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How to Move Mountains... Leedskalnin Style

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  • Originally posted by carmine View Post
    I did not have the time too go all thru this , but i kinda like too understand why Thomson abandoned his earlier "nebular atom" hypothesis in which the atom was composed of immaterial vorticies. Because it sounds alot like Nassim Haramein.
    Actually Nassim Haramein is correct with regards to the strong and weak nuclear forces as being gravity - but I don't agree that these are little black holes. He has done some preliminary work with the Schwarzchild Radius in this regard which supports his theory. But by its definition a black hole does not radiate light except for specific sized black holes that have certain jets of high energy. Atoms are made of Neutrons and Neutrons are made of a Proton and Electron that have combined. Neutrons and Protons are held together by the strong nuclear force. If the Proton and the Neutron were both black holes stuck together, then they would absorb all incoming radiation and either increase in mass or increase in spin velocity from the additional absorption. Since they are too small to meet the 'jet' requirements we have two problems with this scenario. The first is that they would become energy sinks as mentioned, and the second is that they would never be able to conduct heat. So I don't think they are black holes.

    In order to fully appreciate why these are bonded together by gravity we need to stop thinking of matter as being present 100% of the time. The things we consider solid are not really static at all, but they are comprised of dynamic cells held in place by 2 fundamental forces, namely electromagnetism and gravity. But in addition to this dynamic activity of matter, there is a time factor whereby particulates are not in a mass state 100% of the time. Only those particles that appear and disappear in synchronization truly share the full impact of the gravitational force. This is what is currently known as the strong nuclear force. All other 'gravitational' forces in the universe are simply the sum total of these asynchronous nuclear cycles. For example, the Protons and Neutrons in the center of one atom may be at full mass together at T=0, and then at full energy (no mass) at T=4 so that particular nucleus has a gravitational cycle of T=8. Now the next atomic nucleus nearby may have a phasing whereby it too has a cycle of 8T, but it is at full mass at T=4 and is at full energy at T=0 and T=8. So the two atoms are gravitationally out of sync by 180°. But the Protons and Neutrons in each nucleus are gravitationally in sync relative to that specific nucleus. The total gravitation seen from the outside will be the sum of the two, but because they are out of phase this way we will only see half (because only one nucleus is there in a mass state at any one time so we only measure 1 nuclear mass at any time we measure). Now in that example, I have given the cycle even measure, but in reality the time that these things are really in a mass state is a small fraction of the overall cycle. So this again lowers the overall measure of gravity even further. By the time we compute all the atoms in the earth with all their varied cycles and synchronizations, we end up with a value that makes gravity appear to be a very small force. But this is not the case, it is a very large force that is available a small percentage of the time.

    So what is gravity then? Simply, it is the effect caused by pressure that space and time exerts on matter when matter displaces space It is the centripetal force caused by forcing time to bend around the curvature of space that has been displaced by matter. If all of the atoms in a block of material were in perfect sync, that material would be extremely dense and would have a very high gravitational measurement that would exceed our known constants by magnitudes. Certain meteorites come to mind. But even then, at a very fundamental level, what is gravity? Both gravity and electromagnetism are the same thing in different forms. They both have to do with spatial displacement. What we perceive as 'electric charge' is really the spherical wave front of a particle appearing and disappearing repeatedly in the same space-time location. This is why it emanates outward in all directions. There are different types of waves that depend on the way the particle appears and disappears. A particle that appears fast and disappears slowly will be electrically positive whereas a particle that appears slowly and disappears fast will have a negative charge. And of course those particles that are equal in the expansion and contraction times will be electrically neutral.

    Imagine that you have spherical buoy in a calm lake. Now imagine that the buoy is flexible so it can expand to 1000 times its diameter. Now lets suppose we can alter the rate at which it expands and contracts. So, we first set the expansion to be at 1 second and we set the contraction at 10 seconds. What type of wave will radiate away from that buoy? Now lets reverse the timing, so that it expands in 10 seconds and contracts in 1 second. Now what type of wave will we see? If we have two buoys, and they both radiate waves outward, how will the waves interact? What will happen to the buoys? What if one radiates inward and the other radiates outward? What if they both radiate inward? What conditions would be required so that they would only attract if they were at opposites?

    Now let's move the buoys across the lake. What happens to the waves? Now let's submerge the buoys below the surface, what happens to the waves? Are they still there? The changes in the waves that are caused by motion are what we call magnetism. In all three cases, we are interacting with space and time in different ways. So gravity, electric and magnetic are really all the same thing: matter interacting with space and time.

