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Energy and Polarity

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  • No this is what you said!

    "some pointers, heres a theory that invalidate yours." That means in order to invalidate that there is proof. Having an opposite opinion of what is going on is not proof and proof would be the only thing to invalidate a theory.
    Now stop. Stop trying to debunk. This is a building of a new theory that has nothing to do with how your contrary and confused ideas of others theories work.
    STOP. I am tired of your blather and your attempts to confuse us, which by the way will never work.STOP
    Please excuse yourself much like I did in your thread and stop trying to derail our process.
    Again I ask that Aromaz instruct him again or remove this waste of space please. He is not here to help.

    Oh and by the way do you have anything that is original at all? >>>> "in Le Bon's book, 'The Evolution of Forces', P.31,"

    It is good to have mentors but when you blindly follow other writings without fully knowing that it all has to be present in order to understand it in a clear sense of those words. My theories have been based off of Tesla's own experiments. They are from watching the results as I duplicated those experiments for myself. They are based off of watching and researching for over 20 years in this field. It comes from putting so many free energy devices together and have them all fall short because our fundamental understanding of our current model is flawed. This led me to add all of my observations and try and understand what we couldn't see by examining magnets and these lines of force that we use currently to "generate" or transduce into other forms of energy.
    You my friend think that if you read tons of theories that they must be true. That they can kill any other theory and to tell you the truth that is flawed thinking. Nothing can refute a theory but the data and facts. You have no data and no facts that you are willing to provide to debunk so for you only theories do that and thats not logical. If that was the case at best it is a guessing game them. But putting both aside and looking at what best matches our theories in the natural world would make it proof enough at least from a logical sense for that theory.
    This will be my last time responding to you in this thread or any other. You are not here but to defend the current theories and that is not what we are trying to do. Leave or not I will censor your blather and I will ignore every post from now on. So there you have it. Good Day..
    Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-05-2010, 04:27 PM.


    • ok, so be it. just one last thing.

      1. invalidates - i used the wrong word and meaning, my bad. sorry.
      my intention was to show that there is other theory which contradicts yours.

      2. i will not debunk this thread. you want me to leave ? fine, i'll leave.

      3. heres Le Bon's book, read it.

      L'évolution des forces : Gustave Le Bon : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

      ... The evolution of forces : Le Bon, Gustave, 1841-1931 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

      4. Tesla is one of my many mentors and great teachers. i wish i had a time machine to be able to shake his hand and watch him live.
      great inspiration i had from him.

      5. i dont think that ANY theory is true ( i never ever did ) unless i can examine its sources and its bits and pieces, and see what is the direction this theory goes.

      Theorize and Prosper. long live DA BRAIN. ta ta.

      oh, about originals, yes, i have a few, some good bla and some just bla.


      • What I would like to get back to...

        This topic is the complex topic of what is energy and how does it move. If you will close your eyes after reading this and see it in your mind you will see it working. We all know energy flows right. Well to have a flow there must be something in the way or something to divide that energy. Lets say that a smaller subset of a much large collection of energy. This dividing is that network. and I believe it is a 3d network but much smaller then we will ever be able to see on the minute scale that it represents. The network is dynamic meaning like water it has the ability to propagate waves. Depending on the density of that network gives the ability to transmit those waves with or without resistance. The denser the network the more resistance we see. Like for example our atmosphere (more dense) vs the density of space (little density) when compared with each other. The boundaries are actually a condensing of this network from less connections to more or visa versa. These boundaries make separating our world from space a simple matter and it makes it easier to see the boundary by that compression or decompression of that network. As evident when you squeeze tons of these lines into a small conduit like a coil of wire. When the energizing potential is removed this unsnapping of the network creates a piezo effect to happen in the network itself imparting the charges that are in that network to move charges away from the ambient potential of that coil. This makes it appear that it is a negative potential but it is not. It is just a direction opposite of that ambient potential. I would say that if a true negative charge did exist it would have clung to a positive and never disassociate from that charge. Lets just be clear that in absolute certainty that there are no negatives at all. Just all variations of positive charges.
        Now we know that if a charge has no way to sense the other potential then how could it flow to that potential. So this led me to believe that there are two distinct particles on the most fundamental level. As I mention before these particles differ in scale and on the grosses of senses go into infinity. Thats the fractal part of nature. One particle being the mover or even the conduit with direction. So Since I had been researching about the pyramid it dawned on me that that was the fundamental structure that would provide movement if a charge was at the base. And that led me to looking for structures in the microscopic range to see if these was a natural appearance of that structure. Walla salt crystals kept popping up. What is the one thing beside water that we need on a daily basis? You guessed it SALT.
        And salt has the properties of being piezo electric. So does quartz but quartz is a cubical geometry and walla you have the source. The perfect container for a static charge. The piezo effect is a strange occurrence in that structure but I think the charges are a loose cohesion between the structure and the charge that it holds. When that structure get physically struck it sheds those charges very easily and they flow if given a path of less resistance like wires would be. Even little crystals have the ability to shed over 12k volts and thats what runs our electronic lighters. Think of the lattice of a crystal as being rigid but capable of squeezing the charges out of the in between areas that the smaller conduits provide. Here is an example of how the structure of this conduit or conductor looks like:

