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Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity

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  • Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity

    Guys, check it out

    "Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity "
    Sustaining Future: Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity

    There are pages to show it WAS a story, the official site info is gone now, or at least i cannot find it...


  • #2
    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    Guys, check it out

    "Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity "
    Sustaining Future: Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity

    There are pages to show it WAS a story, the official site info is gone now, or at least i cannot find it...

    Can't get into either link. What gives here Ash? Can you perhaps tell us about that fridge - from what you read? Very intrigued.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
      Guys, check it out

      "Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity "
      Sustaining Future: Magnetic Refrigerator Needs No Electricity

      There are pages to show it WAS a story, the official site info is gone now, or at least i cannot find it...

      Ash, that is an old story from the summer of 2007. Nothing since. Too bad, as that would have been a breakthrough

      Here is the Google search:
      "Magnetic Refrigerator" "Needs No Electricity - Google Search

      Regards, Mike


      • #4
        Here's a copy of the article taken from a forum, not sure if it's accurate, but does sound interesting. Opposing magnets, hmm where have I heard of that before..



        Scientists at the Technical University of Denmark have created a refrigerator that cools using magnets instead of electricity

        A group of researchers at the Technical University of Denmark’s project laboratory in Risø have discovered a cooling method that uses magnetic materials instead of electricity, reported daily free newspaper Nyhedsavisen.

        The invention will allow for refrigerators to replace existing electric refrigerators in homes and businesses with a fully environmentally friendly power source. Although the first prototype will not be ready until 2010, the project’s researchers say the appliance’s cooling cycle efficiency will be 60 percent greater than that of conventional refrigerators.

        The new method uses opposing magnetic fields to increase the temperature of the materials employed. The heat energy is transported through a non-volatile fluid, such as water, and then thermodynamically reversed to a cold temperature. The scientists have already been able to cool a 20° C room to 11°C using the new technology.

        ‘It probably isn’t realistic to believe that magnetic cooling technology will be immediately available for consumer use, especially as refrigerator manufacturers have brought prices down so much in the past few years,’ said Christian Bahl, one of DTU’s project researchers.

        But Bahl said another of the magnetic refrigerator’s advantages is that it is silent.

        ‘So it will likely be first used in various niche areas, such as places where a quiet environment is an important factor.’

        Although magnetic cooling is not in itself a new research field, the DTU scientists were the first to use the technology in an actual physical setting to cool room temperatures.


        • #5
          Hey Freezer how can this technology only be 60% greater efficiency over a standard fridge if it uses no electricity.

          Seems like this technology could also be used to heat and cool our homes also.


          • #6
            Abstract pdf

            little more info (AMRS)


            • #7
              NVM redundant info.
              Last edited by Freezer; 06-15-2010, 02:21 PM.


              • #8
                Another name is MCE, magnetocaloric Effect
                Magnetic refrigeration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                • #9
                  compressing fluids

                  Whenever you compress a fluid it heats up. Take the heat off under compression and release the pressure and the fluid is now cold. So why not compress fluids using super strong neo magnets attracting each other in a device like a hydrolic ram, or repealing each other at one end of a ram. This would compress the fluid and cause heat, take the heat off and the fluid is now that fluid into a chamber through coils to obsorb more heat and compress again with the magnets and do it all over again. It would work like a refrigeration system with no electricity used.



                  • #10
                    From Wiki:
                    The effect was first observed by the German physicist Emil Warburg (1880) and the fundamental principle was suggested by Debye (1926) and Giauque (1927).[1] The first working magnetic refrigerators were constructed by several groups beginning in 1933. Magnetic refrigeration was the first method developed for cooling below about 0.3 K
                    So they have made these way back then, yet:
                    This refrigeration, once proven viable, could be used in any possible application where cooling, heating or power generation is used today. Since it is only at an early stage of development, there are several technical and efficiency issues that should be analyzed.
                    Once proved viable?????
                    Early stage of development??
                    80+ yrs is not enough time I see.


                    • #11

                      Do I miss something here?

                      The magnets should still be switched on and off, or displaced to get a recycling process?

                      I once did a concept of a peltier based little configuration, with heating up one side, using the expansion to create a vacuum at the other side, freezing the fluid.

                      Two hardconnected cylinders, one filled with a fluid expanding by heat, the other with a fluid freezing by vacuum ( both could be water)

                      Now heat the one side with a Fresnel, fire, whatever...
                      The fluid will expand , pushing the cylinder out. The hardconnected cylinder on the other side is forced to rise along, creating a vacuum below, cooling the fluid.

                      Between that is a peltier, enjoying that little process:

                      YouTube - Peltier pump.avi
                      Last edited by Cherryman; 06-21-2010, 09:43 PM.


                      • #12
                        New Magnetic Cooling Prototype For Domestic Application

                        Originally posted by vrand View Post
                        Ash, that is an old story from the summer of 2007. Nothing since. Too bad, as that would have been a breakthrough

                        Here is the Google search:
                        "Magnetic Refrigerator" "Needs No Electricity - Google Search

                        Regards, Mike

                        Actually, there is someting new happening in Switzerland. Here is some information about an academic publication written by a team of researchers under the guidance of Professor Osmann Sari at the University of Applied Sciences Of Western Switzerland . It is considered as a breakthrough in magnetic refrigeration.

                        Magnetic cooling has been a field of research for over hundred years. Over the last five to six years, Professor Sari’s team has brought this field of research to a new level. It has now reached a point close to industrialisation, particularly for domestic applications. The research team has made a breakthrough in the following areas:
                        • Professor Sari and his team have managed to elaborate for the first time a product prototype.
                        • This prototype named “Cristal” has the following characteristics:
                        o A linear reciprocating permanent magnet cooling system has been designed and built.
                        o The new machine is compact, obtains sufficient magnetic induction in the air gap (up to 2.00 Tesla) and reduces the magnetic forces acting on the magneto caloric refrigerant during the magnetization-demagnetization process.
                        o Gadolinium was used as the first magneto caloric test material, but other materials are considered for test in particular NaZn13 based compounds.
                        • Tests of the machine have obtained conclusive results that will be fine tuned over the coming months; the industrialisation for a domestic application is thus imminent.

                        "Abstract of Professor Dr Osmann Sari’s academic publication
                        A new type of reciprocating magnetic refrigerator working with high remanence permanent magnets as the source of the magnetic field is presented. The simulated and measured magnetic field at the machine air gap is about 1.45 Tesla. Initially, gadolinium metal (Gd) was used as the magneto caloric refrigerant. Its magneto caloric performances and its quality were checked experimentally in a developed test bench and confirmed by theoretical calculations based on the mean field theory (MFT). To attain high values of temperature difference between the hot and the cold sources (temperature span), a new kind of the Active Magnetic Refrigeration (AMR) cycle was implemented. However, in order to reduce the energy consumption and then increase the thermodynamic performances of the magnetic system, a special configuration of the magneto caloric materials is developed. The numerical results of the applied magnetic forces on the new configuration are given and analyzed in details. The developed machine is designed to produce a cooling power between 80 and 100 Watt with a temperature span larger than 20 °C. The obtained results demonstrate that magnetic cooling is a promising alternative to replace traditional systems."

                        For more info, you can contact me through this blog.
                        IEEE Xplore - Sign In
                        Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature — swissnex. Osmann Sari
                        Energy Savings and Sustainable Development — swissnex. Osmann Sari


                        Last edited by CleanCooling; 07-26-2010, 10:34 AM. Reason: Adding links

