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what do you think of ORBO? everybody is free to talk here...

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  • #46
    Forgiveness and tolerance are there for the choosing.
    Well, that was said in an other Thread, but then it should count for the everyone, to show respect at others Work.
    We had allready a Discussion about that, to respect and treat other Poeples, like you want be treaten.

    You Juju, only show, that you dont deserve that respect.
    What Attitude is that, when the Device arrives, to try to debunk it at the forefield, there been enough Weeks before, where you could ask that, and even in a polite manner.

    What are you looking for, where your Borders are? I can tell you where you are,
    close at the border from trolling at this Forum, and like you did show it allready in couple other Posts.

    Jbigness5 I think Broli refers to this Weather Device Doc, what Panacea got, where you can change the clouds, what appears.
    Sorry i lost the Link or a Keyword from it for a Search.

    For the Orbo, i think the same as Sucahyo, that they did cheat herself,
    or, even 'close at the Border', which i dont trust in as a reliable Result.
    The Arrangement itself is kinda interesting, figure, you have a Field, what only touch the Ring at one Corner, it should be enough to move something in there, The field what is created at the Generator Coils still stays at the Ring and dont really interact with the drive Magnets.
    But anyhow, it dont looks like, it is enough, to really get energy out.
    I only hope, someone will shave her Hairs again, when it dont really works.
    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


    • #47
      So what your saying then is if Ash is able to prove this technology works that you wouldn't be interested in it anyway right? You know what, I'm having doubts that "free energy" is possible but I still spend my money and time on investigating the possibility and I appreciate those that have devoted as much time and effort as Ash has. Even if its totally bogus you have to appreciate what Ash is doing. If you disagree then what on earth are you even doing in this forum?


      • #48
        I think its funny how we are winding coils and you guys are talking...

        Sorry Jbignes5, WRONG if the Steorn device performs or fails that's not our concern or claim, our claim is to investigate it for the open source community and report honestly and to make a thread where real information-DIRECT information can flow about the investigation, not complaints, guessing or non license chatter. That was requested kindly

        Dont speak about Me Ash or my organization i contribute too you have no idea about me son. That's obvious. Happy chats . I'm done in this thread.



        • #49
          Ahhh Ash.....

          Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
          I think its funny how we are winding coils and you guys are talking...

          Sorry Jbignes5, WRONG if the Steorn device performs or fails that's not our concern or claim, our claim is to investigate it for the open source community and report honestly and to make a thread where real information-DIRECT information can flow about the investigation, not complaints, guessing or non license chatter. That was requested kindly

          Dont speak about Me Ash or my organization i contribute too you have no idea about me son. That's obvious. Happy chats . I'm done in this thread.

          Why investigate it if there is a charge involved Ash? There will be no information that you or anyone could share about anything involved because of the NDA.

          So I will respectfully let you be to your folly... Investigate a proprietary system that would only be useful to this community if we could get any information about the process.

          You sit there and tell me I don't know you and to tell you the truth I do know you. I know you enough to be led down the primrose path as was done before to you.

          By the way could we see a copy of the NDA or is that under the NDA as well?

          As for you winding coils well thats nice I just got done designing the plastic core to my device and am setting it up in my lathe. It's funny that you would reference you doing something like I am not. Please Ash don't talk like you are here watching me or even pretend that you know me as well. It goes both ways my friend.

          You tell people to not do something in your thread and they come here and you say that we can't ask a few questions about what is going on and we get stone walled by you....

          Yes I flung some when I started my investigation of Steorn and to tell you the truth it was all linked. If I got it wrong then I got it wrong but there is no evidence to the contrary. People like you say do the investigation but I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay a licensing fee to do that investigation if it had any merit it would stand on it's own legs and not have to be propped up by a wall of NDA BS with fees.

          So again I ask to see the NDA so I know what questions I can ask and get an answer for.