        Sierpinski triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        On the bottom if you look at the 3d representations you will get a feel of how they are made. And yes they are fractal in nature and self organizing as well. Meaning that if there is a greater potential the network will organize itself to compensate the networks ability to channel the charges through an expansion of the flow of charges as it flows it grows automatically because it must obey the fundamental rules of balance and geometric ordering with potentials thrown on top to guide the process.

        So this gave me further clues to look for. Well I decided to have a look at conductors and it turn out most of them are made or have a crystalline structure to them. This structure is just a snap shot of the invisible manifesting in the real matter much like I believe water is capable of doing. When water is leeched of the charges that make it pliable it forms a crystalline lattice of what I believe is a nodal point in our local network. It is the reason the water phase changes and the charges are bled out of the water through that network leaving a picture of that nodal point. Almost all snowflakes have a six sided geometric shape in the middle that i suspect is these pyramidal conductors all pointing into one bigger charge. With the waters charges being pulled into the source charge of that nodal point of that local network.
        I believe this phase change is the locking mechanism to how we create magnets structure. All a magnet is, is a snapshot of the originating coils influence in the network. When it cools it locks that action in a never ending cycle of imbalance. One side is charged at a higher potential then the other and this is evident by looking at the coil that we are using to pull that network into the coils influence. Would you say there is a potential difference in one end of the coil? Tesla proved this by what we are seeing as a Tesla coil. Meaning the potential rises as the more turns there are going in one direction only. The cycle forms from the coil on the bottom acting like an antenna and flows through the coil out the tip and down to the lower coil to enter back into the system. The brush effect we can see on the top of the coil is actually the charges rushing into the high potential area along the self organizing network as it makes and breaks connections to the outside network of energy searching for more charges to attract. This activity is actually a cycle in itself as it attracts gathers then shoots out when there is enough charges to blow away from the source or attains a balance if you will. I believe these conduits are two way or multi way conduits. Meaning bidirectional and this action causes a vortex type movement. We can see all these movement in our largest example, our universe. It is what spins our whole known space and the main connection is in the center. But we have to remember that the universe has two halves. An upper and a lower half. One spins one way and the other spins in the opposite direction. Both pushing each other and attracting as well from the potential difference of the two. Nassim Haramien has a nice model of that already and one can easily find it on the net. I just don't have the link to provide. He even has a video series on youtube if anyone is interested to see the part he figured out. It is what helped me to connect my theory and provide myself a better understanding of what we are living in.

        If we start to look at the way the Elders in our race thought one can see the parallels to this cycle. The ying and the yang is a perfect example of what they did know. At any point around the circle one can see the direct opposite side is a balance. When one side is lower the other is higher but when they are compared to each other they add or sum up to the whole perfectly. I believe there is something there that is telling us in the self organizing cycle it will always net a balance. If one applied this to our solar systems ability to stay as a whole then one sees that this is true. Otherwise planets would have been flung off along time ago. They are connected because of the suns greater potential and it is balanced because during the formation the solar system it was a fundamental rule of coming to a balance from the very self organizing of this energy matrix. This could be from the complex interactions of the fundamental shapes of these particles and their ability to mass without us seeing that massing except for the extreme cases like out planets and High potentials like high voltages. But there are clues to these connections everywhere especially on Jupiter. That 6 sided geometric shape that is at the norther pole looks like a huge nodal point and it has great influence over the real matter that Jupiter is made out of. Since I believe that this connection is growing it means that it could be taking over the suns potential. Meaning that we could have a shift of the center of our solar system. Remember it is self organizing. This rise in potential is also evident in the temperature of the north pole, which Harrimein has studied in great detail, is heating up. And if one checked the facts Jupiter is made from the same basic components that the sun has in it. Jupiter is actually a gas giant and it is attracting all kinds of mass twords it now. Msn said that they (scientist) are starting to see more mass being sucked in by it. They actually caught a video clip of the event this time. Here it is:

        Cosmic Log - Something hit Jupiter ... again!

