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How to Move Mountains... Leedskalnin Style

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  • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
    YouTube - Super Precision Gyroscope 21 - from
    I dont have much time this morning, but I wonder if you had a ring on one end of the gyroscope with a string run through the ring, fire up the gyro and give it a push in the direction of the string Id bet you would see the angular momentum of the electron.
    Here is a good lecture dealing with angular momentum and toward the middle onward he demonstrates various gyroscopic effects:
    YouTube - Lec 24 | 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999

    "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


    • *SIGH* All this is a bit too much for me.. I honestly just don't get what is being discussed here. Maybe I will get back after a cuppa coffee. Happy Holidays, everybody!


      • Gravityblock
        I studied her paper, I cant quit figure out whats happening, whatever is happening is doing it at the junction of the fibers. She's dealing with electical currents we need to work on the magnetic currents to seperate them and collect them. That has to be done at the source,the core of a magnetic field.

        If we pulse a solenoid we create a magnetic field thats forming and then dissipating some of the electrons that were pulled in from the aither just fizzel out back into the aither but some enter the solenoids coils and we get bemf.

        Thats when they can be collected because when the field is on they have a path to follow but when the field is off they are still in their angular momentum but dont have a path so they will enter a conductor.

        A generator pulses a magnetic field, its the space in between the north and south magnets of the rotor that causes the pulse, and allows the stream of electrons to enter the conductor.

        The generator is doing it mechanically we need to do it electrically, less work more efficient, the stronger the field the more you collect, you would have more control.
        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • A researcher, scientist or just a man with vision eyes to see ears to hear, has a great responsibility. what would happen if free electricity were to make it to the world at this point in the time line.
          First there would be great excitement then the reality would set in the worlds economy would crash and would not recover. The arab country's wouldnt need us anymore, we wouldnt need their oil, they couldnt get rich off us.
          The US would probably be attacked, the Book of Revelation would unfold before your very eyes, world war,hunger,judgment.
          You would be a hero for about five minutes,if you lived, and then your name would be despised. So think long and hard before you act, maybe it would be best to ponder test and keep your mouth shut until these things are already happening.
          Look at the scientist that made the atomic bomb sure they did it because it could be done but was it the right thing to do. NO
          Is the world better off. NO
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • I remember growing up as a child and my mother would take me to church and have Bible study in our home. They read the Book of Revelation and just couldnt figure out how this could be or how it could be implemented. But in our generation if you look everything is being put in place, its being done in the name of peace and security just as written, and when they say peace and security sudden destruction will come, we're close, it will happen as written.
            Im not trying to push religion on anybody but I encourage you to look, read and see if the Bible is true.

            Last edited by Dave45; 12-30-2010, 02:00 PM.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Trying to envision ac current in a conductor has me stumped, I know it oscillates but why, whats happening, for some reason we have attraction and repulsion.

              +++++++++sn^> field line
              <^sn---------- field line

              ^ denotes electron axis rotation and direction of angular momentum
              <> denotes direction of travel

              If we take one polarity of the field and put behind the other we get sn^-^sn so there's the attraction but their angular momentum is opposite so that must be whats causing the oscillation not so much that they repel but their angular momentum is opposite. If you put yourself behind the electron going in one direction and look at its angular momentum and then get behind the other in the opposite direction you can see whats happening.

              If their angular momentum turned in the same clockwise direction we wouldnt have ac current they would just combine and create dc.
              hmmmm maybe?

              Last edited by Dave45; 12-30-2010, 03:48 PM.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • When the field runs side by side and in opposite direction and angular momentum there's not much that can stop them they permeate everything and we have a magnetic field, but when separated they follow a whole new set of rules and we have electricity that can be controlled.
                We live in a magnetic universe.
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Here is a highly detailed and professional drawing
                  Last edited by Dave45; 02-06-2011, 11:31 PM.
                  Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                  • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                    Trying to envision ac current in a conductor has me stumped, I know it oscillates but why, whats happening, for some reason we have attraction and repulsion.

