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my smith kanapadz replication

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  • my smith kanapadz replication


    many of us is trying to replicate smith or kanapadz devices simpy by copying them, well not that simply after all so i came to idea to figure out it myself how can this device work and it got me to this

    before you scream its not working let me explain

    ok so high voltage 3 is deliveredd to capacitor plate once positive once negative which induces in second plate of capacitor opposed charge wich flow thru transformer cousing current in secondary 6

    also capacitor "working" plate is discharged in between the phases and collected by secondary 5 to reduce loses

    you may say its not much power because of the area of capacitor is small !!!

    yes but when you get whole process to kHz range you multiply output!!!

    cheers from poland

  • #2
    Have you or are you intending to actually build that?

    I have experimented with a similar set-up, where the spark would
    occur on the other side of the plate and go to ground, but no power
    could be extracted that way.

    Excuse the question, but can you point out a specific device that Don Smith built that features a capacitor plate that gets hit with a spark?
    I am aware of his public demo with the 2 plates, but never seen a practical device.
    While we are at it, can you point out the Kapanadze device where that happens ?


    • #3
      The idea behind Dom Smith ,Kapanadze and other similar devices is well hidden.
      However I'm quite sure that this idea is devastating simple : lenz law is eliminated by forcing external power source to generate output instead of initial power source !
      It's something you see when you expend energy to turn on the electric switch and light goes on , but surely energy for lighting is not taken from your hand

      Now if initial energy flow is going outside the circuit and it's wasted (your hand energy) , other energy is going into circuit and is accumulating, that's why you see a spike.
      It is that fast, but if you find a way to slow it down and catch many times during the energy passage to the center you can extract free energy from external source without absorbing original energy source (which is acting like a switch only).Prepare to find energy flowing INTO the circuit , all rest is just how fast you can replicate that catching process and how much energy of original impulse you can put into circuit.


      • #4
        i have found this..

        Resultados da pesquisa de ky-comments_600.gif no Google

        what do you guys think of this? its possible?


        • #5
          From what I heard from my friends who are working on this, this is definitely NOT stealing. 50/60Hz is just so that you can operate your household devices and not because of the frequency the power lines work at.
          It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


          • #6
            If you don´t have a closed path, then how can you "steal" anything.
            Smith sais the ground is not needed, you can "ground" your circuit into the air.

            Even if your circuit is grounded you would have to be in the near-field to theoretically couple to the fields of the transmission line.
            In the far field no EM coupling is possible.

            But the whole issue about "Kapanadze stealing from the power lines" is
            an easy effort to explain his devices or disinformation.

            The easiest experiment (what Jetis indicated) would be to just run your circuit at 333 Hz and then find the sceptic that can explain you how you managed to couple to 50/60 Hz


            • #7


              im with you guys, lets try to replicate this!

              how do you think this device work? we know that it haves a transformer, a Joule thief kind, spark gap, etc, but how they interact?

              they show a 12V battery to start the device, maybe only to exite the "radiant energy" and set the frequency of the environment... and then they remove it.

              and what do you think of the earth ground, is used as an "earth battery" to start the device, or is only to discharge the energy? i think it can be removed to, after the device is self running for what i have seen...



              • #8
                Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                The idea behind Dom Smith ,Kapanadze and other similar devices is well hidden.
                However I'm quite sure that this idea is devastating simple : lenz law is eliminated by forcing external power source to generate output instead of initial power source !
                It's something you see when you expend energy to turn on the electric switch and light goes on , but surely energy for lighting is not taken from your hand

                Now if initial energy flow is going outside the circuit and it's wasted (your hand energy) , other energy is going into circuit and is accumulating, that's why you see a spike.
                It is that fast, but if you find a way to slow it down and catch many times during the energy passage to the center you can extract free energy from external source without absorbing original energy source (which is acting like a switch only).Prepare to find energy flowing INTO the circuit , all rest is just how fast you can replicate that catching process and how much energy of original impulse you can put into circuit.

                My guess is: primary (and secondary?) wound in 2 equal parts, opposite direction.

