I find it laughable when anyone holds formal education or academic credentials in high regard. The academic institution of lies ought to be renamed "The Public Fool System." Its just a means for the bankers to propagate their power. The true history of the United States is NOT taught in school. Go find out the dirty secrets about where our flag might have come from. And study the secrets of Goldsmiths.
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How to Move Mountains... Leedskalnin Style
Originally posted by pha3z View PostI find it laughable when anyone holds formal education or academic credentials in high regard. The academic institution of lies ought to be renamed "The Public Fool System." Its just a means for the bankers to propagate their power. The true history of the United States is NOT taught in school. Go find out the dirty secrets about where our flag might have come from. And study the secrets of Goldsmiths.
You people go out of your way to ignore the information given just so you can be little the person giving it. How smart does that make you?
Take a trip out of your mothers basement..it'll do you some good.
Originally posted by Nadda View PostAwesome thread remelic, you make it easy to follow the information. I've always wondered about the coral castle as well and look forward to reading your book.
I don't doubt that the Coral Castle can be built using levers and counter weights but in defense of Edward I presented this hypotheses against the lever theory.
I hope it works.
Soft-Iron is hard to find...
A video I did back in Aug 09
Leedskalnin fans may find this interesting...
YouTube - Hendershot meets Leedskalnin (Perpetual Clapper)
leedskalnin style
Originally posted by david lambright View Postso what am i making up?..... and being honest i got my ged in prison.....since when does education matter?.....so what you are saying is; i am less educated than you, this is true...how many discoveries have been made persons with little or no formal education?...[the illustration reminds me of megadeths symphony of destruction...]...who was it who said "
It is a magnetic pulse you are seeing. Magnetism bends light. The generator is only the generator and not responsible at all for the "anti-gravity" effect. It was his tool for drawing in magnetic energy. That is all. No one needs to go anywhere to understand this."..Originally posted by Nadda View PostAwesome thread remelic, you make it easy to follow the information. I've always wondered about the coral castle as well and look forward to reading your book.
Originally posted by morpher44 View PostLeedskalnin fans may find this interesting...
YouTube - Hendershot meets Leedskalnin (Perpetual Clapper)
Originally posted by david lambright View Posti also look forward to reading it. you might hurry to publish `cause i hear a buzz and its getting bigger....replications , same effects , etc. might make a big change in physics, new discovery etc......im sorry about being a pest!.........david......
This would provide direct evidence to your claims.Thats all I would need to believe... or else I would have to build one myself and perform the test to see if this is true.
I agree that formal education doesn't mean truth. Experimentation and observation are truth. I just didn't understand why someone was asking me for credentials when they didn't even care to look at yours... No offense intended I just wanted to make a point.
Originally posted by remelic View PostAh sorry about that again. heh. I just noticed the line I forgot to quote.
- This line should be quoted by Harvey in post #6.
I guess you could call it Negative Energy but I wouldn't. It's using magnetism from both positive and negative sources so I would call it balanced energy. Static-magnetism just makes sense when explaining it.
Originally posted by IndianaBoys View PostThis demonstration video may be relevant:
MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor
YouTube - MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor
Best regards,
This video is proof
Take a look and see the truth of it all. Think of the globe on this device as the earth and the generator is our core, moving flowing and directing tons of static charges that cause more movement and heat and greater attraction of other charges from space meaning other bodies in those spaces. They wonder why our universe is expanding because the well or static charge bubble is getting bigger from repelling other bodies in space. This stretches the underlying energy network that matter forms around. making space less dense in the conductors that the network is made of.
This also goes back to my original theory that we are in a black holes material center. A thin layer of crystals as large as our universe sheared apart and created all that we know even the vacuum of space from the repulsion of the two now disconnected halves of these crystals. These would have been the bases of two pyramidal crystals breaking a smaller layer of square like crystals in between the pyramidal bases. These square crystals are the containers of static charge but in the event they were broken to a smaller resolution. This is the conductors that I am talking about and as the two bases flew apart they aligned into strings or network of strings. Our universe is expanding because of the charge that is building up from all the material adding to the original material of the black hole.
This explains how polar action is induced through the network using just sources of static potentials.
YouTube - MIT Physics Demo -- Inducing Dipoles with a Van de Graaff GeneratorLast edited by Jbignes5; 05-31-2010, 04:03 PM.
Check this out David... and everyone else:
'Magnetricity' observed for first time - physics-math - 14 October 2009 - New Scientist
Except we all know that Ed observed this long time ago, but "mainstream" obviously didn't take notice. Now some team of scientists claim it as theirs?
Now, another team has managed to measure the amount of magnetic "charge" on the monopoles and to measure magnetic analogues to electric current for the first time. The team calls the motion and interaction of monopoles "magnetricity".
To Edward Leedskalnin... The real observer of the monopole.
This also supports my theory of a Magnetic Universe (And a few other people's theory as well).
The Magnetic Universe: The Elusive ... - Google Books
Ed... Hmmm...
Originally posted by remelic View PostCheck this out David... and everyone else:
'Magnetricity' observed for first time - physics-math - 14 October 2009 - New Scientist
Except we all know that Ed observed this long time ago, but "mainstream" obviously didn't take notice. Now some team of scientists claim it as theirs?
Doesn't that make you mad when the real genius gets curbed?
To Edward Leedskalnin... The real observer of the monopole.
This also supports my theory of a Magnetic Universe (And a few other people's theory as well).
