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my smith kanapadz replication

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  • Measurements


    I'm also building the don smith setup.
    Currently I have done a couple of simple measurements from L2a and L2b coils with a pulser on the L1 coil.
    Resonance lies around 43Mhz without any cap in the circuit, just pulsing the primair.
    When I move the L1 I'm seeing spots where I can adjust the voltage on L2a and L2b. The scope shot shows the L1 in top position of L2a with 3V on the primair.

    I'm currently simulating the L1 circuit ( Link ) in spice to see how a fixed freq NST would be used, you guys use sparkgaps but I wanted to see what the Surge Arrestor can do.
    What I see is that it works to keep a max voltage and amperage going trough L1. Changing the SA value changes the max amps and limits the voltage to the SA value. The problem is the freq, my NST uses around 35Khz so with pulsed DC can it resonate on a harmonic of 35Khz 70Khz or for example 140Khz ?

    What do you all think?

    Attached Files


    • Hi,
      i made it once, that i could bring a Coil at different Frequencys into Resonace for nice Sinewaves,
      but i had to change the Voltage AND the Duty Cycle.
      How a NST behave i cant say that, because of the Core there and the Amount of Wires.
      Not sure, if you can bring them at different Freqeuncys to resonance.
      It would be a lot to play with, to figure out, when they do match, and what Range they have.
      Each Coil has his Range too, where you cant go over it, i think, either, you cant use more Current or Voltage.
      For the Spark Gap, well, it add more Energy to the Circuit, i saw it on my Load, what i did use. So not sure, how well it works without.
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • I've been lurking on this thread for a few days now and wanted to thank everyone who continues to research this type of novel energy converter.

        I've been overstimulating myself with information like this for a while now and could use a grounding plate to touch base with other struggling enthusiasts.

        Anyway this talk about Don Smith and Tesla reminded me of an image I found in a pdf titled "FREE_ENERGY_1.doc" which seems readily available on google.

        It looks similar to some of the devices being discussed here except the L1 primary seems to be comprised of 2 pancake coils in series. Both appear to be wound the same direction making a single bifilar coil.

        L2 here looks like thin gauge magnet wire. I'm pretty sure there is a relationship between the number of concentric rings in L1 and their length, to the length and number of turns in L2 as in all resonant systems.

        I can't seem to shake what else might be hidden in the above image. The lines may have been drawn incorrectly.

        It seems like many of these devices are the same thing.... The more I read the more everything seems the same.


        • kritischerpunkt

          Please explain what you mean by "everything seems the same" ?

          Thank you


          • Hey boguslaw thanks for the question.

            I know that these are difficult times and these are difficult things for passionate people to talk about objectively but I will try.

            What I meant is that it has often become very difficult for me to maintain clear distinctions between several types of these devices because of their many similarities.

            In the Smith device, when a spark fires or is quenched at very short duty cycle pulse there is a powerful canned EMP that gets cleverly rectified and sent to the battery in between the times when it's being used.

            This type of sharp transient pulse can be generated by a monopolar generator when you force the positive sides of 2 powerful magnets together, put them on the outer spinning disc connected to a flywheel, and run them past trifilar wound coils that are alternately pulsing, and being pulsed by a circuit connected to a battery. I'm talking about the Bedini.

            Just the way that a speaker and the microphone can be seen as the same device in reverse, It seems that there are literally hundreds of variations of the Smith or Kanapadz devices that "might" work.

            I checked out the Energy from the vacuum series and have watched every freaking thing that I can find about this stuff but I'm still not ready to build yet. There are a lot of really brilliant people out there that seem to be giving this to us, yet why does it seem so out of reach?

            Something that seems to be a big secret in these resonant devices is saturation. You've really got to be bringing all of your components right to the brink of saturation but not past the point where they break down. Air core saturation for coils and for dielectrics should be designed based on the amount of joules going in, no more, no less. This has been overlooked by many people and I feel may be the cause of much frustration. This is not to say that I know exactly what I'm doing because I don't. Once again the secret seems to be bringing things right to the point where they will stop working, and hold them there and hope the dipole doesn't get disturbed.

            There's a lot more to say but I can't concentrate anymore today.

