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Garry Stanley Pulse Motor

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  • #31
    yes its me

    You dont have to worry about coil or magnets in this motor the underlying principal is what counts here and this will work with any pair of matched coils and any pair of matched magnets in any number of configurations or any number of pairs of matched magnets and coils.

    i used a hot glue gun to stick my coils down if that helps ...makes it easy to slice them off and do it again if you get it wrong.

    The magnet layout is one rotor all north pointing in and one all south creating an attraction in the center ...this is important further down the track.

    I removed 6 of the original 12 coils in my motor but left the magnets at 12 because the proximity of the coils was causing induction in the following coil at the same time as the current one was firing which may not be a bad thing, though i did not ever refit them to see what it was doing after i took them out and had an understanding of what was going on in the motor.

    The basis of this motor is effectively a centertap coil with one half removed and refittied the other way round this changes the direction of current flow in the half turned around so it can function as it did, this also most importantly changes the direction of induced flow in this coil which means that the 2 halves of the coil are now opposing each other in the induction or generator mode and thus they cancel each other out equally to nothing.

    Since this induction is not activly fighting the incoming current ...induction or potential if you like being voltage ... the input current is free to flow longer since on switching of the input the circuit now grows around the battery instead of being captive between the 2 coils and so the end result is the voltage potential fighting against the input potential is halved thus the motor can go faster than it could in a standard configuration.

    this is not OU...OU doesnt exist this is merely using sound scientific methods in a different configuration and effectively producing a better mouse trap.

    There is more of course to this but until you clearly understand the effect of a magnet moving its flux field in the presence of a coil and what actually happens in the coil you wont grasp the finer details of what is going on in the flat coil scenario that is adding to the output.

    i am somewhat limited for time these days i take over a coffee bar in a few days and am swamped with paperwork but i will login and help where ever i can and just in case you are still wondering yes i am Garry Stanley and there is still a pulse_motor_group out there but its pretty much dead.



    • #32
      Hi Garry, thanks for info, nice to hear from you again. I saved a lot of the conversations from one of the forums from the past, so have a lot of your dialogues. I decided to use 6 single coils inside a 3/8" center stator plate, though I could very easily make a new stator plate and put 1/8" coils on either side of the 3/8" stator plate if it might work better. Do you think that would be better with 2 thinner coils on either side of stator? What configuration did Ben use, it sounded like he used 4 single coils at 90 degrees to each other and put 2 in parallel that were 180 degrees from one another and the other 2 in parallel and he was seeing the voltage aiding the input pulse. If that is the case, then my configuration should work as well, paralleling each coil adjacent one another. As i said previously, i already built a motor like yours and it ran awesome. Also, have you done any more tests with that type of motor or anything else for that matter. Thanks for your help.
      I have finished putting all the 1" diameter by 3/4" depth neo magnets in both rotors and stator plate is almost ready.
      peace love light


      • #33

        Bens motor was as you say set up differently incidentally i still have the e-mail from him saying how he only built it casue he was sure it wouldnt work and wanted to shut me up once and for all he was also a retired electrical engineer fully qualified with a life time of experience under his belt.

        Bens configuration worked because the principle is the same no matter what the setup is the opposed coils cancel out the induction potential.

        With single coils you will get a motor that runs as ben did as long as they are paired to cancel the induction which will take a bit of figuring out as your coils will both have induction in the same direction and thus add unless you have your magnets set up with alternating poles facing in ...if im seeing your setup correctly and this would then mean you can only pulse 6 times per rotation with 12 magnets not all 12 if you see what i mean ? or maybe you could just turn around every second coil would be easier if you havent already done that.

        The circuit diagram i see at the start of this thread is wrong, you may need a diode there but in reality i just used a big reed switch with a resistor in line with it to run this i think ... would have to go have a better look at it again as i have used transistors on some projects for switching ...its been a while since i put it on the shelf.

        Yes i built a couple of lensless generators since then which is the natural progression from the understanding you gain from this but believe it or not when you talk to people about these they think you are mad and of course you know this before you start and while you would think that actually showing them a working prototype might change this opinion it really just proves to them you are mader than they originally thought because you actually went to the point of making something that they have been taught cant exist basically i gave up one will back this with any money and nothing you can say or do is going to change that in my lifetime.

        This for me was seperating the generator out of the motor not trying to get power out of it since its design is basically removing the output and that is why it doesnt have lethal kickback into the drive components.


