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my smith kanapadz replication

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  • Nice vidbid, I was wondering when someone might translate info on that schematic. One question though I don't understand is the reference to 'foot 14' off a chip. A 555 chip normally has only 8 legs or 'feet' so it doesn't seem to be related to a 555 chip. Is the circuit missing some info? I think a 556 timer (dual 555 timer) has 14 legs or feet. I wonder if that is the chip they are using?
    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


    • The schematic is old and is allegedly by someone called Crazy-Alex.
      It is NOT a Kapanadze schematic, but is an attempt to interpret the device and circuitry of a replikator called SR.

      Chip you are referring to is not 555.
      It is russian chip called к561лн2 which is Hex Inverting Buffer,
      you can buy here : Купить Микросхема К561ЛН2


      Oscillator block generates distorted sine , relatively inefficient way to shape inverter waveform closer to sine IMHO.
      I can only base that on simulations, maybe scoped it looks better ...

      This seems to me to have actually not much to do with Kapanadze, i am more and more thinking that it is actually working on a different principle
      (ferromagnetic effect).

      Rough simulation represents this waveform:

      Uploaded with
      Last edited by Xenomorph; 06-23-2010, 01:26 AM.


      • Kapanadze Schematic

        Originally posted by cosmo-lv View Post
        Fake or not, but coil schematics is on right direction, anyway - There is a Russian guy with name Andrej Melnichenko - Study and find paralels with tesla coil

        P.S. Mr. Kapanadze also caling on that name before it get to selfruning device.

        anyway, all that thing is wery tricky.
        Hi Cosmo-LV,

        What is your opinion on the following Kapanadze schematic?




        • For the Kapanadze-type Schematic: Gen Mod: Not 555 but a к561лн2 Hex Inverting Buffer

          Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
          The schematic is old and is allegedly by someone called Crazy-Alex.
          It is NOT a Kapanadze schematic, but is an attempt to interpret the device and circuitry of a replikator called SR.

          Chip you are referring to is not 555.
          It is russian chip called к561лн2 which is Hex Inverting Buffer,
          you can buy here : Купить Микросхема К561ЛН2


          Oscillator block generates distorted sine (as also written in schematic), relatively inefficient way to shape inverter waveform closer to sine IMHO.

          This seems to me to have actually not much to do with Kapanadze, i am more and more thinking that it is actually working on a different principle
          (ferromagnetic effect).
          Xenomorph, thanks for that clarification. The reason I thought it was a 555 (or a 556 later because a 555 doesn't foot 14) was because of another schematic I saw of another working replicator.

          The images are fuzzy because they are screen shots of a video. In the frequency generator module, you can almost make out 555.

          This is the video with the schematic in it:

          Also, what is your opinion about this Kapanadze-type schematic?

          Also, the ferromagnetic effect you mention. Is it the same mentioned in the following video? (slotted copper tube encased in ferrite rings)





          • Originally posted by vidbid View Post
            Xenomorph, thanks for that clarification. The reason I thought it was a 555 (or a 556 later because a 555 doesn't foot 14) was because of another schematic I saw of another working replicator.
            MadsatBG just took the freedom to adapt the schematic to a 555 running the oscillator.

            Also, what is your opinion about this Kapanadze-type schematic?
            That was one of the very first interpretations still on
            I personally think it does not really represent what is going on, some connections are wrong.

            Also, the ferromagnetic effect you mention. Is it the same mentioned in the following video? (slotted copper tube encased in ferrite rings)
            I don´t see this being relevant to SR´s set-up, but it is certainly an interesting field for itself.
            I was referring more to domain orientation alterations with HV impulses.


            • SR Device

              Xenomorph, thanks for clearing that up.

              In the video by SR193 aka SR

              YouTube - Selfrunning free energy device from SR193 with english subtitles

              Not including Crazy-Alex's schematic, can you tell me if there is a working schematic of the SR device out there with details on how to construct the transformer module?

              Now I have a feeling that the madsatbg schematic doesn't work.