            If we could all just get out of the rat race long enough to get one of these working...we might all get out of the rat race for good.


            • Originally posted by kritischerpunkt View Post
              Hey boguslaw thanks for the question.

              I know that these are difficult times and these are difficult things for passionate people to talk about objectively but I will try.

              What I meant is that it has often become very difficult for me to maintain clear distinctions between several types of these devices because of their many similarities.

              In the Smith device, when a spark fires or is quenched at very short duty cycle pulse there is a powerful canned EMP that gets cleverly rectified and sent to the battery in between the times when it's being used.

              This type of sharp transient pulse can be generated by a monopolar generator when you force the positive sides of 2 powerful magnets together, put them on the outer spinning disc connected to a flywheel, and run them past trifilar wound coils that are alternately pulsing, and being pulsed by a circuit connected to a battery. I'm talking about the Bedini.

              Just the way that a speaker and the microphone can be seen as the same device in reverse, It seems that there are literally hundreds of variations of the Smith or Kanapadz devices that "might" work.

              I checked out the Energy from the vacuum series and have watched every freaking thing that I can find about this stuff but I'm still not ready to build yet. There are a lot of really brilliant people out there that seem to be giving this to us, yet why does it seem so out of reach?

              Something that seems to be a big secret in these resonant devices is saturation. You've really got to be bringing all of your components right to the brink of saturation but not past the point where they break down. Air core saturation for coils and for dielectrics should be designed based on the amount of joules going in, no more, no less. This has been overlooked by many people and I feel may be the cause of much frustration. This is not to say that I know exactly what I'm doing because I don't. Once again the secret seems to be bringing things right to the point where they will stop working, and hold them there and hope the dipole doesn't get disturbed.

              There's a lot more to say but I can't concentrate anymore today.

              If we could all just get out of the rat race long enough to get one of these working...we might all get out of the rat race for good.
              Good thoughts !

              Don Smith method = Kapanadze
              There is no single secret usable (well this is single secret but for usable device it is not single if you can understand, I mean secret is single but very unusable - it is aether)

              Now keywords:
              sharp gradient,longitudinal wave (radiant energy), do not kill dipole,resonant magnetic systems (magnetic current) and a few others

              Combine all together (with proper protection scheme; recall Don Smith using varicap,Kapanadze using spark gap)

              Look into Vladimir Utkin paper - it is all truth but only when combined.
              All I believe (I have no working device yet) is very strange - OU is in static charge we are experiencing everyday ! Just we need to learn how to CONDENSE this effect and re-use.

              P.S. Do you really believe that Earth magnetic field as stated by scientists , generated from iron core inside our planet would be so strong to opposite Sun solar wind ??? There must be inflow of energy to every magnet to sustain it's operation.



              • Special Capacitors

                " Look into Vladimir Utkin paper - it is all truth but only when combined.
                All I believe (I have no working device yet) is very strange - OU is in static charge we are experiencing everyday ! Just we need to learn how to CONDENSE this effect and re-use. "

                I've read about a company that is making Silicone / Oxygen batteries. End result is SiO2, basicliy, sand. I had this idea: why not make a capacitor, with concentric cylinder, like a joe cell, but instead of using water, use sand as a dielectric. It is composed for the most part of quartz, wich is pieozoelectric. I would use this sand concentric cylinder capacitor where Don Smith put his capacitor bank in the NST device.

                If we want a novel effect, we need a novel electric components. And idealy, mimic nature and use naturaly occuring elements.

                I really believe the joe cell idea is sound, that is, concentric cylinders with neutral plates. It has just not been used in the right manner yet.

                The fact that is has large spacing between the plates, around 1/2", is indicator that it can take huge voltage but has very little capacitance.

                Hemispherical or disk shape might be an even better shape, it's just that concentric cylinder are more common/afforable.

                Joe cells should be used to make electricity, not to run ICE engines.
                It has to be constantly supplyed with extremely high voltages, at very little current. The AIR surrounding the cell/capacitor plays a huge role in the operation of the device. It transform the air molecule to aetheric state. The "aetheric air" is now at a vacuum compared to surrounding. Atmopheric pressure then rush into this vacuum and replenish it with fresh air molecules and the cyle repeat itself infinitly. It is like a motor powered by atmospheric pressure.


