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Reconstructing EM & Energy Theory from scratch

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  • #91
    ok juju, i see you play it hard.

    thats ok. keep your bla to yourself. you know what to do next.


    • #92

      @sucahyo, i will show you more of that soon!


      dont understand why you continue to spend your words with this guy, after he treat you and everybody the way it does!

      its obvious that such a thing will never fit in his head! and now the next question will be.... do you got proof or evidence of that?



      • #93

        i do what i want, not what you want!

        Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
        ok juju, i see you play it hard.

        thats ok. keep your bla to yourself. you know what to do next.


        • #94
          juju, do whatever you want as long as you stop doing it in this thread.

          you made your point, im a moron everybody saw it. move on.
          ( i'll send you my signature for validation )

          thank you, bye bye.


          • #95
            Thats my point JUJU...

            Originally posted by juju View Post
            i do what i want, not what you want!
            I do as I please. I look where I want and I will try to bring the light to the ones who want to see it. His problem is that he doesn't see the connections. Thats fine because that is the way we are taught to think. To be ignorant of all the proof around you.
            But he is human and to tell you the truth I might have lost my cool with him before and I am sorry for that. He doesn't deserve it as much as I don't deserve to be treated the way that I got treated. I guess we need a certain amount of wisdom in these cases. Especially if I and others are correct about this energy and it's flow. We must have the wisdom to not misuse it for bad intentions. Since the simplicity of this Theory means that anyone would be the master of the energy around us we need to start changing our level of wisdom to be able to change our revenge attitude and ways.
            All I see in our world is wow someone did me wrong and now he should be at my wrath. Even our justice system does that to satiate the people who say kill them for their error. Well we are responsible for those errors really. Our whole society is based off of flawed logic and the lack of wisdom and that causes the recipients to resort to whatever they need to do to survive. This kind of thinking has stretched the very fabric of our souls and that stretching is much like the void of space. It upon looking at the void believe it is entirely empty and throw our values, morals and soul out the window. That was exactly Jesus's message to us and he was right. It was easy to predict what would happen after that and thats why the prediction of many followed the doom and gloom aspect. If man doesn't have a direction and purpose in life he runs amuck. Chaos becomes the order they follow and they go in entirely the wrong direction.
            I don't fault Agent for that. Maybe he will see that from these messages and maybe take the time to put aside his traditional teachings and relearn with us the natural ways. That is the only thing that is gonna save us.
            Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-03-2010, 03:49 PM.


            • #96

              Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
              juju, do whatever you want as long as you stop doing it in this thread.

              you made your point, im a moron everybody saw it. move on.
              ( i'll send you my signature for validation )

              thank you, bye bye.
              Im a free being, ill post were i want, when i want, whatever i want!

              Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
              I do as I please. I look where I want and I will try to bring the light to the ones who want to see it.
              sorry but he dont want to see anything belong is great EGO! and he even says, his open minded to new ideas, and not closed in a box!

              your words make total sense to me... i dont like to exchange bad energys, but sometimes our counsciesness blinds us, maybe because of the other side attitude!

              when you have pure intention, and want to share your toughts and feelling by experience, it hurts when someone make fool of you!



              • #97
                Originally posted by juju View Post
                Im a free being, ill post were i want, when i want, whatever i want!

                sorry but he dont want to see anything belong is great EGO! and he even says, his open minded to new ideas, and not closed in a box!

                your words make total sense to me... i dont like to exchange bad energys, but sometimes our counsciesness blinds us, maybe because of the other side attitude!

                when you have pure intention, and want to share your toughts and feelling by experience, it hurts when someone make fool of you!

