Originally posted by Joit
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Charges are the real power of it all and it uses a most abundant source of vehicles know as salt or salt like crystals.
I believe that since most our natural system use different configurations of these conductors to form all matter in twords the source charge. Hence the real action of gravity. It's not spin or any other force but massive charges being attracted in twords the center of our point source(massed charges).
If one thinks about it what happens to a layden jar when it is over charged?
What is gonna happen when our own Earths internal charge has to much in it? Could it be this concept is explaining all the worlds natural disasters as the result of our world over charging itself? We are the reason for this and our pollution is only causing a better dialectric effect to our air. We are causing a capacitance like event to keep charges bound to our core charge and not releasing it the way it should naturally happen. Well accelerating the process would be more correct.
It could be that the older inhabitants knew this and devised a way to lessen the effects of this event by letting or drawing some off of the top of our internal charge. Hmmm does the great pyramid start to make sense now?
We need to start investigating this more. We need to stop being told what or how to think anymore. We don't have much time either.
Here is an answer that someone did to explain what would happen if a leyden jar was overfilled or over charged.
"As it is charged higher and higher, the voltage difference between the inside and outside of the jar increases, at some point, it will flash over the outside (from the outside foil to the electrode in the center of the insulating stopper) or possibly puncture right through the glass of the jar and discharge."
This action describes that happens when a volcano erupts. The other answer in results of this overcharging is anything that is deemed radiatively.. Like Weather effects from major heat exchanges which is a radiative event. Huge storms from movement of the air and itself (Clouds (water particles)) charging up creating an easier pathway for this radiative event Arc gap.
We are heading twords a big fluff off of charge from our planet. And If we don't do something we are headed for a dreadful end. Just look at what happens to our sun? The sun fluffs off charges all the time in a mass scale. Imagine if you will what that would be like if you were on ground zero of that fluff off. I believe we went through this already. I believe that is what created our seas. Those areas were fluffed off and thrown from our planet. I believe that the pyramid was a way to make that fluffing off event concentrated to one area like a relief valve.
After all the whole area is a fine sand and the pyramid is made from a crystalline structure of the rock Just like the shape of the most fundamental particle that helps energy or charges move. All one would have to do was design a control mechanism to monitor and relieve the pressure thru the natural effect of the pyramidal shape of the crystalline structure of the pyramid to create a slightly higher potential at the tip and we could also take advantage and power the world from the motion of those charges leaving our earth in that area to boot.
The pyramids were designed the way they were because if we slightly reverse flow of gravity you would need a bigger mass to hold it to the earth.
I believe the due date for the fluffing has been predicted as 2012.