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Energy and Polarity

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  • #46
    Reply 1

    Every photon has the same densification level (same energy)?
    No, they differ.

    Photon is physical?
    Not physical as in touchable, but not spiritual either. Not electrical nor magnetic. Just pure plain energy.

    Nothing at all formed before photon?

    No mirror in the dark part?
    Non other than Energy and Photon.

    Photon is the first form for something coming out from nowhere?
    'Correct' First form of Energy, formed from PURE energy which was the first
    after Big Bang. Came from the original entity that caused the Big Bang. Second
    occurance in our universe - after the PURE energy.

    Photon is not a thing? how it become a thing?
    One of the most interesting issues; yet least understood.
    That will follow. In short; photons will build up more energy by collition and merging, until it becomes the physical matter - or 'particle' that we call Atom. However that process is still going on to this day - and is the cycle on which I base my complete assumption that we can conquer energy and gravity.
    photons > atoms > molecules > atoms > photons > atoms . . . .
    Last edited by Aromaz; 06-04-2010, 08:03 AM.
    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


    • #47
      Error: Slip of finger and double posting
      Last edited by Aromaz; 06-04-2010, 07:57 AM.
      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


      • #48
        Thanks .

        From photon to molecule is absorbing energy or releasing or both depend on the situation?

        It absorb its own energy or from environment?

        What is the relation of plasma with photon?


        • #49
          Reply 2:

          From photon to molecule is absorbing energy or releasing or both depend on the situation?
          Yes, but only up to Atom. Molecule is different Atoms binding together.

          It absorb its own energy or from environment?
          From other photons.

          What is the relation of plasma with photon?
          Plasma is related to Electrons, atoms and molecules - Air.
          Electrons is highly energized stage of Photons;
          Electrons are the building blocks of Atoms;
          Atoms is the building blocks of Molecules;
          Molecules is the building blocks of AIR - which is plasma.
          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


          • #50
            @ aromaz

            I wrote this in response to your parts 1 2 and 3 above, as I was reading - taking your comments as a logic puzzle, and testing for inconsistencies. There are none, so I believe I agree with you thus far.

            Before anything 'comes to be', it must 'come into being'; before the act of being is the act of coming

            Before a thing can come to be, a thing must not have been; before matter, there was no matter. No matter was the origin of matter, and therefore no matter is the principle energetic state. No matter is extreme potential.

            Therefore, 'nothing' is energetic, and there is no energy in matter but that which comes from the aether / nothing.

            the principle 'stuff' of the universe, of consciousness, is 'not stuff'; 'stuff' is only it's dreamings, and is not real.

            However, the fundamental unit of 'stuff' is a projection of 'not stuff'; before the word became the idea of the word. The fundamental projection of consciousness is light. The fundamental part of understanding is reflection.

            Light; the photon, is an expression of consciousness; god.
            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


            • #51
              @Inquarate; A big thank you and correct matching!

              Except: Light <> Photons !! PARADOX: Light is Photons.
              Last edited by Aromaz; 06-04-2010, 08:28 AM.
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • #52
                *tightens my seatbelt*
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • #53
                  Thanks . I understand your point better know .

                  Here is what faraday think, from Sir William Crookes - On Radiant Matter:


                  • #54

                    Corrie, a little question, this swirl and vortex and rotation you mention and talk about, how does it form ?

                    YouTube - Vortex Ring Collision

                    you need some external driving forces to rotate anything physical and since energy is not "physical", what sets it into rotation and compression ?

                    energy waves can pass right through each other and the only interaction is the increase in amplitude. their motion does not being effected.

                    in the beginning, this energy "field", spreads out from the point of origin, the 'Bang', what makes it to change its original direction ?

                    another thing, after getting it this vortex motion, what keeps energy from decaying ?
                    Last edited by Agent.A; 06-04-2010, 09:18 AM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Agent.A View Post

                      Corrie, a little question, this swirl and vortex and rotation you mention and talk about, how does it form ?

                      YouTube - Vortex Ring Collision

                      you need some external driving forces to rotate anything physical and since energy is not "physical", what sets it into rotation and compression ?

                      energy waves can pass right through each other and the only interaction is the increase in amplitude. their motion does not being effected.

                      in the beginning, this energy "field", spreads out from the point of origin, the 'Bang', what makes it to change its original direction ?

                      another thing, after getting it this vortex motion, what keeps energy from decaying ?

                      @ all, taking a bit of liberty here, and answering on behalf of Aromaz, with previous material.

                      Quoting myself from another thread;

Part 1

YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 1

Part 2

YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 2

Part 3

YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 3

Your comments and questions are welcomed 

If there's enough interest, I'll do part 4 which is the theory behind tapping the aether for excess energy and how it's kinetic and always seeks to equalize strain.

But understanding the import of that takes a change in mindset I need to address first and have attempted to do so..
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Agent.A View Post

                        Corrie, a little question, this swirl and vortex and rotation you mention and talk about, how does it form ?