        • #34
          Hi Garry, thanks for the information. From what i understood of what you have said in the past, is that the paralleled coils serve a capacitor function, so that only the instant induction on pulse is there to counter our input and it seems to me that the possible voltage aiding or forward emf on pulse is a separate effect that does not necessarily need paralleled coils for that function. At least that is how I am understanding this, if I am misunderstanding, could you make your thoughts clearer on this. Of course all these possible special effects aside, the motor has nearly none of the typical losses most motors do and uses both coil poles, so it's superior anyhow in my opinion. Thanks for your help.
          Here is a pic of the rotors with magnets installed.

          peace love light


          • #35
            Hi folks, Hi Garry, I'd like to clarify my last post. So the capacitor effect due to parallel coils causes an aiding polarity to be stored in coils because when magnets depart coils it generates the same polarity as input pulse, so that helps. Then we have a potential brief forward emf caused by the attraction pulse, pulling the magnet flux in a direction opposite of the incoming magnet and at higher speed than incoming magnet. Then we have compression, which helps reduce deflection and pre loads the flux so the coil doesn't have to work to pull it in and the compression causes the magnet to be pulled in towards the coil a bit longer on collapse and the paralleled coils could help this also. Then this motor does not have all the typical losses most motors have and it uses both coil poles directly. I posted a thought I had about making a simple solid state setup based on this possible forward emf idea. With an air-core and 2 large magnets at both ends, where there fields link and attract like in your motor. Do you think this could be a way to show the forward emf aiding principle? The coil could be pulsed by a 555 timer or could be a joule thief type coil circuit and if this effect is occurring, then the collapsing field should contain more energy due to the neo magnets contributing their flux to and aiding the input pulse. Let me know what you think.
            peace love light


            • #36
              I have never claimed a capacitor effect in this ..this seems to be something that maybe someone looking to get output from it might be looking for.

              The coils must be paired to achieve the higher output from this though this pairing is not required to be the way i have shown it as ben and many other replications at the time showed the principle is simply that if you have induction in one that is equal and opposite to the other in the pair the induced potential which is directly responcible for controling the spped of the motor for a given input is reduced by at least 50% when input power is applied and by 100% in the coils which by the way they are wired is a direct short circuit since they are closed all the time it is the same as having a generator coil with its 2 wires connected placing full load on the generator all the time and thus converting the output to heat which is another thing this motor is short of ....the coils i used were from a 12 volt computer floppy drive and should have fallen over well before accepting the 96 volts and load from running the bike.
              Amperage stops flowing when there is no voltage differential so when the output voltage equals the input voltage current stops flowing ...very simplified here ... if you reduce the output voltage the input voltage can spin the motor faster before the amperage flow is stopped but induction voltage equalling input voltage.
              I hope some of this makes sense ?


              • #37
                Hi Garry,

                Pleased you have come and joined, thank you.
                What I would like to ask is could you recall when you used the 12 coil pairs, then any of the facing coils out of the 12 had the same winding sense (CW-CW) or one member of any pair had an opposing winding sense (CW-CCW) ?

                OR, if somebody does not wind the CW-CCW facing pairs, then he should make a polarity change simply at the wire ends of one coil in the coil pairs, ok?

                I consider both winding senses, the CW-CCW or the CW-CW but with one coil’s ends polarity change to be an equivalent solution. I bring this up because you had mentioned you found flat floppy disk coils that were wound CCW and other flat coils were wound CW. So it does not matter if someone does not wind one coil CW and its pair CCW, as long as he minds the wire ends polarity, correct?

                (On a coil pair here I mean two coils that are to be connected in parallel, it does not matter if they are sandwitched into the gap between the facing magnets or arranged individually at the circumference of the stator and you make a pair by picking any one coil and connect it in parallel to another coil on the opposite side of the stator wrt the picked one.)

                Thanks, Gyula
                Last edited by gyula; 06-29-2010, 01:30 PM.


                • #38
                  Hi Garry,
                  Thanks for the explanation and sharing your work. I understand how it all works except for the following part:

                  Originally posted by garrys View Post
                  The basis of this motor is effectively a centertap coil with one half removed and refittied the other way round this changes the direction of current flow in the half turned around so it can function as it did, this also most importantly changes the direction of induced flow in this coil which means that the 2 halves of the coil are now opposing each other in the induction or generator mode and thus they cancel each other out equally to nothing...
                  I'm a little unclear on how this part is wired, which seems to be the heart of your principal. How do you get the coils to "oppose each other in the induction" (opposite fields?) and yet maintain the correct polarity for the coils as a motor?




                  • #39
                    The circuit diagram i see at the start of this thread is wrong, you may need a diode there but in reality i just used a big reed switch with a resistor in line with it to run this i think ... would have to go have a better look at it again as i have used transistors on some projects for switching ...its been a while since i put it on the shelf.

