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Terrestrial Shivering and Pimples

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  • Terrestrial Shivering and Pimples

    Time to start watching the Big Sister.

    Iceland Meteorological office - Earthquakes Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland

    Ten shivers in past 48 hours; nothing to be alarmed about - yet.

    According to some, she is sleeping. Others said since February she is due soon;
    same rediculed scientist warned of little Sister in December - 3 months before
    she woke up. They became the joke of the day - until 21 March. The same
    Dr McGarvie and Volcano Dynamics Group now say Katla is over due.

    July is expected to be the rumbling month; already there are indicators of sub-glacier melting.

    Here is a nice collection of photo's from Little Sister.
    Iceland's disruptive volcano - The Big Picture -
    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

  • #2
    And this has what to do with Renewable energy??


    • #3
      Obviously much more than you think

      Obviously you are just ignorant; for I doubt you would be that stupid.
      Volcanoes have quite a lot to do with renewable energy,
      magnetism and gravity.
      Since your mission in life it to be critic and self appointed peer; nothing else needs explanation.
      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


      • #4
        Since your mission in life it to be critic and self appointed peer; nothing else needs explanation
        No thats not me at all. I just don't like you. I think you ramble about anything and everything. You completely waste time. No practical application of any of your so called enlightened discussions. And you make a point of belittling anything that does not agree with you.

        Although you changed the post to save face you did not apologize for the initial criticism of a person who was (regardless of his intellectual standing) Talking about actually building something.

        You sir are a farce. A person, probably placed here distract and misinform, with little to no reference you try to present your rambling as fact.

        What are you doing to help further the renewable energy community?

        Nothing. And I am not alone in this opinion.

        You'll find THIS critic and self appointed peer every where you go belittling you as you have done to that young man in the post.
        Personally if I want Rambling I'll go to the bar and sit next to a drunk.

        Matthew Jones


        • #5
          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
          No thats not me at all. I just don't like you. I think you ramble about anything and everything. You completely waste time. No practical application of any of your so called enlightened discussions. And you make a point of belittling anything that does not agree with you.

          Although you changed the post to save face you did not apologize for the initial criticism of a person who was (regardless of his intellectual standing) Talking about actually building something.

          You sir are a farce. A person, probably placed here distract and misinform, with little to no reference you try to present your rambling as fact.

          What are you doing to help further the renewable energy community?

          Nothing. And I am not alone in this opinion.

          You'll find THIS critic and self appointed peer every where you go belittling you as you have done to that young man in the post.
          Personally if I want Rambling I'll go to the bar and sit next to a drunk.

          Matthew Jones
          " . . . your so called enlightened discussions" It seems you saw or read something somewhere that I failed. Please enlighten me; would love to read such compliment in person and give gratitude.

          "You sir are a farce. A person, probably placed here distract and misinform, with little to no reference you try to present your rambling as fact."
          You got me pegged. Damn how could I be so stupid to even reply here?

          "Nothing. And I am not alone in this opinion."
          That I would take as a compliment; at least I have achieved something!
          You are not the only one that knows me so well. And here I thought I
          did something - in hard experiments. Shucks, must have been dreaming.

          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
          Thats funny, thats the very thing I have wanted to say to you every time I read one of your threads. But I didn't...
          Its kinda like putting out the half of bag of garbage. Sooner or later you know its gonna stink itself up real good, so you might as well disregard it now.
          Turns out your just another bag a crap that stinks...... Thats funny
          Then what the heck are you doing here siting next to me?
          If that is your sentiment, why you even read any of my threads?
          Nobody is forcing you! Ohh, sorry,

          Trying to learn something young man?

          I have never been drunk in my 54 years of life, not even once,
          thus if I am not in the bar, then why are you rumbling with me about ?

          "Personally if I want Rambling I'll go to the bar and sit next to a drunk."
          I can see why you have achieved so much in your life - personal, professional and in 'renewable energy.'
          At least I did not waste any time in a bar; therefore my achievements are on a different level.

          "You'll find THIS critic and self appointed peer every where"
          What a scary picture! I see a real Tasmanian devil trying to rumble an
          African Lion. Oops, Trap!
          YouTube - Einstein's Idiots 19: Stephen Crothers: Why Black Holes Don't Exist

          Careful, the stink of knowledge might just rub off on you.

          Over and Out!
          Last edited by Aromaz; 06-13-2010, 11:31 AM.
          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


          • #6


            • #7
              I have to agree with Mathew on this one Aromaz, you DO knock people and I'm also tired of it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mark View Post
                I have to agree with Mathew on this one Aromaz, you DO knock people and I'm also tired of it.
                So? You are welcome to your view.

                Please do NOT read my postings, as easy as that! Better still do not
                even come to threads I have opened! Save your soul, do not get tired
                from agrevating yourself.
                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                  So? You are welcome to your view.

                  Please do NOT read my postings, as easy as that! Better still do not
                  even come to threads I have opened! Save your soul, do not get tired
                  from agrevating yourself.

                  Thank you for allowing me to my view, you are too kind wise one.


                  • #10
                    Oh its not that easy to divert the attention to someone else.
                    You still have not apologized to the person in that thread you criticized.
                    You wanna keep making it worse on yourself just keep up the pampas attitude.

