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The Tesla Coil and Radiant Energy

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  • The Tesla Coil and Radiant Energy


    I've been reading about Tesla's discovery of radiant energy and how he abandoned all other research for this. Now my questions are: Did Tesla construct the Tesla Coil after or before he got into radiant energy? And is a Tesla Coil working by or producing radiant energy?


  • #2

    you have some threads for that subject allready created!

    my conclusion is that what is considered radiant energy, basically is potential high voltage without current, and you may consider that the tesla coil produce radiant energy!

    my concept is that all the energy is radiant, even the one you have in your house! but that's just me...

    go to the "search" option and you will find all you want to know!


    • #3
      Through my research I have come to the firm belief that the radiant energy phenomena is applications of the under-investigated relative of magnetic induction aka dielectric induction or what modern day scientists may refer to as electrostatic induction a branch of which known to modern day physics is displacement current. If you pay careful attention to what is being said by Tesla and other true Tesla researchers you'll notice that high voltages and high frequency are both mentioned time and time again.

      High voltages relate to high dielectric flux strengths and high frequency relate to the change in time and the equation for dielectric inductions is more or less the change in dielectric flux divided over a period of time. To be more to the point; the higher voltage applied and the quicker you apply it results in a charge being sent into free space measured in Coulombs per meter. A formula for current is rate of change of the Coulombs per unit time which is how the radiant energy is captured.

      This current that is emitted into free space requires no structure to flow as it can flow in a vacuum in which there are no free electrons to pass on the energy. This is the theory for Tesla's wireless power with the ground being where the free-space currents flow.

      Serious researchers need to look at the works of Eric Dollard and as much of it as you can. I suggest reading Theory of Wireless Power because that is a book about applications of radiant energy to wireless power. I wish I could show some good experiments on these facts but unfortunately I have very little time for decent experimentation until the end of this year.

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      • #4
        Originally posted by Raui View Post

        This current that is emitted into free space requires no structure to flow as it can flow in a vacuum in which there are no free electrons to pass on the energy. This is the theory for Tesla's wireless power with the ground being where the free-space currents flow.

        Hello Raui,
        Can you explain better that point.. Regards Alex


        • #5
          I agree with raui, I think radiant energy is dielectric induction as described by Eric dollard. Thank you Eric dollard

          If you want to know about the path tesla took to developing the magnifying transmitter, I recommend you read the tesla chapters in "secrets of cold war technology." It is a very well researched and written account of tesla's discovery and subsequent harnessing of radiant energy.

          I'll sum it up a little bit. Tesla was experimenting with charging very large capacitor and then discharging it suddenly into a relatively small wire. This causes the wire to vaporize instantaneously. He noticed when doing this that he felt a sharp sting from this. He thought at first it was the matter from the wire being expelled in microscopic particles at high speed, but he discovered to his amazement that the effect persisted even in the presence of lead shields, glass shields and other shield materials around the experiment. He began experimenting with the distances away from the experiment that the sting could be felt and found the distance to be large.

          He eventually stopped vaporizing wires and was able to generate the effect repeatedly at high frequency. He discovered that changing the frequency and reducing the duration of the discharge impulse produced different effects. He discovered that copper coils produced amazing discharges and learned to distinguish "bad" discharges from "good" discharges. The bad discharges were loud, violent, and painful, while the good discharges were quiet, soft, even beneficial to life. He discovered that certain frequencies would heat up a room and certain frequencies would cause cool winds to blow. He refined the metals and geometry of his coils to reduce the "bad" discharges as much as possible.

          Tesla spent many years refining his coils. He created antennas for generating and receiving dielectric induction. The ultimate patent describing his magnifying transmitter is here: ELECTRICAL ENERGY - Google Patent Search

          Tuning the coils to resonate strongly, and tuning the resonant frequency of the coils, is extremely important. Many people who reproduce tesla coils nowadays do not understand tesla's distinction between "bad" discharges and "good" discharges; they often tune coils explicitly to generate huge lightning bolts instead of doing what tesla did, which was to reduce these wasteful discharges as much as possible.

          The magnifying transmitter seems to set up a large static field which it then pulses at a very high frequency with extremely short pulses. This seems to send lines of dielectric induction radially outwards from the transmitter which devices that resonate at the same frequency can pick up. The method is so efficient that no battery is needed in the receiver; it runs off the energy broadcasted by the magnifying transmitter.

          See the thread "arc is not spark" for more about the distinction between "good" and "bad" discharges. I posted links to 4 Eric dollard videos in a post there. Or just search for Eric dollard on vimeo and YouTube. Eric dollard will help you understand tesla far more than anyone else.


          • #6
            I'll try my best.

            Consider what is going on between a capacitor's plates A and B. If speaking with a 'man of science' you might be told that the electrons accumulate on the plates. So, When you power a load using this now charged capacitor the energy comes from the plates into the load. However this is not the case and is a misconception amongst the scientific community. The energy is stored between the plates in the dielectric! This is evidenced by the wonderful video posted by MIT which has been posted around the forum a couple of times - Dissectable Capacitor. It is evidenced by this video that something is flowing in the dielectric of the capacitor and not electrons accumulated at the plates. It also shows that not all men of science are so easily fooled (horray!)

