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How to Move Mountains... Leedskalnin Style

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  • #91
    here are some photos for dissection from my trip to coral castle. These are the equipment that are in his tool room. This may take a few post so bare with:
    This is heavy bare copper wire rolled and hanging on the wall:

    Here various bottle coils:

    This coil has a clip lead connected to it.

    MOre coils to the left of display board:


    • #92
      bottle coils:

      various coils on display board:


      • #93
        crystal radio parts. dismantled and mounted to wood.

        various equip:

        notice coils of wire on tools. This is everywhere on tolls in this room

        the handle crank looks like the center portion of eds flywheel


        • #94
          and now the flywheel:\


          • #95
            Thanks Redrichie!

            Those are some very nice photographs

            That large block with what seems to be electrodes extending from the ends with wire wrapped on them - is that wood or rock?
            It looks like wood at first glance, but it texture seems different than the other one under it.

            Thank you very much for getting those and showing how things are connected and supported.


            "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


            • #96
              Hi all.
              @Broli. That experiment doesn't make much sense to me. Two coils, 8 wires shown? If you removed the red and blue wires then the coils would be correct. So where do the red and blue wires go? With the coils connected as if a single wire then only 2 connections are available.

              About the iron, I think the wrought iron is best because it suits Ed's wording for the making of the keeper. Quote "If possible use laminated iron."
              The wrought iron has a laminated structure that is more suited to the laminated keeper. Plus I've tried some steels already.
              The steels tend to remain magnetized but the iron should not.
              Ed wrote "the soft iron does not hold the magnets, it throws them out."
              Oh BTW just for the record..I work as an Engineering Patternmaker, and spent a little over 10 years working in a steel foundry....
              That's partly where my interest comes from.

              I could by the iron from "realwroughtiron" but I could not afford it.
              I'll get it here fairly easily and I can also forge smaller bits together if I have to. It's just time and work, and I always have too many projects.


              • #97
                Sorry it took so long Harvey. The block to the front with the electrodes is definitely wood. It is just old and worn. Electricity running through it may have helped to age it some. What gets me is the picture of the flywheel with the electric motor. look at the block its mounted with. right in the center it has 2 bolts and a grove where something was mounted there. something that may have meshed with the flywheel that was turned by the electric motor.
                I am not claiming a self runner here, even though that would be neat. but he could have used a battery to power the motor when he needed the electricity but could not be in the room to manually turn the handle.


                • #98

                  Hi all, The motor in the picture looks more like an old generator like was used on automobiles until the mid 60's. I worked on a lot of those in my earlier days. On some small lawn and garden tractors they were built with heavier windings and were used as a starter and then after the engine was started they switched over and were used as a generator. Thanks a lot for the pictures. I was able to see some details I have never seen before in the other pictures I have seen of the Coral Castle.

                  Thanks again, Carroll
                  Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                  • #99
                    Looks like a face.


                    • Originally posted by Iotayodi View Post
                      Looks like a face.
                      Thank You! I thought I was freaking out when I saw those, all three of them. Then I started seeing all sorts of patterns in the walls
                      "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                      • Wow, many thanks for the picture redrichie .


                        • From the Dowsing world of l'Abbe Mermet.

                          Hi all,

                          My friend bought a book on dowsing from l'Abbe Mermet "Comment J'opère" and for those who do not believe in dowsing, it has been stated in "Science et Vie" published in May 1963 the result of a study by an imminent French Physicist (Professeur a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris et Directeur du Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Superieur) stating that "YES" Radiesthesia (dowsing) is true.

                          In his book, l'Abbe Mermet states:

                          Iron has a fundamental SOUTH Component.
                          Copper has a fundamental SOUTH-EAST (45 degrees) Component.
                          Aluminum has a fundamental North-East (75 degrees) Component.
                          Cobalt has a fundamental SOUTH Component just like Iron.
                          Nickel has a fundamental SOUTH-EAST (55 degrees) Component.

                          He states in his book the angular Fundamental Component for around 20 metals.

                          When my friend is done reading it and I have some free time to read it, I will add to the list.

                          Here is my friend's email he sent me a few weeks ago:

                          Allo Michel,

                          J'ai acheté le livre de l'Abbé Mermet il y en a un seul: comment j'opère
                          pour découvrir de près ou a distance...
                          Cela directement de la france... ;-)

                          dans son préface il parle de son livre comme un testament qu'il laisse...
                          L'ouvrage couronné par la société nationale d'encouragement au bien...
                          Puis... (lettre de bénédiction du Pontife!!! PieXI???)