              • Back to Square One

                From Ð“Ð»Ð°Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñтраница via Google Translate

                Experiment Georgian inventor Tariel Kapanadze

                The experiment of the inventor of the Georgian Tariel Kapanadze, in which he demonstrates how the free energy generator based on Tesla coil. Запускаясь от аккумулятора, генератор продолжает работу в автономном режиме используя энергию эфира Running on battery power, the generator continues to work in standalone mode using the energy of the ether

                Интервью Interview
                Весь космос потенциальное поле, говорит Тариэл Капанадзе, я нашёл ключ, чем могу получить энергию, энергия есть и здесь возле нас в пространстве, просто надо его открыть, и что бы эту энергию взять, нужен импульс. The entire space potential field, said Tariel Kapanadze, I found the key, how can I get the energy, the energy is here, near us in space, just need to open it, and that would take this energy, you need a boost. Недавно 9 вольтовой батарейкой дал питание, и через некоторое время устройство начало работать, после этого оно само себе даёт питание, в рабочем режиме я смог добиться до 150 киловатт энергии, но можно этот процесс усложнить, и взять больше энергии! Recently gave a 9 volt battery powered, and after some time the device started working, then it can itself give food, in operation, I was able to achieve up to 150 kilowatts of energy, but this process can be complicated and take more energy!

                - Эта коробка? - This box?
                - Да. - Yes. Здесь производится концентрация энергии, которую я получаю из пространства. Here the concentration of energy that I get from the space.

                - Можно сказать, эту энергию получаем из воздуха? - You can tell this energy we get from the air?
                - Это эфиродинамический процесс. - It efirodinamichesky process. В своё время Эйнштейн опровергал существование эфира, позднее учёные были вынуждены удостовериться в его существовании в пространстве, и в физике появилось новое направление - эфиродинамика. At one time, Einstein denied the existence of ether, later scientists were forced to verify its existence in space and in physics, a new direction - Etherodynamics. Процесс получения энергии из пространства, одно из главных в эфиродинамике. The process of obtaining energy from space, one of the principal in Etherodynamics.

                - Значит пространство, искра и секретный метод, и можно получить альтернативную энергию. - So the space, spark, and a secret method, and you can get alternative energy. Да? Yes?
                - В большой точности я ничего сказать не могу, это коммерческая тайна, да и уже много противостояний у меня, украсть идею пытались уже. - More precision I do I can not say, is a commercial secret, and many struggles I have, tried to steal the idea already.

                - Кто заинтересовался этим? - Who is interested in this?
                - Здесь (в Грузии) я никого не смог заинтересовать и пошел в Турцию, и там запатентовал свой генератор, потом с турками я подписал контракт, должны были сделать 10 мегаваттную электростанцию, начал работу, а в это время показался некто Миндели, говорит, я тоже знаю об этом секрете... - Here (in Georgia) so I'm not able to motivate and went to Turkey and there has patented a generator, then the Turks, I signed the contract, were to make a 10 megawatt power plant began operation, and at that time seemed certain Mindeli, said I I also know the secret ... Много денег и нервов ушло на борьбу с ним. A lot of money and nerves gone to fight with him. Я вернулся в Грузию, А Миндели сидит в Турции и думает как из пространства получить энергию. I returned to Georgia and Mindeli sits in Turkey, and thinks like the space to obtain energy. Турки снова начали контактировать со мной, но я уже не хочу смотреть туда. The Turks were again in contact with me, but I do not want to look there.

                - Кроме турков никто больше не заинтересовался вашим изобретением? - In addition to the Turks no longer interested in your invention?
                - Да конечно, недавно заинтересовались европейские и западные специалисты, недавно я сделал транспортную версию моего аппарата, была презентация, которая прошла на патриаршем телевидении, на ней были 3-4 эксперта из Европы, которые удостоверились, что аппарат настоящий. - Yes, of course, the recent interest in European and Western experts, recently I made my version of the transportation system, was the presentation, which took place on the patriarchal television, it took 3-4 experts from Europe, who made sure that the apparatus of the present. У Патриарха всея Грузии есть желание, что бы это изобретение осталось в Грузии, я тоже хотел, что бы Грузия получила хорошую прибыль, но со стороны правительства внимания ноль. In the Patriarch of All Georgia there is a desire that this invention would remain in Georgia, I also like that Georgia would make a good profit, but by the Government of attention to zero.