            Now consider a capacitor in which the dielectric between the plates is a strong vacuum. Besides the fact that it would be a piss poor capacitor, due to the fact that in a vacuum the electric permittivity is approaching the electric constant of 8.8541878176x10^-12 Farads per meter, energy still flows in our circuit so this 'something' charging the dielectric flows through a vacuum unhindered therefore not requiring a physical medium to travel (there are always the aetherous mediums but I'm keeping this as conventional as I can) so this something doesn't require a structure to flow. We know of this something as displacement current thanks to Maxwell appending Ampre's Law as to conform to experimental results.

            Hope this helps, if not I'll try again.

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            • #7
              Man, you hit the nail right on the head. Long live Tesla!

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              • #8
                Good explanation, Raui. Thanks.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Raui View Post
                  I'll try my best.

                  Consider what is going on between a capacitor's plates A and B. If speaking with a 'man of science' you might be told that the electrons accumulate on the plates. So, When you power a load using this now charged capacitor the energy comes from the plates into the load. However this is not the case and is a misconception amongst the scientific community. The energy is stored between the plates in the dielectric! This is evidenced by the wonderful video posted by MIT which has been posted around the forum a couple of times - Dissectable Capacitor. It is evidenced by this video that something is flowing in the dielectric of the capacitor and not electrons accumulated at the plates. It also shows that not all men of science are so easily fooled (horray!)

                  Now consider a capacitor in which the dielectric between the plates is a strong vacuum. Besides the fact that it would be a piss poor capacitor, due to the fact that in a vacuum the electric permittivity is approaching the electric constant of 8.8541878176x10^-12 Farads per meter, energy still flows in our circuit so this 'something' charging the dielectric flows through a vacuum unhindered therefore not requiring a physical medium to travel (there are always the aetherous mediums but I'm keeping this as conventional as I can) so this something doesn't require a structure to flow. We know of this something as displacement current thanks to Maxwell appending Ampre's Law as to conform to experimental results.

                  Hope this helps, if not I'll try again.

                  Your concept can be apply to my diagram posted here?

                  For obtain vacuum from plates I need particular plates design, maybe circular plates..

                  You refer to an strong vacuum as on image attached ??

                  Can you post simple design? For you is more simple and for me is more comprensible than some words. Thanks in advance
                  Last edited by tutanka; 09-24-2010, 07:17 PM.


                  • #10
                    Cheers Fzzzy. By the way to anyone who wants a good collection of Eric Dollard's works can PM me Also here is a copy of Theory of Wireless Power basically being read to you with a little extra information!
                    Astro_T21A_Principles_of_Wireless_Power_E.P.Dollar d.mp3
                    Works best if you have the book infront of you though.

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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                      Your concept can be apply to my diagram posted here?

                      For obtain vacuum from plates I need particular plates design, maybe circular plates..

                      You refer to an strong vacuum as on image attached ??

                      Can you post simple design? For you is more simple and for me is more comprensible than some words. Thanks in advance
                      Sorry about my ignorance but I'm not sure how you want me to apply it. The vacuum was there to show that there was no physical structure required for this current to flow which is different from normal current. If you're planning to build a capacitor using a vacuum as the dielectric I wouldn't recommend it, it wouldn't perform very well.

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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Raui View Post
                        Sorry about my ignorance but I'm not sure how you want me to apply it. The vacuum was there to show that there was no physical structure required for this current to flow which is different from normal current. If you're planning to build a capacitor using a vacuum as the dielectric I wouldn't recommend it, it wouldn't perform very well.

                        Ok.. can you post an dagram that explain concept ? Maybe that include also energy receiver.. Regards


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                          Ok.. can you post an dagram that explain concept ? Maybe that include also energy receiver.. Regards
                          I think you misunderstood... He was proposing a thought experiment to show how electrons cannot be the charge carrier of electricity. He wasn't trying to propose something useful that someone should actually build.


                          • #14
                            Fzzzy is correct. The experiment can of course be undertaken but it's not alone going to produce you free energy by any means of the word. It is just an example of an experiment that proves that electricity flows in the spaces between the wires and not through them as is thought by my physics teacher and the multitude of other scientists out there. Even those scientists who accept that the notion of electrostatic charge on capacitor plates as being that prehistoric still don't realize the significance of this. I suppose that's why groups like us are out there though eh?

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                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Raui View Post
                              Fzzzy is correct. The experiment can of course be undertaken but it's not alone going to produce you free energy by any means of the word. It is just an example of an experiment that proves that electricity flows in the spaces between the wires and not through them as is thought by my physics teacher and the multitude of other scientists out there. Even those scientists who accept that the notion of electrostatic charge on capacitor plates as being that prehistoric still don't realize the significance of this. I suppose that's why groups like us are out there though eh?

                              Sorry but in fact isn't simple electrostatic charge.. I'm pretty sure that Tesla use aluminum as carrier/capacitor for transmutation process. My theory is that copper plate absorb these radiations and resend to aluminum trought dielectric that transmute releasing electric radiations, these charges the capacitors in serie that are used as temporarely electrons storage.
                              Last edited by tutanka; 06-25-2010, 11:58 AM.