          • #50
            We will then, I assume, hear if this concept works or does not work in due course......... after Ash put it to the test.
            (I am hoping it does work as I would hate to see people spend time and money on pipe-dreams.
            And I do respect the efforts that Ash and crew are going to, to do this )
            I assume that such disclosure is permitted, but that, again, is an assumption.
            Signing NDA's will definitely cause closed lips, but we can hope that we can get a definitive answer as to proof of concept and some basic general info that we can rely on.

            Steorn’s latest accounts show a loss of about €3 million in 2008, bringing its accumulated losses to €12.4 million.
            Which works out to $22 million and change CDN-$.
            That is a lot of investment with little to show for the money.
            I can think of far better projects to have sunk that kind of capital into which are already proven (like dense plasma focus fusion).
            But what else should one expect.


            • #51
              Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
              I think its funny how we are winding coils and you guys are talking...

              Sorry Jbignes5, WRONG if the Steorn device performs or fails that's not our concern or claim, our claim is to investigate it for the open source community and report honestly and to make a thread where real information-DIRECT information can flow about the investigation, not complaints, guessing or non license chatter. That was requested kindly

              Dont speak about Me Ash or my organization i contribute too you have no idea about me son. That's obvious. Happy chats . I'm done in this thread.

              VERY WELL SAID ASH.


              • #52
                Guys, something's happening on Energetic Forum and it's really not nice. For some reason there's latent aggro being shown by posters who - traditionally - NEVER breached that courtesy barrier. Personally I think it's because we're getting ever so much closer to that elusive mainstream recognition and there's a kind of last ditch 'fight'. Here's my take. Panacea and Ash are synonymous terms and Panacea has been in the forefront of this stuggle for OU recognition. It dwarfs us all. I am entirely satisfied that Ash et al will know how to promote Steorn's devices if they work and as as he tests them. And I absolutely agree that it's better that he investigate this - that SOMEONE investigate this - lest it works or God forbid - lest it doesn't work. Either way WE REALLY NEED TO KNOW. Then. Let's assume that it works. If so, at least we have members who are intimately aware of the system.

                NDA's are absurd. Here I know whereof I speak. If there are patent claims - then it takes the SMALLEST VARIATION to introduce another patent. Enough variations and the patenting system becomes absurd. Who today would seriously think about patenting electric energy. But look back in history. There was such a time!!! As we find energy applications on these or any other devices - it will become IMPOSSIBLE to enforce patents. Let's wait and see what Ash plans here. At this stage he's INVESTIGATING something that really needs to be investigated. And NOTE. The only way to conduct any investigation would be to first have the device to test.

                I really believe that we have forum members who are simply taking liberties with their freedom's of expression. If it served any constructive purpose it would be valuable. But we're family - or the most of us are. Let's not 'air our dirty linen'. Frankly I'd be sorry to see a draconian reach at 'getting rid of' nay sayers - no matter how freely or politely they express their opinions. Just remember. It's just an opinion. If you can categorically state that there's corruption - exploitive reaches - intended abuses - then feel free to tell us. But without proof we're like a political animal that moves towards and away from popular sentiment. It's judgement by allegation and popular opinion. In my book that's no different to a witch hunt. Which is just so unfair - so unjust and just so, so unscientific.

                I really think that - while it's understandable that people are impatient, sceptical, a bit of time, a bit of courtesy and some attempt at polite posts and we'll get over this hurdle. It's something in the air. Maybe those shifting paradigms.
                Last edited by witsend; 06-26-2010, 08:23 AM.


                • #53
                  You need to re read my post i edited it, after a long day asking people to respect my wishes, getting attacked for helping investigate the genuine article and getting no where with common courtesy what do you expect.Re read what i have said its genuinely to help you and others.

                  Last edited by ashtweth; 06-26-2010, 09:14 AM.


                  • #54
                    I wouldn't matter what you posted. Never advertised a steorn license, never had any thing to do with metal heating and its got no relevance to our Steorn investigation for the open source community.
                    Plus i dont care what you or any posters who are trying to attack me, or our genuine investigation have to say. I will remember tho.
                    It matters not to me or any one with any dignity and common courtesy. Plus i have nothing further to add to what ever you can come up with.

