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How to Move Mountains... Leedskalnin Style

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  • ac version

    Originally posted by remelic View Post
    Hey Cody. This picture is misleading, and I apologize to everyone who is trying this experiment. The picture shows a DC battery but in fact the power supply needs to be AC. I can draw a more accurate picture if anyone wants.

    Yes, please!
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Originally posted by cody View Post
      The links in the chain can work as both/either core and/or coil,
      so I'm thinking Heins Bi-Toroidal-Transformer but in a slightly different and multiple setup.
      For each link some (the more the better) of the bemf is directed to the right and not to the left in the picture.

      Hob Nilre


      • Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
        The links in the chain can work as both/either core and/or coil,
        so I'm thinking Heins Bi-Toroidal-Transformer but in a slightly different and multiple setup.
        For each link some (the more the better) of the bemf is directed to the right and not to the left in the picture.

        I didn't mean bemf, i meant the flux going back and opposing the source flux,
        although maybe even the bemf might also go "forward"?

        Hob Nilre


        • Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
          I didn't mean bemf, i meant the flux going back and opposing the source flux,
          although maybe even the bemf might also go "forward"?

          "BEMF" is the voltage induced in a current carrying conductor due to a change in current in that conductor.

          However, the BEMF has a polarity that is related not to the direction of current, but rather to the "direction" of magnetic field density magnitude. If the field density is increasing, then the BEMF exists to oppose the direction of current that is causing the increase. If the density is decreasing, then the BEMF exists to perpetuate the current that originally caused the increase.

          Sometimes it is helpful to imagine that when current begins flowing that a magnetic field is expanding out of the conductor and when current begins reducing, the magnetic field collapses into the conductor.

          Therefore the polarity of the BEMF can be switched even though the current itself is not simply by increasing or decreasing the current. When the current reaches its maximum value in the conductor, the field is said to be saturated and cannot take on any more energy.

          When current is increasing, the effect of BEMF is known as "Self Inductance" and it is what causes an inductor to oppose inrush currents. When current is slowly decreasing, the BEMF changes polarity and tries to increase the current flow. It is very important to understand that during that event of a slowing of current, there must be a place for that current to flow through if we expect the collapsing field to increase the current. If the current is abruptly stopped all together while the field is still saturated, the BEMF accumulates at the point where the current was stopped (the opened switch). The faster the current stops flowing, the greater the magnitude (and narrower the spike) of BEMF present at the switch. This is often referred to as 'Flyback' voltage.

          All of the energy that was stored in the field is now stored in the pulse as voltage. Because we now have a potential on the conductor, we now have a completely new event that is isolated from the original source power (assuming at this point the switch remains open circuit and no current can flow through it) the BEMF will do its best to equalize on the conductor and will initiate a new current flowing in the opposite direction. Because the current actually changes direction during this event, the 'field' itself that is being expanded will have an opposite polarity from the first and likewise, the BEMF related to that increasing density will be reversed. And when the energy in the spike is fully converted to current, flyback occurs in the opposite direction and a new spike is formed at the other end of the conductor.

          This process would continue indefinitely if the conductor did not have any resistance. However, because there is resistance in the conductor, eventually the energy is fully dissipated. The process of this back and forth BEMF being formed at each end of the conductor over and over is known as 'Ringing'. The greater the energy in the spike or the lower the resistance in the conductor (or both) the longer the ringing will continue. Also, the self inductance and the resonant frequency play a part in this as there is some inductive reactance involved that opposes the flow.

          Mutual Inductance:
          The actual magnetic flux itself, is outside of the conductor. However, if the conductor is wrapped around some permeable object (like a cylinder of air, or metal) then the flux can extend into that object. When the conductor is in close proximity to another conductor (or even another winding of itself) there is an interaction where the expanding and contracting field (increase and decrease in flux density around the conductor) will induce EMF in the conductors it passes through. If we take that permeable cylinder and wrap it around so the ends meet, so that it makes a toroid like the link in a chain for example, then we can expect the magnetic flux to exist inside that material and we can treat it so as to follow Hopkinsons Law. If the permeable material is ferromagnetic, then we can also expect the material to become magnetized and remain magnetized until an action occurs to cancel the internal flux. When the links of a chain are used as cores and conductors, mutual inductance plays the part in transferring energy from one to the next. When one of those chain links is replaced with a coil, it can only transfer energy if the internal flux in the preceding link experiences a change in density, either increasing or decreasing.