                        YouTube - Vortex Ring Collision

                        you need some external driving forces to rotate anything physical and since energy is not "physical", what sets it into rotation and compression ?

                        energy waves can pass right through each other and the only interaction is the increase in amplitude. their motion does not being effected.

                        in the beginning, this energy "field", spreads out from the point of origin, the 'Bang', what makes it to change its original direction ?

                        another thing, after getting it this vortex motion, what keeps energy from decaying ?

                        @ all, taking a bit of liberty here, and answering on behalf of Aromaz, with previous material.

                        Quoting myself from another thread;

                        Part 1

                        YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 1

                        Part 2

                        YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 2

                        Part 3

                        YouTube - presentation on the properties of the aether, part 3

                        Your comments and questions are welcomed

                        If there's enough interest, I'll do part 4 which is the theory behind tapping the aether for excess energy and how it's kinetic and always seeks to equalize strain.

                        But understanding the import of that takes a change in mindset I need to address first and have attempted to do so..
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • #57
                          Hmmm I got problems...

                          If energy flows and does not have a separation then how could one ever get that energy to come apart? You need a separation to be able to tell anything about energy. If you don't have a container then it all stays the same and no amount of anything will get that apart. You would just have a huge blob of energy with nothing else outside of that energy.
                          I think what energy or charges are is just tiny little layden jars and all you need to do is bring them in close proximity to each other and they impart their influence onto another charge. They don't merge they don't touch and they must be only one real direction and that would be +. The way we get movement is having a separation of charges with a comparator like capacitance. Your math for this polarity being:

                          A(1+2+3)=B(1+2+3) Repulsion
                          A(1+2+3+4)>B(1+2+3) attraction (<-) flow
                          A(1+2+3)<B(1+2+3+4) attraction (->) flow

                          A and B are coordinates with the numeric values being the charge density. You also have to understand that this is a 3d coordinate system and the organization of the network is self ordering and self adjusting based on the difference in charge values+distance dictating speed and strength of the flow.

                          One simple demonstration show suffice and the only one that makes sense atm is this Teslian device:

                          "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency" by Nikola Tesla

                          The device that is mentioned here is the proof. And all we need to do is build it to make is as such. The transformer uses a dialectric in it to make the separation more complete and to be able to handle the voltages that we need to draw in enough charges to power any device. But one will need to supply an in from the environment and an out and that is added to the right had of diagram 5. With the load in between the hv + side and the in antenna. The out would be connected to the lower right hand of the special transformer. This causes a flow in the environment when a true on way pulse is sent thru this transformer between the two antennas and the load is the way of that flow. This is done the same way Tesla figured out how to do Niagra falls power plant. Except the flow was already there and was a natural flow that he hooked into. I am gonna be trying this method and if it works this should be the device that frees us all. If not then I am wrong and Tesla was wrong as well but I tend to believe and trust Tesla seeing that he had the ability to design test and then manifest in the real the exact working device that he worked out in his head.
                          The only reason I am doing this is to prove that he was in fact correct and that our approach to energy has been wrong this whole time. I trust that Tesla knew what he was talking about. Why? Because of his credibility. Look at what he already did. He has the badges of success and that is enough for me to listen to him as he speaks in that link. He is telling us how to do this. He is telling us that with this device it produces static when it should not. He is telling us through his experiments how to use it and yes even with light production it can be done. The one problem is that the second half of the circuit from the transformer to the right with the additions that I have added needs to be statically shielded and only the parts that you want to be exposed to the inrush of real charges to convert that inrush into work.
                          Static shielding covers the whole unless you want these charges to enter move while performing work then exit the system. It is a cycle of the fundamental wheel that works ever second in nature. It is how energy works without having complex mathematics to explain it all. The rules are simple and shape dictates it's direction and even focus.
                          Oh and by the way the antennas need to weight the same but are different in surface area and dimensions. Meaning they have the same capacity to move the charges in a balanced (mass) and organized (geometry) way. He even tells you why they should be balanced. In fact he goes to great length to teach us the exact windings and ratios that he used to generate this flow. He even shows us this flow in the drawings of his own experiments. He goes to great length to tell us about how aluminum makes a great static shield.
                          I highly suggest anyone that really wants to do the experiment start small then work your way up to larger devices. With each increase of the mass of the transformer being a larger capability to move that flow.
                          Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-04-2010, 01:42 PM.


                          • #58

                            the energy field, by its self, interacts with its self ?
                            this dynamic nature of energy, what is the source of it ? what make it dynamic ?
                            how a strain or stress are manifested in this energy field ?
                            how are forces come to be in a field that has nothing to press against in the first place ( this field is massless ) ?
                            how is it that in a pure energy field, pops out of da blue, sinks and sources ?

                            before you jump like few others and scream that i dismiss you and fail to follow your logic or anything alike, im NOT. just to be clear.
                            im interested in your line of thinking and in the process, any supportive data ( ANYTHING !! as long it is DATA and not ideas or thoughts ) that you can point me to.


                            • #59
                              Thank you for that Corrie; it is much appreciated.