                          En page 26 une note sur le coté scientifique de la radiesthésie...
                          Tu te souviens de la remarque que je t'ai dit sur l'atome hydrogène et
                          oxygène de l'eau...
                          moins de 'matière' dans hydrogène que dans l'oxygène,
                          mais en électrolyse... Monsieur hydrogène a le double de volume....!!!
                          je n'ai rien trouvé la dessus avant ou après t'en avoir parlé...
                          et voilà en page 26 la théorie de Lakhovsky cité par Abbé Mermet:
                          La densité de la matière ne provient pas des atomes dans la molécule,
                          électron, protons,
                          positrons (livre copyright 1935!!! Positron!!!) ect.,
                          qui la composent mais du VIDE SPATIAL INTERMOLÉCULAIRE. (Qui doit
                          possiblement occuper le même espace pour tout les atomes comme je te l'ai
                          Et voila des ''vibration'' sensible à la lumière (selon Mermet), au
                          magnétisme et Quantique (il n'a pas exprimé le terme, mais le décrit dans la
                          réaction du pendule a distance).

                          De plus Abbé Mermet parle de rayon radiesthésique qui émane de toutes atomes
                          et molécules (sa découverte) et est
                          un ''''''''''''''''rayon Fodemantal orienté selon les points
                          cardinaux''''''''''''''''''''''''.... OUAIS!!!

                          Plus encore....

                          Dans son hypothèse il donne les ''signes et orientions du rayon
                          fondamental de quelques éléments'' par le pendule.

                          ET Là!!! Intéressant...
                          ****************************** Le fer a un ''rayon fondamental'' SUD
                          ************************************************** ************************************************** *******
                          L'étude de rocard :Oui la radiathésie existe publié par Science et Vie en
                          mai 1963 (N° 548) DONC bien après ce livre... et autre découverte sur le
                          Expose la prédisposition du magnétisme du corps du sourcier!!! Mermet se
                          devait de connaitre cela AVANT Rocard...
                          ************************************************** ************************************************** *******************

                          ***On accepte avec le plus grand respect et logique que le magnétisme du fer
                          a une composante Mermet SUD!!!
                          soit le VRAI sens du champs magnétique!!! Mais qui pointe a l'envers d'une
                          Tu me suis? ;-) Donc...

                          Toujours dans ce chapitre il donne le signe et orientation pour le cuivre
                          (DIAMAGNÉTIQUE)... Selon ton hypothèse ou sera orienté le ''rayon
                          D'après Toi quel L'orientation DU RAYON FONDAMENTAL???...

                          Au 45 DEGRÉS SUD-OUEST !!!
                          orienté dans le contresens d'une boussole...

                          DEGRÉS NORD-EST !!!
                          orienté dans le sens d'une boussole...

                          Et le cobalt??? Orientation DU RAYON FONDAMENTAL:

                          Le Nickel 55 degrés SUD-EST...................... Toujours dans le même
                          esprit... Valable... Nickel-Cobalt-Fer (Pourquoi il parle de tous ces
                          ferromagnétiques...)Une piste?

                          Au Niveau magnétique son ''rayon'' est valable et plausible...

                          Mais... le livre parle de pendulisant...
                          et de sourcier...
                          Encore plus poussé le mouvement du pendule vas pour l'argent : 6
                          oscillations suivis de 6 rotations, puis recommence cette séquence... cela
                          varie selon la nature de l'objet.
                          rotation!!!! balancement!!!
                          Le rayon radiesthésique serait comme un train d'onde (Quanta!!!)
                          la rotation serait l'énergie contenu dans le train d'onde qui influence le
                          et le balancement ''l'espace de repos entre les pulsations énergétique du

                          Il site nombressssssssssssssss de lettre (dont du vatican!) qui attestes ses
                          trouvailles et exploits...
                          Et souvent là ou d'autres ont échoués ou ridiculisait ses prévisions....
                          j'accueille ce livre avec ouverture et tasse mon scepticisme...

                          il s'exprime avec ses mots et trouvailles, mais cela a un sens...
                          je poursuis la lecture.... en vu d'une discussion qui se pointes a l'horizon
                          ;-) A SUIVRE

                          a Plus,
                          I don't know if the book was translated but it might be a good buy.

                          The above information might have been know to Ed Leedskalnin, if so, it might be part of the puzzle.

                          Take care all,



                          • Hi Michel
                            Hope you don't mind - google translation of your e-mail below.

                            Hello Michael

                            I bought the book of Father Mermet there is one: how I operate
                            to discover near or distance ...
                            This directly from France ... ;-)

                            in his preface he speaks of his book as he left a will ...
                            The work culminated in the national society to encourage the good ...
                            Then ... (Letter of blessing of the Pope! PieXI??)