The Magnetic Universe: The Elusive ... - Google Books
If one really changed their view and looked at the whole, God does exist and we are merely microbes in his body or container. We are the Universe and the Universe is us manifested. We are connected to this universe and I believe truly that one can effect change in this universe. But we must want to do such a thing. The problem being that we are so busy with "Me" that we don't care to make a change. We have fallen away from the natural ways to becoming polluters or a cancer of God. Trust me the reaction will be swift and it will excise the cancer if we do not make the change.
Originally posted by Jbignes5 View PostEd was no more a genius then I. He copied all he knew from another source the Egyptians. He just found the information and deduced the rest from a natural point of view. It still doesn't explain it all.
Pure freaking genius.He invented devices that did things no one else was doing... of course there were other people studying the same thing at the time but they weren't doing anything like Ed.
No one else in our CURRENT history moved stones like he did... except the YouTube guy that everyone uses as a argument against moving stones with magnets.
I've also put the ancient puzzle together (as have many others) and wrote two books about it, and I have another on the way as we speak. But I'll still give credit to the people who deserve it. Give me the name of the ancient Egyptian inventor who proved the existence of monopoles and I will credit them also... what's that?... You cant give me the name? well I guess Leedskalnin will have to do.
How does arguing about Ed's intelligence help solve the mystery of this technology? This is so counter productive to the mystery.
Blah Blah Blah...
And out of respect for others, leave God out of it. Some people may not believe, and your opinion may not be appreciated or agreed with.
Last edited by remelic; 05-31-2010, 05:06 PM.
i'm not sure if this works in line with your current leedskalnin theory but i do remember boyd bushman saying that by bolting the repulsive side of two powerful magnets together and encasing it within the center of a round object that it fell to the ground slower than another identical object without the magnets inside.
He doesnt go into too many details but here is a link to the video. The part im speaking of starts around 8 minutes in.
David Sereda with Boyd Bushman - Anti-Gravity / UFO Disclosure
So in my mind it is absolute proof that gravity does recongize magnetism in some degree or another.
No what is counter productive....
Originally posted by remelic View PostOf course but Ancient people were wiped away long time ago and Ed put it back together. That's genus enough for me, since you haven't moved anything over two hundred pounds more then fifty feet using your own physical strength alone... but yet there is the Coral Castle... and all we are told is that he did it himself, alone... how can you not consider this genius even if he did use levers and counter weights?
Pure freaking genius.He invented devices that did things no one else was doing... of course there were other people studying the same thing at the time but they weren't doing anything like Ed.
No one else in our CURRENT history moved stones like he did... except the YouTube guy that everyone uses as a argument against moving stones with magnets.
I've also put the ancient puzzle together (as have many others) and wrote two books about it, and I have another on the way as we speak. But I'll still give credit to the people who deserve it. Give me the name of the ancient Egyptian inventor who proved the existence of monopoles and I will credit them also... what's that?... You cant give me the name? well I guess Leedskalnin will have to do.
How does arguing about Ed's intelligence help solve the mystery of this technology? This is so counter productive to the mystery.
Blah Blah Blah...
The point is that it was in fact done before or the huge monolith we can see any day in Egypt would not exist. That would the the reference to a fricken Big structure built long before our current dogma tells it was built. It was done before and it is proof that the process was much simpler in explanation then any of our greatest minds could jumble up with computations and laws that they define. The definition of those laws should be based off all our understanding not cherry picked like our current system is.
So while you are on the subject of your diatribe or tribute to just a man, What exactly were the bottles for?
I believe they contained water that was running under the pyramids that were charged up. This water has a capacity once separated from the ambient to resist gravitational effects. Since Ed didn't have a huge pyramid that was charging this water how did he do such a thing?
Induction would be my guess. Hence the coils around the bottles. Yes the pmh did focus the energy much like the pyramid did but he needed a vehicle to lift the mass. And that vehicle was exactly the same as the what the elder race used to create the pyramid via much smaller pyramids that were hand assembled. Once they had one that was built from the surrounding materials they could use the water jugs as chargeable lifters. Leyden jars is an old concept.. Probably much older then we know.
So pay compliments to the people that shared these revelation with all and do not keep this stuff buried and hidden from our view. Anyways Ed didn't look for anyone's approval. He was only looking to understand the real reason the pyramids were there. He did try to tell people but as everyone knows the status quo doesn't like free thinkers and they tent to ridicule people for bringing something to light like your attitude.
The one thing that scares me to death is this attitude for me me me. Ed didn't like it either and that is why he buried it. We are not ready for such power. We would only use it to destroy what is left of what we have now. That is the one thing that keeps this cycle going the way it is. Because our collective attitude goes to a point where our fundamental morals are stretched to the breaking point if morals are even in play.
We have let money become our god and that is not right. We want to own things and to tell you the truth how could one own a piece of God. We can never truly own anything much less claim that my observations are mine to be owned by anyone let alone me.
Everyone wants to find this real energy source and to tell you the truth if it is based off of nature then who can patent that? How could I control everything that happens in the universe and try to profit from those revelations. WE HAVE to change our view of ourselves and others if not we will always be fighting over this and that instead of caring for our neighbors and respecting them. We have to understand that if we see something that something happens not because of our doing but it happens because nature lets us by the rules it uses not ours. Whenever we deviate from that idiom we loose sight of God and our morals as well.
Here is some more clues for you to read.
The Great Pyramid’s Subterranean Chamber Hydraulic Pulse Generator and Water PumpLast edited by Jbignes5; 05-31-2010, 05:53 PM.