                - Если ваше изобретение будет внедрено, каковы будут последствия? - If your invention is implemented, what are the consequences?
                - В первую очередь функцию потеряет "телас" (энергоком): главный принцип такой - берёшь столько энергии сколько захочешь, каждый человек сможет это устройство установить в квартиру или в подъезде. - The first option will lose Telasi (EnergoCom): the main principle of this - you take as much energy as you want, everyone will be able to install this device in an apartment or in the entryway. Единственное что нужно, это электропроводка и качественные детали. The only thing you need is the wiring and high-quality parts.

                - Правительство не заинтересовалось, говорите? - Government is not interested, you say?
                - 2003 году Михаил Саакашвили с Зурабом Жвания пришли ко мне домой, весь район отключили от электричества, что бы проверить эффективность моего изобретения, я телевизор и одну лампочку включил. - 2003, Mikhail Saakashvili, Zurab Zhvania to come to my house, cut off the entire area of electricity that would test the effectiveness of my invention, I have a TV and a light bulb switched on. На второй день начались аджарские новости, а сегодня никому не интересно... The second day began Ajarian news, but today no one is interesting ...

                - Господин Тариэл, а по профессии Вы физик? - Mr Tariel, and by profession a physicist you?
                - Физику я только в школе учил. - Physics I only taught in school. По профессии я архитектор, на эту дорогу меня Господь привел, когда спрашивают, как родилась идея, я отвечаю, что это не моя, а Николы Теслы, был такой сербский ученый, который в Америке жил и работал. By profession I am an architect, this road has led me to the Lord, when asked how the idea was born, my answer is that it's not mine, and Nikola Tesla was a Serbian scientist who in America has lived and worked.

                - Что скажите о планах на будушее? - What say about plans for the future date?
                - Недавно сотруднику компании "VESTEL" сказал, дайте по одному экземпляру техники: стиральную машину, холодильник, кондиционер и другие, и в ближайшее время верну такими, что штепсель не понадобится. - Recently, an employee of the company "VESTEL" he said, give me one instance of equipment: washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioner and others, and soon will return such that the plug is not needed. Могу на подобной технике установить внутри собственное энергопитание, которое заставит работать его и работать. Can a similar technique to establish within their own power supply, which will make it work and work. Так что будущие планы не от меня зависят. So what future plans do not depend on me. Через несколько дней собираюсь с Патриархом встретиться, мое желание - идея здесь остаться, но из-за границы тоже есть предложения, если здесь никто так и не заинтересуется, пойду сотрудничать с автомобильным, морским, железнодорожным воздушным транспортом, хочу лабораторию создать, сегодня век знаний и информации, если может кто победить, то это ум, а ум нам Бог дал, посмотрим что будет в будущем. A few days later going to meet with the patriarch, my desire - the idea is here to stay, but from abroad also have a suggestion, if there is no one interested, I'm going to work with road, sea, rail, air, like a laboratory, today Knowledge Age and information, if anyone can win, it's mind and the mind God gave us, we'll see what will happen in the future.



                • On to Square Two

                  Is it possible that Kapanadze's work and SR193's replication are based on Czech patent #284333.

