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Cell Phone Use and Brain Cancer

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  • #76
    I believe that FCC does not measure the towers 5 watt max
    I think all the horns put out much more. The measurement tools are not correct for the type. The people in proximity WILL develope cancer !

    YouTube - Cell phone RF radiation detector


    • #77
      New Study Says: "Mobile Phones Effect the Brain"

      Hi Folks,

      Here is an article from the BBC on a new study showing:

      "the human brain is sensitive to the effects of RF-EMFs from acute cell phone exposures."

      Here is the whole article: BBC News - Mobile phones 'affect the brain'

      While this study does NOT prove any negative health "cause and effect" chain, it does demonstrate that "something is happening" that deserves more study.

      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


      • #78
        Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
        And can ya reserve me a ticket? Years ago, I heard about how Floride in drinking water was poisoning us. Then i got sick, too sick to work, and the Dr.'s said all my test results showed i was 'fine'. Finally made a diagnoses of Fibromyalgia, and wanted to put me on Rx.'s that I didn't like. So, I started researching on my own, and finally came to the conclusion that I am Hypothyroid, and that that is due, in part, to,.....Floride in the water.
        I am now trying to treat it on my own, and have learned that you can remove the Floride by reverse osmosis.Unfortunately, won't remove the trace pharmaceuticals in the water, though.

        Anyway, where ya gonna go? I see 2 scientists are recomending we begin the colonisation of Mars by making it a 1 way trip. They point out most people coming to the "New World" of America, did not plan on returning to there place of origin.Jim
        I've read that Nicotine removes and helps to undo the damage caused by deposits of flourine in the brain and body.... BUT it also helps the fungus that rides on the nervous system to blossom, so do your own research.

        As far as EM radiation from cell phones, consider this: it is PURE B.S. that it's non ionizing, because it zips atoms/ particles to and fro, and if one moves fast enough, it can break an ionic/covalent bond and undo the neutralization, causing ionization. IMHO

        I'm nearly certain that the less metals that are deposited in your body, the less EM radiation will tear you up. CHEALATE


        • #79
          "non ionizing" is a term exploited by cell phone business and their many years of safe campaign to debunk what ham radio people have known for a long time. When cell phones began some called them truck radio.

          "Pure BS" , I want to make clear that the BS is the cell phone propaganda that was fed to the mass population.
          I know of many technicians with cancer that right now are dying, they worked very close to cell phone microwave transmitters. microwaves are microwaves what ever terminology you use they will cause cancer and death. Who is liable? this is why lawyers and corporations can slow down
          safety because money is the god they obey.

          The good measurement tools and those who would like to measure are not allowed. The cell companies are too powerful and will not allow the technology to be used.

          a much less definitive demonstration is an avermenko plug. (pin diode rectifier)

          YouTube - Cell phone RF radiation detector
          Last edited by mikrovolt; 02-25-2011, 01:19 AM.


          • #80
            I believe that the danger of a cellphone is caused by radiant part of it, the orgone part. That is why most scientist can not detect it, but actual experiment show something that do change.

            Until scientist recognize the fact that there is energy that can not be detected by their meter but have real physical effect to living being, they will continue to be confused.

            Same with people trying to shield it, since it is not EM, then any EM way is useless. We must use orgone shielding way which is very very unexplored.


            • #81
              Doctors suspect mobile phones are behind a huge increase in brain tumours in Australia. Over the ten years that the devices became popular, cases soared by more than 60% in women, and by 50% in men. Studies in Australia and the U.S. showed that the phones sent radiation into the brains of mice and rats, causing cancer, short term memory loss and lapses in concentration.This has prompted the Australian government to launch a five-year study into the potential health dangers from mobile phones and related electrical equipment including transmission towers.

              Shears. Richard: Daily Mail Jan. 6.98. p.15.


