Hi there folks.
it seems that this is the right place to open this thread.
now, heres a brave & bold decleration :
i want to " Reconstruct EM & Energy Theory from scratch ", Oooo.
funny me, really funny. but, well, maybe not ?
a little brief history ( oh so very brief ),
i started researching this subject of EM & Energy a few years back after trying to understand and solve some puzzling electrical problems.
the problems are not important, what is important is that thay made me look much deeper then usual and collect information.
looking at the problems back then and after reading a lots & LOTS ( GAZILLION LOTS ) of books, articles, online meterial,
stuff i found and anything i could put my hands on,
anything (
, well, not anything, but meny things ) that was published in the last 400 years ( ya, 400 years )
and from all that info, a picture emerged. very disturbing one. - we live in the matrix - (
i just had to add this )
EM & Energy Theories are flawed. i mean really, very flawed.
thay are flawed and twisted in such a way that thay allow us to build modern marvels but not really understand whats happaning and as such the mainstream science builds explanations upon explanations which are, well, complete bull****.
oh, wow, hold my horses, bring the guys in white, i need a brain check, and be put away,
i have to be very brave or very very very stupid to say such a thing.
maybe im barve and stupid ?
well, we shell see.
and by we, i mean that i hope that any one of you, guys & gals, that have the same feeling ( or not ),
will help and share your knowladge and wisdom and criticism and constructive ideas.
i dont claim to have a full understanding ( or anywhere near ) of the subjects,
i just see them differently from the main view points of mainstream science,
and with my views, notions and thinking, i belive that reconstructing them will benafit science and with that, benafit us.
as to my background in physics in general and other areas, im a self learner ( lucky me ) and
my goal here is to learn more ( even if im entirly wrong ) with your help and share what ive learnd so far.
to be able to understand some ideas and concepts, you have to have unbound mind by math and free imagination

so, lets start at the begining, some electrical and other concepts and facts.
some of the questions that i will ask will seem extremely stupid since thay have been answered ages ago ( really ?
and the facts are well knowen ( again, really ?
but lets play the game, if you are willing, as if we dont know and have to find out by ourselfs from the known ( and unknowen ) history and facts.
************************************************** ***********
what is voltage ?
what is electrical current ?
what is the magnetic field ( in regard to the electrical current ) and what is its source ?
why does electrons behave as a waves in the double slit experiment ?
( oh, wait, this is really an advanced one, lets leave it for later, some other time, seriously
it seems that this is the right place to open this thread.
now, heres a brave & bold decleration :
i want to " Reconstruct EM & Energy Theory from scratch ", Oooo.

funny me, really funny. but, well, maybe not ?

a little brief history ( oh so very brief ),
i started researching this subject of EM & Energy a few years back after trying to understand and solve some puzzling electrical problems.
the problems are not important, what is important is that thay made me look much deeper then usual and collect information.
looking at the problems back then and after reading a lots & LOTS ( GAZILLION LOTS ) of books, articles, online meterial,
stuff i found and anything i could put my hands on,
anything (

and from all that info, a picture emerged. very disturbing one. - we live in the matrix - (

EM & Energy Theories are flawed. i mean really, very flawed.
thay are flawed and twisted in such a way that thay allow us to build modern marvels but not really understand whats happaning and as such the mainstream science builds explanations upon explanations which are, well, complete bull****.
oh, wow, hold my horses, bring the guys in white, i need a brain check, and be put away,
i have to be very brave or very very very stupid to say such a thing.
maybe im barve and stupid ?

well, we shell see.
and by we, i mean that i hope that any one of you, guys & gals, that have the same feeling ( or not ),
will help and share your knowladge and wisdom and criticism and constructive ideas.
i dont claim to have a full understanding ( or anywhere near ) of the subjects,
i just see them differently from the main view points of mainstream science,
and with my views, notions and thinking, i belive that reconstructing them will benafit science and with that, benafit us.
as to my background in physics in general and other areas, im a self learner ( lucky me ) and
my goal here is to learn more ( even if im entirly wrong ) with your help and share what ive learnd so far.
to be able to understand some ideas and concepts, you have to have unbound mind by math and free imagination

so, lets start at the begining, some electrical and other concepts and facts.
some of the questions that i will ask will seem extremely stupid since thay have been answered ages ago ( really ?

and the facts are well knowen ( again, really ?

but lets play the game, if you are willing, as if we dont know and have to find out by ourselfs from the known ( and unknowen ) history and facts.
************************************************** ***********
what is voltage ?
what is electrical current ?
what is the magnetic field ( in regard to the electrical current ) and what is its source ?
why does electrons behave as a waves in the double slit experiment ?
( oh, wait, this is really an advanced one, lets leave it for later, some other time, seriously