        Considering Jupiters mass that was a huge mass entering it's atmosphere....
        Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-05-2010, 08:05 PM.


        • Reply #6

          I am excited to see the same questions I asked now been asked again by others. To me this is great and the real purpose of this thread (from me) to make people think outside of the box.

          I love the way this page #4 developed, this is what I would like to see folks. An I like the questions; not that I have all, will have most or even the right answers; but it gives me the opportunity to further verify or reject parts of my concept.

          Thank you! I scanned through quickly but there is MUCH to ponder. So I will go back to my previous posting and reply onwards from there. Please bear with me! Today I spend more than 3 hours with a little problem on my brand new metal lathe, just arrived from China and the manual is in Chinese. I know and have been working with this kind of machines since 1972 in school. So, no problem. Until the machine did not want to ‘start’. . . Eventually after three hours or fluffing around in a control box with more than 120 wires ! ! ! ; I notice a hidden wire from the back of the control box going into the frame of the lathe. Following this I found it leads to a very obscure lever (as in lever not switch) on the main head. Touched that and WOW! Whole thing jumped into motion.

          Wasted time. Get the manual first - we do not have a manual for the universe).
          Second best option; Follow every lead, until you can understand and switch ON .

          #97 wisend:
          I guess we will have to use two manuals at the same time. Conventional and Alternative until we can see which is the more interesting. In example I will refer to Fireworks (If you still have such in Cape Town!) I mean of the display kind! These are typical of the example people use to describe the BigBang. Cylindrical ball, exploding and WOW from the crowd. Great form of mini fire balls expaniding spherical away form center point. But that is not what we see in the universe. There are galaxies closer to the Point of Origin (PO) and there are those further away, some very far away from the PO. So the concept of perfect round sphere exploding is in all logical aspects out. Unless off course there was not a BigBang, in which case other scenarios comes into play.

          The Cosmological Constant (Which was an original Einstein theory, dicredited by Einstein himself) is lately back on th eboard becaue that is the only manner in which scientist can possibly explain the Dark Energy enigma.

          Whichever, the origin of the first Photon could still be the same in both cases. Personally I will underwrite the BigBang theory rather that any other – except for one small option. Our universe is the outlet of a 'Massive Black Hole". However I think that is a very small possibility and will explain it further down in answer to Jbigness5 about Black Hole.

          As to Space-Time concept of Einstein; I dropped that one a very long way back already. Space is NOT complicated and this is probably our most severe obstacle – we keep on looking for the complicated; while the best and only true issue is in Simplicity. How often do we see this last statement from people who DID succeed in ‘abnormal’ achievements? Forget the complicated, accept the simple easy one.

          #98: juju:
          I do agree and stated the same above: We will most probably never know what happened in the past; however there are ways we might be able to have an idea of what might have happened. Regardless the past or future, we need to understand what we have today. To really understand, we do need to go back to learn, experiment for today and see if our results is proven by the future. Else we can just go and sit; wait for the end, that is way too boring.

          #99: Agent.A
          I will go with your option #2 – Expanding, too many proof and variables points to that rather than constant space.
          1) I am not sure I do understand what Mass can be without energy?
          2) Because the energy was not same equal density everywhere, neither radiating in same direction at all space.
          3) I do not believe so, possible contraction will follow when expansion do come to an end, but long before that we do need to get answers on energy and gravity else humans will seize to exist.
          4) I do believe there is variations in energy density, but it is loosing that density, however the more condensed becomes less so and the lesser dense becomes even less dense.

          UNLESS there is an infinite rebirth or creation of the Pure Energy – in which case the BigBang was not the Point of Origin.
          Last edited by Aromaz; 06-06-2010, 01:36 PM.
          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


          • Reply #7

            #100 Vickers:
            Nicely pointed out. I expect we might go either direction; and will eventually catch our own tail – reach the point where the forward is also the point of origin.