              • #82
                Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                Doctors suspect mobile phones are behind a huge increase in brain tumours in Australia. Over the ten years that the devices became popular, cases soared by more than 60% in women, and by 50% in men. Studies in Australia and the U.S. showed that the phones sent radiation into the brains of mice and rats, causing cancer, short term memory loss and lapses in concentration.This has prompted the Australian government to launch a five-year study into the potential health dangers from mobile phones and related electrical equipment including transmission towers.

                Shears. Richard: Daily Mail Jan. 6.98. p.15.
                Or the tower.


                • #83
                  They say BOTH



                  • #84
                    In April 2008, the RNCNIRP reviewed the short-term and long-term effects of mobile phone use for children. In particular, it reviewed possible decrease of intellectual abilities and cognition together with possible increases in susceptibility to epileptic fits, “acquired dementia” and degeneration of cerebral nervous structures [11]. The results of clinical studies have shown that chronic exposure to RF EMF may lead to borderline psychosomatic disorders [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. In 2010, a number of papers published in Russian and foreign peer-reviewed journals showed a response to RF EMF exposure from the immune system [17, 18].



                    • #85
                      WHO classifies Cell Phones as "Possibly Carcinogenic"

                      Hi Folks,

                      Here is the latest news reporting that a panel of epidemiologists at the World Health Organization has just concluded that Cell Phones "may cause brain cancer", glioma in particular. They say that the "evidence is weak" but it is still too strong to ignore.

                      Wake up, folks!! Even the authorities are starting to admit it!!

                      BBC News - Mobiles 'may cause brain cancer'

                      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                      • #86
                        aparently they are being placed in the same category of carcinogens as DDT and car exhaust... of course our good ol fda is still denying a link to cellphones and cancer.


                        • #87
                          Mobile use increases chance of brain cancer
                          Conclusion based on wide review of evidence
                          Aussie expert says 3G not as harmful

                          UPDATE: The latest 3G mobile devices like iPhones and other smart phones may deliver a lower dose of radiowaves to the brain than earlier models but frequent use could still cause cancer, a health expert says.

                          A report released by the World Health Organisation's cancer research wing says radio frequency electromagnetic fields generated by such devices are "possibly carcinogenic to humans".

                          Read more: Mobile phone brain cancer risk: 3G phones 'less harmful', says Professor Bruce Armstrong | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |


                          • #88
                            Mobile Phones - Reducing Your Exposure

                            Ideally of course, you should simply find an alternative to needing to use your phone, and not carry it around with you when you don't need it. However, if you feel you cannot possibly live without it and must have it with you, the following guidelines should provide a relatively simple way of taking solid steps to reducing your exposure.
                            Reducing Exposure - using your existing phone

                            Use your phone only when necessary, and keep the call short.
                            Where possible, try to only use your phone in areas with the best signal, as this can reduce the emissions by up to 500 times.
                            Indoors, use your phone near the window and make sure it is between your body and the window.
                            Hold the phone away from your body immediately after dialling, as the phone uses maximum power until the call is answered.
                            Where possible, do not hold the phone next to your eyes, breasts, testicles, kidneys, liver or abdomen if pregnant - ideally, keep the phone away from your body (such as in a bag) when it is not in use.
                            If you have to keep it next to your body, a location such as rear trouser pocket will help keep it away from major organs, and try to make sure the antenna is on the outer side.
                            Using a mobile phone in a car or train traps the fields inside the metal frame of the vehicle, and should be avoided except in an emergency.
                            If you are not imminently expecting a phone call, you can greatly reduce your exposure by having the phone switched off when you carry it around instead of just on standby, as your phone contacts the nearest mast every time you move into a different masts coverage, and also checks regularly even when you are stationary - This contact is always made at the phone's full power.

                            Buying a new phone and / or its associated protective equipment.