          So in summary, it is possible to use a battery as shown in the diagram and simply switch it on and off at the resonant frequency of the inductors involved and have it pass the energy to the bulb. In so doing, the BEMF will change polarity many times during the 'ringing' process and will act as an AC inverter powering the lamp.

          "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


          • Good explanation of bemf.
            But I really was going after the magnetic flux.
            Bemf was a typo.

            The main thing about Heins BiTT is the secondary winding having two cores allowing flux in different directions.
            The "first" flux comes from the primary.
            The "second" flux comes from the secondary.
            The two fluxes oppose each other and when in the same core, which is normal, the "second" flux lowers the impedance in the primary and so current in the primary increase, energy is "consumed".
            But if the "second" flux can be directed to another core then less flux oppose the "first" flux and the impedance in the primary will not fall as much and so less energy is "consumed".

            This scenario might be what is happening in the chain.
            Each coil has two cores (except for the first and the last) with flux going in different directions within the coil.

            In this particular case we have three cores, all with flux going clockwise,
            so for the two coils with two cores the core to the left, coming from "its" primary, have flux going down in the coil being the "first" flux,
            and the core to the right have flux going up, being the "second" flux.

            But there are probably lots of eddy-currents.
            Maybe they also act in a good way in this scenario?

            Attached Files
            Hob Nilre


            • Sounds similar to the patented Flynn Parallel Path stuff:

              PPMT Technology

              One of the problems with using things like Hopkinson's Law and correlating it to electricity is that we have a tendency mentally to want to associate motion with the flux.

              We know that electrical current is representative of charge motion and since Hopkinson treats Flux like current we just 'think' that it is moving somehow. But it doesn't. At least not how we tend to picture it. The arrow that is associated with flux represents the force vector of the field that the flux belongs to. In other words, if you place a compass in that field, the needle will align with the depicted 'arrow'. However, the 'flux' does not actually move along the arrow. No, instead the 'motion' (if we can call it that) radiates outward from the center of the conductor(s) that create the field to begin with, like concentric rings that merge together:

              So if the flux density is increasing, then we get more and more rings pushing out of the conductor and compressing into the central 'core' that the conductors are wrapped around. The quantity of rings (or magnitude of the field) determines how much flux there is in a cross sectional area.

              It is misleading, but we will find terms like "passing through" or "flowing" with reference to flux. In fact, the word itself has Grecian roots that mean liquid or flowing, and no doubt the early experimenters reasoned that it was in motion in some way and that it was that motion that made the compass needle align with the 'flow'. But like many things in our reality, it is not always as it seems. A static magnetic field still has flux.

              But what about this alternate path stuff? Can the flux be rerouted through another path? Absolutely yes. A good example of static flux rerouting is the Magnetic Base. As can be seen in those drawings, the flux of the magnet can be routed through the less permeable air and aluminum or the more permeable iron by simply rotating the magnet 90°. The Duraspark II (common in the late '70's and early '80's) reluctor timing used the path principle. Essentially, the flux would be routed through those tines when a spark was desired and through the air when it wasn't wanted.

              Can flux exist in all different directions in the same material at the same time? Yes it can. In fact, at the molecular level, this is precisely what causes certain things to have different magnetic properties. In an unmagnetized piece of Iron, the flux is going every which way, then when the flux is aligned, that is when the material becomes magnetized. Most refrigerator magnets are really bi-direction flux material with multiple alternating N and S poles all along the surface. (see Standard Magnetic Strip).

              Ed Leedskalnin's PMH relied on the principle where a closed loop path for the flux in a 'soft' ferromagnetic material, would align molecules in such a way that the flux itself would keep the domains aligned and thus would hold the 'keeper' in place permanently. Upon removing the keeper, the path reluctance would increase dramatically and the flux would diminish allowing all of the domains to return to their rest state. The diminishing flux could be witnessed as it produces an EMF in the windings during the field collapse. This test is an interesting one because the magnetic field is held in suspension as if the PMH were permanently magnetized when in reality it is a temporary (soft) magnetic material. And the only extra thing required to make this possible is the routing of the flux into a close loop path. Essentially what Ed was demonstrating was that when the H field from the coils was removed, the flux remained as a product of the atomic currents within the material.