                • Originally posted by Felix_the_cat View Post
                  " Look into Vladimir Utkin paper - it is all truth but only when combined.
                  All I believe (I have no working device yet) is very strange - OU is in static charge we are experiencing everyday ! Just we need to learn how to CONDENSE this effect and re-use. "

                  I've read about a company that is making Silicone / Oxygen batteries. End result is SiO2, basicliy, sand. I had this idea: why not make a capacitor, with concentric cylinder, like a joe cell, but instead of using water, use sand as a dielectric. It is composed for the most part of quartz, wich is pieozoelectric. I would use this sand concentric cylinder capacitor where Don Smith put his capacitor bank in the NST device.

                  If we want a novel effect, we need a novel electric components. And idealy, mimic nature and use naturaly occuring elements.

                  I really believe the joe cell idea is sound, that is, concentric cylinders with neutral plates. It has just not been used in the right manner yet.

                  The fact that is has large spacing between the plates, around 1/2", is indicator that it can take huge voltage but has very little capacitance.

                  Hemispherical or disk shape might be an even better shape, it's just that concentric cylinder are more common/afforable.

                  Joe cells should be used to make electricity, not to run ICE engines.
                  It has to be constantly supplyed with extremely high voltages, at very little current. The AIR surrounding the cell/capacitor plays a huge role in the operation of the device. It transform the air molecule to aetheric state. The "aetheric air" is now at a vacuum compared to surrounding. Atmopheric pressure then rush into this vacuum and replenish it with fresh air molecules and the cyle repeat itself infinitly. It is like a motor powered by atmospheric pressure.
                  You are talking about Peter Davey's invention:

                  see post:

                  and i had similar idea but not quite the same crystal


                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                  • It's so easy to get distracted by all this wonder.

                    I hope everyone is doing better than me. I'm struggling as usual.

                    I've got the Battery, Inverter, Variac, and NST. My NST is not solid state, is center tapped but not used, and has a 3KV output from 120v that I should be able to double to about 6KV using the Variac turned all the way up. Right?

                    I started winding the primary bifilar pancake coil that will sit at roughly at the center of the secondary. I'm using 1/4 inch

                    copper refrigerator hose. Its pretty hard to work with only having 2 hands. I'd like to use 15 feet for each of the coils that really make up the primary bifilar winding plus a few inches to go between them. I'd like to test different lengths of wire between the gap between pancake coils. I've chosen a 3/4 inch spacing between concentric rings. I generally suck at building precise things with my hands so we'll see how it goes. This method would be in contrast to what I think I've seen of the Smith Primary, which was a many stranded soleniod coil shape that Smith did not indicate was bifilar but he is trixy.

                    As far as the secondary, I'm too broke to get 120 feet of nice HV wire. I briefly entertained using galvanized electric fence wire but something in my memory said not to. I think it had something to do with radiation. I'm going to stay away from stainless steel as well.

                    Also, another thing from the FREE_ENERGY_1.DOC paper that seems important is the direction of capacitor plates with respect to coil windings. Since B field makes E field makes B field and so on, the incorrect direction (in space, not in the circuit) of capacitors, inductors, or diodes would result in failure. This is something that totally blew my mind because it's something that was never taught to me by professors.

                    This is all so visual.

                    If a magnetic field is traveling up and down in the direction which you are reading this then the Electric field is traveling both toward and away from you. It would seem that the proper place for the plates are in front of eachother, in the direction of your monitor. I wonder how many people have given up just because one of their key components is out of real world phase.

                    This is off topic but I acquired some paramagnetic oil. If I had more resources I would encase it in a hollow toroid of different types of material, wind a secondary onto it, and then wind a series (at least 3) of primaries on top of it. I wonder if one could "tap" those primaries using cleverly obtained energy to build up momentum of the oil and have a measureable output. This would be a variation on Tesla's dynamo. PM me if you have any thoughts on this.

                    Thats enough for now.

                    You should relax. If you have Netflix on demand I highly reccomend "The Pyramid Code" series.