                    Garry, are you saying the circuit diagram at the beginning is correct except for the diode? It would be helpful to know what the exact circuit should be.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • #40
                      Its simple really Ted if you think about it. Maybe , just my interpetation.

                      Remember the coil does not fire until it is slightly past the magnet. So leading up to that point your are generating.
                      From left to right... The magnet to the left is pointed inward to the North. Next the coil is wound North out. When the magnet hits the coil it induces a positive strike on the Back of the coil (North feild).
                      Now you have the next coil it wound North (south to the center of the assembly)to the outside as well, but wired backward. When the south magnet hits it, it induces a Positive charge as well on the inside of the coil. The 2 fields cancel each other out. No induced energy on the coil when you turn it on.

                      I think that whats he's saying, I might be wrong.



                      • #41
               basically youre saying its a pulse motor, without lenz-drag?..would that be correct?

                        actually, ill rephrase........lenz is still there......but its two different/opposite lenz's...each cancelling the other out..therefore.....essentially.........lenzless... .so whatever OOOMPH you put on the coil when you turn it doesnt have to fight against the "lenz" you get the full bang for your to speak

               does/would/could this fit into your paradigm of using the magnet together with the piece of steel, to add torque to a pulse motor? (Seems like it could shape up to be a real hummer )
                        Last edited by rave154; 06-29-2010, 08:53 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          Remember the coil does not fire until it is slightly past the magnet. So leading up to that point your are generating.
                          From left to right... The magnet to the left is pointed inward to the North. Next the coil is wound North out. When the magnet hits the coil it induces a positive strike on the Back of the coil (North feild).
                          Now you have the next coil it wound North (south to the center of the assembly)to the outside as well, but wired backward. When the south magnet hits it, it induces a Positive charge as well on the inside of the coil. The 2 fields cancel each other out. No induced energy on the coil when you turn it on.

                          I think that whats he's saying, I might be wrong.

                          Thanks for the explanation Matt.
                          So, what we have here is the induced voltage canceling out between the two coils which would prevent current from flowing. No current, no Lenz effect.
                          According to the diagram this motor appears to be an attraction motor. Did I miss the part about repulsion mode? This effect would make more sense for the magnet leaving the coil than approaching, wouldn't it?



                          • #43
                            hi folks, Hi Garry, thanks for the further explanation. I found a part of your quote to Bill from a yahoo group message that mentions a capacitor effect.
                            I do understand how my motor works, its power comes first from the power source and it is then enhanced by the capacitive effect of the coils during the exit cycle, which stores potential that is inline with the input power and then it contains a forward emf cycle at the instant of power on which again provides and additive potential to the input power pulse, along with this it has no induced current and this means no Lentz counter to motion force.
                            I have looked over the coil circuit using my cad program and it looks to me as though it should not matter if coils are sandwiched back to back with a space or not between the 2 rotors magnets. The induced potentials would be the same if paralleling 2 coils 180 degrees apart with all same polarities facing in on 1 rotor and opposite polarity facing in on other rotor. If I am still misunderstanding Garry, your thoughts to make this clear would be great, thanks. Otherwise, I have finished my stator coil plate and rotors and only have to make a timing wheel and setup circuitry, will post pic of progress later today.
                            peace love light


                            • #44
                              So from what I understand, I can have a setup that is:
                              Magnet/coil/magnet/coil/magnet and as long as I have them wired correctly, I can take advantage of this effect. I have two such setups currently, although not wired in the proper configuration.
                              In one setup the coils and the magnets are permanently placed and do NOT move, with a rotor between them that allows the coils to "see" the magnets through "windows" in the rotor.
                              In the other setup the coils are permanent and the magnets are on rotors. It is actually put together as:
                              magnet rotor/coil/magnet-magnet rotor/coil/magnet rotor.
                              There are two magnets on the center magnet rotor that are back to back because I wanted the weight and magnets back to back with the plastic disk in between to help hold each other in place.
                              So my question is, is there an advantage that I don't understand to using the flat coils in this setup or will using standard coils as I have described accomplish the same thing?
                              Last edited by Turion; 06-29-2010, 10:09 PM. Reason: Left out the important question
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • #45
                                Hi folks, here is a cad pic showing how my circuit and coil configuration is with the way mine is set up compared to the way Garry had his and it seems the induced voltages are the same. This is reason I am asking Garry if it's necessary that the coils be in a back to back fashion and it doesn't seem to me it matters.
                                peace love light