    When the nucleus of atoms begin to de-synchronize the Protons and Neutrons lose the strong gravitational force and separate. In nature we call this radioactive decay. It is the fundamental action required to make replicators like those used in the fictional Star Trek space ships, that is the de-synchronization and synchronization of sub-nuclear particles so that they combine to make other substances. If you wanted to turn Lead into Gold, then you would need to apply that technique to each and every nucleus within the lead to selectively destabilize 3 protons and let them free. Now if you did that with 13 atoms and kept the Neutrons, you would have enough Neutrons to add to a Gold atom and make a single Au197 stable isotope (which has 79 protons and 118 Neutrons) That should tell us something about the synchronization of the particles and how the quantity plays a part in that synchronization. It becomes a matter of wave dynamics but that is a subject for another thread - "Wave Dynamics in Space-Time" .

    So if you want to nullify gravity between two masses, 'all you need to do' is flatten out the space-time between the two bodies. This causes time to flow in a straight line and neutralizes the centripetal force it produces. Without that force, there is no gravitational attraction.

    Did Ed discover a way to do that? To flatten out the space-time between the Earth and his rocks?
    Last edited by Harvey; 12-31-2010, 06:24 PM.
    "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


    • Electrons

      Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
      I know there are electrons that are interacting with matter, but I believe that electricity is free electrons, we live in a sea of chaotic electrons, they are the alpha particle that everything is made of.

      I once worked with a wise old man that said if you don't use your head, you might as well have two butts. Well my butt hurts so I'll quit for now .
      Hi Dave45, Reading through these posts, I saw this and thought I could give some of my feelings about electrons, they are a part of all matter, and the larger the matter of some materials, such as copper, there are radical electrons because of coppers atomic structure, more so, more mass...but I thought they are only the carriers of energy, energy present from the interaction of all particles throughout the universe. Strong nuclear, weak nuclear, magnetic, and gravitational forces are the engines making these energies.
      If, as in a laser, you excite electrons in an atom, with energy, they will elevate to a higher valance of that atom. This shows that an electron can store energy, because when you remove the excitement that electron will fall back to its proper valance of the atom, doing this it will release energy in the form of photons. It's my impression, we live in a sea of energy, and if we present a force or load to use this energy, it can be captured in many different ways. This is the reason I see electrons as energy carriers of one kind and not the actual energy of the universe. If there is some example of your thoughts, please tell me so I can explore them, just looking for knowledge....I am currently researching radiant energy sources... Wally
      Last edited by Rubberband; 01-01-2011, 12:11 AM. Reason: needed clairity of energy carriers


      • Wally
        Sorry I haven't got back to ya.
        Evidently its the carrier it doesn't get destroyed if it got destroyed you wouldn't need a ground wire.
        What is energy? not sure
        What causes a rainbow, if you move a magnet close to a crt screen you will see the field lines in the form of light, a rainbow of light.
        We use a cathode tube to fire electrons(electricity) when it hits a magnetic field it produces light.
        Is this what happens with our magnetic field when electrons bombard our magnetic field it produces light.
        Is this what causes a rainbow its our magnetic field being hit by electrons, one electron being hit by another, not the bending of light by the water as we're taught hmmmmmmmmm maybe.
        My old boss taught me to say maybe he would ask if we were finished at first Id say yea its done, He would always find something that still needed to be done so after a while I started saying maybe.
        I think when an electron is impacted it gets its axis rotation spun up this causes the electron to produce photons-light.
        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • If an electron just transferred its energy to the electron in a conductor it would produce photons, I think this shows that electrons move through a conductor and it not just a transfer of energy.
          I think the speed of light is the speed at which a electron can transfer energy Im not so sure there is a photon.

          Or maybe a photon is energy? , boy I backed out of that one didn't I
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • If we take a stream of electrons (electricity) and run them through a conductor and into a bottle neck (filament) what happens? I think we have electrons crashing into electrons causing light.
            Are they producing photons or just spinning up and glowing-not sure.
            There are so many possibility's testing is the only way, math just deals with what we know its speaks in relations. If you don't know how can you relate how can you put a mathematical formula to something you don't understand.
            If you could absolutely see the whole picture then yes I'm sure it could be explained mathematically.
            Ponder - experiment that's the fun, its a treasure hunt, we are delving into the wheelwork of creation. God put limits, all these laws that we talk about are just boundary's put in place by the creator, they are not Maxwell's law or any others and man is fallible some of these laws are probably wrong.
            If I ran some tests and explained it mathematically and then stated that this is absolute, and someone ran the same test or maybe just a little different and got the same results and verified my formula, and we made it a law, this would be pretty egotistical of me and very naive of everyone else.
            Last edited by Dave45; 01-02-2011, 02:53 PM.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Half the answer is knowing the right question
              Last edited by Dave45; 01-02-2011, 03:35 PM.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                If an electron just transferred its energy to the electron in a conductor it would produce photons, I think this shows that electrons move through a conductor and it not just a transfer of energy.
                I think the speed of light is the speed at which a electron can transfer energy Im not so sure there is a photon.