                    • If a magnetic field is traveling up and down in the direction which you are reading this then the Electric field is traveling both toward and away from you. It would seem that the proper place for the plates are in front of eachother, in the direction of your monitor. I wonder how many people have given up just because one of their key components is out of real world phase.
                      I'm going to assume that rolled canister capacitors will not work as a secondary tank because we need to capture as much E field from the B field that we can. If the capacitor is rolled in a can, then I assume most (or all!) of the free E field generated from the secondary coils B field (offset by 90 degrees) will be lost or may act parasitically to the desired outcome.

                      I will restate how clearly many documentaries out there have have stated the importance of saturating our secondary capacitor dielectric and our secondary solenoid coil core.

                      I'm going to try to get a hold of some more Mylar when I do the secondary tank capacitor. I'm going to have to measure or calculate the desired secondary output voltage and match the thickness of mylar in between plates so that it is close to saturation. Tell me if I'm wrong here but if my variac is turned all the way up and my NST produces 6KV pulses then wouldn't my secondary (which is 4 times primary length) be ~24KV or would it be higher?

                      I know that the published Smith design uses a 3 inch coil diameter on the secondary. If we can calculate the B field density inside that secondary air core solenoid for our maximum output voltage, it should not exceed the breakdown of the air as a core. If it gets hot or makes noise, turn it down.

                      Something that I remember from a Childress book on Tesla's automobile was that eye witnesses say there were 2 iron rods that Tesla would push down into the box containing his coils to start the device. I clearly remember reading that the length of these cores had a relationship somehow closely to the spin of an electron.

                      So wikipedia says:
                      saturation is exploited in some electronic devices. Saturation is employed to limit current in saturable-core transformers, used in arc welding. When the primary current exceeds a certain value, the core is pushed into its saturation region, limiting further increases in secondary current. In a more sophisticated application, saturable core inductors and magnetic amplifiers use a DC current through a separate winding to control an inductor's impedance. Varying the current in the control winding moves the operating point up and down in the saturation curve, controlling the AC current through the inductor. These are used in variable fluorescent light ballasts, and power control systems
                      All of my comments are speculative but if Tesla was using 2 iron cores then he was probably not using a single polarity DC pulse train. My guess is that he used alternating polarities of DC pulses to "instantaneously" collapse the field surrounding 2 alternating secondary coils, back and forth, inside and outside the magnetic field goes. As a consequence of this method, I "feel" like the collapse of one coil in one physical direction as well as voltage direction will act like a boost to the other secondary coil, to reinforce the opposite physical direction and voltage. I feel this may more than double the output.

                      To make an analogy, imagine 2 very skilled children swinging in opposite directions right next to each other. Because they are are so skilled, in addition to using their legs to pump and gain momentum, each child is so skilled that they can both actually reach sideways at the perfect moment where they intersect (most kinetic, least potential) and push off each others back with one hand, but only they are as strong as a truck. Same idea, it just seems equally as hard.

                      That would of course be a more advanced method, something I feel Tesla arrived at.


                      • Originally posted by kritischerpunkt View Post
                        I'm going to assume that rolled canister capacitors will not work as a secondary tank because we need to capture as much E field from the B field that we can. If the capacitor is rolled in a can, then I assume most (or all!) of the free E field generated from the secondary coils B field (offset by 90 degrees) will be lost or may act parasitically to the desired outcome.

                        I will restate how clearly many documentaries out there have have stated the importance of saturating our secondary capacitor dielectric and our secondary solenoid coil core.

                        I'm going to try to get a hold of some more Mylar when I do the secondary tank capacitor. I'm going to have to measure or calculate the desired secondary output voltage and match the thickness of mylar in between plates so that it is close to saturation. Tell me if I'm wrong here but if my variac is turned all the way up and my NST produces 6KV pulses then wouldn't my secondary (which is 4 times primary length) be ~24KV or would it be higher?

                        I know that the published Smith design uses a 3 inch coil diameter on the secondary. If we can calculate the B field density inside that secondary air core solenoid for our maximum output voltage, it should not exceed the breakdown of the air as a core. If it gets hot or makes noise, turn it down.