            #101 Jbigness5:On the issue of Black Holes – This is a theory, not yet proven and I come to think quite differently about it. Was only meant to MAYBE posted much later: Now here you go. There was a time I considered a Black hole as is generally described today: Massive gravity , so strong that not even light can escape. This left me with one question, What then happen with all the energy that goes into that hole; and I found the descriptions of “White hole” - the exits point of a black hole. Other options was the WormHole effect where the matter is transmuted. However, In simplicity I came to another theory.

            BLACK HOLES:
            I object that Black Holes are not the vortex into which all matter disappears because of a huge gravity et al. For one fact: It will break ALL laws of the universe, matter, energy and even God.

            I propose that ‘Black Holes’ are vortexes where Radiation is neutralized or terminated. Singularity is the keyword, my words are Pure Energy. This would be explained in more detail after (if ever we reach that stage in this forum) the explanations of Gravity.

            Anyway in short; such elimination of radiation will have few visible effects:
            1) Matter will seize to exist – it will slow down, dissipate and divert back to pure energy only
            2) No polarity, no charge, no magnetism – no Photons.
            What is the oldest part of an Galaxy? Center or perimeter?

            There is a small possibility that the Galaxy operates on the principle of a TOROID.
            If this is true, then we have so many windows of opportunities open to us, and simplicity
            will be the keyword! Excited? You’d better be!

            I can do much more about this, but for the purpose of this tread, let us remain and hold on to the earlier and prior focus point for now.

            #105 Jbigness5 & Agent.A:
            I think Hawkins / Bekenstein and Zeldovich are all correct and wrong in part. In my theory all matter will sooner or later dissipate (dissolve, disappear). What (maybe) happens we should leave for now, it is a Chapter we will reach later; once we have studied Energy and Polarity first.

            Before we can look at Black Holes – we will need to understand Gravity; and I am very sure my arguments when we get to Gravity will make you understand Black Holes – automatically and logically.
            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
              So please Aromaz do what you have to do and get this waste of space out of this thread. Not one post from him could even be considered constructive. . .
              Personal feelings and issues aside:
              On this page #4 I do actually appreciate Agent.A 's inputs. They are valid and good. Still a little personal agressive, but much better. Please do tolerate!

              EDIT: Damn, that was before I read posting # 108, #109, #110
              Last edited by Aromaz; 06-06-2010, 01:43 PM.
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • I understand

                Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                Personal feelings and issues aside:
                On this page #4 I do actually appreciate Agent.A 's inputs. They are valid and good. Still a little personal agressive, but much better. Please do tolerate!
                Agreed... Reluctantly...


                • Reply #9

                  #111 - Jbigness5:
                  Well to have a flow there must be something in the way or something to divide that energy. Lets say that a smaller subset of a much large collection of energy...
                  I would dare to differ here. We cannot use our current understanding of energy in wave form in this case. Remember we are still talking of the origins of all – thus there was nothing other than the original Pure Energy, which formed into small pockets – but still nothing in the form of waves or radiations. The actual formation of the first pockets of energy (Early-Photons) was the first of any type of wave like manifestations.

                  The denser the network the more resistance we see.
                  Resistance can only come with Polarity and Gravity. We are not there yet;
                  that said - in general you are right. But does the Aether and Dark Energy give resistance?

                  For the level we reached now: There is still NO polarity and NO Gravity! That is what is making this so much more interesting, captivating – and difficult to change one’s mind.

                  I like your reference to the Yin-Yang. Please do that particular drawing. To get it perfect, notice what is first: The Yin or the Yang – or the outer circle! If you draw either the Yin/Yang first before you do the outer circle, your drawing will always be off balance and not smooth flowing! First there was the Unity – then came Polarity.

                  If one applied this to our solar systems ability to stay as a whole then one sees that this is true. Otherwise planets would have been flung off along time ago. They are connected because of the suns greater potential and it is balanced because during the formation the solar system it was a fundamental rule of coming to a balance from the very self organizing of this energy matrix. The reality here is that we perceive our Solar system (or Galaxy) to stay as a whole - because of our miniscule perception of time.

                  If we really take a good look at the history of our solar system we will find that is is all but stable. There were many changes, changes in planetary orbits, destruction, rebuilding, additions, removals – accidents and all. Again, when we do the Gravity issue, the whole issue will change and your view of how come planets stays in orbit will also revolutionize.
                  Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                  • Hmmm...

                    Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                    #100 Vickers:
                    Nicely pointed out. I expect we might go either direction; and will eventually catch our own tail – reach the point where the forward is also the point of origin.