                I certainly agree. But I really have not been feeling that I was made a fool of. I do on the other hand believe that he is not open to new ways of thinking.
                I do post in other threads and my views have not changed at all. In fact this debate has shown me that even if he didn't or doesn't agree, and thats his right to not agree, That my intentions are still getting across.
                I will continue to try and show him the light because it helps me to organize my thoughts better. Into a more simple train that even the most closed minded individuals will have to agree with. Like refining the method.
                I guess we need to understand that people with this attitude is exactly why the theories of the past keep prevailing. The only true way to beat that is to show evidence of what I am talking about. But just how do you get a real sense of something that is invisible. That could be paralleled with faith and believing in a greater potential. With that greater potential it will attract all the lesser potentials to the center and they will come around. Truth will always prevail. We just need to expose what they know as not being completely based on the solid foundation that they assumed it was built on.
                Oh and Juju lets not start attacking him. If he doesn't want you or I in the thread lets move this conversation to the radiant energy thread because at least in that thread they are talking about just what we are talking about.


                • #98
                  So, what have we here thus far ?

                  Originally posted by Jbignes5
                  WTF what a moron....
                  1. im a moron

                  Originally posted by juju
                  your attitude here is like ...
                  2. i have an attitude problem

                  Originally posted by juju
                  sorry but he dont want to see anything belong is great EGO!
                  3. i have a HUGE ego

                  Originally posted by Jbignes5
                  I do on the other hand believe that he is not open to new ways of thinking
                  4. im close minded

                  Originally posted by Jbignes5
                  I will continue to try and show him the light
                  5. im blind to the "light"

                  Originally posted by Jbignes5
                  I guess we need to understand that people with this attitude is exactly why the theories of the past keep prevailing
                  6. more attitude problems


                  i believe that the following image describes best what you both feel about me. yes ?

                  please, carry on, the book about my character ( with all the supportive data ) is not final until you both sign it.

                  oh, wait, dont carry on, everybody got the idea ( with the supportive data ) , stop spaming this thread. bye bye. peace, love, whatever makes you happy.


                  • #99
                    It's amazing....

                    I grovel at your feet of intellectual greatness. Wow would you like me to quote all your drivel? Ok I get it apology not accepted. No problem. Hope you find what you are looking for. But one bit of advice.... Why don't you learn English and learn how to use the English you learnt to put down in the title of your thread what you really want. Otherwise why bother.


                    • Originally posted by Tehnoman View Post
                      About chewing large food. Actually, it just might be wrong.

                      In modern science classical EM theory consists only of four equations, four Maxwell-Heviside equations written in vector field notation. Fix these and basically you have fixed all EM theory.


                      I have read many information about important physical phenomenon that has been discarded from original Maxwell equations (in quaternion form), but that is not the story.

                      For some time I have searched for simple yet strong experiment, that would show some deviations from these. Closest that I have come so far is Meyl theories and experiment idea.

                      Other discussion

                      Yet after some time working on them and trying to reproduce theory, so many problems came out, that I could not even imagine. The work in this aspect is postponed due to fact that I have to defend my bachelor degree in physics after one and a half of week.

                      So, I would say, that rebuilding theory is not the best direction of action. In my opinion best place to start is experiment. If we want to observe a new global effect, we can discard quantum physics for now.

                      I am still searching for experiment that can not be described with Maxwell-Heviside equations.
                      Here is my experiment which I have proposed in my writing elsewhere but will offer to you here. It will test whether the vacuum will produce the needed charges to satisfy a conversion of work energy to electrical energy and the test can be performed with existing materials already in production.

                      We have a long standing empirical model of electron flow in cathode ray tubes. A heater filament is raised to thermionic emission and an anode is elevated to many kilovolts to force the electrons to move through the rarefied gas to the anode. These are two separate circuits but they have a common reference in the power supply system. So we understand that new electrons are continuously supplied to the heated element by the power supply outside of the tube.

                      Now, let us test it a new way. Let us place inside the tube neck a small generator able to provide the 6.3VAC needed to keep the heated element in thermionic emission. Let us connect the shaft of that generator to a magnet so that we can turn it magnetically coupled by an exterior motor. Now we have a dielectric vacuum and glass electrically separating our small generator from the outside world and the heater portion is a closed system. The HV Anode is another system. Now, under theory, there should be a finite quantity of electrons available in the conductive materials used for the generator and heater. Once those electrons are drawn off by the Anode, the system should fail regardless of how much energy is put into turning the generator.