                        Something that I remember from a Childress book on Tesla's automobile was that eye witnesses say there were 2 iron rods that Tesla would push down into the box containing his coils to start the device. I clearly remember reading that the length of these cores had a relationship somehow closely to the spin of an electron.

                        So wikipedia says:

                        All of my comments are speculative but if Tesla was using 2 iron cores then he was probably not using a single polarity DC pulse train. My guess is that he used alternating polarities of DC pulses to "instantaneously" collapse the field surrounding 2 alternating secondary coils, back and forth, inside and outside the magnetic field goes. As a consequence of this method, I "feel" like the collapse of one coil in one physical direction as well as voltage direction will act like a boost to the other secondary coil, to reinforce the opposite physical direction and voltage. I feel this may more than double the output.

                        To make an analogy, imagine 2 very skilled children swinging in opposite directions right next to each other. Because they are are so skilled, in addition to using their legs to pump and gain momentum, each child is so skilled that they can both actually reach sideways at the perfect moment where they intersect (most kinetic, least potential) and push off each others back with one hand, but only they are as strong as a truck. Same idea, it just seems equally as hard.

                        That would of course be a more advanced method, something I feel Tesla arrived at.
                        Brilliant ! Push push push

                        P.S. Another method is here ... ‪v8 суперотскок от резинового шарика.avi‬‏ - YouTube


                        • why

                          Originally posted by Haan
                          Could someone please point me to simple details of how to make a Kapanadze device?.

                          There are lots of pictures of completed units, but I have not seen a step by step description of how to actually build one.
                          Good question!
                          But what is the reason for that?
                          Maybe because none of these devices works?
                          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                          • i am wondering about what you are implying about the e-field is correct. say a coil is made of coax cable and the inside transmission line is positive and one shield end is grounded and at the opposite open end the shield and main line have a spark gap. what goes on within the coil for magnetic action.
                            what is being talked about here is similar to the van de graph action you can easily put all the charge you want within the sphere but the potential is limited by the sphere diameter at some point its potential is to great for the size and it bleeds off to the surrounding air.
                            if a cylinder is placed beyond this point will it collect the charge and can it then be put back into the sphere?
                            or is there another field flow action or correction that needs to be made first?


                            • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                              Good thoughts !

                              Don Smith method = Kapanadze
                              There is no single secret usable (well this is single secret but for usable device it is not single if you can understand, I mean secret is single but very unusable - it is aether)

                              Now keywords:
                              sharp gradient,longitudinal wave (radiant energy), do not kill dipole,resonant magnetic systems (magnetic current) and a few others

                              Combine all together (with proper protection scheme; recall Don Smith using varicap,Kapanadze using spark gap)

                              Look into Vladimir Utkin paper - it is all truth but only when combined.
                              All I believe (I have no working device yet) is very strange - OU is in static charge we are experiencing everyday ! Just we need to learn how to CONDENSE this effect and re-use.

                              P.S. Do you really believe that Earth magnetic field as stated by scientists , generated from iron core inside our planet would be so strong to opposite Sun solar wind ??? There must be inflow of energy to every magnet to sustain it's operation.

                              I think you are right on the spot to condense electrostatic, like Linde Condenser, i think it's like a heat exchanger, one side hot and the other side cold. in kapanadze, some people said he was using a coax cable, in the 2005 video from don smith ( the one with the capacitor plates ) he said that the second side mimics what the first side has but from the earth as a source.

                              check the second part of that video MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor - YouTube the electrostatic charge reside on the surface fo the dielectric and we can tap it i think. le the dipole of smith.

                              just a thinking but i will test don smith cap video to see.


                              • Static is static because we are moving with the same speed (relativity), in fact they are vibrations of tremendous frequency I think. One proof is in Tesla notes - he described experiments with his coil generating static spark-like discharge. You are correct about Linde method, find out it is very simple.....
                                We have so much new phenomena noted , the only problem is chaos. I would like to be find sure answer to the question ; where is the excess energy coming from ? is that the one source or is there maybe many of them? Tesla's elucidating are unclear. He said about miniscule particles having electrical properties, which may resemble nowadays neutrinos but scientists say they are noninterferring with matter.