                    +++++++++sn^> field line
                    <^sn---------- field line

                    ^ denotes electron axis rotation and direction of angular momentum
                    <> denotes direction of travel

                    If we take one polarity of the field and put behind the other we get sn^-^sn so there's the attraction but their angular momentum is opposite so that must be whats causing the oscillation not so much that they repel but their angular momentum is opposite. If you put yourself behind the electron going in one direction and look at its angular momentum and then get behind the other in the opposite direction you can see whats happening.

                    If their angular momentum turned in the same clockwise direction we wouldnt have ac current they would just combine and create dc.
                    hmmmm maybe?


                    Imagine water as a sea of charged particles. Each molecule can represent an electron. Now put that water in a pipe and circle the pipe around so that each end connects to a special pump. So the pipe is full of water in a circle and the special pump isolates the two ends from each other.

                    The special pump is made with a rubber diaphragm across the ends of the pipe so the water cannot flow across the diaphragm. Now what makes this diaphragm special is that we can make it bulge to one side, then straighten out then bulge to the other side, back and forth.

                    Half way around the circle, on the opposite side from the pump we have a flow meter that measures the water flow (current). The meter first moves in one direction and then back the other way back and forth in sync with the diaphragm.

                    This is the basics of AC. The charges inside the wire are simply pushed on one side and pulled on the other to cause motion of the charges throughout the conductor and then it is pushed on the other side back and forth. So it never actually adds or subtracts electrons or charges, it simply moves them through the pump. The pump is our AC generators.

                    Now, if we add next to our flow meter in our pipe a turbine and attach that turbine to a big flywheel we will observe an interesting thing in the flow. We will see a big pressure on the diaphragm to make it move but it wont bulge right away because it has to push all that water through the turbine and it takes time to get the flywheel spinning. But eventually all that pressure we put on the diaphragm to bulge it will push sufficient water through the turbine and the flywheel will be spinning good. Then, when we relax the pressure on the diaphragm we notice another interesting thing - the turbine and flywheel start acting like another pump, so after we are done putting pressure on our diaphragm we discover that the bulge stays there (or maybe even increases a bit) because the turbine has a suction there. But then the energy in the flywheel comes to a stop and the diaphragm comes to rest centered and we do the same thing in the opposite direction.

                    The turbine-flywheel is analogous to an inductor. The momentum of the flywheel is analogous to the magnetic field of the inductor. The water is the moving charges in the inductor and the turbine is the windings of the inductor. The pipe is our conductor.

                    Now suppose that next to our turbine we add a special tank. The tank is special because it has two horizontal openings and like our pump, it has a rubber diaphragm in the center. The rubber diaphragm takes a lot of pressure to bulge it, but the tank has a decidedly larger diameter than the pipe it is connected to so there is a lot of water on either side of the tank-diaphragm. But when enough pressure is applied, the tank-diaphragm will push all of the water out of one side of the tank. Now when we run our pump we are pushing water against the tank-diaphragm which in turn pushes against the water on the other side which then spins the turbine.

                    The special tank is analogous to a series capacitor. The pressure being applied is analogous to voltage. If the capacity of our special tank is well matched with the momentum curve of our turbine-flywheel, the two will have a resonance when we pulse our pump at a certain frequency.

                    Those are the basics of AC. The water does not move until the turbine lets it move and that wont happen until the moment of inertia is overcome on the flywheel. So even though the pressure is there (voltage) the current does not begin flowing right away. This is the phase shift we hear about where the current lags the voltage in an inductor. When we look at the capacitor, we find that the voltage in the capacitor (represented by how far its internal diaphragm is bulged in our analogy) doesn't happen until after the current flows (to push the diaphragm and make it bulge). So in the capacitor, the current leads the voltage or in our tank analogy, the water moves first before the diaphragm reaches full bulge.

