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what do you think is happening to Jupiter?

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  • #31

    interpretation not fact?

    since the sumerians 6.000 years ago that the ancients know how to write, are you aware of the stone slabs that were found?

    sorry but i dont agree with you, my father have just arrived from MEXICO, and he had visited the MAYA's temples!

    see the link that our dear friend dude show you...

    if the mayas predicted precisly moon, solar eclipses and other galactic events, hundreds of years after... why this event should be different?

    if we dont believe in nothing, how will we believe in ourselfs?


    Originally posted by rick123 View Post
    "it seems to me that you dont know in what to believe in the middle of so much good and wrong information!"

    Your assumption is wrong I do not require nor am I looking for a belief!
    JUJU can you post some credible links to this galactic alignment/center. All I can find is a bunch of crackpot websites. Please share your wisdom.
    Mayan predictions are interpretation not fact by any stretch.
    Last edited by juju; 06-09-2010, 07:09 AM.


    • #32
      the mayan calendar was based on sunspot cycles; that they could never have seen since they did not have glass, or lenses. They also had the orbit of the moon down to 0.02 sec every YEAR!

      They weren't stupid, and anyone that dismisses them is a fool. Also, I believe only the consciousness of entropy will cease on 22nd Dec 2012

      You want to save gia / human consciousness? Bring on the novel ideas, break the chains and Make Them Happen!

      YouTube - timewavezero clip
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #33
        Very well, if you wish to split hair: The ancients NEVER said 21 December 2012 either; at best they refer to what we today call the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The exact day and time on which this occurs is between 21 and 24 December. This year it is 23:38 GMT on night of 21 December 2010 - 22 minutes before midnight. In 2012 it will be about lunch time on 22 December.

        Nibiru did not pass, has not been near the earth for some 3,600 years. According to Dr. Sitchen the orbit of “Nibiru” should be somewhere between 3,600 and 3,714 years and the next return should be somewhere around 2900 – in the Age of Aquarius.

        If there is going to be a major event in 2012 (Funny enough I do believe there is a major event due that time) it will not happen on the minute, hour or even day. It will probably happen over a period of time – as in months.

        In reality the Mayan 'Prophesy' is not even about the Winter Solstice directly: It is marking the day when the Early Morning star will fail to rise above the horizon. That is, the position of the earth in our Solar system, and the tilt of our solar system will cause Venus not to appear above the horizon before sunrise. THAT is calculated to happen from 23 December 2012. And in the Mayan time; THAT would have been a very major issue.

        NOTE: It is also this change of the stars in the sky: Venus not rising above horizon BEFORE sunrise; that some people interpreted to be Passing through GALACTIC plane.

        My findings on proper study of planetary movements about a year ago – exactly the same, at best we will have four planets within a 40 degree angle on the same side of the sun – facing towards or away from Galactic center. There are in fact a number of wonderful programs people can use to determine exact positions of planets at any given time.

        Gravity / Galactic plane / Galactic equator:
        Calculated from the estimated center of our Galaxy; we are currently about 17 degree off alignment. The next time we might pass through the Galactic plan is a few light years away.

        We (Earth) is at all times sitting right in the middle of a major Universal war. We are every moment exposed to absolute destruction; and we would not even see it coming. Regardless of all the other issues with meteors, comets, gravity, – any of the trillions upon trillions of stars in our Galaxy can collapse and cause a major cosmic event, or a radiation pulse from an existing pulsar, or many similar events;

        Will probably destroy us before we can even see the light coming.
        Last edited by Aromaz; 06-09-2010, 09:31 AM.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • #34
          Originally posted by juju View Post
          interpretation not fact?
          if the mayas predicted precisly moon, solar eclipses and other galactic events, hundreds of years after... why this event should be different?
          Allow me to share a very BIG secret with you.

          The Mayans NEVER predicted the END of the WORLD. Not now, not in the future, not in the past.
          Neither did Prof Sitchen, neither does Nibiru.

          The Mayans only plotted a 'CALENDAR" which happens to be based on the events of the day and night in the sky. They never even used dates! Their calendar stops at the (Northern) Winter Solstice - which will be in our date on 22 December 2012. Nothing mystical about that, their calendar survived them by hundreds of years! Where does our calendar stops? Well on my computer settings at present it is 2050, in all printed calendar you can get - it is 31 Dec 2011.

          Then there is the additional problem, which happens to coincide in the same period: Venus will not rise above the horizon just before sunrise after 23 December 2012. Coincidence - OR because their calendar was based on the positions of the Morning Star?