                    Have fun

                    Ashtweth Palise


                    • #55
                      Thats a shame Ash...

                      Here is the proof.


                      And here is a relevant post from you putting your reputation on the line as usual...

                      Originally Posted by Jbignes5
                      All one has to see is the meter pointed above the heat source then watch as they push on the board. It changes the source to be higher in the view of the detector.
                      If you can't see that then you need some help. You deserve to be scammed if you don't open your eyes and see that it is a deception of angles. You want to believe it well thats your choice but it is clear of what is going on there. View it as you like but the simple fact of the matter is they are changing the angle of the detector by bending the board. This is very clear by just one viewing of the video.

                      Jbignes i know the guy personally and have seen his dyno results and car, we are doing more next week , the device works and is real, ill put my reputation on it. Plus i have spoken to probably 5+ people who use them and vouch for it.


                      And your advertising of the license:

                      "We cannot share any thing please read what i said, we can design applications for any member of the public *****who gets a license***** so they can develop power systems(its a community design project), this we will not be chagrin any money for."

                      And this is a reply to your ad...

                      "Hi Ash,

                      Sorry, I must be very thick today.....

                      I have no idea what you just said......

                      If I spend the money and get a liscence why would I not just develope my own product?

                      I can not afford $6xx dollars US... for information that has not been proven so I look forward to your building and testing devices from the information you received.....

                      I personally am still interested in the spinny thing....LOL.... e-Orbo....

                      I hope you are allowed to actually tell us the results of your building and testing and that it all worked from the information supplied....

                      And that it is really OU!

                      Hopes and Dreams...."

                      But and this is very clear by your own words:

                      "********We cannot share any thing please read what i said***********

                      So how is this OPEN SOURCE? And why is your organization involved in something not OPEN SOURCED?
                      Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-26-2010, 11:01 AM.


                      • #56

                        YouTube - Relax - Buddhist Meditation Music - Zen Garden - Kokin Gumi


                        • #57
                          OK OK. Steorn is an acquired taste. We get it.

                          How about some FE inventor trivia?

                          What inventor commonly sported a t-shirt that stated for the record "Fat People Are Harder to Kidnap?"


                          • #58
                            Hint: The people that really know him well call him "Dick."

                            Come on. This is much easier that dodging gamma rays from a spark gap...


                            • #59

                              Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                              Oh ok I see how it is then. I have come up against Ash before. I am not bashing Ash. I am asking questions twords him. So just asking questions would get a storms response? I see how his organization operates if what you say is true.

                              I have never know Ash to be like that EVER. He might get misled sometimes but I have never ever seen him become like the very institution he hates so much.
                              Maybe they kidnapped him and your talking to the MIB



                              • #60
                                The thing is...

                                Originally posted by scratchrobot View Post
                                Maybe they kidnapped him and your talking to the MIB

                                His own words get me riled up. I mean he says the other thread is for serious investigation but how can he report that investigation if he has a gag order on him? I mean there will be no investigation on this forum for anyone who hasn't bought the license and that is the truth.

                                So what was the real intention of his thread then? No one will be able to get any information from Ash about it worth mentioning because of that gag order.

                                I am starting to think that he is doing it to boast about attaining a license. Well big deal. That license does the rest of this community no good when you can't share the experience. Weather or not it works at this point is moot. No one is gonna pay to get a free energy device when we have soo many good replicators here and original thinkers here.

                                We don't need an organization to help us figure this out. But we do need the community. His posting the thread is pointless because no useful information about the device or the science behind it can be shared because of the NDA he was forced to sign to get the device and access to another forum.

                                So what does that say about Ashes opinion of our community. One thing is that he would rather go somewhere else and pay a fee to work on something that he can not talk about openly with our community.

                                This will be my last comment on this because I too have better things to do then listen to advertising and boasts about a "Technology" that a lot of others thinking that it is overinflated hype. I would rather listen to Clanzers 3 years of working on this and take his word for it then someone who seems to forget his own words and then tries to blame others for forgetting it or confusing him.

                                Take care people.