              As regards the chain, it is really a type of transformer. The secondary links represent single windings to the primary winding. For example, suppose there are 9 windings of Nickle Chromium copper alloy that give just exactly 9 Ohms resistance (an imaginary alloy, or very big chain links). We would expect a flux in the first link commensurate with 1 Amp of current times 9 turns, or 9 Ampere Turns. Therefore the third link in the chain which acts like a secondary shorted single turn winding will have the 9:1 ratio associated with it. While the voltage would be difficult to pin down because of the circular path, we would expect 1V around the loop and 9A through it. Again, we get the same flux, because we still have 9 Ampere-Turns. The transformation would continue until we get to the end where we can step up the voltage with more windings of normal copper wire, and light up the light with 9V @ 1A. In this hypothetical, the lamp impedance would match the primary impedance and our 'chain transformer' does it's job with minimal losses. In reality however, there would be much greater turns ratios and losses to heat in the system. And of course, being a transformer it would need a changing magnetic field so the battery would need to be switched on and off.

              Last edited by Harvey; 12-22-2010, 11:34 PM.
              "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


              • Hey Cody. This picture is misleading, and I apologize to everyone who is trying this experiment. The picture shows a DC battery but in fact the power supply needs to be AC. I can draw a more accurate picture if anyone wants.

                No need to apologize, i enjoy doing experiments and had been planning on doing some testing on chain anyways. Just so you know however, I had also tested AC and did not work for me either. If you or anyone else has a working model to show that would be nice, as its possible my setup could have been constructed outside the operational parameters. But as far as comparing it to any regular coil/core setup, it just did not preform, not even poorly. Maybe it needed more coil, or more iron? I dont know. But im thinking nature is just telling us we're looking in the wrong direction.


                • @ all who are experimenting with the pmh and the BFW. I know this probably not new to any of you, but I have not heard it mentioned at all. This is the Tesla resonance motor patent. the outer ring is a solid piece of iron. the coils are slid on each leg of iron. it looks as if the coil is then encased in a metal. then every other coil has a secondary coil wrapped over the primary. the coils are wound in series. the secondary high potential is induced from the firing of the primaries, and is sent to a condenser/capacitor. It is driven with AC. seems very familiar to all of the reading we have done lately. Is this the original regauging motor? or the inspiration for the PMH motor/gen?
                  Resonance Motor Movie



                  • Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                    @ all who are experimenting with the pmh and the BFW. I know this probably not new to any of you, but I have not heard it mentioned at all. This is the Tesla resonance motor patent. the outer ring is a solid piece of iron. the coils are slid on each leg of iron. it looks as if the coil is then encased in a metal. then every other coil has a secondary coil wrapped over the primary. the coils are wound in series. the secondary high potential is induced from the firing of the primaries, and is sent to a condenser/capacitor. It is driven with AC. seems very familiar to all of the reading we have done lately. Is this the original regauging motor? or the inspiration for the PMH motor/gen?
                    Resonance Motor Movie

                    What Tesla had designed there is a very special induction motor. The motor is special for several reasons. First, it operates from a single phase AC source. Second, it reduces the current in the secondaries by trading current for voltage. Third, it uses capacitive phase shift to properly align the phasing 90° as required. Fourth (as a by-product of the second point above) it relaxes the capacitor requirement by allowing standard 'off the shelf' high voltage capacitors to be used rather than the more expensive and often custom 'high current' varieties.

                    The underlying principles of operation of that type of motor gives insight into the genius of Tesla. His designs were both practical and advanced. He understood that by removing the brushes he improved the performance and reduced the noise (both electrical and acoustic).

                    Today, similar designs based on his patents are widely used in applications like these: Notice that that particular motor has multiple capacitors for providing different phasing and thus different speeds.

                    "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                    • Hey Harvey,
                      Thanks for the info. Could you explain the working of the motor a little more. The man in the video was using wires and making a brushed motor for demonstration purposes. what kind of circuit would be used to drive this in Teslas day? Correct me where im wrong. an ac signal is supplied to primaries to drive rotor. the secondaries voltage goes to a capacitor. But what is that energy used for? that is where I get a little lost.