                    #101 Jbigness5:On the issue of Black Holes – This is a theory, not yet proven and I come to think quite differently about it. Was only meant to MAYBE posted much later: Now here you go. There was a time I considered a Black hole as is generally described today: Massive gravity , so strong that not even light can escape. This left me with one question, What then happen with all the energy that goes into that hole; and I found the descriptions of “White hole” - the exits point of a black hole. Other options was the WormHole effect where the matter is transmuted. However, In simplicity I came to another theory.

                    BLACK HOLES:
                    I object that Black Holes are not the vortex into which all matter disappears because of a huge gravity et al. For one fact: It will break ALL laws of the universe, matter, energy and even God.

                    I propose that ‘Black Holes’ are vortexes where Radiation is neutralized or terminated. Singularity is the keyword, my words are Pure Energy. This would be explained in more detail after (if ever we reach that stage in this forum) the explanations of Gravity.

                    Anyway in short; such elimination of radiation will have few visible effects:
                    1) Matter will seize to exist – it will slow down, dissipate and divert back to pure energy only
                    2) No polarity, no charge, no magnetism – no Photons.
                    What is the oldest part of an Galaxy? Center or perimeter?

                    There is a small possibility that the Galaxy operates on the principle of a TOROID.
                    If this is true, then we have so many windows of opportunities open to us, and simplicity
                    will be the keyword! Excited? You’d better be!

                    I can do much more about this, but for the purpose of this tread, let us remain and hold on to the earlier and prior focus point for now.

                    #105 Jbigness5 & Agent.A:
                    I think Hawkins / Bekenstein and Zeldovich are all correct and wrong in part. In my theory all matter will sooner or later dissipate (dissolve, disappear). What (maybe) happens we should leave for now, it is a Chapter we will reach later; once we have studied Energy and Polarity first.

                    Before we can look at Black Holes – we will need to understand Gravity; and I am very sure my arguments when we get to Gravity will make you understand Black Holes – automatically and logically.
                    The only reason I pulled the black hole description was to explain the origin of this network of crystalline particles. I know what a black hole is by my observations. There is not gravity. It is all potentials on this network and the flow of charges and the resultant of those charges when they pass matter. Matter is attracted to these charges through their static attraction.
                    Take our own planet for an example. If I am correct there is a point source of static potential in our core. With it's network in a static formation. Meaning it doesn't move about in the core unless there is a very very large mass in movement, for which there is but to put it in a simplistic view. We can see the action of this static network in the experiments of JonnyDavro and his one magnet bedini motor. you can add magnetic satalites ,round of course and should be able to power each to spin with no action from the coil just the link that is established from the drive magnet that is spinning.
                    This is the same action that I think is happening in our solar system. But there is a scale difference.
                    So my explanation of the black hole was to be complete so that all could understand how there could be sooo many of these crystals that setup our known universe.
                    If you wanted to talk about the actual black hole my theory still holds water even in that extreme environment. The geometry of the crystal is the reason for the charges flowing twords that event. the matter stays and donates to the mass around that crystal. This is how they grow but the energy is reflected back once the mass is separated from the charges. This is evident by the stream or beam of massive energy being emitted from the center of the black hole. Once the energy has collected and tips the balance of the crystal is gets pulsed away from the crystal in an reaction that follows the fundamental law of balance.
                    as to the connections well the proof that two like black holes attraction is evident in the small movies of them rotating around each other in the central portion of our universe. I'll dig up a link. Black or white I doubt it matters it is the same function just a different effect of those functions.


                    • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                      Agreed... Reluctantly...
                      Thank you! I love your inputs and your perceptions. Sometimes they are
                      challenging to me; however it is amazing how my theory will eventually give
                      the possible answers to so many uncertainties.

                      Bear with me as I do not want to, neither should nor will
                      - release my whole crackpot idea in one go.

                      Keep on going step by step - and these steps are in a chronological order.
                      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                      • Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                        #111 - Jbigness5:
                        Well to have a flow there must be something in the way or something to divide that energy. Lets say that a smaller subset of a much large collection of energy...
                        I would dare to differ here. We cannot use our current understanding of energy in wave form in this case. Remember we are still talking of the origins of all – thus there was nothing other than the original Pure Energy, which formed into small pockets – but still nothing in the form of waves or radiations. The actual formation of the first pockets of energy (Early-Photons) was the first of any type of wave like manifestations.