                      Possible results:

                      1. The beam fails when all of the electrons are siphoned off

                      2. New electrons are produced by the vacuum to satisfy the imbalance and the beam continues to function.

                      If the latter proves true - then how will we explain it by Maxwellian means?

                      Copyright URAD © 2007
                      "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                      • Nice experiment Harvey.
                        The generator will function without a problem if it is a PM generator, as long as the magnets hold their strength.


                        • Hay, people, wake up, bling bling, no one can answer anything about the source of the magnetic field ? i gave many examples to ponder upon.


                          • Originally posted by Loadstone View Post
                            Nice experiment Harvey.
                            The generator will function without a problem if it is a PM generator, as long as the magnets hold their strength.
                            Thanks Scotty

                            But actually we are not sure about what will happen. Once all the free electrons are used up the heater will become positively charged and eventually will reach a point that matches the Anode (according to Maxwell) and this would leave us in an interesting condition where we could not induce current in the heater circuit and it would cool down because the free electrons have 'left the building'.

                            It will be interesting to see how the experiment actually plays out when and if any one of the seven billion inhabitants of this planet actually perform the test to see. - I find it interesting that we often push the task onto someone else for various reasons, like the story of the Little Red Hen.

                            I suppose if I had the tools I would do the test myself
                            "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                            • Originally posted by Agent.A View Post
                              Hay, people, wake up, bling bling, no one can answer anything about the source of the magnetic field ? i gave many examples to ponder upon.

                              Consider the spinning point charge, it becomes a magnetic dipole.

                              This phenomenon tells us something about magnetic fields.

                              The electric field can be visualized as a continuous stream of one dimensional lines leaving the center of the charge and moving outward in all directions to infinity. Imagine that these streams are dynamic so they are always moving outward this way. We will label that as POSITVE. If the streams moved inwards we would label it as negative and if they did not move at all it would be neutral. Now, they must move at some velocity, these one dimensional streams, so we will pick a number that seems to be supported by math and observation, 299,793,000 m s^-1 or 'c' .

                              Now let us spin the little fella. What happens to our streams? Those at the equatorial line become spirals and those at the poles twist up right? Well yes on the spirals but no on the twists. To twist would require more than 1D. So those pole lines (only two, top and bottom) just spin in place. However, those in close proximity, but off center, do make a very tight spiral that could look like a twist from outside observers.

                              It is proposed that the curl of those lines that constitutes the magnetic field. Notice that the curl is perpendicular to the flow direction of the electric lines of force only at the equator and vanishes at the poles. So, the velocity of the spin plays a part in the magnitude of the magnetic field.

                              Now imagine that little fella doesn't spin, but moves around in a circle what effect would that have on those streams? What if it rolled like a round caster wheel around in a circle? What if during that rolling the axle experienced a nutation? What if it moved up and down as it went around? Or in and out?

                              Let's make the little fella an electron. But for the sake of imagination, let us picture that the electron is getting bigger and smaller at some rate as it orbits a nucleus. For simplicity, let us imagine it is a hydrogen atom. Now, when it gets smaller, it converts that size to energy, a massless energy with no charge - like a photon - but only briefly before it begins getting bigger again. Ahhh, so as it gets smaller, the charge diminishes and the mass diminishes and it starts to go in a straight line because the forces that make it orbit have no effect during that time. So the real orbit would be a series of straight and curved paths that result in an orbit.

                              So this would have a changing electric charge and changing magnetic charge relative to its own motion. Therefore the ascribed charge we give the electron would be an average of those deviations and the real charge at its maximum potential is actually greater. This behavior helps to explain the quantum weirdness associated with the electron and also takes us closer to understanding how photons can be absorbed and ejected by this little fella.

                              "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                              • harvey,

                                oopps, sorry, didnt see that you already wrote the answer within. need to slap myself on the head and pay more attention.
                                Last edited by Agent.A; 06-04-2010, 10:59 PM.