                            Buy a phone with a long 'talk time', this means a more efficient phone.
                            Phones with external antennas are more likely to focus the radiation further away from your head, and are favourable to internal antenna models.
                            Buy a phone with a low SAR, but don't rely on that to guarantee your safety. SARs vary by a factor up to about 5. Some high SAR phones are actually very efficient and normally work at low power, some low SAR phones are inefficient and normally have to work at high power. The smaller phones often have higher SARs and therefore are likely to produce higher exposure levels.
                            Check, if you can, if it has a working DTX (discontinuous transmission - they don't all work even when they say they do) capability.
                            Your exposure can be greatly reduced by using a hands-free kit.
                            Do not rely on unscientific 'gizmos' to give you the protection you need. If you wish to use one, use your common sense as well

                            This section was sourced from:

                            ***The list below are links to 23 articles published since 2000 thoroughly researched by Dr. Mercola, documenting the dangers of electromagnetic radiation, particularly mobile (cell) phone usage:

                            1. Blue Tube Headset

                            2. Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) - Hazardous to Our Health?

                            3. If Mobile Phones Were a Type of Food, They Simply Would Not be Licenced 12/17/00

                            4. Hands-Free Mobile Phones May Increase Radiation Exposure 11/26/00

                            5. Researchers Link Electromagnetic Fields With Cancer 3/19/00

                            6. Hands-free Mobile Phones Cut Radiation Risk More Than 90% 8/6/00

                            7. New Study Shows Cell Phones Cause Brain Changes 7/3/02


                            9. Cell Phones May Harm Blood Cells 4/21/04

                            10. Cell Phones and Brain Tumors 4/2/03

                            11. Cell Phones and Cancer

                            12. More Dangers From Cell Phones 6/10/00

                            13. Do Cell Phones Accelerate the Aging Process? 8/4/05

                            14. Cell Phones 'May Trigger Alzheimer's Disease' 2/22/03

                            15. Next Generation Cell Phones May Cause Nausea, Headaches 10/15/03

                            16. Are Cell Phones Safe For Your Children? 4/27/05

                            17. Cellular Phones Linked to Cellular DNA Damage 1/8/05

                            18. Study Links Cell Phones To Brain Cancer Risk 5/14/00

                            19. Electric Towers Are Cancer Risk 3/10/01

                            20. Electromagnetic Fields Exert Effects on and Through Hormones

                            21. Cell Phones: How Risky are They Really? 2/15/03

                            22. Electromagnetic Fields and Cell Phones 12/28/02

                            23. Chemtrails: Delivery System For Dept. of Defense's Toxic Cocktails


                            • #89
                              Hi Peter and ALL

                              Thankfully we are getting closer to making it so they cannot deny it. Even short term exposure can increase glucose in the brain. See for your selves.

                              TURKISH CELL PHONE STUDY CONFIRMS BRAIN IMPACTS by William Thomas © William Thomas 2011 (Please cite URL when reposting. Thank you)
                              Turkish Cell Phone Study Confirms Brain Impacts

                              The latest cell phone study is exciting. But the excitement its researchers are warning about could presage addiction and brain damage from nearly ubiquitous mobile phones. A team of researchers led by the director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse,

                              psychiatrist Nora Volkow, MD has found that exposure to just 50 minutes of cell phone radiation excites the metabolism (burning) of glucose – the brain’s main fuel – in those parts of the brain that receive the most cell phone radiation. Instead of making you smarter, this electromagnetic stimulation stresses the brain, releasing free radicals and stress proteins that significantly reduce brain function – and may cause tumours. “

                              This stunning report indicates that even short-term exposure to nerve cells from cell phones can increase glucose in the brain,” says MD Ronald Herberman, chair of the Environmental Health Trust board. The Environmental Health Trust “educates individuals, health professionals and communities about controllable environmental health risks and policy changes needed to reduce those risks.


                              • #90
                                This video shows a reputable cell phone radiation safety company
                                that has patented equipment for monitoring cell towers.

                                Because they collect a large database on radiation they feel strongly
                                that the health care of workers needs immediate attention.


