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How to Move Mountains... Leedskalnin Style

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    Ya if you look back about 10 pages you'll find a fellow who did. The search doesn't always work real well but you can try it too.


    I looked at all the posts here and there were only 3 pages and did not see it?



    • #77
      Hey Indi.....I have all the equipment from Ed's notes, except for the alnico magnet, which is not really needed anyway. Neos are ok for those tests.

      I made my PMH out of round bar, but I have a square one now, which I have wound smaller coils on.

      So far I have not seen the results that Ed wrote about but I would like to try good wrought iron for another attempt.
      I can have iron cast no worries but it's not the same as real wrought iron.
      Here is a few pics of proper wrought iron.
      Google Image Result for


      • #78
        Here is a pic of my equipment.
        Attached Files


        • #79
          Originally posted by Loadstone View Post
          Here is a pic of my equipment.
          Could you try the experiment suggested at the first page:


          • #80
            Originally posted by Loadstone View Post
            Hey Indi.....I have all the equipment from Ed's notes, except for the alnico magnet, which is not really needed anyway. Neos are ok for those tests.

            I made my PMH out of round bar, but I have a square one now, which I have wound smaller coils on.

            So far I have not seen the results that Ed wrote about but I would like to try good wrought iron for another attempt.
            I can have iron cast no worries but it's not the same as real wrought iron.
            Here is a few pics of proper wrought iron.
            Google Image Result for
            Hi Loadstone,

            Good information on wrought iron.

            Looking to get a quote from:


            Do you believe the reason for your results are due to material type?




            • #81
              Originally posted by Loadstone View Post
              Here is a pic of my equipment.

              You did a real good job bringing all that together!

              What material did you use for your spools (brass or aluminum)?



              • #82
                Heres the thread

                Cody built one. Look through the first page.



                • #83
                  Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                  Heres the thread

                  Cody built one. Look through the first page.

                  Hi Matt,

                  Thanks for that thread.

                  Both Cody and Lighty's PMH's do not appear to follow all of what Leedskalnin wrote on creating a PMH.

                  It would be interesting to hear from anyone on this forum that has duplicated what Leedskalnin has called for in his PMH design.



                  • #84
                    Not a large difference in carbon content between a366/1088 and wrought iron. I think the difference would be negligible for the pmh. Even higher carbon content steel may be negligible. Just depends on how much money you want to spend to find out. Wrought Iron specs have a carbon content of 1 to 5 % depending on how refined it is.

                    A366/1008 Mild Steel
                    Chemistry Iron (Fe) 99%
                    Carbon (C) 0.08%

                    Wrought iron
                    Chemistry Iron (Fe) 99%
                    Carbon (C) 0.05%


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
                      Ed's generator wasn't much different than a huge grandfather clock which uses weights and gravity to convert into mechanical motion (This is the reason for the tripod, chains, etc).

                      It's really hot in Florida during most of the year and Ed worked mostly at night to escape the extreme heat during the day. Since he worked mostly at night to erect the coral, then he would need light to work and for other basic needs, such as for a radio and his experiments. He probably handcranked the generator to reset the weights again or used a block and tackle system.

                      He may have used weights and gravity to put water under high pressure to cut the coral. With high water pressure you could easily cut the coral with precision. Here's a video demenostrating how one man can erect a 20,000 lb block with a simple contraption, Man Moves Huge Blocks!

                      Im sorry but I have to disagree with you. While yes, it is terribly hot here in Florida. Especially this year, I do not think that was the reason he worked at night. During the night the we are on the side of the earths Magnetosphere that gets blown outward from the Sun. Like this:
                      Also at night, as any crystal radio guy can tell you, there is less interference from the sun. I feel Ed worked at night to utilize these two known phenomena in conjunction with the magnetic lines of the earth that should be extended out farther.
                      I recently visited coral castle. I have another thread labeled "do we have a cryptographer in the house?". I will post photos of my trip and some of my thoughts. I know Harvey has been very interested in seeing them. Has anyone asked themselves how such a little man could erect those large tripods by himself?


                      • #86
                        Edward Leedskalnin would have had to have foreknowledge of the magnetosphere to want to work at night just for that reason. It wasnt until the late 50s that it was observed by spacecraft and understood. He died in 1951.
                        If you can take a 1.5 volt d battery running just ma's and lift 200 lbs then think of a 12 volt car battery running at hundreds of amps,then I see no reason why the magnetosphere would come into play. But I do think its possible.
                        Whats odd to me is 2 of the greatest minds dealing with electricity and magnetism,Tesla & Leedskalnin,were born in the same general area within the same century.


