That transistor looks a little better. I don't like there data sheets though, they don't show the performance curves , but whatever just me.
I would add between 2k and 5k of resistance between the collector and the neon bulb.
You can have the same problem in a monopole and that is the solution. The neon will still light when the pulse gets high enough.
See what happens is the neon is in the power trail. So technically some current can go through it as long as the battery is hooked up, but if the transistor is not opening the current is not enough to step up the voltage. But when it opens it will step up the voltage and add alot of current so at that point it is looking for the shortest path. Then the transistor closes but current still wants to move and it has the potential after leaving the coil so the neon lights up.
More resistance will fix it.
I would add between 2k and 5k of resistance between the collector and the neon bulb.
You can have the same problem in a monopole and that is the solution. The neon will still light when the pulse gets high enough.
See what happens is the neon is in the power trail. So technically some current can go through it as long as the battery is hooked up, but if the transistor is not opening the current is not enough to step up the voltage. But when it opens it will step up the voltage and add alot of current so at that point it is looking for the shortest path. Then the transistor closes but current still wants to move and it has the potential after leaving the coil so the neon lights up.
More resistance will fix it.