                Bucking magnetic field prevents current from manifesting in primary, but it shows up in the secondary.

                I think the property exhibited by such a coil should be called "Negative Self Induction"
                Last edited by SuperCaviTationIstic; 05-25-2010, 12:32 AM. Reason: ...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by juju View Post
                  how do you think this device work? we know that it haves a transformer, a Joule thief kind, spark gap, etc, but how they interact?
                  No Joule thief here.

                  they show a 12V battery to start the device, maybe only to exite the "radiant energy" and set the frequency of the environment... and then they remove it.
                  Where in the illustration or wojsciech´s description does it say that the battery is removed?

                  and what do you think of the earth ground, is used as an "earth battery" to start the device, or is only to discharge the energy? i think it can be removed to, after the device is self running for what i have seen...
                  The earth ground is used to complete the path for the 2nd circuit, so that the charges can flow down from the right capacitor plate to the lowest potential (being the earth).
                  Thats the whole concept behind it and it´s the only OU viable concept.
                  Two unconnected circuits with the 2nd one being the energy collection circuit.

                  (Except for part 4 and 5) i have experimented with that and there is
                  no huge energy gain or anything like that in the secondary circuit to ground.

                  After all where should that come from?
                  At what point is something majorly amplified here?
                  In the arc? If so then every spark gap would exhibit that behaviour.
                  I am sure wojsciech is expecting this to happen somewhere in his circuit suggestion.
                  Last edited by Xenomorph; 05-25-2010, 01:16 AM.


                  • #10

                    option wthout capacitor (just like it would matter)

                    charging by induction is the key


                    • #11
                      You are aware of that Kapanadze and Smith are heavily associated with self-running overunity devices that produce many times more energy than is being used to power the devices, because the thread title you chose is related to those inventors?
                      Could you be so kind to point out how exactly do you expect this to be anything highly overunity?
                      If you just intend to demonstrate an underunity charging by induction, then
                      forgive me, i was being mislead by your thread title then.


                      • #12
                        maybe youre right!!!!

                        maybe youre not!!! time will tell...

                        as far as i have seen they light up few light bulbs by just using groung

                        well lets try to replicate this, then we will try to make more!!!

                        what i suggest is to look at the electric field lines in wire and what they create in coil? maybe putting ground wire in center of coil have something to do?? when we create current by using magnets we only push/pull only one electron at outer shell maybe with enought electric field in center of coil we can push/pull more electrons from single atom?

                        imagine that with electric field you excite atom , electrons move to a higher orbit and instead of moving one electron you move 18 electrons that are in m shell? sci-fi? maybe, untill is proven!!!

                        Last edited by wojwrobel; 05-25-2010, 12:23 PM.


                        • #13
                          as far as i have seen they light up few light bulbs by just using groung
                          Okay, best of luck for your ground experiments then.

                          P.S.: Couldn´t hurt to read this : Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

                          There is many replication efforts currently going on, which are pointed to in that thread.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
                            Where in the illustration or wojsciech´s description does it say that the battery is removed?
                            i dont see any battery in woshiesh diagram... i even dont understand it very well.. i was talking about the videos of kapanadze in youtube... they show a 12V battery to start the device...

                            that plates you are talking about are like a batery? im not getting there, sory!

                            hugs xeno


                            • #15

                              this is my latest setup

                              plate 1 recive positive charge from power sorce so we have excess of proton (less electrons then protons) so in plates 2 extra electrons are induced from groung to balance it(just like in video charging by induction) so plates 2 have excess electrons so negative charge and it induces positive charge in plates 3 by getting some from the groung (if you connect it to ground 7) or (you can connect plate 2 and 3 and put load at this connection 8) and so on you can put many plates like this.... Smith says about 11 in his video

                              so basicly you charge one plate at charge Q1 and have discharge and discharge 8 in this example and each have Q1 charge minus losses for insulator because charges gets smaller by distance to squere

                              Last edited by wojwrobel; 05-27-2010, 10:17 AM.