                      I have been wondering about something since I went to Coral Castle. ED says his sweet 16 was left behind. He also talks of his best machine as if it where sweet 16. Somehow I dont think his best machine is at coral castle. Maybe it is. All we have left are the remnants of what others want us to see. Or some stuff that they didnt feel was important. Or if I died tommorrow and my house feel in disrepair and my son found it 30 years later, He would find all kinds of things in my "lab" that had to do with science and motors and may appear to go together and have some sort of mystic device that can do all kinds of things. But there is no real fun in that line of thinking. LOL
                      I present this:
                      A model T magneto coil assembly. 16 poles. N/S. A replacement Model T set of magnets is only 16 V's. ED used 24 and expanded the circumference of his bigger rotor. you can see the obvious space at the bend of the V magnets. Where if using the normal magnet config the V's almost ride the length of each other. Remembering the legend of the selfrunning Model T using Cow magnets I have been looking at the magneto coil assembly. If the frame of this assembly had cutouts in-between the coil all the way to the open spot where a magnet may be inserted, it starts to look a little familiar.
                      When a magnet is inserted in the circular space it starts to resemble the look and function of the Radus Space Boots. A device that can manipulate flux paths, using very small amounts of potential.. Radus could hang upside down from his boots when engaged. And with no more potential that is in a small battery he could release the magnetic lock of the boots.
                      Ed had a source of single phase AC current. I have metioned this before. He knew that encasing a coil in iron increased the efficiency of the coil. Henry Ford might have lied and said he could make his Model T run on magnets. Ed may not have had a selfrunning motor/gen. But I have been thinking what good to ED would it be to have a hand crank generator? In order to use the power you have to be away from the generator correct? his lights (if he had any) would be in his bedroom, upstairs. If he was using the energy to float rocks then again he would have to be away from the flywheel. It almost makes more sense to me that ED DID have a device that was special. If not then why would he have made it so permanent and set it rock and concrete. If it were hand crank then it would have been portable to be in the general vicinity of his working area. Dont tell me it would be to heavy to be portable and move to where he was working. The man lifted tons of rock at one time. I cant imagine him cranking up this device to run a load. At best with a light attached he would hand crank it and get to just about to where he was working and the normal drag of a load would stop all rotation. Just my observations.


                      • Hi Redrichie,

                        The Tesla motor shifted the current in the secondaries by 90° by passing the current through a capacitor. The effect is that the magnetic fields created by the secondary current are delayed in time. While the current is relatively low, the voltage is quite high and the Ampere-Turns ratio is the same so the magnetic fields are the same. So the secondaries have the same inductive influence on the rotor as the primaries except the impact is delayed by the phase shift.

                        This allowed him to get a 2-phase result from a single phase source. In the video the demonstrator is shorting out the secondary voltage through what appears to be a high tension wire (common spark plug wire) to illustrate how high the voltage is in the secondaries. There would need to be many thousands of volts there to accomplish that type of arc. In the patent, Tesla indicates that he would use fine wire on the secondaries. This is a clue to replicators that he is dropping the current to bare minimums and stepping up the voltage to as high as the insulation will allow.

                        We don't know the particulars regarding the actual winding ratios or the frequencies by which Tesla was operating his motor at, but we do know from empirical results that there are certain voltages and frequencies that can be used where the resistance of the wire becomes a negligible factor. In those cases, the skin effect routes the majority of the energy near the surface of the wire and the transmission is nearly comparable to RF transmission. I think this would need to be done to avoid heating in the secondaries as a result of voltage drop across the windings.


                        It is my opinion that Leedskalnin was a metaphorical teacher. He felt that his life experiences had something to offer society and he understood that using metaphors was a way to avoid language translation confusion. Symbolism transcends those boundaries. The use of coral is tied to the value of a capable wife in an ancient proverb: Proverbs 31:10 Ed's sweet 16 was left behind in a literal sense because she was found out to not be capable and was no longer considered viable as a wife. In the metaphorical sense his castles themselves represented abandoned and the new and the coral materials represented the value. So his sweet 16 was both the girl he left behind (because she was unfaithful) and the original site that he first started his castle on before he moved it to the current location. In a literal way he was still looking for a new girl, a capable wife but he never found one that met his high standards out of the thousands that he brought through his gates.

                        He had some strange ideas, like thinking that the moon was held in orbit by magnetic attraction. He also claimed to have some better accuracy in certain celestial aspects than his contemporaries. So his view of gravity was different than that currently held by academics and to his credit I have not seen any current academics floating multi-ton rocks in the air as some reported he had done. There may be something to the idea of electrical repulsive forces of two surfaces of like charge. The Dendera reliefs in Egypt may have a connection. What I see there is an electric eel in an enclosure but that's only one mans observation, nothing more. However it could be possible that a slab of rock held at a certain distance from the Earth with air between them as a dielectric could represent two plates of a very large capacitor. So as long as the floating rock is not discharged, it would remain floating with no further input needed. The question is how much charge would be required to provide the needed separation forces and how do we keep the ground underneath from spreading its charge away under the pressure? It would be interesting to experiment with some small pieces of coral and see if they could be levitated electrostatically. I am intrigued by the reality that coral has many small radius sections that would tend to amplify the electric charge (and force potential) along those tight curled surfaces. The geometry and forces are quite different than would be produced from a smooth flat plate.