          Yes, you are sort of right. The Mayans never predicted anything in the true sense; THEY were just VERY cunningly able to observe and calculate natural cycles. The same if I say the sun will rise tomorrow morning at 05h48 at my location
          – is that a prediction? Yes.
          Is that true? Most likely, unless some unforeseen event takes place within the next 12 hours or so.
          Is that an accurate observation of cycles? I will bet my life on that!
          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


          • #35
            Here is another theory about Nibiru:

            Quote from: The Chronicles of The Gírkù - Add03

            "Neberu" vs. the Planets X

            Parks first examines Zecharia Sitchin's assertions that the Sumerians placed the origins of the Anunnaki on a wandering planet that they named "Neberu" or "Nibiru".

            This planet, according to Sitchin, possesses a highly elliptical orbit of period 3600 terrestrial years.

            Sitchin apparently derives this idea solely from the clay tablet "VA-243", which he believes shows the mysterious astre revolving around a sun.

            But this is not any sort of astronomical document. It contains three lines of text, simply indicating:

            "Dusbsiga (a personal name), Ili-Illat (personal name), your servant".

            There is no allusion to Neberu and no trace of this planet as the home of the Anunna(ki) "gods". Nor is there any tablet that declares such a thing.

            I repeat, there is none!

            [If there were,] the whole world could verify it, a thing which has definitely not been done up to the present. I insist and I show this in my recent book. I am not asking anyone to believe words that I have received affirming "this version is better than any other". On the contrary, I must insist that M. Sitchin doesn't seem to know the truth about the tablets that he pretends to analyze. Otherwise, he would long ago have given the references to those tablets that a rash handful have demanded of him for years...

            Nowhere is there any written allusion such as "the Anunna of Neberu" or "the gods of Neberu" or "they descended from Neberu". [GMSS]

            On the contrary, all the Mesopotamian texts evoke a unique place of origin for the Anunna(ki), clearly denominated Dukù, of which the sense is "sacred mound" or "holy mound".


            • #36
              Originally posted by digitz View Post
              Here is another theory about Nibiru:
              You are absolutely correct. This is a tabled describing 'Education' from
              the God to servants.
              On the background is a description (could be like on black board) and that is what Dr. Sitchen is referring to in his documents.

              Very interesting and seldom noticed by 'students':
              There is what we accept as the sun and around the sun are 12 planets.
              11 planets are easily seen. The 12th planet is less visible at 14h30, just on
              the edge of the shade, further out from the smallest planets described.

              THEN - there is the 13th planet. Can you see it? Look VERY careful.
              It is almost touching the nose of the man standing in the middle. Very FAR from the solar system. THAT is not accidental.

              Now, besides the Sumerian scriptures we do not read of Nibiru anywhere else. Interesting the clay tablets and writings of that old times does not include any vocals (a.e.o.i.u) Thus the name Nibiru is only written in phonetics sounding like NBR. Vocals were added in to make it easier for us to read.

              As was the practice in those days, kings and Gods had the names of planets; or planets were named after such kings and gods. The same description of Nibiru in Sumaria is later ascribed to the god/emperor Marduk, son of Nimrod, son of Noah aka Enki, Astalluhi, BAAL and some fity other titels. He was also the diety and creator of the city of Babylon.

              As parting: Interesting that the Chinese are also referring to the DRAGON - and well as "Missing heavenly body" or planet.

              According to ancient Chinese tales, the expected return of the mystery planet will be from the direction of the constellation of The Dragon and well when our neighboring planet Mars is in the constelation of Draco - which is only due around the year 2980.

              Nibiry will not be coming near the earth in 2012, Nibiru will not be responsible for the destruction of the earth for at least another 900 years; same as it did not destroy the earth 2,500 years ago when it was the brightest star in the sky.
              Last edited by Aromaz; 06-09-2010, 02:23 PM.
              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


              • #37
                I have studied these writings of Mayan,Egytian,and other sources. The one I personally believe to be most accurate on our timeline, is the one released not so long ago of Sir Issac Newton. He studied many years in private and did an enormous amount of calculation on the timeline of humanity. His timeline was four years into the future from the Mayan and Egytians predictions. I believe this is due to our calendar being off by that much from earlier solar calendars of ancient people. His prediction of 2016 aligns everything mathematically.All planets are being bombarded by high level radiation due to the suns solar activity,this is having a huge effect on all planets in our solar system. Jupiter is the largest and is recieving more than its share of this incresed radiation.We will continue to see abnormal radiation until the sun goes through three days of darkness and reverses its polarity. Chaos will rule for a short time until harmony is restored. All planets will likewise change thier polarity to harmonize with the sun. Like magnets trying to align after going through a polarity shift. Good Luck. Stealth


                • #38
                  Is Pluto visible to "the naked eye"?