                        • #87
                          I have thought how interesting it was that Tesla and Ed were in the same period, and immigrants, from geographically speaking similar regions.
                          Just because the term Magnetosphere wasnt coined till later doesnt lead me to believe that he or others didn't realize it was there, or its effects where higher at night, or how to utilize it. You dont think the Egyptians called the Baghdad batteries, Batteries do you? Or electricity, electricity? Or lightning, lightning. Many of the sciences that we think we have invented, discovered, or mastered, have already been done. We are just RE-discovering them.
                          As well as a little 90 pound, 5 foot tall man, lugging around large telephone poles to make a tripod. I have seen the block and tackle in the picture at the beginning of this thread. It is very large. I do not think I could pick it up by myself, and I am considerably bigger then Ed was. There are videos of an old man using levers and pulleys to lift a large rock. All fine and good but how did he set up a rig large enough to pick up a 15 foot long piece of limestone/coral all by himself.
                          Another note on this picture that I had completely overlooked. He is cranking the flywheel and charging his apparatus. For what? well we dont know for sure. But the thing I missed was that one of the chains is wrapped around a bicycle frame. That bike is not at Coral Castle anymore. Neither is most of the chains. (hmmm) I think he was energizing the block and tackle, and bringing everything to same potential, bike included, then he could use the bike as a transport to move the entire thing. The bike has rubber wheels, thus isolated from ground.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Iotayodi View Post
                            Edward Leedskalnin would have had to have foreknowledge of the magnetosphere to want to work at night just for that reason. It wasnt until the late 50s that it was observed by spacecraft and understood. He died in 1951.
                            If you can take a 1.5 volt d battery running just ma's and lift 200 lbs then think of a 12 volt car battery running at hundreds of amps,then I see no reason why the magnetosphere would come into play. But I do think its possible.
                            Whats odd to me is 2 of the greatest minds dealing with electricity and magnetism,Tesla & Leedskalnin,were born in the same general area within the same century.
                            I am not sure how true the stories are but Ed Leedskalnin was a Mason. He knew things that were ancient. Just because someone came along and rediscovered something doesn't mean people didn't know about it. The older the civilization the more in touch with nature they probably were.
                            Its stupidity to believe that people were inherently stupid because science hadn't evolved to the level of there understanding.
                            One thing is it will continue to be a mystery because none of us can even begin to imagine what is possible and what isn't. We are blinded from birth, look around, were all crippled. Some more than others
                            Just study the device and see what you can find. Don't speculate based on your lack of understanding. You'll never learn anything that way.



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                              There are videos of an old man using levers and pulleys to lift a large rock. All fine and good but how did he set up a rig large enough to pick up a 15 foot long piece of limestone/coral all by himself.
                              You obviously didn't watch this video on how a man erected a 20,000 lb. concrete block with no chains, no pulleys, no machinery, etc. The simple contraption he used to erect the 20,000 lb block wasn't even that large.

                              If Ed could negate the weight of the coral, then coral castle wouldn't have taken 5+ years to build, but would have taken only a few days. Ed did some amazing things, but he didn't use magic or had any anti-gravity system to aid him. He worked hard along with tricks of the trade that have been replaced by heavy machinery of today. If you ask me, the few photos of Ed that I have seen, looks like he worked himself to death.

                              Ed never talked about or referred to anti-gravity in his publications. In his book, "magnetic currents", he does talk about making lots of light with his best device.

                              Last edited by gravityblock; 08-03-2010, 07:20 AM.


                              • #90
                                Im sorry no, I had not seen that particular video. Was thinking you were speaking of another. That is a very impressive feat that that man completed. And a very simple technique. Am I saying that it is POSSIBLE for Ed to have used something similar to that? Sure.
                                I am also saying he COULD have used the flywheel for lighting. I have no problem with that. But at the museum there are lanterns, not electric lights. I feel you are ignoring some of the photographic proof in the photos. I thank you for your skepticism. Good science needs that.
                                What do you think Ed is doing in the photo, where it appears he has his massive block and tackle connected to the flywheel? What do you suppose the mysterious box is on top of his tripod for moving blocks? Where do you get 5 years from. It appears to me that this was an ever changing work in progress that started in Florida City in late 20's. Got moved to Homestead about ten years later, and continued to build till the 50's.
                                Im not denying that he worked hard. I do not think there is a magic secret to quarry the massive blocks. Those are truly cut by hand. You can see the marks. You can see the quarry. The tools are still there.
                                If you have any insight to the couple of questions I asked I welcome them.