                  The original patent:

                  The Russian translation:;attach=4112

                  English translation of Russian translation:

                  March 1976

                  CZ 284333 B6 CZ 284 333 B6
                  The method of energy production by converting Fe 56 Fe 54 were nuclear magnetic resonance equipment for the implementation of this method

                  The generator creates the effect of nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic field and electric current to the iron nucleus 56 Fe, then part of the current obtained in the transformation of iron 54, comes back into the nucleus, while the remainder of the flow from the device, which allows you to turn off power and automated process operations before the exhaustion of Fe 56 Equipment for the implementation of the method is a generator with a core in the form of rods 12 / Z Fe 56, the structure / 1 / induction coils / 6, 7, 8, 9 / from the input source / Li /, with the necessary circuits and output . The device is equipped with a power supply circuit got back to the bar 121 Load conveniently equipped with an output current of the rod / 2 / into two parts, one of which is connected to the regulator / 14 / OFF / LI /, and the other associated with the release of the device.

                  The method of energy production by converting Fe 56 in Fe 54 nuclear magnetic resonance. Equipment for the implementation of this method

                  The invention relates to a method for production of electricity through the conversion of Fe56 Fe54 by nuclear magnetic resonance, when the effect of the magnetic field and electric current leads to the transmutation of the isotope Fe56 and electrons with energies obtained by transformation of the isotope (10?) Collected in the form of electricity. At the same time addressed a means for the application of this method as a generator with the nucleus 56 Fe

                  and so on..

                  To read more, use Google Translate to translate above Russian translation.
                  Google Translate




                  • OR it may be related to Gray process of "recreating the lightning"...
                    anyway keep my words, because all those devices have the same energy source - aether, but you must understand that magnetic field is two aether vorticies joined as two cone shapes.This is energy source,yet energy is balanced in steady-state flow. (look at Tom Bearden articles)
                    We have to understand how Earth magnetic field is generated - orl we destroy our planet.Smog or pollution or magnetic field destruction - it doesn't matter at the end.
                    Yet there is a hope - this hope come from Tesla words about "wheelwork of nature", I only need a proof. If that wheelwork is our solar system then the origin of Earth field is sun and galaxy and we can hopefully take a bit of energy from nature.


                    • @vidbid: That is one of the wildest speculations ever that haunt the web.

                      It works when the iron core, which consists of the isotope Fe56, with an initial energy measuring 168.21 x 10 "-13J, the heat kernel up to a temperature of 150 to 1500 ° C. If the nucleus has a magnetic energy of not less than 460 W and a frequency of 21 MHz, and the magnetic induction of at least 0.5 T (!!!!!), the isotope Fe56 absorbs most of the energy
                      You could create 21 MHz (which SR did not).
                      But 0.5 Tesla is a lot!

                      But who knows, even if that is indeed the principle you still would need
                      to know how to exactly build the device.


                      • Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                        Is it possible that Kapanadze's work and SR193's replication are based on Czech patent #284333.

                        The original patent:

                        The Russian translation:;attach=4112

                        English translation of Russian translation:

                        March 1976

                        CZ 284333 B6 CZ 284 333 B6
                        The method of energy production by converting Fe 56 Fe 54 were nuclear magnetic resonance equipment for the implementation of this method

                        The generator creates the effect of nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic field and electric current to the iron nucleus 56 Fe, then part of the current obtained in the transformation of iron 54, comes back into the nucleus, while the remainder of the flow from the device, which allows you to turn off power and automated process operations before the exhaustion of Fe 56 Equipment for the implementation of the method is a generator with a core in the form of rods 12 / Z Fe 56, the structure / 1 / induction coils / 6, 7, 8, 9 / from the input source / Li /, with the necessary circuits and output . The device is equipped with a power supply circuit got back to the bar 121 Load conveniently equipped with an output current of the rod / 2 / into two parts, one of which is connected to the regulator / 14 / OFF / LI /, and the other associated with the release of the device.

                        The method of energy production by converting Fe 56 in Fe 54 nuclear magnetic resonance. Equipment for the implementation of this method

                        The invention relates to a method for production of electricity through the conversion of Fe56 Fe54 by nuclear magnetic resonance, when the effect of the magnetic field and electric current leads to the transmutation of the isotope Fe56 and electrons with energies obtained by transformation of the isotope (10?) Collected in the form of electricity. At the same time addressed a means for the application of this method as a generator with the nucleus 56 Fe

                        and so on..