                Or maybe a photon is energy? , boy I backed out of that one didn't I
                Hi Dave, It's not what I know that matters, it's what I learn that helps me understand what I think I know? I think you're right about photons being a source of energy, the plants on this planet use it to make food from nutrients and solar panels use them to create electricity. One thing that really amazed me was that it's said,.. solar photons are created at the sun's core and take 100,000 years of chain reactions in atoms, in absorbtion and release to reach to the sun's conductive zone so it can travel to the Earth's outer atmosphere in 8 minutes. If that's the case, it's awsome, but I could not give that information with any mathmatics to make it fact, I'm just someone who wants know, looking through the window of knowledge. Thanks for responding....Wally
                Last edited by Rubberband; 01-02-2011, 09:22 PM. Reason: not...corrected statement


                • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  Half the answer is knowing the right question
                  Hi Dave,

                  You certainly have a lot of good questions These are the same types of questions asked by Sir Isaac Newton that led him to his work entitled Optiks but then more questions came up as to what light is and how it can get from one place to another. It was Maxwell that hypothesized that light was a form of electromagnetic energy which led to his Electromagnetic Wave Equation.

                  Regarding the magnet on the CRT (see:YouTube - Magnetic Field Axial Rotation) it is the Phosphor coating on the back of the glass that produces the photons after it is struck by a sufficient stream of electrons. In order for an electron to emit a photon it must change its energy state without a kinetic transfer. In other words, it must drop from a higher orbit to a lower orbit in an atom. So it's not likely that we could ever get an electron to emit a photon without an atom being involved. However, I can visualize an event where by a positron and electron could become trapped in a binary orbit with each other an the prior velocity of each altered such that photons could be emitted to satisfy the balanced binary orbit. This would be a highly unique condition and very difficult to precipitate, but the possibility does exist. The thing to remember, is that the emission of the photon is a mechanism of giving up energy in order to satisfy the required orbital distance. Therefore, if the electron can give up that energy by collision, then it will not emit a photon.

                  In the Phosphor, the atoms are in a normal state at first. Then, the stream of electrons cause energy to be added to those atoms by collisions and this makes the electrons orbiting those atoms increase in velocity which in turn increases their distance from the nucleus to conserve the angular velocity of the system. But the atomic stresses involved prefer that the higher orbit be sacrificed and the electron drop to a lower orbit to bring the atom back to a normal state. When this occurs the electron gives up energy in the form of a photon as it shifts between one higher orbit and one lower orbit. It is probably one of the smallest examples of electromagnetic braking we have The colors are produced by 3 different types of Phosphor, Red, Green and Blue.

                  Regarding the Rainbow, there is a very precise angle involved that has been proven many times. Without that angle, no Rainbow will be present. (See Rainbow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) And for a very good discussion regarding colors and the rainbow see this YouTube - The Wonder and Beauty of Teaching Physics. Professor Lewin starts discussing Rainbows at 16 minutes. Please note that a couple of the demonstrations prior to that will not be as observable because they are intended for a live audience and the digital conversion to computer video for us to view has destroyed much of the effect.

                  "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                  • Energy?

                    Hello Dave, Thinking about energy, I've pondered ED's PMH... testing has shown, when an armature is place across the poles and a current is applied to the coils, the arm will be magnetically locked to the PMH. Some experients have also shown an exsisting micro-voltage measured between the inner and outer radius of the PMH with a DVOM. This tells me that the energy put into the PMH is being stored in the atoms of it. Even if six months pass, that energy can still be measured and can be seen when released if a light is placed across the coil leads and the arm is pulled off by force. This is one way, the energy is converted into work, I think ED had other ways to use that energy, I think Ed was able to use this king of energy to create a distortion in materials so as they could resist the pressure of gravity by placing the objects in a (bubble? ) kind of gravity opposing field. Just searching...any thoughts?... Wally


                    • Has anyone done Ed's experiments from page 13 and 36 of his book "Magnetic Currents" ?

                      This is an interesting thing.

                      Something similar to this is an experience I had when helping my father install new high amperage batteries in his motorhome. We used two 6V batteries in series to get the required 12V. They are similar to the type used in golf carts. They have a threaded post for a wing nut to go on.

