop I'm writing this on, and its a landline connection which doesn't enable me to download video's.Thats a conscious decision, to enable me to restrict my usage. I can use the internet to do the things I need to do, but its too frustrating to use, to sit on it for very long.Thats the second way I resist technology; by using old, limited devices/systems, instead of going for the latest/fastest.If I ever get a cell phone, I would get 1 of the ones advertised in the back of magasines for old people; They have a large keypad, (for poor eyesight), and they have no special/extra functions; they are JUST a cell phone.Would only give my # to my immediate family, for emergency use.Would be almost exclusively for making calls, not ring very often. But, thats me.Jim


              • #67
                I guess it show how technology can make us an alien in our neighboorhood. We talk more with people far away than whose near. I am agree with you. I also see cellphone or laptop produce the same danger. Same electronic danger, same social danger.


                • #68
                  I think we would all be surprised if we had an independent, no aligned and evidence based study done into the issue. History shows, if you dont police, you get a conflict of interests. I have already read about this with a microwave study.That guy got compensation due to his his study being interfered with (Swiss doctor)

                  Who is an institution who can make sure there is always an informed consent? That why we work hard to get our institute done.



                  • #69
                    Not sure there is, practically speaking, such a thing as truly independant. Its like 'unbiased news reporting'.There are all sorts of decisions that have to be made, when reporting the news.Point of view, which quotes to use, etc. We all have a basic world view, and we see the world thru that, and it effects how reporters/editors make such decisions.
                    In the same way, researchers and research organisations are similarly effected. I think thye best we can hope for is disclosure.Who is paying for the research, and what is the agenda or world view of the researcher/organisation.Expecting truly unbiased research is, I believe unrealistic. Its like expecting everyone to just love one another, and get along and have no more wars, etc.Nice idea, but not gonna happen.
                    There are all sorts of examples, historically, of research confirming the accepted view of the time, until the accepted view was proved wrong.
                    For instance, prior to the discovery and acceptance that most stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria, the common belief was that they were caused by stress. There are mountains of research showing higher levels of ulcers in what were percieved to be high stress occupations;Bus drivers, etc.
                    Either Bus drivers had higher percentage of ulcers because, interacting with large #'s of people they were more likely to 'catch' H.Pylori bacteria, or research was flawed, because researchers were, unconsciously, biasing their research to confirm what they believed.
                    Polls have indicated that Dr.'s insist $ and 'gifts' from pharma don't influence their writing of Rx.'s. They insist they Rx. the best medication for their patient.Independant research, however clearly shows that even small gifts such as coffee cups, etc. DOES effect the # odf Rx.'s (for a particular med.) that Dr.'s write.How much are we all affected by TV commercials? We would all say we're not. "I only buy a product if I decide I want it, then the commercial might motivate me to buy from 1 source, rather than another, cause its on sale, for instance." Thats what I would say. However, research would indicate otherwise, which is why companies spend so much on adverising.nyway, thats my thoughts.... Jim


                    • #70
                      There shouldn't be any need to make a device like cell phone jammers. It's not anyone's buisness on what someone else says to someone on there cell phones. And I understand why they'd be illegal in the US, but they shouldn't be legeal anywhere in my opinion.
                      Agreed. Why anyone would want one of these makes no sense to me.


                      • #71

                        Dare I guess, you are a cell phone user? Possibly evidence of brain damage right there! Cell phone use is 'prohibited' in a # of areas; Intensive care wards, cause they can interfere with monitoring equipment, shouldn't be used in areas where O2 is being administered, (fire hazard), etc.
                        And yet, as most non-users are very aware, a significant percentage of cell phone users ignore posted signs, and will use them anywhere.
                        Other places, using them is just plain rude! For instance, if you are in line at a cash register, and you get to the head of the line. You may feel like you can continue your conversation AND talk on the cell phone, but everyone behind you in line is thinking "Hang up and do your business."
                        Using them in restaurants is also rude and unneccesary.Likewise theaters.And yet people use them in all sorts of places where it is clearly innappropriate.To me this is imperical evidence of the brain damage they cause.
                        The vast majority of cell phone users seem to be unable to simply 'let it ring'. They HAVE to answer it, even if they are in the middle of talking to someone else. This despite that they all have a voice message function.
                        I wish jammers were legal in the US, and were installed in all auto's and on whenever the car was running.Drive or talk on the phone, but not both! In the event of MOST emergencies, which would be accidents, shut off the engine and make the call. Perhaps an overide if your dialing 911.
                        I've fantasised for a long time about having a device the size of a pager, that I could carry with me; push button A, and it would jam all cell phones within 50', or push B, and it would make all cell phones ring! I would love that!
                        One of the things where I think Europe has it right, is the legality of cell phone jammers, which I understand they use extensively in Restaurants. Wish we could do it here! Jim


                        • #72
                          Here is some more info on how cell phones zap ya brain.

                          Cell Phones Investigations/CellPhone Health Effects/Cell Phones Health Effects/Cell Phone Use/Cell Phone Health

                          Fluoride in the water, vaccines full of crap, gmo tests kill lab rats, Aspartame sweetener is just nasty and the list goes on . Cancers going thru the roof and i`m getting outa here....


                          • #73
                            Where ya gonna go?

                            And can ya reserve me a ticket? Years ago, I heard about how Floride in drinking water was poisoning us. Then i got sick, too sick to work, and the Dr.'s said all my test results showed i was 'fine'. Finally made a diagnoses of Fibromyalgia, and wanted to put me on Rx.'s that I didn't like. So, I started researching on my own, and finally came to the conclusion that I am Hypothyroid, and that that is due, in part, to,.....Floride in the water.
                            I am now trying to treat it on my own, and have learned that you can remove the Floride by reverse osmosis.Unfortunately, won't remove the trace pharmaceuticals in the water, though.

                            Anyway, where ya gonna go? I see 2 scientists are recomending we begin the colonisation of Mars by making it a 1 way trip. They point out most people coming to the "New World" of America, did not plan on returning to there place of origin.Jim


                            • #74
                              Recently Brian surgeon came on TV to report the high volume of young people
                              with brain tumors behind the ears due to mobile phones. Send this to your friends and keep people in the loop they should be aware of the dangers

                              Microwave Scientists under attack

                              By John Weigel

                              World renown researchers into the toxic effects of microwave technology – from cell phones to wi-fi and digital television – are fighting back against what appears to be a concerted effort tosimultaneously close their research facilities across Europe

                              The pattern of shutting down experiments began earlier this year as three noted researchers, Drs. Olle Johansson, of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm; Dimitris Panagopoulos, of Athens University; and Annie Sasco, Bordeaux; had their positions threatened and their research premises requisitioned for other purposes, effectively silencing them.

                              The total value of the cell phone / microwave-based industry is an estimated $153 billion and involves the economic might of leading technology firms such as Motorola, Intel, AT&T, Apple, Nokia and Ericsson. Many of the firms hold close ties to the world’s military establishment.

                              The Electrosensitive Society » Microwave Scientists under attack


                              • #75
                                Hi dutchdivco

                                You ask "anyway, where ya gonna go?" Well there is nowhere to run from the new world order, it`s global . Mass media to the sheeple is about the only way to wake them up to fight it, and joining the NWO just build up a powerfull multi-national company but be warned even then unless u are in the handfull of elite ur not safe.

                                Now lets start talking about building spaceships

