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Energy and Polarity

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  • Energy and Polarity

    Dear Friends I am finally editing and getting my complete crackpot theory ready for publishing;
    hopefully with some additional videos. In the mean time I have some interesting
    questions to ask - like a prelude; an appetizer if you allow me.

    I would like to hear (read) what your thoughts are:

    1. What is ENERGY?
    2. What exactly is POLARITY?

    and the most interesting question of all:
    What was first – Energy or Polarity ! ! !
    I would like to buy popcorn and coke while (hopefully) watching this devellopment.

    See what stupid kind of questions I struggled with in past few months?
    Go on, I am happy just to read
    Go on, I am participating
    Please STOP; Boring, I am dying.

    The poll is expired.

    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

  • #2
    dearest Corrie;

    Energy is movement, the static become kinetic.

    Polarity is direction of spin.

    And you would think that the movement came before direction of movement.

    But alas, polarity defines the quality of movement, and hence polarity comes first.

    YouTube - magnetic diode + transistor theory 101

    YouTube - c30kv magnetic diode proof of concept

    Without the spin, there can be no movement. Without polarity defined, energy remains static, undefined potential.
    Last edited by Inquorate; 05-29-2010, 01:04 PM. Reason: links
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
      dearest Corrie;
      Energy is movement, the static become kinetic.
      Polarity is direction of spin.
      And you would think that the movement came before direction of movement.
      But alas, polarity defines the quality of movement, and hence polarity comes first.
      YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
      Without the spin, there can be no movement. Without polarity defined, energy remains static, undefined potential.
      Hi Ben, Baby Ben sleeping through night by now?

      I see you are quite busy - still having fun and your understanding/insight
      has expanded incredibly.

      The link above seems to be somewhat dead-end.

      I (think) know you have the answer, we have been over it long time ago in Imhothep,
      but for the sake of others:

      If polarity is due to direction of spin: Say clockwise is Positive and you look from 180
      degree to same object spinning same direction - then the object is anti-clockwise - Negative?

      Let us see what others add. Coke and popcorn?
      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


      • #4
        the little man (mini me) is gorgeous, wakes twice a night lately. Http:// has some vids I put up for family.

        On topic; I fixed the links. Also, good to see you back; both our understandings and insight have matured since imhotep thread - seems so long ago..

        I have a feeling we use different terminology to describe the same causal structure.

        I hope you get Skype one of these days. Pity I couldn't come over to visit/work, but mini me is worth it in spades..

        Love and light, coke and popcorn
        Last edited by Inquorate; 05-29-2010, 01:14 PM.
        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • #5
          Energy and Polarity

          I too have wrestled with many puzzling questions throughout the years. After reading countless numbers of texts and studying many physicists theories about the universe as a whole,I have come to one conclusion about the many questions that I had. There is not one that I have read that knows the answer to these questions,although some know bits and pieces of each part of the equation.Putting all these together is like assembling a crossword puzzle. Here is what I have determined to satisfy my own mind about your two questions.
          Energy is a combination of sound and frequency
          Polarity is harmonius and inharmonius resonance of sound and frequency
          Good luck. stealth
          Last edited by Stealth; 05-29-2010, 11:20 PM.


          • #6
            Force and Direction to me.


            • #7
              Energy is everything, polarity is a point of view.


              • #8
                Some quotes from Walter Russell to provoke thought.

                "Electricity is the strain or tension set up by the two opposing desires
                of universal Mind thinking: the desire for balanced action and the
                desire for rest.

                This electric universe is a complexity of strains caused by the
                interaction of these two opposing, interchanging electric desires.

                All matter is electric. All matter is conditioned into greater or
                lesser strains according to the intensity of desire which is the cause
                of all electric strain to which it is subjected.

                The farther removed from rest, the greater the strain or tension. That
                which we call high electric potential is merely great strain to
                maintain a condition which is far from the condition of rest."

                "The greatest error of science is in relation to space. Science thinks of space either as a void or as an ether through which solids of matter travel.

                The fact is that space travels with its solids, for each solid is surrounded by a minus zero equal-and-opposite vacuity of the plus zero which we call matter. Matter floats in these insulating spatial counterparts."

                Last edited by ren; 05-30-2010, 08:04 AM.
                "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                • #9
                  Energy is what existence is, polarity gives existence a reason to exist.
                  Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Harvey
                    Which way is 'UP'?
                    I know a good one for this too.

                    Which part of your Hand is front?
                    The Backside, when you walk, or the Side, with what you hold things.
                    Inside is backside, and outside is front.
                    Or the Side where the thumb is, what actually is sidewards.