                        The denser the network the more resistance we see.
                        Resistance can only come with Polarity and Gravity. We are not there yet;
                        that said - in general you are right. But does the Aether and Dark Energy give resistance?

                        For the level we reached now: There is still NO polarity and NO Gravity! That is what is making this so much more interesting, captivating – and difficult to change one’s mind.

                        I like your reference to the Yin-Yang. Please do that particular drawing. To get it perfect, notice what is first: The Yin or the Yang – or the outer circle! If you draw either the Yin/Yang first before you do the outer circle, your drawing will always be off balance and not smooth flowing! First there was the Unity – then came Polarity.

                        If one applied this to our solar systems ability to stay as a whole then one sees that this is true. Otherwise planets would have been flung off along time ago. They are connected because of the suns greater potential and it is balanced because during the formation the solar system it was a fundamental rule of coming to a balance from the very self organizing of this energy matrix. The reality here is that we perceive our Solar system (or Galaxy) to stay as a whole - because of our miniscule perception of time.

                        If we really take a good look at the history of our solar system we will find that is is all but stable. There were many changes, changes in planetary orbits, destruction, rebuilding, additions, removals – accidents and all. Again, when we do the Gravity issue, the whole issue will change and your view of how come planets stays in orbit will also revolutionize.
                        I didn't say it was stable I said it followed the rule of balance. When something happens to our solar system that very reaction is balance. Stability can only be attained in long periods or lack of solar events which both of us know is quite unrealistic.


                        • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                          I didn't say it was stable I said it followed the rule of balance. When something happens to our solar system that very reaction is balance. Stability can only be attained in long periods or lack of solar events which both of us know is quite unrealistic.
                          You are correct then, My appologies. Just noticed I need to edit your positng and my replies in that posting too; else others might be confused! Thanks.
                          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                          • Second Phase Question:

                            BEWARE, there are much more in this than just picking!

                            Which is the more likely:

                            Photons = Light
                            Photons <> Light

                            By using some facts (or theory) please do explain in your first posting about this: Why do you say so.

                            As I said before: There is NO right or wrong answer, but let us try and see what we can learn.
                            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                            • Yeah I certainly understand.

                              Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                              Thank you! I love your inputs and your perceptions. Sometimes they are
                              challenging to me; however it is amazing how my theory will eventually give
                              the possible answers to so many uncertainties.

                              Bear with me as I do not want to, neither should nor will
                              - release my whole crackpot idea in one go.

                              Keep on going step by step - and these steps are in a chronological order.
                              I wish I had you ability to organize my thoughts. It seems to me that the thoughts that I am having are coming at me in light speed measurements. I have always had a problem holding and organizing these thoughts or revelations that I like to call them.
                              Thats why I wrote you earlier about helping me with my theory. Whenever I had watched one of your video's or saw you speak in the forums it always seemed very organized and short. Compare that to my hap hazard way of thinking and run away explanations trying to be as complete in a description as possible, it frustrates me that I can not organize it in a fluent manner like you are able to do.
                              Could I ask you to ask me what information you would need and I'll try to stay on topic. Maybe that could help me to stay controlled in my thoughts. Like Energy for example.


                              • What is your definition?

                                Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                                BEWARE, there are much more in this than just picking!

                                Which is the more likely:

                                [COLOR="Green"]Photons = Light[/COLOR]
                                Photons <> Light

                                By using some facts (or fiction) please do explain in your first posting about this: Why do you say so.

                                As I said before: There is NO right or wrong answer, but let us try and see what we can learn.
                                I need to know how you understand the difference of photons and light. And I will give my best understanding.

                                Our current definition is this:

                                "in physics, a photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic interaction and the basic unit of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is also the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. The effects of this force are easily observable at both the microscopic and macroscopic level, because the photon has no rest mass; this allows for interactions at long distances. "

                                My definition of a photon is quite different then the established dogma.

                                My idea is actually much simpler in design. The very network that is responsible for the energy transdfer is actually the same network that hepls light waves propagate. crystals are multifaceted reflectors or prisms if you will. and light is just a reflection of the charges moving thru that network at a given speed. it is the reason that we can follow light with our eyes. Like tracers. If I am viewing them from my angle it is reflected to me based on my angle but at the same time you viewing the same tracer round from another angle will see the same effect. That to me means there is some kind of prism action going on through the network.
                                Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-06-2010, 02:41 PM.

