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The siberian coliu motor V2 (stefan marinov).

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  • The siberian coliu motor V2 (stefan marinov).

    While working on a setup for a different but related idea I did an intermediate experiment. You can classify this in the NO back EMF motor category.

    The marinov motor ,the siberian coliu to be exact, is something that's only been refereed to once in a thread which I just revived:

    Here's a condense history behind stefan marinov. Basically he met a Russian person who showed him the concept behind the split pole motor, he then added his own formulas to classical EM theory to account for this unexplainable effect. The effect was that a ring rotated and while rotating it produced an EMF AIDING applied voltage, so anti lenz in short.

    The motor was horribly inefficient due to frictional losses and surface tension of mercury, which he used as brushing. So he was never able to let it self run. He then used his theory to design a concentric type setup with new magnets. He ordered the neo's from china which took many months back then. All the while hyping his theory and kind of "lieing" about the fact he had it self looped as he was confident of the new design before the magnets arrived. Needless to say the new design didn't work, one year later he committed suicide. I will not go into the anomalies of the suicide.

    Since he passed away only a handful of scientists have experimented and wrote papers about it confirming the abnormal behavior. But the effect was always too small to call significant due to the "one loop" nature of it.

    That brings us to now. Below I attached one kind of design of the siberian coliu. When dc is applied the ring spins and measurable voltage is seen increasing the current even further.

    The obvious problem is the brushes. This motor needs very high currents to operate and windings can't be used to reduce effective supply current.

    So I thought of pretty much the obvious.

    1) make the magnets rotate
    2) use many windings
    3) drive it with AC

    Since people tend to like the "change of flux" theory. When you rotate the magnets the field is so confined that there will be no changing flux and thus no induced emf. But when you apply current your magnet will rotate non the less. An image of this is also attached.

    My experiment was very similar to that image. I took long steel rods with magnets at top and bottom far away from the "eye" and wound the "eyed" coil. I did this by pinning some nails to a board and winding the wires around the pins as guides.

    When I applied current the magnet/core rotated 180° and stopped. When I reversed current direction it rotated 180° further and stopped. When you keep doing this you get continuous rotation. Due to the reason mentioned above you will see no reduction in applied voltage or in other words when spun manually no emf is generated.

    And due to the simple design of this motor, high torque motors can be made easily.

    All you need is two neo mags, 2 magnetic permeable bars and a rotor.

    PS: An interesting side note about the rotor. It's actually also known as permanent magnet holder by many on the forum .
    Attached Files
    Last edited by broli; 05-21-2010, 12:55 AM.

  • #2
    No interested huh?


    • #3
      I have been interested in Dr. Marinov's work for a while now... and of course his very questionable death in 1997 at the University of Graz in Austria, where the authorities say he either accidentally fell or committed suicide by falling from a library staircase there.

      But witnesses have stated that he was seen to have fallen "backwards" to his death, and people who personally knew him (such as Dr. Brian O'Leary), have stated that the "suicide" theory is totally wrong; and that murder should be highly suspected.

      If he was murdered, it stands to reason that whatever he was working on at the time should be carefully researched and pursued.


      • #4
        The Thorny Way of Truth

        Hi Folks,

        Stefan Marinov wrote extensively, including seven volumes of his primary treatise, The Thorny Way of Truth. If you are interested in his work, you should search that title. Here is a page that references his life and work.

        Stefan Marinov

        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


        • #5
          Stefan Marinov

          Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
          The Thorny Way of Truth
          I've looked for that for 9 years now and haven't found anywhere to
          get them.

          I have more of an interest in the "self accelerating plasma tube"
          where it is gas in a tube that swirls around instead of a copper ring.

          That is where my interest in Active Nitrogen came from and is originally
          why I started a thread on active nitrogen.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #7
            Thanks for all the posts guys. It seems a rarity to have some form of feedback these days.

            The split or double magnet design, as I cal it, can be applied to many concepts.

            My research field has also spanned into homopolar motors and lead me to some dark corners concerning this subject. There's another promising idea I have but experience on the FE community has taught me that idea's without some working setup are useless and thus will be ignored. Either you perform the experiments or the idea will just die out untill someone comes along, rediscovering the wheel, with the same idea and a build behind it. It's a sad fact but the current reality.

            But I'm currently working on a build for a previous idea. This thread can be called idea #2. Idea #1 has been on this forum since a year, and idea #3, the homopolar redesign, will be posted when #1 has been built.


            • #8
              Oke I have been thinking some more about this topic. And realized I could use the same idea I proposed on a different concept somewhere else to make another kind of marinov motor. This time it will not need AC to run but DC.

              The idea is rather simple. You use a core/tube that is magnetized in different directions on its two sides. This tube represents the magnets in a Marinov motor. But instead of causing the conductor to rotate, like the above idea the magnet part will rotate, in our case the green tube, while everything else is stationary.

              In an soft magnetic material the domains will keep readjusting as the tube rotates. This will cause a continuous imbalance as the circuits tries to rotate the tube and the tubes field keeps adjusting itself so there's never an equilibrium state.

              I have attached some renditions of the setup and a simulation of the magnetic fields in the tube. Like stated before the green tube is the rotor.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by broli; 06-05-2010, 07:17 PM.