                    Well back to topic, I think Energy is very small and transparent Parts like glass flakes.
                    Anyhow moves Energy in a circle, means at one side in, at the other Side out,
                    compared with a galvanic Batterie, but it s still different there, like they show,
                    inside the galvanic Element is a flow from minus to plus, outside the same,
                    both meet at the Plus from each Side, and provide Power with this flow,
                    what actually only goes into one element back, the minus, and destroy the Material there.
                    Anyhow, i think Magnets are only the Fingerprint how Energy move through a Resistance, and at a hologramm, they are maybe only a spiraled Tube.
                    And the same Fingerprint you get in Wires when you put Current through
                    with the Bemf.
                    But Bemf actually is a matter from the Enviroment, and its more like you turn a Screw into something.
                    Polarity is a Hole and a Mountain at the Grid/Matrix.
                    The last Question reminds at the Hen and egg question, what did cause what,
                    where i prefer that it was a Hen with an egg.
                    And anyhow i think more, the Question is, What was first, Potential or Energy,
                    because it is easier created, like in Clouds or mountains.
                    Polarity is seems more the effect from moving Energy over a Potential.
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • #11
                      very interesting to see this flow; I appreciate each and every one.

                      I will add my own perspective when we reach page 2 - if ever!

                      @Harvey; it is amazing how many answers are actually in the bible; or for that matter
                      in religion. However, without a third source you will often not be able to see the words
                      in their true value. In fact my whole theory development was prompted by biblical
                      descriptions, followed by additional research and then I came to the ultimate in realization
                      shock. That day was THE EUREKA moment in my life - bit over a year ago.

                      For those Tesla fanatics; Well, to really understand much of Tesla both as person and
                      inventor; you should follow in his footsteps. Got to study religion(s) too.
                      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                      • #12
                        1. What is ENERGY?
                        2. What exactly is POLARITY?
                        I think both are an illusion of sorts because the more we try to define exactly what they are the less sense our answers seem to make. Many would say something has energy when it is in motion but this would imply there could be something that has no motion nor energy which we know is not the case. If something had no energy it would be an energy sink of infinite magnitude and all energy would rush into this void at the speed of light. So we are left with the notion that all spaces inside and exterior to what we call matter must be full of energy and motion, it is simply a matter of degree and quality. After all our pondering I think we must come to the logical conclusion that we have never known what energy is because we have never considered the fundamental cause of it. If we considered the cause then I think we would conclude that nothing we have ever known can ever truly have energy which was not given to it from somewhere else. I have found the correct answers are always very simple in nature while the wrong ones just lead to more and more questions.
                        On polarity, it would seem subjective in many ways but again I think this is an illusion we have created. In nature all forces must balance and this balance is centered by a fulcrum or neutral point intrinsic only to the forces involved. In essence one condition cannot be created without this condition creating another opposite one and a division between them, which is what we call polarity.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                          very interesting to see this flow; I appreciate each and every one.

                          I will add my own perspective when we reach page 2 - if ever!

                          @Harvey; it is amazing how many answers are actually in the bible; or for that matter
                          in religion. However, without a third source you will often not be able to see the words
                          in their true value. In fact my whole theory development was prompted by biblical
                          descriptions, followed by additional research and then I came to the ultimate in realization
                          shock. That day was THE EUREKA moment in my life - bit over a year ago.

                          For those Tesla fanatics; Well, to really understand much of Tesla both as person and
                          inventor; you should follow in his footsteps. Got to study religion(s) too.
                          Just pushing us further towards page two
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                            I think both are an illusion of sorts because the more we try to define exactly what they are the less sense our answers seem to make. Many would say something has energy when it is in motion but this would imply there could be something that has no motion nor energy which we know is not the case. If something had no energy it would be an energy sink of infinite magnitude and all energy would rush into this void at the speed of light. So we are left with the notion that all spaces inside and exterior to what we call matter must be full of energy and motion, it is simply a matter of degree and quality. After all our pondering I think we must come to the logical conclusion that we have never known what energy is because we have never considered the fundamental cause of it. If we considered the cause then I think we would conclude that nothing we have ever known can ever truly have energy which was not given to it from somewhere else. I have found the correct answers are always very simple in nature while the wrong ones just lead to more and more questions.
                            On polarity, it would seem subjective in many ways but again I think this is an illusion we have created. In nature all forces must balance and this balance is centered by a fulcrum or neutral point intrinsic only to the forces involved. In essence one condition cannot be created without this condition creating another opposite one and a division between them, which is what we call polarity.
                            What is so hard really. Energy is Movement and polarity is the direction of that movement With voltage being the guiding or attractive force when you compare two points in our space.


                            • #15
                              Potential cause movement and movement creates Energy. See a Batterie.
                              But we may need to define Energy more between momentum and potential Energy.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

