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Reconstructing EM & Energy Theory from scratch

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Aromaz

    @Agent.A - neither of your two presentations of the atom is correct;
    but then all three are just theories - unless you can go back to origins.

    By understanding bahaviour you will have only the known results to work with. Your mission has gone MBA.
    those presentions are the ones which exist in old and modern books and teachings of conventional science.

    by understanding bahaviour, ( as you did ) you develop the knowledge to research deeper and deeper and answer questions that are more complicated.
    this is the only possible way to advance in science. you walked the same path. you know.


    there is an 1982 movie - TRON - in which there is this thing called BIT. what do you think of that as an atomic model ?

    YouTube - TRON - bit


    • #47
      Now you got it.

      Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
      those presentions are the ones which exist in old and modern books and teachings of conventional science.

      by understanding bahaviour, ( as you did ) you develop the knowledge to research deeper and deeper and answer questions that are more complicated.
      this is the only possible way to advance in science. you walked the same path. you know.


      there is an 1982 movie - TRON - in which there is this thing called BIT. what do you think of that as an atomic model ?

      YouTube - TRON - bit
      There you go. If you really want to know it is a nodal point meaning many intersections coming to a single static well. Think of many pyramidal objects all pointing their tips twords the static center well. Then all on the outside of this gathering is more static points balancing the center charge. Take a few charges away from the outer shell of these charges and you create a negatively charges particle. Oh by the way in between all these conductors you have matter condensing twords the inner charge as well giving each nodal point certain properties.
      Remember that the conductors or pyramids are layered crystalline capacitors. I believe after looking at salt crystals that this is where the secret is. Did you know that there is a plethora of microscopic salt crystals in our air? There are the ones we can see by the way. And salt is very Peizo electric.... Hmmmm.....


      • #48
        Originally posted by Agent.A View Post

        there is an 1982 movie - TRON - in which there is this thing called BIT. what do you think of that as an atomic model ?

        YouTube - TRON - bit
        It is part of "occult chemistry" atomic model:

        Also, to suggest the fifth, Atomic model by John Worrel Keely, reintroduced by Dale ponds, a bit like hydrogen version of "occult chemistry". Matter is made from plus minus and neutral, down to 9th level.

        In occult chemistry, Hydrogen consist of two triangle. Each triangle contain three circle. Each circle contain three anu. Shape indicate movement area and how they move together. Out of seven state of matter, the last one is what convert matter to aether or vice versa. Interestingly, in this last state electricity and heat is mentioned:

        Let see if scientist will show energy unit a third of a third of an electron.
        Last edited by sucahyo; 06-01-2010, 03:52 AM.


        • #49

          occult science may have some truths in it but since it was developed when the language was not able to describe the scientific concepts and facts were mostly unknown, it is not a good source to rely upon.

          also, you have to remember that occult science is very related to old hidden religions which had a view of the world in very different terms.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
            occult science may have some truths in it but since it was developed when the language was not able to describe the scientific concepts and facts were mostly unknown, it is not a good source to rely upon.

            also, you have to remember that occult science is very related to old hidden religions which had a view of the world in very different terms.
            Yes, it may be not be a good source. But there is not many option left. I believe that current atomic model is wrong because it is too limited. I believe in the existance of ghost. Ghost do not exist in the world of current atomic theory. For me ghost is a fact that modern science can not accept because the current theory refuse it. It still acceptable 100 years ago.

            Remote punching is a fairy tale for modern scientist, until it hit you for real. I have seen it happen, in my own eyes and I am a friend of someone who capable of doing it, I would laugh secretly if anyone dismissed it. Remote punching is the truth, and yet the closest explanation in current theory is EM radiation. A man capable of emitting EM radiation that can punch another man wirelessly without being detected by any EM meter , sounds stupid...

            Yes there are some information that is mixed with religion that make it hard to digest. We have to find consistency in the information from different sources. Accept the partial one and blend it with another. We have to throw the one that completely wrong.

            What kind of hidden religion? Ever heard known religion that state world and heaven is divided by 7 level?