                    Hope that helps
                    "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                    • Originally posted by OccultBook View Post
                      *SIGH* All this is a bit too much for me.. I honestly just don't get what is being discussed here. Maybe I will get back after a cuppa coffee. Happy Holidays, everybody!
                      Sorry, that's probably my fault.

                      Ed Leedskalnin had a different way of looking at things as Loadstone has graciously quoted for us above. In Ed's theory, the universe is made of small magnetic particles smaller than photons. In his way of looking at things, he did not accept that electric charges (the electron) exist, but he felt that what we see as electric current was a symbiotic exchange of magnetic particles moving in two directions around the outside of a wire in a type of helix. He based these ideas on experiments he did in magnetics. He was not aware that the existence of the electron had been proven by lab experiments and later by television CRT's placed in the common households. His ideas predated television. So we have learned a lot since he wrote his work but he seemed to know some things that we don't.

                      So we are discussing what we know (by proven technology in use) and what can be (by evaluating Ed's work). Part of the discussion in the past posts deals with the magnetic relationship of charged particles (in this case the electron) and how that particle travels in a common solenoid. Also some of the discussion dealt with the resonance of a solenoid for a specific frequency.

                      We believe that all of these things are interconnected. Electric current, magnetic fields and Ed's success at moving rocks around without the help large cranes. It is reported that at one time he moved several of these large stones up onto the bed of a truck in the span of about a half hour all by himself and with no crane. He never explained how he did it, and the driver was amazed to come back and find the truck loaded. That event was when he moved his castle from the old site to the new site.

                      "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                      • I like Ed's diagram of the magnetic field
                        Last edited by Dave45; 02-06-2011, 11:31 PM.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Hi all.
                          @Harvey..what do you mean Ed didn't know about electrons...
                          Let me just say that you can't mix Ed's notes and electron theory.
                          It's pointless to do so.

                          Ed's work is an entire theory on it's own that goes way beyond the so called electrons and every other exotic particle.

                          @Dave45. I understand the things you say and could add even more Revelation to them....but then you will end up depressed like me.



                          • Originally posted by Loadstone View Post
                            Hi all.
                            @Harvey..what do you mean Ed didn't know about electrons...
                            Let me just say that you can't mix Ed's notes and electron theory.
                            It's pointless to do so.

                            Ed's work is an entire theory on it's own that goes way beyond the so called electrons and every other exotic particle.

                            @Dave45. I understand the things you say and could add even more Revelation to them....but then you will end up depressed like me.

                            Hi Scotty,

                            If you look at the attachment it is a picture quote of Ed's Words on page 38 of his book entitled "Magnetic Current" which was copyrighted in 1945.

                            Between 1869 and 1897 various lab experiments were done and finally in 1897 J.J Thomson proved the existence of the electron (see: Crookes tube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia & Electron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and while television was available commercially from the late 20's (see:Television - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) which used Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) that are solely dependent on the electron in order to function, Ed was not yet aware that the their existence had been proven and made the comment as attached.

                            I don't think Ed would have made this comment if he was aware of these tests and fully understood how the CRT functioned. Ed was very intelligent and had he been exposed to the electronic fundamentals of the CRT I think he would have readily admitted that these particles do exist. That is why I say his ideas predated television because it just simply was not well distributed or well understood in 1945. I probably should have clarified that to say that his ideas predated the mainstream use of television.

                            Attached Files
                            "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                            • I think Ed believed that the electron existed He just disagreed with the term because it didnt include magnetism.
                              For an action we get a reaction, but at super cold temperature that changes, a few researchers have reported a cooling effect its called magnetic evaporation.

                              Does anyone have a link where I can buy aluminum magnet wire, I found some but in china I would rather buy here in the US if possible.

                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • negative &quot;corpuscles&quot; (i.e. electrons)

                                I did not have the time too go all thru this , but i kinda like too understand why Thomson abandoned his earlier "nebular atom" hypothesis in which the atom was composed of immaterial vorticies. Because it sounds alot like Nassim Haramein.

