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what do you think is happening to Jupiter?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by CashSolver View Post
    Hey Juju

    As for 20 tribes....well where is the background for that? Eventually we all stem from one human being. And how does the 20 tribes relate to a calendar of 13:20 when you are looking at 13 months? Sounds rather arbitrary to me.

    I am asking to understand what you are saying.
    you dont know if we came from one human, at least has to be 2 of them.. male & female...

    why the mayas, egiptians, and others, folowed the same ideas in the same periods of time, on different continents? build piramids?

    the portuguese were the firsts to pass continents across the sea, maybe near 1500?

    before that the civilizations grow a part from each other, without contact... and we all derive from that ancient civilizations and elder tribes!


    • #62
      Originally posted by juju View Post
      you dont know if we came from one human, at least has to be 2 of them.. male & female...

      why the mayas, egiptians, and others, folowed the same ideas in the same periods of time, on different continents? build piramids?

      the portuguese were the firsts to pass continents across the sea, maybe near 1500?
      Hi Juju

      I just did a search on this and now I have a better picture. There are always
      approximations in everything that we do. Even this 13:20 business floats a
      day in the year to account for 365.24.... solar days. It also claims to look
      at the sidereal moon not the synodic moon. The Synodic moon is easily
      observable and countable by the simplest of humans. The sidereal moons
      needs astronauts to calculate it. But that calendar is not calculated based
      on the sidereal or synodic moon. It is a number in between. Not even an

      Anyway, the Egyptian calendar that I told you about is 12 months not 13.
      And yes I understand that this is a global movement not just what you are
      saying. I do appreciate that you brought this out. I am now more educated
      and for that I thank you.

      Finally, I accept your premise of two humans not one. I was referring to the
      tribes. That information I have not found yet. The reference is made on the
      sites that I looked at, but no real explanation.

      We just have to understand, that as human beings we are only part of the
      creation. True we have been given intellect and reasoning beyond most of
      the creations, but we have to know that we are always limited with our
      senses, at least in this earthly life.

      So our observations, while well filtered with intellect, will always be short.
      We have to generalize at some point. The question is: Is there really a
      difference of how we mark time, based on what calendar? In the end for
      an average human life, we mark the years based on the solar year. At least
      we have the weekdays in common. Throw that off, then we have nothing
      left in common (tongue-in-cheek )


      • #63

        to me, our primordial star is the sun and the moon only a moderator... the moon cycle meets the sun cycle every 19 years!

        there is no way to precisly folow the moon and sun with one time rule, because ther cycles dont mach perfectly! i guess?

        so its needed a calendar for the moon and other for the sun...

        this one is a fusion of both... with biologic human cycles, perfect in nature!

        dont want to get offtopic with the jupiter theme, just some more little bit of enlightment in this matter!


        The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar is a universal,
        modern application of the mathematics of the ancient Mayan Calendar System
        as deciphered by Dr. José Argüelles, Ph.d and presented as "The Dreamspell."
        Providing a simple yet profound opportunity to shift our everyday consciousness,
        this magical tool invites us live in harmony with galactic time!

        People all around the world of diverse faiths and cultures
        are unifying with the 13-Moon calendar as a global harmonic standard:
        13 moons of 28 days, plus one "Day out of Time" to honor and celebrate
        "Peace Through Culture" before each new year.

        Collectively, we are releasing ourselves from the mentality that "Time is Money,"
        and establishing a new culture of peace founded on the principle that
        "Time is Art!"
        Last edited by juju; 06-15-2010, 02:41 AM.


        • #64
          Originally posted by juju View Post
          dont want to get offtopic with the jupiter theme, just some more little bit of enlightment in this matter!

          Thanks juju!! I learned something from this. Don't quite agree with all of it,
          especially the day-out-of-time bit. I really have no problem with another
          calendar and perspective to look at time, as long as we don't throw out
          other relevant calendars.

          However, I do agree with you to stick to the Jupiter theme. So maybe we
          should just get back to that and leave this discussion to another thread.

          Thank you for the links and ideas.


          • #65
            Not that this has anything to do with jupiter, but there has been serious suggestion that:
            -earth had a 360 day year at one time;
            -earth was originally smaller and has been actually expanding in size (even naval core samples bear this out:
            (if you shrink things back using the color legend then the earth does form a nice compact version of itself with no subduction)

            "The geological and geophysical implications of such Earth expansion are so profound that most geologists and geophysicists shy away from them. In order to fit with the reconstruction that seems to be required, the volume of the Earth was only 51 per cent of its present value, and the surface area 64 per cent of that of the present day, 200 million years ago. Established theory says that the Earth's interior is stable, an in ner core of nickel iron surrounded by an outer layer that behaves like a fluid. Perhaps we are completely wrong and the inner core is in some state nobody has yet imagined, a state that is undergoing a transition from a high-density state to a lower density state, and pushing out the crust, the skin of the Earth, as it expands."

            (Owen, Hugh; "The Earth Is Expanding and We Don't Know Why, "New Scientist, p. 27, November 22, 1984.)
            Last edited by shawn; 06-17-2010, 11:26 PM.


            • #66
              Expanding earth theory. Matter is being created inside planets. Everything in the universe and the universe itself is expanding.
              I have always like this idea, very simple and seems logical. Maybe one day it will be fact?