                            On page 26 a note on the side of scientific dowsing ...
                            You remember the comment I told you about the atom and hydrogen
                            oxygen in the water ...
                            less 'material' in hydrogen than in oxygen,
                            electrolysis but ... Mr hydrogen double volume ....!!!
                            I found nothing before or after the above thee talking ...
                            and here on page 26 the theory cited by Abbot Lakhovsky Mermet:
                            The density of matter does not come from the atoms in the molecule,
                            electron, proton,
                            Tomography (1935 copyright book! Positron!) ect.,
                            but that compose the EMPTY SPACE intermolecular. (Who needs
                            possibly occupying the same space for all the atoms as I have
                            And here is the''vibration''sensitive to light (as Mermet), the
                            Quantum magnetism (he did not express the term, but describes it in
                            reaction of the pendulum away).

                            Abbe Mermet Also speaking radius dowsing emanating from all atoms
                            and molecules (the discovery) and is
                            '''''''''''''''' a radius Fodemantal oriented along the points
                            Cardinals''''''''''''''''''''''''.... YEAH!

                            More ....

                            In his case it gives the''signs strategic directions and the radius
                            some fundamental elements''by the clock.

                            AND Here! Interesting ...
                            ****************************** The iron has a''fundamental''radius SOUTH
                            ************************************************** ************************************************** *******
                            The study Rocard: Yes radiathésie is published by the Science and Life in
                            May 1963 (No. 548) THEREFORE well after this book ... and other discovery on the
                            magnetism ...
                            Exposes the magnetic susceptibility of the body of the dowser! Mermet is
                            had to know this BEFORE Rocard ...
                            ************************************************** ************************************************** *******************

                            *** We accept with the greatest respect and logical that the magnetism of iron
                            Mermet has a component SOUTH!
                            TRUE is the meaning of magnetic fields! But who has the edge to a
                            compass ...
                            You follow me? ;-) So ...

                            Also in this chapter he gives the sign and direction for the copper
                            (Diamagnetic) ... According to your hypothesis or will be facing the''radius
                            From what You orientation RADIUS OF FUNDAMENTAL ???...

                            At 45 DEGREES SOUTH WEST!
                            oriented in the opposite direction of a compass ...

                            AND ALUMINUM (Paramagnetic SUSCEPTIBILITY MAGNETIC POSITIVE): TO 75
                            DEGREES NORTH-EAST!
                            oriented in the direction of a compass ...

                            And cobalt??? Orientation RADIUS OF FUNDAMENTAL:
                            SOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Nickel 55 degrees SOUTHEAST ...................... In the same
                            mind ... Valid ... Nickel-Cobalt-Iron (Why he speaks of all these
                            ferromagnetic ...) A track?

                            At the level''the magnetic radius''is valid and plausible ...

                            But ... the book is about pendulisant ...
                            and divining ...
                            Still further movement of the pendulum going for money: 6
                            oscillations followed by six rotations, then repeat this sequence ... it
                            varies depending on the nature of the object.
                            rotation!! swing!
                            The radius Dowsing is like a wave train (Quanta!)
                            rotation would be the energy contained in the wave train, which influences the
                            and balancing''the relaxation between the pulses of energy

                            This site nombressssssssssssssss letter (which the Vatican!) Confirming its
                            discoveries and achievements ...
                            Metals-Water-Oil-Coal-Missing .... ect ...
                            And often where others have failed or ridiculed his predictions ....
                            I welcome this book with an open cup and my skepticism ...

                            he speaks with his words and discoveries, but it makes sense ...
                            I continue reading .... in light of a discussion that points on the horizon
                            ;-) FORWARD

                            a Plus


                            • Thanks So Much!!


                              Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful photographs. You've shared a lot of neat new things that I've never seen before.

                              Best Regards,


                              • Originally posted by Slovenia View Post

                                Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful photographs. You've shared a lot of neat new things that I've never seen before.

                                Best Regards,
                                No problem. I got off from work on a friday. Told my wife to pack the kid and our things and we ventured off. Don't know why, but I had to go. Wish I could have stayed longer and studied some more, to see if anything revealed itself to me. But it was a long drive down, and though patient, my wife was kinda tired and understands, but doesnt feel things like I do. Im just glad I got to go and the weather was good.
                                there seems to be many weird things happening in the world these days. So much stuff about Ed, and alternative energy. The "one magnet no bearing" thread has some neat stuff happening right now. Dr. stiffler is making hydrogen wirelessly. Solar storms that cause the Aurora to drop down to the central latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Not being a doomsdayer, just think the time for things to start revealing themselves is coming. Neat times ahead. I wish us all well.
                                Can anyone figure out what the device is in front of the generator in the photo from the beginning of this thread. the one below the bar. The bar is connected to the leads on each side of the block of wood in front of the flywheel. but in order for for the flywheel to charge anything a coil of some sort must be used right?
                                Last edited by redrichie; 12-17-2010, 11:55 AM.