                    Your arrogant and full of yourself and even if your Ramblings meant something or had an ounce of true knowledge they would be worth disregarding do to the "High and Mighty" approach you take to shove them down peoples throats.

                    True knowledge come through Humility. Every religious document in the world tells that.
                    With that in reflection you appear about dumb as they come. Nothing to pay attention to for sure.
                    So I will not bagger you anymore in this thread but if you start another one I will have to start all over again. None of your homemade distracting nonsense will ever be struck off as knowledge again. Your threads won't go that far.
                    And sooner or later you'll just.....go away.

                    Matthew Jones
                    Last edited by Matthew Jones; 06-13-2010, 03:56 PM.


                    • #11
                      here, in this thread - aromaz has been the only one discussing anything even remotely to do with renewable energy, science, theory, etc.

                      As it says on the top of the renewable energy page:

                      ''Renewable Energy Discussion on various alternative energy, renewable energy, & free energy technologies. Also any discussion about the environment, global warming, and other related topics are welcome here.''

                      People too often become what they complain about.

                      With respect,
                      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                      • #12
                        Well you must of missed it Ben. Your hero told a guy in this thread that he was ridiculous, mocked him for a few sentences and then told him to get a life. To top it off when people got on him he decided to just change his post instead stick to his guns or apologize.
                        Its not the first time I have read him doing this very same thing and so he's do a taste of his medicine. I could care less if he just solved the worlds energy crisis, he's old prick who asked for it.

                        Last edited by Matthew Jones; 06-15-2010, 06:28 AM.


                        • #13
                          He's not my hero, but is a respected peer.

                          The truth in my post above still stands, both in content and import.

                          ''Let the man who's never sinned cast the first stone.'' is attributed to the book people so love to quote for it's acclaimed divine wisdom. All i'm saying is what everyone's Mother once told them; two wrongs don't make a right.

                          ''every day, a wise man learns something new, and
                          every day a smart man forgets something he knew.''

                          ''it's not what you get back, but what you give out that makes you a man''

                          There's too much wit displayed in discussions on this forum, and not enough wisdom, in my honest opinion.

                          And I'm not claiming innocence either, I'm sure I've offended someone on this forum. Though I do tend to censor the things I write, in my thoughts I am no angel.

                          Staind - Outside Lyrics
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #14
                            I had enough; Aaron can expel and ban me if he so wish; cancel my account and delete all my postings – but certain people are now taking over on this tread that does NOT BELONG HERE.

                            They would no doubt find places like Free Energy a much more suitable environment.

                            MATHEW JONES - in his own words peer of others work;

                            To this date made 673 postings; and in reflection of himself uses a comic character. I do not find this tread a comic or joke.

                            Believe me it is a burden; I got a bit p*****d off with his holy attitude and this morning spend a horrible 50 minutes scanning through some of his - then 669 postings.

                            Guess what I found:
                            Majority - as in 96+ percent are only remarks about other people’s work.
                            On top, majority of those remarks are absolute empty cans of sardine fish.

                            I have NOT FOUND even one single posting that is a CONTRIBUTION;not in words, not in deeds, not in experiments. The best he did to day was a few ATTEMPTS to copy what people posted - well, I think even those copies were kind of mental considerations only.

                            I never seen a photo, video or any other proof of any of his so called work.

                            The related issue about:
                            Everone Needs To Help Build The Tesla Shield
                            We need to work on this NOW. We have not much time before they pull the plug.
                            Anyone and everyone who can lend insight of how to build is needed.
                            ERIC DOLLARD, The world Depends on you at this time of need.

                            Will not get my apology. ever. Making a posting where you suddenly wake up and then consider oneself the God, King and Hitler - demanding everyone to follow your stupid ideas - without even knowing what you are talking about - WELL - THAT IS STUPID. Well, probably a bit less stupid than Mr. Comic Jones. Especially since such person never even did a single practical experiment.

                            If any of you stupid people did a little research – you would have seen a number of threads here and experiments on line with this 'Tesla Shield';. Further you would realize you are talking of massive amounts of money, huge locations, and definite interference with all your own creature comforts – mobile, TV, internet . . .

                            Any such experiment cannot be done in your house: The powers needed are beyond any person on this forum and anything less than 60,000 KVdc with at least 11,000 Watt will not even begins to resonate on the atmosphere. Even building a small scale model does not work in this case.

                            On top of this. Had any of you do your homework you would have learned about HAARP and ELF towers, all around the world and the incredible amounts of money poured into that; with little but disasterous effects.

                            Further and lastly; you would also learn that such stupid dream’s is going to end with the opposite of most people wishes – Not peace, but absolute destruction; AND THAT is most likely why Tesla himself terminated his Wardenclyffe project; AND NEVER shared or wrote his concept down. In 1908 something horrible happened, something that changed the man Tesla. Try and follow the leads.

                            Experiments cost money; and all people who does do valuable theoretical and practical experiments does reserve my respect. The rest like Jones, juju, Agent.A, cosmo-lv, and their comic partners should rather not be part of this forum which has the mission statement:

                            “Discussion on various alternative energy, renewable energy, & free energy technologies. Also any discussion about the environment, global warming, and other related topics are welcome here.”

                            Words are CHEAP, experiments are EXPENSIVE. If you experiment you deserve to write your words. I you only talk; you are only wind in Siberia.
                            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                            • #15
                              @Inquorate; See you soon.
                              Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