            If religion is not your source of information, we can try to see how experimenter see it, Tesla for instance. His impulse power is not accepted because current theory prevent it. "occult chemistry" allow it, aether theory allow it.

            How about KOR radiation vs EM radiation? do current modern theory accept that it is really different?
            Last edited by sucahyo; 06-01-2010, 08:10 AM.


            • #51
              My thoughts

              I don't believe in ghost, i died once and came back to life and all i could see is that we become the time line we lived. You become what you saw and did, for ever. That lead me to create a theory about why i could see the future. And the explanation is: i can see it, because it is already happening.

              Memory works differently than we know. Actually we don't store any information. We only store shortcuts li web address with time and space info. When we remember something we are looking thru a window into the past. When we got an error of shortcut we can look straight to the future.

              Atomic model for me is quite right, both of the pics. Because predicted models and calculations and simulations already works. So is not so far from true.
              What remain unknown for me are other components the atoms may have. Energy... Time and Space... Bridges... Intelligence...

              I believe we are god. We are pieces of a big complex huge lot's of the same thing. We are love and energy. We have no limits. Every one has its unique universe. We all make part of our own universe and behave like bacterials... our behavior dictates how long our universe will live. I can't tell you all because life become meaningless when you know everything. One day you will understand what i'm talking about, you should want to never see this day arrive even if it will be kind of relief.


              • #52
                @Sebosfato, I have to believe in the existence of ghost because my religion requires me to. As fortunate confirmation some of my friends or family can see them. When I hear same confirmation from different source, I accept it as truth.

                When theory can not explain one thing, the whole theory should be considered false or spefically mention to only work at certain condition.

                I believe we can change future. Big effort bring big change but human power is limited.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                  That lead me to create a theory about why i could see the future. And the explanation is: i can see it, because it is already happening.
                  Next time it happen, see if it is exactly like what you seen will happen. See if it consistent not just the first few second, see if there are no change in background, people tone, what everyone wearing, etc. I believe big flow and small flow. I believe that more people doing same effort will move even the big flow.


                  • #54
                    hay, folks, people, duds, boys & gals, stop right there. time out.

                    this thread takes the wrong turn to theories and stories about bla and bla.

                    im not saying that my bla is more important then any other bla but this thread is supposed to be about reconstruction of the scientific model based of known facts
                    and not on mysticism and/or occult esoteric science.

                    Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and few others, all have common theme which is basically energy and levels of it and how it relates to the universe.

                    i know lots and lots about those subjects and their place is not here. not yet anyway.


                    • #55
                      Ok, sorry for going out of topic. But how do we separate facts from theory? Because now postulate is considered as facts.

                      It become important when you rely on them to explain things. Same facts can be interpreted differently from different point of view (theory). A theory derived from another theory that has limit may end up wrong beyond the limit.
                      Last edited by sucahyo; 06-01-2010, 09:01 AM.


                      • #56
                        very good question.

                        now heres something to ponder about, how do we separate the facts from the bla ?

                        for example, the electric field and its elasticity, is that a fact ? postulation ? bla ?


                        • #57
                          So, my dear fellows of unholy science, i continue the story of reconstruction after a little time out.
                          this time, im looking at the question of current and magnetic fields

                          on with our little (hi)story.

                          in 1820, Hans Christian Ørsted discovers that passing a current in a wire deflects a needle of a magnetic compes.

                          WOW !! everybody clap your hands.

                          ever since, our science books are full of that little story and the bla of current ( charge in motion ) causing magnetic fields tackle us everywhere we go.

                          so, does current ( charge in motion ) really cause magnetic fields ? your answers are welcomed.


                          • #58

                            Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
                            So, my dear fellows of unholy science, i continue the story of reconstruction after a little time out.
                            this time, im looking at the question of current and magnetic fields

                            on with our little (hi)story.

                            in 1820, Hans Christian Ørsted discovers that passing a current in a wire deflects a needle of a magnetic compes.

                            WOW !! everybody clap your hands.