                      I had connected the positive terminal first but when I attempted to connect the other terminal it sparked with a pretty good snap which indicated that something inside was turned on and drawing a far amount of current. The cable terminal was a crimped lead ring (like those for side post batteries) and I had touched the top of the thread post with the flat of the ring. To my surprise, when I tried to remove the cable (with the current flowing) it was magnetically attached to the terminal and would not release. At first I thought it was welded due to the spark and I pulled it off and reattached it several times to try and get the same effect. The sparking was there, but not as much as what I started with. I waited a few minutes and was able to repeat the magnetic holding. Naturally I wanted to know what was turned on, so I used my ammeter and when hunting and only found a few milliamps being used continuously (which we eventually discovered to be the rear view camera transmitter which he had hardwired into a hot line). But that did not explain the large initial snap and subsequent magnetic lock. I finally came to the conclusion that his inverter had front end capacitors that were being charged up when we first connected the wiring even though the inverter switch was off. This caused a large current surge during the initial connection which set up a magnetic field around the lead battery terminal and the connector, a field that remained (although smaller in density) after the capacitors were charged due to the fact that the small transmitter kept a constant current of a few mA flowing.

                      Could the magnetic field surrounding a current carrying wire be a spiral? Could the unbroken lead ring of the cable terminal somehow be acting as a PMH? How did this magnetic field work to hold these metal parts together?

                      Modern day solenoids often have two windings - an energize winding and a holding winding. The current in the holding winding is just a small fraction of the energize current. So something similar must have taken place in my experience.

                      On Plate V. Fig 3 of Maxwell's paper "On the Physical Lines of Force" found on page 37 in the following PDF: we see that in 1861 Maxwell had predicted the function of the PMH. The text that is associated with that figure is found on page 27 of that PDF (page 888 of the original document)

                      The fact is, I find only very small variances between Ed's empirical conclusions and Maxwell's theoretical projections. Perhaps one day I will write up something tying the two together.

                      "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                      • Hey Harvey
                        Always good to hear from you, someday you'll have to tell me, are you a professor somewhere you have all the right answers.
                        Yes Ive read that the electron releases the photon as it moves back to a normal state,and this makes sense, this would indicate that a photon is pure energy, or does it, so many questions.

                        Hey Rubberband
                        By the way I like your user name it implies stored energy. I think whats happening with the pmh is that the coils are setting up a magnetic field within the irons structure as long as the field is not broken it circulates continuously, when broken it releases energy as electricity.

                        I believe that a magnetic field is two streams of electrons moving side by side with each other in opposite directions if we could split this field we would have unlimited electricity.

                        Harvey its funny you should mention auto solenoids Ive been looking for some off the shelf solenoids to test with and this is what Ive been using, they put out a good field but Iv noticed they get hot using 12v so Iv been pulsing them with 6v, I get a better result with 6v as well.

                        Speaking of the crt and magnetic field I would like to put a strong magnet in pvc and see what happens in a microwave, I think I robbed the magnetron from the only working one I had, besides the one in the house hmmm cant let the wife find out .

                        Iv found that thrift stores are a good source for cheap electronics to tear up and experiment with, microwaves are full of goody's.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • If you stand on a ladder facing East with the sun going down in the west, you can spray water in the air to the east and you will see a full circle rainbow.


                          • The setup that Iv been playing with, I made a simple parallel plate capacitor inside 1/2 inch pvc the coils slide over the pvc as I pulse the coils Im getting voltage in my cap alas but not much current. I got a vacuum pump from ebay still waiting for it to arrive. I used silver dimes pre 64 as my plates, its been interesting. I cant reveal all my setup but I havent finished yet.
                            Its gonna rock
                            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • Hey Harvey...what page 36 in Ed's notes?
                              Magnetic current has only 20 pages

                              I've done all the tests and have all the results fully documented.
                              I made it so that it could be taught to a 16yo.
                              The thing is...with Ed's work you have to start from the start, and also you have to forget about electrons and everything else.


                              • @ wrote about the cable sticking to the battery....
                                Ed wrote:
                                "Get four pieces of wire size sixteen, six inches long, two copper and two soft iron, bend one end of each wire back so the clips can hold it better. Use copper wire first. Put both wires in clips, connect with battery, have the wire ends square, now put the loose ends together, and pull them away. Then you will notice that something is holding you back. What is it? They are magnets. When you put the ends together, the North and South Pole magnets are passing from one wire to the other, and in doing it they pull the wire ends together. Now put the soft iron wire in the clips, put the loose ends together, and pull them away. This time the passing magnets hold the wire ends together stronger."
                                If the electrons travel better in the copper, why does the iron wire pull together more?