                  I remember hearing that it was not (too dim, as any other planets that far out would likely be). If not, that means that if that scene really is a representation of the Solar System, then the Mayans must have had either powerful optics technology that was not matched in the modern era until about 80 years ago, or some other means of knowing of it's existence besides the usual naked eye visual observation which all ancient civilizations used... Remember Pluto was not "discovered" until 1930; the outer planets ARE NOT mentioned anywhere in ancient "astrology"; which is otherwise uniquely "uniform" throughout many ancient civilizations far from one another.

                  Sorry, but imo, "Niburu" is an Urban legend, a fable... That originally sprung from a controversy between scientists that goes back to the turn of the 20th Century when Lowell suggested there could be farther planets beyond Neptune. It may be entertaining and fun to consider, but as a serious "theory" (and especially to base our entire fate on it), it is without any merit... and NOT "harmless"; should people take it to extremes and plan their future around "its coming"...

                  ... Or should they decide to use this as a reason to "why bother" adding their voice with others to work for real Change, because we are all "fated" to be destroyed anyway ??

                  F*ck such excuses. We have NO excuses. There is us, and what we do. And unless we all work for change, for accountability, for the restoration of the Rule of Law... of SANITY and REASON... The destruction of our society will be inevitable, but not caused by any celestial bodies or galactic radiation: It will be caused only by ourselves.

                  Planets beyond Neptune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  I remember a very sad day for me a few month ago, watching a podcast of a "Project Camelot" presentation in Los Angeles. One of the speakers (via podcast not in person), was Stan Deyo. In his roughly 30 minute talk, he mentioned, i kid you not, SIX WAYS WE WERE ALL GOING TO BE DESTROYED IN 2012 . Six different ways! I'm not joking. He said it. It was utterly pathetic and it broke my heart: Because several of the ways contradicted themselves and they made no sense. Nothing at all of value was said about his "layer cake" coil device or any FE-related topics, either.

                  I remember thinking to myself: "Wow, they got to him some how".

                  Don't let them get to you, folks


                  • #39
                    wonderfull video harvey!! i loved it, this guy knows what he is talking about...

                    i think the meaning of maya prophecy is much "deep" then the people are trying to make of it... in fact, he does not deny them...

                    "...that in december 2012, the winter solstice, sun will rise in the midlle of the galaxy... causing an aligment with the earth, sun and the center of the galaxy, and it does in fact seem to do this, more or less... you can verify this with an astronomy program. But there are only to problems with this, this event is only significant from the earths point of view/perspective..."

                    for us earth, is our point of view that matters!

                    Last edited by juju; 06-09-2010, 05:15 PM.


                    • #40

                      that is precisly what i believe to... and in fact, nothing more matters beside that!

                      Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                      the mayan calendar was based on sunspot cycles; that they could never have seen since they did not have glass, or lenses. They also had the orbit of the moon down to 0.02 sec every YEAR!

                      They weren't stupid, and anyone that dismisses them is a fool. Also, I believe only the consciousness of entropy will cease on 22nd Dec 2012

                      You want to save gia / human consciousness? Bring on the novel ideas, break the chains and Make Them Happen!

                      YouTube - timewavezero clip


                      • #41

                        ok you r right, i was based on information that i took for real! and may not be...

                        i assume my errors or mistakes!

                        but if you really want to split hairs go to cavity thread and explain your attitude, since you always have to be on top of others.. and you know everything, more that everyone and you are always right! but it seems that when the thing stinks you just run away...


                        Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                        Very well, if you wish to split hair
                        Last edited by juju; 06-09-2010, 05:34 PM.


                        • #42
                          Regarding the Sumerian Tablet:
                          I'm no scholar in this particular field but from first observation that Solar arrangement is a calendar identifying a specific date.

                          The Sun and the Planets are seen including what we know as Pluto, but also as a predominate feature is Orion's Belt and an orientation to Polaris. These positions would set a specific date.

                          Of interest to me is that the leftmost person has distinctively different facial features and is being pulled into, or presented to, the one seated on the chair which appears to be contained in some type of vessel. Over that leftmost persons shoulder is something that seems to be like a tree being carried with him and in front of him are some types of tools or swords. Perhaps he was a wood carver or master carpenter. The center person is pointing at him as another indicator of presentation.