                            ever since, our science books are full of that little story and the bla of current ( charge in motion ) causing magnetic fields tackle us everywhere we go.

                            so, does current ( charge in motion ) really cause magnetic fields ? your answers are welcomed.
                            no it does not cause magnetics because magnetics is WRONG. What causes the needle to move in the rushing charges going twords the voltage potential that is lining up these conductors. These lines are like streams that go into rivers that goes into much larger rivers. It is the flow that goes thru the needle because it is a channel of direction with less resistance to the flow in that direction. Kinda like a wind vane on top of your barns.
                            The voltage is the point source and it shares that source all along a wire. There is no magnetic interaction at that point. It is merely a flow that is channeled or redirected around that channel. Since Iron is based of crystals one can see that it is richer in the natural channels then the surrounding area.
                            Now current is actually the incoming charges being directed in the same fashion as the iron but in the copper wire going twords the point source. The resistances in the wire come from the charges attraction to the metal as it passes each atom of the matter. This attraction causes the matter to physically move a little and heat is generated in this way. But the charges are slowed by this action as well. This slowing causes the point source to decrease a tad bit and if the source is incapable of maintaining the pull it drains that source of some of it's charges. This is a balancing action of pull vs. repulsion. We always say the battery is loosing it's charge well that is somewhat correct seeing that it is only capable of maintaining a certain static charge levels through the flows in the battery.
                            Think of the wire as a hose. The battery is a vacuum pump that is only capable of maintaining a certain amount of pressure. The hose has holes all along it and around it's whole surface. When we turn on the pump, switch the circuit on, the battery starts sucking through the hose. All around the hose are little hose clips. Like o rings. The voltage statically aligns those rings to the wires holes so that it can draw more charges into the main hose.
                            This is current and resistances are the blockage of that current.

                            This IS THE SECRET that Tesla finally understood. Crystals in a fluid being attracted to the static source building rivers and streams out from that source drawing the real charges that are responsible for the forces behind all matter. But one thing has to be remembered about this, Cycles. What goes in must come out in some fashion other wise it gets converted into another form of radiative discharge. Remember that nature is a game of balance and cycles is the key to that balance. Create an imbalance and you need to do it in a fashion that directly interacts with the natural cycles and it must return in some fashion. For every in there must be an out for the process not to get blockages. Blockages are resistances and they will radiate what can not pass it.
                            We have been deceived. Weather it was intentional or not I don't know but one thing makes me believe this was very very intentional. Because we are taught this junk science. Anything else is put in the category as occult science and shoved to the back of the shelf.
                            This method Tesla figured out is not science. It is how nature works. Why do you think he talked about AC being most unnatural. AC was devised by him but he soon figured out that this first method was brutally destructive. He recanted his backing of AC and tried to show the world a more natural way. The problem is the money guys already had a steady stream of cash feeding their greed and they were addicted to that power it gave them.
                            When are we gonna get tired of this Greed? When are we gonna re awaken our own morals and do the right thing?
                            Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-01-2010, 04:36 PM.


                            • #59
                              Good question

                              Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
                              very good question.

                              now heres something to ponder about, how do we separate the facts from the bla ?

                              for example, the electric field and its elasticity, is that a fact ? postulation ? bla ?
                              Well elasticity of the lines of force are because they are segmented and the geometric shape of that fundamental carrier or vehicle or attractor of charges.
                              I postulate that the bemf effect is a piezo effect caused by the minute carriers hitting the coppers own carriers that are bound in them. Or something to that effect. It could be they have a flow rate and that the pulse is too fast for them to align at the time of that attraction. After the coil is de energized they collide and induce a voltage as they clang into each other in our fluid (medium) of air.
                              It would be very interesting to see if a coil on earth produces the same level of effect in space.... Hmmm...


                              • #60

                                in both of your last posts, you describe a behavioural model. so, the question after this is simple.
                                do you have any FACTS, experimental data or anything that supports your writings ?
                                the data can be of any experiment or test run of the last 400 years that you know of as long as it proves your point,
                                else, these are just your thoughts and ideas an as such are not valid. yet.