                        To read more, use Google Translate to translate above Russian translation.
                        Google Translate

                        I have already posted this in this very thread.

                        Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                        OR it may be related to Gray process of "recreating the lightning"...
                        anyway keep my words, because all those devices have the same energy source - aether, but you must understand that magnetic field is two aether vorticies joined as two cone shapes.This is energy source,yet energy is balanced in steady-state flow. (look at Tom Bearden articles)
                        We have to understand how Earth magnetic field is generated - orl we destroy our planet.Smog or pollution or magnetic field destruction - it doesn't matter at the end.
                        Yet there is a hope - this hope come from Tesla words about "wheelwork of nature", I only need a proof. If that wheelwork is our solar system then the origin of Earth field is sun and galaxy and we can hopefully take a bit of energy from nature.
                        @boguslaw I respect you and your work but this view is barely practical. It's just a philosophical statement that is meaningless in experiments. For experiments we need hard numbers and data. Coil size, frequency, field strength, wave shape. Not some philosophical view of nature and energy that has little practical value. Technically all is one and one is all, but will this statement warm my room next winter?


                        • Never Give Up The Quest For Over-Energy And Then Share It When You Find It

                          You might not agree, but consider the following for just a moment.

                          If you truly want to keep a thing, you must give it away. If you hoard it, you will never truly be able to keep it, and you will lose it forever.

                          You must share it completely with others if you want to keep it forever.

                          Never have so many wanted to know what so few who actually know but are unwilling to tell.

                          Why do they keep these world-changing secrets to themselves. They fear losing control and possession of what they have. So, one enemy is fear. The other enemy is greed. Together, they corrupt the souls of men.

                          Just imagine where we could have been by now if the obstacles of fear and greed had been removed out of our way over a century ago.

                          Perhaps, we could have had over-energy about a century ago. Perhaps, the biosphere of the planet could have been now in much better shape. Perhaps, there could have been far fewer or no wars, and everybody on the planet could have had much more than enough to eat. Perhaps, we could have put our time to much better use.




                          • ...

                            dear vidbid, that its all truth! but you can bet that we will get ther soon... god does not sleep!

                            one doubt... in the translated video, at 1.51 minute when the device first starts he says "now we have 20V in start up wires"

                            and then at 6 minutes when he start the device for the second time he says "voltage is 12 v, source is rated at only 1amp"...

                            this is not a little contradiction?

                            keep the good work guys

                            PS: i will stop working with the kapagen, effects are the same, with or without coil... so if free energy is a MO transformer, everybody allready have it in ther homes!

                            i will folow my own perspective and do what my mind is telling me, will report soon!



                            • It's a deadlock situation. Those who know and want to still be at power won't say, those who know and wanted to release cannot do that, the rest trying to understand won't know the truth or don't like to listen.
                              I think only GOD can resolve that problem.

                              You may ask why those who know cannot publish that and I'll tell you : they were told "this will destroy world". What would you do if anybody told you that your choice will destroy your family,your friends, your job,country or complete Earth ? Well, we can cope with economy collapse or change but we MUST know EXACTLY how excess energy is generated. If it's really deplete Earth magnetic field and if pole shift is real we have to wait after that happen.Or choose to release detailed info and be ready for apocalypse.

                              I know that you consider my little theories as philosophical,but consider what I told you.


                              • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                                You may ask why those who know cannot publish that and I'll tell you : they were told "this will destroy world". What would you do if anybody told you that your choice will destroy your family,your friends, your job,country or complete Earth ?
                                You know what, that's actually a very attractive option at this point. Besides the few who are actively trying to change it, this world has long pissed and shat on any moral, ethical obligation and humanity mankind has towards itself, the planet and the other known or unknown life species.

                                For the big majority it's due to plane ignorance, for some few elitist it's greed and corruption. Both are man's sin which he should atone for.

                                Destruction allows birth, this is one the universe's fundamental law.

