Forgiveness and tolerance are there for the choosing.
We had allready a Discussion about that, to respect and treat other Poeples, like you want be treaten.
You Juju, only show, that you dont deserve that respect.
What Attitude is that, when the Device arrives, to try to debunk it at the forefield, there been enough Weeks before, where you could ask that, and even in a polite manner.
What are you looking for, where your Borders are? I can tell you where you are,
close at the border from trolling at this Forum, and like you did show it allready in couple other Posts.
Jbigness5 I think Broli refers to this Weather Device Doc, what Panacea got, where you can change the clouds, what appears.
Sorry i lost the Link or a Keyword from it for a Search.
For the Orbo, i think the same as Sucahyo, that they did cheat herself,
or, even 'close at the Border', which i dont trust in as a reliable Result.
The Arrangement itself is kinda interesting, figure, you have a Field, what only touch the Ring at one Corner, it should be enough to move something in there, The field what is created at the Generator Coils still stays at the Ring and dont really interact with the drive Magnets.
But anyhow, it dont looks like, it is enough, to really get energy out.
I only hope, someone will shave her Hairs again, when it dont really works.