                        If Ed could charge his rocks, then there would not be a need for a self running generator. All he would need to do is provide an air gap between the rock and the earth and then electrically charge them both up to the same potential of sufficient value to produce the lift (whatever that would be )

                        "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                        • Im not sure Ed had antigravity maybe so, people back in his day were very hard workers not like us we're all soft, Ive seen men of his size that were very strong my Dad was one he worked hard all his life in construction and he was like a rock.
                          But his understanding of magnetics is amazing I think the key is in the push and pull of the poles, watching vids of ufo's some appear to skip, its like thier using this effect for propulsion.
                          Harvey you rock bro, I wished I had your understanding of coils and electricity.
                          If you could tap the field you would have taped into the universe itself.
                          I believe an air cored solenoid could be used to tap the field, make the field accessible then split it it that easy.
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • since its cold outside and in my shop,
                            electricity runs from - to + that makes the earth + so have we ever created a + pole in dc. and would a strong + toroid be repelled by the earth.
                            I know both fields are the same and interchangeable its just their relative motion, so what makes one push more and one pull more is this what determines polarity their direction.

                            OK if the electron or particle what ever you want to call it spins in only one direction, could torque cause an electron going in the south direction to be weaker than the one going in the North direction. One would be spinning in a clockwise direction and its angular momentum would be clockwise, but the electron going in the oposite direction would be spinning clockwise but its angular momentum would be in a counter clockwise direction.
                            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • OK thinking this over if the electrons in a solenoid are lined up as follows

                              +++++++++sn^> field line
                              <^sn---------- field line

                              ^ denotes electron axis rotation
                              <> denotes direction of travel

                              there angular momentum would be clockwise for both but in opposite directions, but there relation to the main poles would reverse one set of individual poles causing one direction to resist because of rotational torque, causing one direction to pull more and the other to push more.
                              We still have the opposite attracts, the south moves towards the North main pole and the north moves towards the South main pole.

                              what you think
                              Last edited by Dave45; 12-25-2010, 08:28 PM.
                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • Let's start at a basic level where we have a cloud of independent copper atoms filling a volume of space. Let us suppose they are all complete, 29 Protons and 29 electrons:
                                Atomic Structure

                                Now let us suppose that the temperature of each atom is such that they are rather active vibrating around and bumping into each other. We can see that each atom only has one electron in the outer ring and with all that bouncing around it gets knocked out of orbit and gets sent off randomly between the atoms or even between the orbits of the electrons if the space permits (and there is a lot of space at that level). After a while, the cloud will start to order itself because when the atoms are missing an electron they are susceptible to sharing the electron of another atom. So at first we may find two atoms sharing a single outer electron moving in a figure eight pattern around one and then the other and back again. And then perhaps a third one is added in the line, and the electron now is shared from one to the next and then the next making a sine wave path then encircling the end atoms and then back on the other side of each atom. But, because the electron is absent from each of the atoms for part of the time, we could perhaps bring two more in so that we have 5 laid out like the #5 on dice. So with 5 atoms and two electrons we get a criss cross in the paths and it binds those 5 into a plane. But still there is times where the corner atoms have no electron in the outer ring. So we could add more atoms at right angles and soon we would have a balanced system known as a Bravais fcc which has the structure "Face Cubic Centered":
                                File:Lattice face centered cubic.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                That is the lattice structure of Copper. It only needs two electrons per face rather than the usual 5 needed for single atom balance. So the cube as a whole is nearly balanced because when one electron leaves a corner atom another from from one of the other two faces takes its place. And on the center atoms, when the electron wrapping around it along one diagonal path leaves, another along the other diagonal path enters. But to complete the balance of a single cube, it needs to be surrounded by 6 other cubes, one on each face so they can all share the corner electrons of that one. The structure continues outward and soon our cloud of copper atoms becomes solid copper and we get the result of extra electrons that keep bouncing around knocking each other out of orbit in random directions etc.

                                A wire made of this stuff that is placed inside an electric field will cause order to the random electrons and alter their trajectory. They will push away from the negative source of the field and be attracted to the positive source. This event is what we call "induction". The electrons are induced to leave one area of the material and gather to another area based on their reaction to the electric field. When there is a lack on one part of the material and an abundance on the other part, we see that we have a potential between those two parts, and we call that potential - Voltage.