                          The Gazelles are interesting, apparently both males and facing the same way with one partially hidden. This could be indicative of a time frame. The one on the right seems to licking the writings positioned over some hills.

                          The kings 'ride' looks to have some type of control in the front with a frame work behind it. The framework resembles an inverted compass divider, a divining rod, a sextant or even a musical harp (with no strings). But in the context it could be something as simple as plans for a trellis the king wants built.

                          If the word translation is accurate and this is the presentation of person by name to be a servant, then it is possible that this is a well known phrase in that culture - perhaps from a story or historical figure. I am reminded here of Jesus introducing his Mother to his associate John as he hung nailed to the stake. He told his mother to look at John and "see! Your son" and likewise he told John to look at Mary and "See! Your mother". (John 19:26,27) This introduction was not to get them better acquainted, as they already knew each other well. This was a contractual arrangement. In essence, Jesus was charging John with the responsibility of carrying for his widowed mother as if she was his own. Likewise, the tablet may be recording an event that symbolized a contract arrangement between an employer and his worker (or as they are commonly called Master and Servant) and in this case it may be as this:
                          Originally posted by "Proverbs 22:29
                          29 Have you beheld a man skillful in his work? Before kings is where he will station himself; he will not station himself before commonplace men.
                          Whatever the event really was, it would seem that the date was important as is the distinction between persons and their role in the event. And it must have been a noteworthy event or 'saying' that was being recorded.

                          I did a quick search for Sumerian Alphabet and could not find those characters to verify the translation.

                          It is an interesting piece of history - I never knew that Sumerians wore high heels
                          "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                          • #43
                            what is Dark Rift ?


                            • #44

                              i've missed this post...

                              Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                              Allow me to share a very BIG secret with you.

                              The Mayans NEVER predicted the END of the WORLD. Not now, not in the future, not in the past.
                              Neither did Prof Sitchen, neither does Nibiru.

                              The Mayans only plotted a 'CALENDAR" which happens to be based on the events of the day and night in the sky. They never even used dates! Their calendar stops at the (Northern) Winter Solstice - which will be in our date on 22 December 2012.

                              i never sayd they predicted the end of the world... they just predict the end of the world as we know it till now! that's why ther calendar stops at that date... because some big change will happen, for shore that is not what everybody is expecting for!

                              yes, they never used dates, ther calendar is based in natural events. One thing is shore, one year (one turn of the earth arround the sun), is always the same, no matter how much times you divide it! but..

                              ..thats why we are not synchronized with nature, because we use a calendar that have modified our perception overtime, so all the humanity is trapped in a wrong perception of time! its like a prision to most people, that is not leting everyone be what they really are, counsciesness!

                              the cycles of nature are almost perfect, one year have 13 moon cycles of arround 28 days, the leaders of the past were very aware that by separating humans from nature cycles, will separate all humans from each other... and kept us all in the prision that we call time!

                              Last edited by juju; 06-09-2010, 07:36 PM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by juju View Post
                                but if you really want to split hairs go to cavity thread and explain your attitude, since you always have to be on top of others.. and you know everything, more that everyone and you are always right! but it seems that when the thing stinks you just run away...
                                ??? I never need nor do run away and yes; I do know a lot, am mostly right too; because I have the ability to speed read for the past 40 years; Love to read both library and internet; add a good ability to analyze and compare what I read with other sources. However, I choose not to follow the masses.

                                A year is 365+ days. 13x28 days leaves you short of 1.25 day more or less. Therefore Jewish has half an extra month every 12 years and Islam has a full extra month every 25 years. Over a long period of time, we are still near the same time scale.

                                Never the less; on the issue of a calendar: All the spooky about 2012 is only based on one stone tablet from the Mayans. Though I do know of other (non-Mayan) 2012 issues, none has been brought in line with the Mayan predictions. That Mayan calendar ends on 22 December 2012 - WHY?

                                It is the natural end of their 13th Baktun; it is the same as the natural end of our calendar on 31 December. The cycle is completed; finish. No mystery. It is also the natural end to a specific solar and astronomical 'period'.

                                On the other hand: If that calendar ended abruptly somewhere before the completion of the full 13th cycle; THEN I would have been very worried.

                                You want proof? Just wait 30 more months. The same people that goes ape about 2012 also went ape about 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2010 - and we are still here!

                                Over and Out.
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