                              BTW, on a semi-related note, I was wondering if you have studied Walter Russell and his book The One? If so, what was your opinion of it? Good or waste of time?


                              • #60
                                Reply #3

                                Question: How could the small rotating globes of energy originate; unless there was some sort of obstruction?

                                To have a vortex, we need area of high pressure and an area of low pressure.
                                Or we need an object of mass colliding with another object of mass at different rotation speeds and angles.

                                How could that be possible then when I am talking of the PURE ENERGY which is Mass less, have no polarity and no magnetic force.

                                This has been and still is the most compelling question I have. However, I do have a very small hypothesis of what could have been. I might be right and I might be wrong; neither will even be known on this world and in this time.

                                BUT: This does make a lot more sense than the “Electrons and Protons just magically came the be - because of the Big Bang”. My theory is just a theory – the same as all other that might exist in the world.

                                Agent.A wants proof of data: There is only one proof. You are looking at it right now - the whole universe and all within.

                                THEORY #1 – My favourite:
                                The first and most logical answer must be; ‘that is where the miracle of God came from’. However, personally I do believe there must be logic behind it all, without eliminating God from the whole issue – I do believe very much in the Creator of the universe:

                                There must have been ideal conditions, the same as we reach in the process of evolution from single cell organisms to multi cell and eventually to mammals. If not the ideal perfect condition, evolution will not take place. AND if the ideal conditions were there, but different in variables; evolution might still take place, but the end results would be different.

                                Sidetrack first: There are three models for the universe currently acclaimed. However all three models do have one point in common. There was a point and time in origin – some 15bn years ago.

                                1 – OPEN UNIVERSE – only the same open void and space for ever around our universe. For this the universe will forever keep on expanding, no resistance.
                                2 – CLOSED SPACE – the void for our universe to expand in is limited and there must be an end to expansion, then all will start shrinking again; back down to the original Pure Energy. This is also valid for those who believe in 'elastic gravity'
                                3 – FLAT UNIVERSE – A balance on the threshold somewhere between the open and closed. The universe will expand, but slow down and eventually just come to a dead stop.

                                > > Oh, sorry; there is another model not so much accepted by general astronomy; but still somewhat valid possibility. That the universe is in the shape of a TOROID; through this do get quite support from alternative fields, I do not think this is valid.

                                My Conclusion:
                                In both the closed and flat models above, there is one common line: An end to all. To accept this might have been possible at the times before Hubble and the “Red Shift”. Now we know for a fact from astronomy the universe expansion is in speeding up; so it looks more acceptable that the universe is an OPEN model.

                                If we then assume that the original concentrated PURE ENERGY before the Big Bang was a perfect smooth even globe of spherical energy with no rotation – and the explosion of the Big Bang was perfectly even all over in all directions and even force – THAT would not have been the perfect condition for the origin of our universe. Absulutely nothing would ever have develloped; not even the conventional theories would be holding their own.

                                I propose that the original form of unified energy before the Big Bang was a formless bundle of energy which most probably had some sort of pulsating and re-shaping of form all the time. Then at the moment of explosion, not all parts would have banged at the same fraction of simultaneousness. Add in the effect of rotation and we find two factors:

                                1) Explosion radiating in various directions, not exact circular 90 degree off neuclei. Even inwards to the center is possible.
                                2) Because of a fraction of time difference between one part and another part – our Big Bang most likely would have formed a spiral shape.

                                THUS THE RESULT:‘Rays’ of this PURE ENERGY would have intercepted others, and such actions could have been responsible for slow and small deviations – which eventually formed the ‘photons’.

                                Remember, we are not yet talking of high energy units with high rotation speed; to such extend that they become to react like particles. There was an explosion energy radiated at high velocities . . .The only possible effect could have been from energy upon energy; else there would not have been any matter today. There was no the magical appearance of particles like protons, neutrons et al.

                                THEORY #2 – Original I accepted this one, but. . .
                                At the moment of the big bang, the energy that was release caused some friction within itself. This caused small pockets of energy to form, the heat increased their speed of rotation and energy until they become a near particle. Such friction also caused light – and light was the first issue on the agenda of creation. This is possible, but I tend to stand by above theory #1.

                                THEORY #3 – Conventional:This is the easy one:
                                The universe exploded in such great energy release ? ? 1032K. In the first second or two all matter was formed – Photon, electron, proton, positron, neutron. . . . After only 14 seconds the first atom of Hydrogen appear. All wonderful magical. Yes, I believe God made the universe; and maybe this is true.

                                We will NEVER know exactly. There are no model and no proof available to us about this historical moment 15 bn years ago. We cannot even say it took 14 seconds, 14 years or 14 thousand years for the first atom to form.

                                If the magical creations of above theories #2, #3 and #4 is the true one, then pack up your things and forget about alternative energy and anti-gravity. We are dead in the water and no science exist other than that of conventional physics. There is only x-amount of matter, energy and none else, it cannot be destroyed and new ones cannot be created.

                                I believe they are wrong! And in later episodes I might add more mass to my hypothesis.
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