                                Now a solenoid made of copper wire is a spiral. The spiral may wrap back on itself many times in layers, but it typically only has two ends. If we connect a battery to those ends, the potential of the battery posts will act in a similar way as an electric field and the electrons in the wire will push away from the negative post and accumulate at the positive post of the battery. Now that is an interesting thing because when they get there they leave the wire and begin filling in the missing areas within the atoms of the battery that need electrons. Also, the atoms in the wire where electrons were pushed away from, they still need electrons and the battery post supplies those. Before we know it, the cycle is repeating and becomes a continuous flow through the wire and this is what we call current. However, it should be noted here that conventional current as read on your Ammeter is NOT a value representative of the electrons moving through the wire. Electrons are negative and the Ammeter is measuring positive current. Therefore, what is being measured is the absence of electrons for a specific point in the circuit. Imagine the following scenario:

                                Negative Flow direction >- - - - - - - - + - - - < Positive Flow direction

                                where each represent an atom that either has an electron or needs one. We see here that only one atoms needs one. Now suppose the atom to the left give the atom to the right its electron and each atom to the left thereafter also does the same. Now we are actually moving just nine electrons one step to the right, but the absence of an electron moves 9 steps to the left. This is what actually happens in real current flow. The electrons drift rather slowly in those single steps, but the positive charge moves rather quickly from end to end. Of course if we were considering a conductive material like plasma that had excess Ions instead of electrons, then just the opposite would be true:

                                + > + + + + + + + + + - + + < -

                                An AMPERE as measured on an Ammeter is typically a reference to how many positive charges move past a given point in a particular time period. Essentially one Coulombs worth in one second. The only reason it is a measure of positive charge is because of the polarity of the reading and the conventional treatment of positive current flowing from the positive terminal through the circuit to the negative terminal. But we can just as easily define the Ampere in terms of negative charges and make the value relative the direction of flow. (see Ampere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Where these things become important is when we start looking at the electron as a charged particle and treat the magnetic field associated with it in those terms.

                                For example, an electron moving around in a wire does constitute a negative electrical current. Also, a moving electric charge produces a magnetic field. This is also true if the charge is simply spinning in place, it will be a magnetic dipole. So an electron spinning will have a magnetic field associated with it where the internal B field will be along the spin axis. Now, if we move that electron in space-time it will develop another magnetic field relative to that motion but the B of that field is always tangent and perpendicular to the trajectory path (concentric circles around the trajectory). So it is impossible for the spin axis to align with it. We cannot really associate a magnetic field with the absence of an electron even though the appearance is that a positive charge is moving through space when it really isn't. It is the negative charge that is moving from atom to atom and as it leaves an atom, that atom represents a stationary positive charge. Since it is stationary, it does not produce a magnetic field. So in the first example above where the positive 'moves' fast from right to left, it is really just a series of events that make it appear to move. The effect electrically is that it moved, but magnetically it is stationary. These are the types of problems that assert a need for change in how we teach our young ones regarding current and the use of equipment. I foresee that in the future we will have interim tools that have switches to select between 'conventional' current and 'real' current while the world relearns a new standard as to how to view things.

                                In the mean time, we must deal with what we have and do our best to avoid confusing ourselves. I have found this site to be quite helpful in keeping things in perspective: HyperPhysics Concepts

                                As regards solenoids, this can be helpful:Faraday's Law Concepts

                                Now, with those tools in hand if we discover the magnetic field produced by our current flowing in the solenoid wire and properly apply the polarity involved, what will be the effect on the electrons as they pass through the composite field produced by all the other electrons ahead of it? Magnetic forces

                                In that arrangement we can expect the spin axis could have a magnetic moment or force exerted on it. And it that case the sum of the electrons individual spin fields would add to the collective trajectory fields in the solenoid boosting the flux density. But the Lorentz force would really like to throw the electron clean out of the wire away from the center of the solenoid. Add to that the fact that there is a certain amount of inertial force involved on the electron also that makes it want to follow a straight path rather than curve along that solenoid winding so we have two forces working against keeping the electron on track. It is no wonder that these things slam into each other and transfer energy kinetically. So like Newtons Cradle some of the stuff we call electric current is really just a chain reaction of energy being passed along.

                                I wonder how those chain reactions impact the magnetic field involved as charges are changed from one speed to the next.

                                "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor

